Mud Puddle Reviews
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Sore Wrists
As an esthetician I find my wrists often bother me from constant use of my hands, so when Amy introduced me to Hungarian Wellness Mud, I thought I would give it a try. She applied it to my wrists and hands. I was amazed after to still feel warmth in my hands and wrists after about 2 hours actually for the evening. I feel really helped. I would try it again for sure.
Amy Praskey, Welland, ON
Back Surgeries
I am a survivor of 2 back surgeries the fist one done in 1994 and the last was done in 2000. I was introduced to HWM™ in October 2005. After I received a treatment of HWM™ I noticed a big difference in the way I felt. I now wished I knew then, 1994, what I know now. I believe that I would have had a different outcome.
Bradley K. Proctor, Amarillo, TX
Swollen Hands
Since I started the Hungarian Wellness Mud therapy, I have noticed a vast improvement in my hands. The swelling in my fingers has decreased & the pain in my joints has improved.
Carole Matthews, ON
Frozen Shoulder
During the spring and summer of 2005 I began having annoying twinges of pain in my upper left arm and shoulder. There were moments of considerable pain when playing tennis. I then noticed a lack of motion. I was unable to put away the dishes since I could not reach the shelves in the kitchen. By September, I decided to take action by consulting the doctor and beginning massage therapy.
After an MRI and X-Rays I was diagnosed with “Frozen Shoulder”. There is no known cause, nor is there a medically prescribed treatment. By that time I was in constant pain, unable to reach the turn signal of the car, unable to reach the top of my head, unable to sleep on my shoulder and having difficulty dressing myself.
The massage therapists at Tranquil Hour in Canyon, Texas, Susan Irlbeck and Brad Proctor, recommended Hungarian Wellness Mud treatments. Weekly 30 minute sessions were scheduled for several weeks. The mud treatments immediately reduced pain levels to a manageable range.
During December, I made a quick arm movement which produced immediate acute pain. This was turn off the lights, go to bed, curl in a ball, cover your head, leave me alone kind of pain. An application of HWM™ the next day was the first relief I had in 24 hours. The pain never returned to the agony stage. I credited HWM™ with relieving that pain.
A regular schedule of treatments has helped me survive the painful stage of frozen shoulder. The application of mud across my back to the opposite shoulder has seemed to prevent the involvement of that shoulder. I believe this course of treatment has saved me many painful hours. I am recommending it to my friends.
Chris Ferguson, Amarillo, TX
I started the Hungarian Wellness mud treatments for fibromyalgia and other aches and pains through out my entire body. Before these treatments I was in so much pain that it affected my family , career, house work and my life style. I wasn’t able to continue as an Alexandria Body Sugaring practitioner due to pain in my wrists and back. I was thinking of a new career due at this point.
I wasn’t able to participate in a lot of activities with my two boys such as, rolling around on the floor with them or playing sports with them. My boys even knew to “gently hold mommy’s hand because they hurt a lot”. I wasn’t able to sleep for more them 4 hours due to the pain caused by lying in a certain position for a long period of time.
At one point, the pain was so bad that I hesitantly tried some anti-inflammatory medication that my doctor prescribed to me. I was thinking I had no other options, but after only one week I had to stop the medicine because of the drastic irritation it caused my stomach. (I think the side effects where worse then the illness).
When I started coming for treatments with the Hungarian wellness mud, I felt immediate relief after just the first treatment. My muscles and joints felt very loose, and a lot of the pain was gone. My body felt like it just came out of a hot tub, very relaxed. I have had one or two sessions per week since then and as I continued to take treatments, I could feel the relief for several days at a time and almost zero pain. I have more energy since starting the Hungarian Wellness Mud treatments.
What a joy!!! I feel my age again enabling me to go on with a normal life of cleaning house, playing with my children and sleeping all night. The Hungarian wellness mud has given me all of this with no negative side effects.
Julie Kirby, Welland, ON
Knee Pain
I am an active 48 year old male having continuous knee pain (Lt Knee). Have seen orthopedic surgeon whose recommendation included some exercises and stretches – No significant improvement so far – After one 20 minute treatment with the Hungarian mud the 1st thing I noticed with the first few steps was that my knee was flexing more than before – I also noticed a slight tingling sensation but more importantly an absence of pain, even when going up the stairs – I am decided that I will have continuing treatment for long term relief.
Geoffery A Dyer
Car Accident Trauma
Almost a year ago I was in a very serious car accident that left me in a great deal of pain in my shoulders, back and legs. After a few months of recuperation, I began to go to the physiotherapist twice a week for about 4 months. I was doing some light exercises, ultrasound therapy and accu-pressure pen each visit. The therapy helped slightly and my muscles got a little temporary relief. But I still experienced tingling and twitching of my muscles in my right arm and down my right leg. The toes on the right foot always feel cold and numb.
I have visited doctors and a neurologist who tell me that they can find nothing wrong after a physical exam. There were no X-rays or MRI recommended due to the exam the neurologist performed. So, I went back to work in pain. I have been trying to manage my pain by taking Ibuprofen (600 mg) and by being very careful not to aggravate the areas affected.
I began my first Hungarian Mud Therapy session on my spine, shoulders and elbows. I was not sure something like this would work for me but I was willing to try. After only the first session, I felt better and told my daughter to call her and tell her I was amazed! I remained pain-free for about a day. After the second session, I was pain free for about 3 days following the same treatment. Then I was able to have the Full Body Therapy treatment 9 days later. This made a big difference in the long-lasting effect of the pain relief. I have been 6 days with about 95% of my pain gone. I feel much better and am having another treatment today on the full body.
Gordon Parker, ON Canada
Chronic Low Back Pain
Having lived with varying degrees of lower back pain for many years, I have resorted to almost every possible treatment – Chiropractic, physio, massage and even acupuncture. The most effective therapy has been the Hungarian Wellness Mud treatment. My first treatment left me totally pain-free for several days. A great degree of relaxation is experienced while the warm mud is working its magic. I found no stiffness up my back immediately, and this lasted several days. Lifestyle tends to interfere with well-being, I believe this slowly brought back the stiffness. Regular mud therapy I am sure, would be a most beneficial treatment to keep my back feeling “normal”.
Jan Foster, ON
Torn Rotator Cuff
I fell and tore my rotator cuff. The tear was so bad that the orthopedic surgeon did not recommend surgery, as the chances for repairing the tear were not very good. He recommended that I live with it for as long as I could. He stated that when there was no other option, that shoulder replacement could be done. That was not an option with me because the procedure has not been perfected.
I have regular appointments with massage therapist. She tried several different treatments to help my shoulder. After 6 months she told me we were going to try Hungarian Wellness Mud™. To myself I thought, “We are going to do what?” But I also trusted her to not try something she did not have faith in. I can only say that I was amazed at the results from the mud.
The pain has been reduced to the point that I can go through complete days without being aware of my shoulder. Before the mud treatments I spent most of the day rubbing my shoulder due to the pain. I do not do well on pain medication, and am thrilled that I do not require any, unless I do something dumb like try to lift too much, after the mud treatments. The tear has not been cured, but the pain has been reduced. I would recommend Hungarian Wellness Mud™ to anyone. Thank-you,
Jean Parker, Amarillo, TX
I’m 78 years old and have been suffering for years with server pain in my left hip and knee. It was diagnosed as Bursitis and there wasn’t much that could be done for the pain but to continue to take painkillers. This went on for years. One day my youngest daughter who works for Alexandria Professional, suggested I try the Hungarian Wellness Mud that the company brought in from Hungary. I was skeptical and thought, if painkillers couldn’t relieve the pain how could mud. Well, my daughter purchased some Hungarian Wellness Mud and first applied it to my knee.
I couldn’t believe it after approximately 20 minutes the pain was dissipating. So I agreed to go for treatment. The practitioner applied warm mud to my back, hip and knee and wrapped me in a warm blanket. 20 minutes later, I was up and walking around with no pain in my hip nor in my knee and 24 hours later I still didn’t have any pain. I am booked for another treatment in 2 days. I can hardly believe it, the Hungarian Wellness Mud really worked. For the first time in years I can truly say I have less pain and stiffness in my hip and knee. How wonderful I feel!
Linda Karlowich
Sore Hips
Warmth of mud very soothing. After treatment I found that the soreness on right hip that was usually felt just by a mild pressure was not there. Also my knees felt more fluid in motion.
Marjorie Rivett, Ontario, Canada
Aching Knees, Growing Pains
Thank-you for helping me with my pains. I feel really good and hope we can do it again sometime. I think you will be able to help a million people with their pains.
Meagan Krakora, 8 Years Old, Bastrop, TX
Shoulder Pain
Definite results. Improved blood flow and increased range of motion. It feels lighter and yet I have more stability. My skin feels smoother and firm. Thanks a gazillion.
Michael W. Myers, Texas
Numbness and Soreness
I had learned about the mud treatment at an earlier time. I was having trouble with numbness in my hands and a sore wrist. At present I have one swollen hand and still some numbness. After the treatment my sore hand feels more flexible. By the next morning my hands were stiff again but not as sore as before therapy. I’m anxious to try a therapy plan for both my hands and hips.
Mrs. Cayhill, Ontario, Canada
Torn ACL
I have not been able to bend down with out pain for over 5 years due to a torn ACL. After using your product on my knee I was able to bend down several times with out pain. My knee feels great. I definitely will be using your product.
Nicole Parker, Massage Therapist, Texas
Bee Sting
My nephew was stung by a bee. His arm immediately began to swell and turn red. I removed the stinger then ran home to get my HWM™. When I returned, the sting area had swollen to the size of a golf ball. I applied a layer of HWM™ and allowed it to dry. He fell asleep with the mud on his arm and when he woke, about 2 hours later, the swelling was down and the redness gone. The following morning when he woke up, you could not tell he was stung! My family made fun of me because I am always saying “Let me put some mud on you”. After they were able to see the mud work, they are the ones asking me to go get some mud and put it on them.
Rhonda Lincoln, Wimberley, TX
I am an 80 yr old woman who has been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis about 9 yrs. ago. The disease started out as mild pain when the weather would change and progresses over the years to keeping me in bed some days totally. The knuckles in the hands were the first to feel the pain of inflammation and the use of my fingers dwindled over a few years. I was no longer able to sew and knit my grandchildren their clothes, as I had done for them in the past.
I went to the doctor and he prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs and heating pads for the days it was too much for me. Once my hands got bad, my knees and hip started acting up more frequently and I tried ‘Senior Aquafit Classes’ to keep myself from the pain while exercising for health. This seemed to help at least while I was in the pool and for a short time after each class. But, as usual, the pain would return within a few hours and I would lay away most nights from the pain. Finally, my doctor recommended more tests and at the end of all of this he told me that my problem was called Rheumatoid Arthritis and that it was not curable. I would live with this, possibly getting worse for the rest of my life.
After sometime, I was prescribed a new drug called Vioxx and began taking it daily. It seemed to take the edge off of the pain and I was getting around better from it. Just as I was starting to manage with the use of this new drug, my grad-daughter, who is an R.N. recommended that I speak to the doctor who prescribed at she had heard some negative things about the use of this drug and how it interacts with heart problems. Which I had long before my arthritis started to get the best of me. When I mentioned it to the doctor, he told me I could wean off taking the pills but that he could only offer my old drugs (which did not work effectively) as alternative for me. I learned since then that the Vioxx I was taking could have given me a heart attack, especially since I suffer from Angina and High Blood Pressure. I was distraught thinking that I would not be able to manage my pain and about to cancel out on heading South for the winter, I figured it would not do me much good to go south and sit alone in my condo while my friends were out and active in the sunshine.
Then my granddaughter asked me to try something for her. She told me she thought it would help the pain and that I would have to have an open mind for the treatments to work. She came by and brought a large container of green powder, she called Hungarian Wellness mud. She stood in the kitchen mixing it up into a bowl, added hot water and kept testing the temperature. She then asked me to immerse my hands into the bowl and covered it with a towel. We talked while my hands were in this mud for a bout ½ hour. I was thinking at this point that I would need a manicure to get my fingernails clean when I took them out. When she said time was up she then rinsed my hands off and asked me to look and move my fingers and wrist. I was shocked at the amount of movement my hands could do. No pain in the fingers or at my wrist. They felt a little tingly but not in a bad way. I was happy and she was overjoyed that I felt better.
She left and we said we’d get together in a week to do it again. Well, time passed and she was busy, so was I and we never did another soak in the mud for about 1 month. I never called her but thought of it several times when the pain was getting bad. I thought about going back onto the medication again that the doctor had prescribed but instead had a mild heart-attack and he would not let me take the pills at this time.
So, I called my granddaughter and asked for some of the mud to use. She insisted that she come and stay with me during the ‘treatments’. We did these treatments once or twice a week for about 2 months and I was feeling very well in my hands from it. Along came time to head south for the winter and I decided to go and have some mud sent down to me to do the treatments myself.
Well, I am here now and I am catching this mud craze onto my friends in the seniors’ complex and we meet for mud soaks and lunch once a week. I will have to go home soon so I can get more mud to bring back for our mud days. I want to thank my loving granddaughter for nagging me until I would try this Hungarian Mud as I will not be without it in the future and perhaps when I get home we will start to work on my hip and knees. No time like the present to feel your best.
Shirley MacInnis
When I first heard of the HWM™ I thought it was another snake oil or smoke treatment. I tried to keep an open mind. After just one treatment I had remarkable Improvement. Having had chronic tendonitis in my right arm for years I thought I had tried everything. Shots and medications did not work. Acupuncture helped to calm things down for a while. Nothing had given me such immediate relief. Nothing had given me such long tern relief. I highly recommend these treatments for anyone with any chronic pain.
After four treatments I have been pain free. This has been a great help in training for the Master’s National Rowing Competition. I row five to six days a week plus weight training. I now do treatments at home required to keep the pain gone. I have only had to resort to this once after a fall that flared my pain. This has been a tremendous find and a great help.
Tammy W. Brown
I am a 37 yr old woman from Ontario, Canada and I have been using the Hungarian Wellness Mud for 3 yrs now to help treat the symptoms of my
Acneic Rosacea. Prior to using the mud masks, my skin was a mess, with cystic acne in areas that was painful at times. I had streaks of redness on both cheeks that never seemed to go away and I looked like I had placed a ton of bright blush on them. This condition was very embarrassing to me as I am an esthetician with a salon business. I felt like people judged my skill level in my job as they saw the ‘poor’ condition of my face. It really affected my self-esteem and I tried to learn all I could about treatment methods out there to help.
After many products, used and thrown out, class after class on skin care for acne and rosacea and futile attempts at deep pore cleansing facials, herbal lines designed to help, I was at my wits end. However, I worked in the body sugaring business and became aware of this Hungarian Wellness Mud that they were using on clients to minimize redness of the skin after hair removal and to treat ingrown hair problems.
I decided to give it a try and I am ever so thankful I did. It reduced the redness in my cheeks, dried up all my acne and smoothed out the appearance of my skin within a few weeks. Now I try to keep on top of giving myself 2 or 3 masks per week to maintain the clear skin and minimize redness. There are so many aggravators of Rosacea and I don’t live a perfect life or eat the perfect ‘anti-rosacea diet’ so the mud is never far away. I am happy to know about and get to use this to help me ward off the negative effects of rosascea.
Terri MacInnis, Ontario, Canada
Lower Back Pains
I had lower back pains and it feels much much better. It doesn’t hurt as much as when I came in.
Tiffany, Austin, TX
Before I couldn’t bend my toes or point my foot. After the foot mud wrap I can do both of those.
Torlanne Phillips, Bedford, TX