MegaHydrate and Your Health
MegaHydrate and your nutritional program
Scientific studies have shown that MegaHydrate significantly improve intracellular absorption of nutrition, provides enhanced electron transport for energy generation, and is the most efficient scavenger of free radicals. As the most powerful alkalizing agent known, MegaHydrate facilitates a bio-terrain that does not support disease and may protect you from DNA damage. MegaHydrate facilitates your body’s efficient uptake of vitamins, minerals, Omega 3 fatty acids, amino acids (algae products especially); while protecting your cells from oxidative damage from the junk food you just can’t put down. Your supplement dollar will go a lot farther if what you are taking is supported by MegaHydrate. Take a look at the following for another perspective on how MegaHydrate may impact your health and vitality.
Hydration and Water Research
One of history’s greatest scientists is Nobel Prize winner, Henri Coanda, the discoverer of fluid dynamics and the holder of more than 600 patents. Henri Coanda, a Romanian engineer who was famous for his aircraft design work, became intrigued with the drinking water in the Hunza land high in the Karkorum Mountains just north of Pakistan where the typical life span is 120 to 140 years. After years of research, the aging Coanda found another scientist to carry forward his research. He recognized the genius of 17-year-old science prodigy, Patrick Flanagan, when they worked together at a high-level United States Defense Department “think tank” of prominent scientists. Young Patrick Flanagan had been featured in Life Magazine as one of the ten most promising scientists in America.
At 78, the retiring Henri Coanda offered Patrick the records of his research in this legendary Fountain of Youth and asked Patrick to carry on his life quest for the secret of longevity. Patrick accepted the challenge and continued the search. He began with studying the five remote regions of the world where people routinely live amazingly healthy lives past the age of 120 years. The diets in these five regions all differed. The only factor in common that could explain their long, healthy lives was their drinking water. In all five regions, the drinking water came from melted glaciers and is physically different from the water most of us drink. Their water has lower surface tension, and in several ways, has the same properties as the water which surrounds the cells in our bodies. Their water, called “glacial milk,” is better known for the best known of those five regions, as Hunza Water.
Dr. Patrick Flanagan’s goal was to create water identical to Hunza Water and to share the gift of increased life span with the rest of the world. After many years, he unlocked the secrets of Hunza Water and reproduced its properties with the invention of Silica-based Microclusters, named for their small size as well as their three-dimensional configuration. Dr. Flanagan’s discoveries refuted the conclusions of those who claimed that the secret of Hunza Water was only its trace minerals. Dr. Flanagan stunned the scientific world with the news that it was also the structure of the water molecules formed into clusters that gave glacial water its unique properties. To convert nutrients into nano-colloidal silicates, Dr. Flanagan developed a 33-step process using three minerals present in human tissue. This process produced the catalyst Microclusters, which increases absorption of nutrients.
It is shown in studies to have 300% higher absorption than the same nutrient without Microclusters, improving the absorption of many of your nutritional supplements. Continuing the research of Hunza Water, Dr. Flanagan found a rich amount of negatively-charged hydrogen ions in Hunza Water. Hydrogen, with its single electron, is the ultimate antioxidant: a powerful neutralizer of free radicals. This led to the developments of Silica Hydride MegaH, a dietary supplement that delivers negatively-charged hydrogen ions to the body, and, most recently, Ultimate Mega H-, the First Scientifically Proven Supplement to increase hydration. Patrick discovered that Hunza Water had other different physical properties involving heat, energy, and viscosity. After ten more years of research, he made a major breakthrough discovery which may affect mankind in the years ahead.
He developed a mineral catalyst that reduces nutritional elements to an entirely new type of mineral colloid, the smallest size ever achieved, a submicroscopic size only 12 atoms in diameter. These tiny Microclusters act as microscopic transport vehicles, dramatically reducing the size of nutrients and delivering them directly into the cells. About five to ten nanometers (a nanometer is one billionth of a meter) in diameter, Microclusters are so small that 2.4 million of them can be placed side by side on the head of a pin. Incredibly, they have an enormous surface area of about 240,000 square feet per ounce. Microclusters surround tiny nutrient particles with an electrically charged mineral coating which protects the nutrients until they are absorbed into the cells, usually quite rapidly. Dr. Flanagan had finally succeeded in duplicating all of the properties of Hunza Water. When nutritional substances are reduced to this dimension, electrons move actively over these surfaces creating a powerful charge that attracts water molecules, hydrating the nutrient more, increasing its absorption and its attraction to the cells.
Not only does it reduce surface tension to the desired level, but it changes its other physical properties into the same structure as the water which surrounds the cells. Since the inception of Microcluster technology, Dr. Flanagan has relentlessly worked to further develop Silica Hydride, increasing the effectiveness of the mineral complex. Silica Hydride also increases “zeta potential,” or the net charge of particles (i.e., blood cells) which determines how “clustered” the cells are when in the body. Increasing zeta potential enables fluids to travel between cells and the ability to flush toxins and absorb water into the cells. The current state of these nanotechnologies has opened this millennium with incredible possibilities for life extension and increase in quality of life. The fantastic work of Dr. Patrick Flanagan is brought alive by his peers who describe him as one of the most incredible scientists since Nikola Tesla’s groundbreaking work with energy.
Anti-Aging and Life Extension
Silica Hydride: Longevity’s Missing Link
MegaHydrate (previously MegaHydrin and MegaH) is the breakthrough nutritional invention by Dr. Flanagan. To understand why Silica Hydride is so important, the concept of negatively charged Hydrogen ions is essential. Most know that hydrogen is essential for life. Oxygen burns hydrogen to create the energy that drives our body. The transport of hydrogen is considered by many as the missing factor in the search for the cause of the aging process and the secret to age reversal. As we grow older, cells dehydrate and our hydrogen pool depletes. The hydrogen pool protects cells from free radical damage. Virtually all longevity researchers agree that free radicals are responsible for the aging process. However, in the debate on aging lies the long, unresolved paradox that while oxygen is the source of all life, it is also the cause of aging. Dr. Flanagan devoted a tremendous effort to find an antioxidant that can control and reverse cell damage by oxidative free radicals. “Oxidative free radical damage” is to humans cells as rust is to metal. Hydrogen protects human cells from oxidative free radical damage and provides energy to cells when they burn oxygen.
What Free Radicals Do
Free radicals steal electrons from cells. The loss of electrons causes damage to cellular structure and DNA, thus bringing aging, cellular deterioration and disease. An antioxidant is a compound which gives up an electron to a free radical making it harmless and protecting against cell damage. Hydrogen is the smallest atom. MegaHydrate molecules are many times smaller than the larger molecules of any other known antioxidant. At the same time, each MegaHydrate molecule also releases only one electron. One milligram of MegaHydrate gives up many more electrons than one milligram of any other antioxidant. Antioxidants work together in a cascading process. For example, Vitamin C gives up an electron and becomes a weaker free radical. Though not damaging, once it donates its electron, Vitamin C does become a minor toxin and has to be eliminated.
Vitamin C will then steal an electron from beta carotene, becoming an even weaker free radical. Subsequently, Vitamin C then steals an electron from Vitamin E. This process continues until the free radical is eliminated from the body. MegaHydrate is the only known form of antioxidant that does not become a free radical. Other forms of antioxidants are necessary to help support the cascade of antioxidants which protect the body. A multitude of antioxidants is the most effective way to prevent free radical damage. All antioxidants share a common factor in being sources of hydrogen. Hydrogen is the ultimate antioxidant and the source of protons for Adenosine 5-Triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the biochemical battery that supplies nearly all the energy needs of the human body. It is the currency of life. Hydrogen is also vital in maintaining an alkaline biological terrain in the body.
Bio-terrain describes whether cellular pH level is acidic (unhealthy) or alkaline (healthy). This terrain, absent of free radical damage, is vital in reversing the acidic chemistry of the body. Converting bio-terrain from acidic to alkaline is a very important function of hydrogen. Acidic chemistry in the body is the feeding ground of disease. Virtually all cellular waste and most internally generated toxins are acidic. If a bio-terrain is very acidic, possibly due to high yeast or bacteria content in the stomach, that physiology may have an initial adverse reaction to MegaHydrate. Some people report feeling stomach pain. People who are highly acidic should begin with one or two capsules. It is VERY IMPORTANT to drink between eight and 12 ounces of water with MegaHydrate. If cellular bio-terrain is out of a healthy range, then cells cannot perform and a person is at high risk to contract the acute and chronic disease as well as physical deterioration. Poor bio-terrain (acidic) is associated with rapid aging.
Maintaining A Healthy Bio-Terrain
Due to its contribution of negatively charged hydrogen, MegaHydrate is a powerful factor in creating a healthy cell environment. Hydrogen is the smallest element known. Each day, the body uses about a half pound of pure hydrogen for the production of ATP (energy). Hydrogen bonds are the glue which holds DNA molecules. Dr. Flanagan theorized that DNA bonds can be revitalized, driving his effort to develop MegaH and subsequently MegaHydrate. As we age, the DNA helix coils more tightly, losing flexibility. DNA in human skin illustrates this point. Younger, more resilient skin is flexible because its DNA coils are still flexible. Contraction of the DNA coil may reduce the number of times cells can divide. Presently, cells can only divide about 50 times. Increasing the reproduction ability of cells extends human life. If the DNA helix can untighten by activating the DNA hydrogen bonds, this can have a very profound effect on the ability to increase the regeneration of cells.
Pain Relief after Strenuous Exercise
Silica Hydride with Microcluster technology, the active ingredient in MegaHydrate, aids in the relief of pain. Through the production of energy in the body in the form of adenosine 5-triphosphate (ATP) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), the body’s neuroreceptors are designed to relieve discomfort, and able to increase cellular vitality, increasing the immune system efficacy. ATP and NADH have been shown to aid in the regulation and production of epinephrine and norepinephrine, two biochemicals that are involved with pain mechanisms. Additionally, MegaH and MegaHydrate have been clinically proven to reduce lactic acid in muscles after exercise. Lactic acid buildup in the muscles causes discomfort, stiffness, and fatigue. World and state champion (2001 and 2002) and two-time California record holder, Malia Weinress states,
“While taking MegaH, I’m extremely impressed with the rapid muscle recovery after my strength training workouts. “Since my first day, I’ve used MegaH before and after my heavy workouts, I have felt a difference! I have more of an explosion of energy and power in every lift that I perform. I have increased my weights in training by 30%. I am looking forward to getting another first place in the Worlds Powerlifting Competition in 2003. I also use MegaH on my off workout days and enjoy the even amount of energy throughout my twelve-hour workdays and “mama time” with my two children. My body has never been more functional after pressing its limits. If it weren’t for MegaH, I would not be able to walk normally or maintain normal muscular function after my intense workouts.”