Lyme Disease Origins
Information provided in this article was collected from alternative health websites and Medical Research Associates’ book, “The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs & Forbidden Treatments” by Dr. Lida Mattman Ph.D
Symptoms of what is now known as Lyme Disease were reported in the European medical literature as early as the late 1800s, although its diverse set of symptoms were not recognized as being caused by a single infectious agent until the mid 1970s. In 1977, the disease was dubbed “Lyme” following as out-break in and around Lyme, Connecticut. In 1982, Swiss researcher Willy Burgdorfer, Ph.D., isolated a spirochete (SPY-row-keet; a bacterium) from the midgut of the adult black-legged deer tick. The spirochete called “Borrelia burgdorferi” (Bb) is a spiral, corkscrew-shaped bacterium that swims its way through the blood and burrows itself deep within tissues of the brain, organs, muscles, tendons – literally anywhere in the body.
Even though there is a “traditional” view of what Lyme is, a growing number of researchers are painting an altogether different picture of this disease, that is having ramifications for both diagnosis and treatment. The basis of their contentions are:
- Lyme disease is not just tick-borne
- Lyme disease is easily transmissible via blood (insects, etc…)
- Lyme disease is difficult to eradicate
- Lyme disease is difficult to detect due to its stealth attributes
- Lyme disease is associated with many other chronic diseases, including Alzheimer’s, ALS, Parkinson’s, and MS.
There are allopathic treatments for this disease, but many patients are “resistant” (according to Main-Stream Medical Journals) – But are the patients resistant, or is Bb resistant to the treatments? Most treatments prohibit the cell wall of a bacteria from forming… But what is the bacteria does not have a cell wall?? It has been argued that Lyme disease (Bb) is a “stealthy” bacterium that is much more difficult to detect than previously believed. While most bacteria have cell walls as part of their physical structure – making them relatively easy to identify – certain forms of Bb bacterium have no cell walls!
Bb is known as a cell wall deficient (CWD) form of pathogen. As such it is both more difficult to detect and more difficult to treat. It is typically the presence of a pathogen’s cell wall that evokes much of the body’s immune response. If unrecognized by the immune system and not identified as a major threat, the pathogen evades the body’s mechanisms which ordinarily offer protection against these foreign invaders. Also, Bb seems to be a pleomorphic organism – it is able to change its structural identity into multiple forms.
Lyme disease is associated with many other diseases than is commonly recognized, including ADHD, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, Bell’s Palsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome, lupus, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, schizophrenia, scleroderma, and a host of additional diseases. Dr. Lida Mattman found live Bb spirochetes in blood and spinal fluid, and also in amniotic fluid, breast milk, semen, tears, urine, and vaginal secretions. She also found them in fleas and mosquitos. Accordingly, she believed the bacterium may be transmitted from person to person via blood and saliva, and from insects (or other organisms) to humans.
Although there are many ways to fight a bacteria that does not have a cell wall (such as protein inhibitors like “Doxycycline” or clarithromycin), one may consider unorthodox solutions including:
- colloidal silver
- hydrogen peroxide
- ozone
- zeolite
- Sodium Chlorite with Citric Acid
All of these substances have shown effectiveness in treating conditions caused by microbial infections from viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites and Lyme is one such condition.