Low-Carb Lifestyle for Blood Type O
When your body gets its required nutrients, it can clean, repair and maintain itself. Find your specific Metabolic Type to determine what foods contribute to your health. And which foods take away your well being. Learn how to construct meals to build health instead of disease. Metabolic Typing is THE tool you need for optimal health. Feeding your unique body type is the single most important principle that affects your maximum performance in all aspects of life.
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This web site will prove that eating meat and natural animal fat while restricting carbohydrates is not only healthy but will prevent and cure many diseases. This page presents our nutritional program. We do NOT sell anything. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting a new fitness or nutrition regimen.
Body Chemistry 101
Food can be identified as having three major components; protein, fat and carbohydrate. Protein in the diet is broken down into the basic twenty amino acids in the digestive tract and taken into the body. The amino acids are then recombined into thousands of different protein structures to make up our bodies. These structures are everything from the hair on our heads to thin clear membranes of the eye, muscles and lattice structure in bones. Vitamins and minerals are needed by the body as co-factors in the chemical process of combining the amino acids into proteins. A deficiency of any vitamin, mineral, fatty acid or amino acid will prevent the body from making the required protein or cell and will display the condition as a disease.
Why Low Carbohydrate Diets Promote Ultimate Health.
High Protein Diets: Separating Fact From Fiction.
Atkins Glossary of Health Terms.
Atkins Research Summaries.
Atkins Science Research Update.
Low-Carbohydrate Diet Confirmed by Duke University Study, July, 2002.
Low-Carb Diets by Stephen Byrnes, Ph.D, RNCP, in Power Health Magazine.
Low-fat causes cancer. Low-fat causes heart disease. Proper diet summary. Reversing high cholesterol. High-fat, high-protein diet results. Dr. Ornish vs Dr. Atkins results. Pregnancy and feeding babies. Progesterone cancer prevention. Reversing intestinal diseases. Reversing high blood pressure. |
http://www.biblelife.org/vitamins.htm Low-Carb Lifestyle for the O blood type PRESS RELEASE Cholesterol Theory Wipes Out Human Race – April 9, 2057 Protein Power – Low-Carb Frequently Asked Questions |
Medical disclaimer. Cholesterol risk factors. Body mass index. Other sites and books. Vitamin & mineral list. Atkins’ Research Summaries. Low Carb Research links. Low Carb Eating message board. Low-Carber message board. Join the above for diet help. |
Fats in the diet are needed by the body to create prostaglandins and hormones and to provide many other functions. Fats are essential for life. Studies have shown high-fat diets will improve health without weight gain when carbohydrates are kept low. Vitamins and minerals are also used as co-factors in fat metabolism.
Low-Fat Diets Endanger Bones.
Eating Meat Does Not Cause Osteoporosis.
Fruit seems so natural and wholesome. How could it be anything but perfectly healthy? The problem arises in our ability to have fruit every day of the year, which is totally unnatural. Fruit is basically all carbohydrate (fruit sugar) with no protein and no fats. Some people think the body needs carbohydrates but that is not the case. The body is made, healed and maintained entirely by the protein and fat in the diet. The daily requirement for carbohydrate is ZERO. You will not die without carbohydrate. In fact, you will achieve optimum health without it. You will die without protein and fats which are essential to build and maintain the body.
Low-Carb Pavilion – Nutritional Chemistry.
Lower Your Grains & Lower Your Insulin Levels!
All carbohydrates in the diet are converted by the body to glucose or blood sugar. Table sugar is converted at a fast rate and grains at a slower rate. The level of blood glucose is very critical to the brain which cannot have a level to high or low. Tests show the low-carbohydrate diet actually produces a better glucose balance in the brain than a high-carbohydrate diet. The body can make any needed glucose from either protein or fat, and the hormone, insulin, pushes excessive glucose into the cells to be used as fuel. It is not that the body needs the glucose but rather the brain cannot stand the high glucose level. After a few years the cells become resistant to this excess glucose. We then become “insulin resistant.” The body must still get rid of the glucose that is consumed so it turns the glucose into body fat. Actually, orange juice becomes fat in our arteries and saturated fat on our tummy. The result is high bad LDL cholesterol and heart disease. High insulin has also been linked to breast cancer. After an accumulation of body fat the body becomes resistant to more fat. It then refuses to turn the glucose into fat and BOOM – we become diabetic.
Dr. Mercola – Insulin and Its Metabolic Effects by Dr. Ron Rosedale.
Biochemistry of Nutrition – Learn How the Body Really Works.
The Role Insulin Play in Obesity.
Atkins Nutritionals: Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors for Pre-Diabetics.
Atkins Nutritionals: Insulin Resistance as a Predictor of Age-Related Disease.
Reversal of Heart Disease & Other Complications by Dr. Ron Rosedale.
Low-Fat, High-Carbohydrate Diets Cause Breast and Colon Cancer by Dr. Jan Kwasniewski.
Low-Fat, High-Carbohydrate Diets Cause Cardiovascular Heart Disease by Dr. Jan Kwasniewski.
Carbohydrates Suppress the Immune System by Barry Groves, Ph. D.
Carbohydrate Attack May Be Arthritis Culprit.
Carbohydrates and Bread Are Linked to Teenage Acne.
The liver produces cholesterol which is necessary in the transport and storage of body fat. Eating a low-cholesterol diet does not reduce blood cholesterol since the liver just produces more. Eating carbohydrates produces bad LDL cholesterol that causes heart disease. Protein and fats reduce bad LDL and increase the good HDL cholesterol. Saturated fats are very healthy and the Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats are essential to good health. The best source for Omega-3 fat is from fish oils which have been proven to prevent hearth disease. Yes, fats prevent heart disease. Omega-6 fats from vegetable oils should be avoided to keep the Omega-6/Omega-3 ratio in balance.
Essential Fatty Acids Are Essential.
How Do You Know If You Are Taking Too Much Fish Oil or Omega-3 Fats? Fish ‘lowers dementia risk’
Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils can contain 60% trans fats. These vegetable oils are chemically modified in the food factories under high temperature and pressure to force hydrogen atoms to attach to the oil molecules. Unnatural trans fats are created when one of the two hydrogen atoms at the double carbon bond (cis) moves to the opposite (trans) side. The result is a more solid fatty acid used in many foods as a substitute for the more expensive natural fats. Hydrogenated oils are not natural food. They are factory produced fatty acid chemicals. The resultant trans fatty acids enter the body and attach to cells where real healthy fats are intended to be. Many doctors and researchers believe trans fats are one of the major factors causing adverse effects in heart disease, diabetes, cancer, immunity, reproduction, lactation, and obesity. The following page has a table listing dozens of common grocery store foods that contain the unhealthy trans fats. The Diet Cure.
The bottom line in the prevention of heart disease, diabetes and cancer is a diet low in carbohydrates and low in hydrogenated vegetable oils. The research carried out at Stockholm University in cooperation with experts at Sweden’s National Food Administration, a government food safety agency, showed that heating of carbohydrate-rich foods, such as potatoes, rice or cereals formed acrylamide, a much studied substance classified as a probable human carcinogen. Carbohydrates cause cancer. The healthy diet is high in protein and high in fats. Meat from any source is best including beef, lamb, pork, wild game, poultry, fish, seafood, etc. Other good sources for protein and fats are eggs, cheeses, sour cream, cottage cheese, cream cheese, whipping cream and real butter. Nuts are a wonderful source of protein and fats which have an acceptable level of carbohydrate. Peanuts are a legume which contain a toxic oil and should be avoided. Any and all natural fats are good but the diet must include both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
High-Fat, Low-Carbohydrate Diet Improves Symptoms of Postprandial Hypoglycemia.
Low-Grain and Low-Carbohydrate Diets Treat Hypoglycemia, Heart Disease, Diabetes Cancer and Nearly ALL Chronic Illness.
Eggs Are the Perfect Food by Dr. Jan Kwasniewski.
Myths, Distortions and Lies About BEEF
Studies Prove Beef Is A Safe And Healthy Food
Vegetables are an important part of this diet because they contain vitamin C, antioxidants and many vitanutrients. All vegetables are acceptable, except the starchy ones such as potatoes, turnips, beets and yams. About the only acceptable fruits are the berries such as strawberries, blueberries, boysenberries, etc. Soy products such as beans, oil and protein are not to be included in this diet. Soy is not a healthy food.
Truths & Myths About Soy.
Newest Research On Why You Should Avoid Soy. Concerns Regarding Soybeans.
More On Soy.
Environmental estrogens affect sperm. More bad news about soy.
Low-Fat, Low-Protein and Low-Calorie Diets Cause Cancer
Nathan Pritikin developed a low-fat, low-protein and high-complex carbohydrate diet in the 1970s due to his obesity and clogged arteries. His program required a very low-calorie diet and was strictly against the use of any vitamin, minerals or other supplements. He reversed both of these conditions but died of suicide at the age of 60 years after battling leukemia, cancer of the bone marrow. Studies have now shown that his low-fat, low-protein diet causes cancer. He was warned by others that his diet had less vitamin E than minimum standards. It was also deficient in essential amino acids and essential fatty acids. His book was titled, Permanent Weight-Loss Manual and indeed he had a permanent weight loss, 100%. Patients at his Centre for Longevity who followed the diet and didn’t cheat also suffered a multitude of other medical problems. This failed diet plan is described in the book Beyond Pritikin by Ann Louise Gittleman, former Pritikin Institute nutritionist. She now proposes a diet just the opposite with high-protein, high-fat and low-carbohydrates in her book, Eat Fat, Lose Weight.
Nathan Pritikin’s diet program did result in low-cholesterol, but new studies have shown that a person with low-cholesterol has an increased risk of committing suicide. Perhaps his low-cholesterol as well as his leukemia contributed to his death by suicide.
Low-Cholesterol and Suicide Risk.
Cholesterol is Needed to Help Your Brain Cells Communicate.
Cholesterol – Dr. Jan Kwasniewski’s Optimal Diet.
Feeding The Irrational Fear of Cholesterol by Owen Richard Fonorow.
Low-Fat, Low-Protein and Low-Calorie Diets Cause Heart Disease
James F. Fixx wrote two books on the health benefits of exercise and running, but he died in 1984 from a heart attack at a young age of 52 in his running shoes on a daily run. Many try to cover the facts by blaming it on his heredity or smoking which he quit nine years earlier, but Fixx developed severe coronary artery disease during his running years. He had near total occlusion by atherosclerosis of one coronary artery and 80% occlusion of another. There was also evidence of a recent heart attack. In addition, the heart was somewhat large suggesting the possibility of concurrent hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Exercise and low-weight certainly helped him, but that could not overcome the disastrous effects of his diet. Fixx bought into the myth that fat in the diet is unhealthy when in fact it is essential to life.
He also became a vegetarian and refrained from eating meat. Fixx bought into the new philosophy that runners needed high levels of carbohydrates in their diets. He ate very low-calories in order to keep from gaining weight on the high-carbohydrate diet. He failed to take any vitamins, minerals or other supplements on the false premise that his vegetarian diet could provide them. He undoubtedly suffered from an amino acid deficiency compounded by an essential fatty acid deficiency and further compounded by a refusal to supplement with vitamins and minerals. Amino acids from protein are the building blocks of life, and it is difficult to obtain all of the amino acids required by one’s diet without eating meat, fish and fowl. The effects of these deficiencies take many years to manifest themselves, and the resultant disease can be just about anything in the book. This makes it extremely difficult to pinpoint the cause and effect of a low-fat, low-protein diet on one’s health. People fail to understand that the minimum requirement for carbohydrates in the diet is zero – none.
The Myths of Vegetarianism by Dr. Stephen Byrnes, ND, RNCP.
Omega-3 Fats are Essential to the Human Body.
New Test for Heart Disease Diagnosis.
The Nave Vegetarian.
Vegan vs High-Protein Diet Debate.
Why I Am Not a Vegetarian by Dr. William T. Jarvis.
As a society we are clearly in a state of nutritional crisis and in need of radical remedies. The statistics are sobering. After 30 years of seemingly solid advice aimed at lowering dietary fat, Americans have grown collectively fatter than ever. Today more than 60% of adults in the U.S. are classified as overweight or obese. So many children have become so heavy that pediatricians are now facing an epidemic of Type 2 diabetes and hypertension-diseases that are closely associated with overweight and that were unheard of among youngsters just a generation ago.
The big lie has been exposed.
Red-meat and saturated fats are healthy.
Click on links below to read the evidence.
Big Fat Lies & the Truth about Saturated Fat.
Are Saturated Fats Really Dangerous For You? No, read about the myth! What if It’s All Been a Big Fat Lie? by Gary Taubes in NY Times Magazine.
Dr. Robert C. Atkins – Puncturing the Low-Fat Myth
Twenty-Seven (27) Studies Show That Saturated Fat Raised the Good HDL.
The More Fat You Eat the Lower Your Bad Triglycerides.
Studies Show Meat, Dairy and Eggs Do Not Increase Breast Cancer.
Study Shows Saturated Fat is Not Linked to Diabetes.
Proof Saturated Fats Are Healthy.
Weston A. Price Foundation – Facts About Fats
The Truth About Saturated Fat by Mary Enig, PhD, and Sally Fallon
Study Proves Eating Saturated Fat Increase Good HDL Cholesterol
Proper Diet Summary
The information contain on this web page and the references will show the proper diet for healing and health preservation. What is Wrong with Politically Correct Nutrition.?
Calculate your dietary intake at the FitDay – Online Diet and Fitness Manager.
Foods we should eat:
- Eat red-meat, natural fats including animal saturated fats. A new study shows fresh red-meat has no connection with colon cancer but manufactured meat products do increase colon cancer. A high protein diet boost healthy antioxidant levels while low-protein induces oxidative stress.
Myths, Distortions and Lies About BEEF.
High Protein Diet Found Beneficial. Study Links Processed Meat to Cancer – Viewable by AOL members only.
Saturated Fat Reduces Children’s Allergies and Trans Fats Increase Them.
Low-Fat, High-Fiber Diet May Lower Calcium Absorption.
Animal-Rights Terrorists Strike Again? - Eat beef, lamb, pork, fish, seafood, fowl and wild game of any kind. Do not cut off any of the fats and eat them all. Do not skin chicken, duck or other fowl and eat all of the skin. Eat cold water fish such as salmon which are high in Omega-3 essential fatty acids. Eat some protein every meal. Myths & Truths About Beef.
Consuming More Protein, Less Carbohydrates Is Healthier.
Increased Protein Intake Stimulates Muscle Protein Synthesis in Elderly and How to Determine Protein Deficiency. - Eat fat including saturated fat. The North American Indians ate pemmican which was a mixture of dried meat crushed and shredded before being mixed 50/50 with the animal fat. Dried berries were sometimes added. This mixture would keep for many years. Eskimos lived year after year on an all meat diet of fish, seal, polar bear and caribou. They prepared a mixture using 80% fat and 20% caribou meat. Their health was found to be excellent by anthropologist explorers Vilhjalmur Stefansson and Karsten Anderson who later spent one year on an all meat diet at the Bellevue Hospital in New York City and proved it was healthy. The Eskimos were virtually free of all cancer, diabetes and heart diseases.
“Strong Medicine” by Dr. Blake F. Donaldson, MD, is a book about the Inuit-style meat-only Eskimo diet.
Anthropological Research Reveals Human Dietary Requirements for Optimal Health by H. Leon Abrams, Jr., MA, EDS - Fry bacon on low-heat and stop while it is still floppy with white fat. This method avoids the forming carcinogens and trans fats. The low-fat diet causes gallstones and gallbladder diseases.
- Eat eggs cooked any way desired. Frying in coconut oil or butter is great. Soft boiled is best because the boiling kills any salmonella bacteria which may be present on the outside, and boiling prevents oxidization of the healthy cholesterol in the yolk. Do not limit the quantity. Science Proves Eggs Do NOT Increase Heart Disease Risk.
- Fry in coconut oil or butter and use both generously in recipes.
About Fats
The Weston A. Price Foundation – Know Your Fats.
Dr. Mercola – Coconut In Support of Good Health – Part 1 of 4 by Mary G. Enig, Ph.D. - Eat vegetables, except avoid those root vegetables which are high in starch, such as; potatoes, yams, turnips, beets and carrots.
- Eat avocados fresh or as a dip with fried pork skins or pork rinds.
- Eat cheese, sour cream, cream cheese, cottage cheese and real whipping cream.
- Eat real butter, extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil.
- Eat raw seeds and nuts of all kinds, except avoid peanuts which are a legume.
- Supplement with Omega-3 essential fatty acids by taking Carlson’s Lemon Flavored Cod Liver Oil. Flax seed oil is good and also has Omega-6 fatty acids. Flax is not the best Omega-3 fat because your body must convert the shorter fat ALA in flax to EPA and DHA before you will receive major benefits, and most of us don’t do that very well. Almond oil is a wonderful source of both Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids. It is a very good high temperature cooking oil and great on salads.
The Protein Power Lifeplan. - Supplement with a complete vitamin and mineral program shown below.
Alzheimer’s linked to deficiency of B-12 and folate vitamins. - Install a reverse osmosis water system with U.V. lamp for all drinking and cooking. The U.V. lamp kills all viruses and bacteria. Avoid domestic water which contains chlorine and fluorine. Avoid mineral, natural or spring water sold in stores as many contain undesirable minerals and contaminants. Some have been pulled from the shelves because of these contaminants.
- Coffee and tea are acceptable but may reduce weight loss. Diet sodas are undesirable but regular sodas are absolutely forbidden. Many people claim that diet sodas have caused irregular heart beat and heart palpitations, and many other health problems. See the Aspartame (Nutrasweet) Toxicity Information Center and Aspartame is NOT safe. DORway to Discovery has the truth!
- Drink coconut milk and eat unsweetened flaked coconut or buy whole coconuts.
Health and Nutritional Benefits from Coconut Oil.
Thailand – The Land of the Coconut.
Coconut Oil is the Healthiest Oil on Earth. - Eat any Atkins’ protein bars, shakes or other products. Avoid other protein bars which are very high in sugar and carbohydrates. Try the recipes in his books like the low-carbohydrate vanilla ice cream, yummy.
- Use Morton’s Salt Substitute which is potassium chloride instead of sodium table salt to lower blood pressure but be aware that excessive use can cause weak heart beat impulses.
Foods we should avoid:
- Do not eat sugar in any form. Sugar raises the level of free-radicals which causes heart disease and diabetes. Do not eat corn syrup, fructose, honey, sucrose, maltodextrin, dextrose, molasses, rice milk, soy milk, grape juice, fruit juice, brown rice syrup, maple syrup, date sugar, cane sugar, corn sugar, beet sugar, succanat or lactose. Do not eat candy, cookies, ice cream, cakes, dates, crackers, soft drinks or yogurt which are all high in carbohydrates. Diabetes, heart disease and cancer could best be described as CARBOHYDRATE ADDICTS SYNDROME. Sugar accelerates aging.
Atkins’ Carbohydrate Gram Counter.
78 Ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health. - Avoid processed meats like sausage and sugar-cured ham. Avoid chicken and turkeys that have been injected with a solution of salt sugar and preservatives. Butterball chickens and turkeys are an example of those to avoid. Read every label. Study Links Processed Meat to Cancer – Viewable by AOL members only.
- Limit carbohydrates in all forms except low-starch vegetables. Avoid those starchy vegetables that grow below the ground such as potatoes turnips beets carrots and yams.
Reduced carbohydrates cuts the incidence of heart disease.
Carbohydrate Increases Risk of Colorectal Cancer 7/9/00. - Limit fruits because of the fruit sugar and do not drink fruit juices. Do not drink vegetable juices because the fiber has been removed. Berries are the exception because they have a relatively low-fruit sugar content and very high in healthy antioxidants. Try berries with real cream or chilled coconut milk as a healthy dessert. Fruits can be increased for those people who want to gain weight. Eat absolutely no fruit while on the Atkins Nutritional: Weight Control – A Four Phase Strategy.
- Do not eat margarine mayonnaise or any product that contains hydrogenated oils trans fats.
Yahoo! News – US Panel Says No Amount of Trans Fat Is Safe. - Avoid polyunsaturated vegetable and seed oils such as corn soybean flax canola safflower sunflower peanut sesame and cottonseed oil. The Omega-6 oils cancel the benefits of the good Omega-3 fat. See Secrets of the Edible Oil Industry Part 1 and Part 2.
- Do not drink cow’s milk. Lactose in cow’s milk is one of the most allergenic foods and the symptoms are commonly described as lactose intolerance. Milk is not need in the diet to prevent osteoporosis. Do not drink rice milk soy milk Lactaid or acidophilus milk.
- Do not eat any soy products unless fermented or sprouted. Miso tempeh and natto are acceptable. Do not use soy protein powders but whey protein powders are acceptable. Soy protein is missing several of the amino acids and one that is classified as an essential. Do not eat soy protein chips or cereals. Tofu made from soybeans has been shown to shirk the brain and cause cognitive impairment. See the soy index of studies.
Dr. Mercola – Soybeans Can Damage Your Health – Part 1 of 3.
Soy Online Service Home Page.
The Weston A. Price Foundation – Soy Alert!
The Third International Soy Symposium – Tragedy and Hype. - Do not eat yogurt or frozen yogurt desserts except home made high-fat yogurt made from whole milk and extra cream that has used the 24-hour cycle time to reduce the lactose content. You can learn more about this special yogurt at: Lucy’s Kitchen Shop.
- Do not eat pre-whipped cream or low-fat non-dairy whipped cream because they contain sugar and/or trans fats. See the list of typical store foods containing heart clogging trans fats.
- Do not eat any wheat products or any other grains such as: corn oats rye rice barley millet kamut or spelt. Corn is missing three of the essential amino acids necessary for good health. Grains are a poor source of protein. Do not eat any breads or other flour products. Grains are the most allergenic of all foods. Multiple sclerosis lupus and rheumatoid arthritis are rare in populations where no grain products are consumed such as the Paleolithic (hunter-gatherer) diet.
Yahoo! News – UN Wants More Study on Fried Food-Cancer Link.
BBC News | HEALTH | Bread and crisps in cancer risk scare.
Health.Telegraph.co.uk – Chips Bread & Cereals Cause Cancer.
Reuters | U.N. Wants More Study on Cancer Link to Fried Food.
Grain gluten can cause osteoporosis Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis.
Dangerous Grains book by James Braly and Ron Hoggan. - Do not eat breakfast cereals pancakes waffles bread biscuits tortillas taco shells bagels pasta noodles pop corn croutons or rice snacks because they usually contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oil and are all very high in carbohydrates.
- Do not eat any potatoes sweet potatoes yams French fries or potato chips. French fries are not only very high in unhealthy carbohydrates but are generally cooked in hydrogenated soybean oil or other rancid oils.
- Do not eat bananas oranges or grapefruits as they are very high in carbohydrates.
- Limit beans and legumes because of their high carbohydrate levels. Limit peanuts as they are a legume and contain a very unhealthy fat.
- Do not eat dark yellow cheeses such as Velveta or American cheese because they are made from partially hydrogenated oils trans fats.
- Stop smoking but stop eating sugar first which is more unhealthy than smoking.
Finally Proof for My Assertion That Sugar is More Dangerous Than Cigarettes - Do not eat any product labeled “”low-fat.””
- Do not eat anything containing hydrogenated oils called trans fats. Read every label.
- Do not eat any product labeled “”low-cholesterol.””
- Avoid carbohydrates from all sources except low-starch vegetables.
- Avoid monosodium glutamate (MSG) and the dozens of flavors and seasonings which have deceptively hidden the MSG glutamic acid ingredient. MSG Dangers and Deceptions.
- Avoid carrageenan which is a gum extracted from red seaweed and used as a fat substitute to thicken many food products. Unfortunately carrageenan is used in many otherwise acceptable low-carbohydrate foods such as processed meats and heavy whipping cream. Carrageenan may be associated with the promotion of malignancy and inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and may cause cancer.
- Avoid fast food hamburgers because many are “”bulked-up”” with 25% soy protein and/or cooked in trans fats or polyunsaturated fats. Avoid French fries as well because the frying oils are either trans fats polyunsaturated fats or rancid from over use. Grilled chicken breast is an acceptable choice. Don’t eat the bun. Don’t eat anything coated and deep fried.
- Avoid the use of microwave ovens except for heating plain water. Microwave energy destroys enzymes and vitamins. It also breaks weak molecules into undesirable elements. The energy can cause the unhealthy cross linking between molecules. Microwaving starches such as potatoes and other carbohydrates such as bread creates high levels of acrylamide a chemical proven to cause cancer in laboratory animal tests. Cancer Risk In Microwaved Food.
- Cheat a little if necessary once every third month in moderation and without guilt from the above list of forbidden foods. It takes many years of eating the improper foods before diseases begin to reveal themselves. Don’t be concerned about a harmful effects from one rare meal or dessert.
Reversing High Cholesterol on the Low-Carbohydrate Diet
Many question the cancer risk from eating lots of red-meat and saturated fats and we are constantly being warned to avoid the “”artery clogging saturated fat.”” These scare tactics are not confirmed in the study of ancient cultures and more recent studies. It just isn’t so. The body grows heals and functions by utilizing the proteins (amino acids) and fats (fatty acids) in the diet. Both are essential for life and deficiencies lead to a myriad of diseases which appear to have no cause. The trend away from the consumption of protein and fat is making all who listen a statistic in record-setting illnesses like cancer heart disease and diabetes. The current medical community has begun to blame everything on “”genetics”” and wring their hands because “”the message just isn’t getting through.
“” Unfortunately the low-fat no red-meat message is getting through. People are eating the USDA food pyramid diet and their bodies are struggling to rid themselves of the excess glucose from carbohydrates while fighting desperately with shortages of essential amino acids and fatty acids. Vegetarians develop high cholesterol and can’t correct it. They blame it on heredity because they don’t understand body chemistry. Don’t believe the advice given on Dr. Andrew Weil’s web site above because bad cholesterol readings are caused by high-carbohydrate diets and not by animal products. Dr. Weil’s diet recommendations should never be followed because they closely parallel the unhealthy USDA Food Pyramid and also discourage eating healthy meat and natural animal fats. Get the truth from ex-vegetarians at the link below who returned to eating meat and animal fat in order to recover from their health problems caused by their failed vegetarian diet.
Beyond Vegetarianism – Raw Food Vegan Fruitarian and Paleo Diets.
The bad press about ketones in the blood on a low-carbohydrate diet are distorted lies. According to Dr. Atkins “”Ketosis is really a shortening of the term lipolysis/ketosis. Lipolysis simply means that you’re burning your fat stores and using them as the source of fuel they were meant to be. The by-products of burning fat are ketones so ketosis is a secondary process of lipolysis. When your body releases ketones in your urine it is chemical proof that you are consuming your own stored fat. And the more ketones you release the more fat you have dissolved.”” Tests have proven that this normal ketosis is healthy and does not produce ketoacidosis as experienced by diabetics.
Changes in Body Composition During Weight Reduction in Obesity: Balance Studies Comparing Effects of Fasting and a Ketogenic Diet.
The Human Metabolic Response to Chronic Ketosis Without Caloric Restriction: Physical and Biochemical Adaptation.
The graph below shows my reversal in high cholesterol measurements as a result of the low-carbohydrate diet described above. The total cholesterol remained steady at about 206 which is considered good in a desirable range of 180 to 200. The best result was the huge drop in the bad Triglycerides (TG) from 214 to 120 to 92 and the very good rise in the good HDL cholesterol from 35 to 51 to 55. HDL is very difficult to raise on any other diet.
The heart disease risk is measured by the ratio TG/HDL. My ratio was bad at 6.1 for ten years preceding the start of the Atkins’ diet in June 1999. The ratio dropped to a respectable 2.4 during the first four months and is presently at a very good ratio of 1.7. The most desirable ratio is 1.0 or less but are cholesterol readings really all that important? Some facts suggest otherwise: The Cholesterol Myths – some astonishing facts.
High-Fat High-Protein Diet Results
Eating lots of red-meat and saturated fat has given me awesome health. The daily nutrition program which eliminates and reduces health problems has been proven to be a high-fat high-protein and low-carbohydrate diet. Blood pressure will drop on the diet so significantly that those on blood pressure medication should monitor their pressure carefully and be prepared to reduce the dosage. Naturally those with special health problems should find a doctor who understands this diet and adjusts medication accordingly.
Many claims and criticisms are being fired from every direction among the opponents in the current “”diet wars.”” The best way to resolve the issue is to test the results yourself. I have been on the Atkins’ low-carbohydrate diet since June 1999 and lost 35 pounds in the first four months. I am currently down 50 pounds to the “”ideal”” weight range. The Atkins’ diet is better described as a high-protein high-fat diet because Dr. Atkins encourages the consumption of fats even saturated fats. I have eaten lots of red-meat with high-fat content during the past two years. Cuts were specifically selected which had the most fat such as 27% fat ground beef ribs rib-eye steaks bacon pork roasts and chicken with the skin.
Salmon is especially good because it contains a high level of essential Omega-3 fatty acid. My favorite cooking method is on the gas grill with low-heat. The low-heat does not melt all the fat and prevents damage to the fat caused by high heat and oxidation. Eggs and bacon are fried on low-heat and eaten when the bacon is floppy and still has white fat. Vegetables are highly recommended but not the starchy ones. Berries in whipping cream are a nice dessert but other fruits are avoided. Try refrigerated coconut milk on berries. The flavor is great the the cold coconut milk has the consistency of thick cream. Coconut oil is the most preferred for frying and stir-fry. Real butter is the second best choice.
Medscape Today – Two Studies Validate the Effectiveness of the Low-Carbohydrate High-Protein Diet.
Duke University Study – Effect of 6 Month Adherence to a Very Low Carbohydrate Diet Program.
Most people do not believe diet can cure their illnesses and they resort to prescription drugs. They do this because they “”already eat a balanced diet yet remain sick. In truth their diet is what made them sick and continues to prevent their healing. The acceptable foods above in combination with vitamins and minerals can heal the body where prescription drugs only cover and mask the undesirable symptoms.
The Truth About Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs (Statins) Cholesterol and Health.
Note! Those who have been on the above diet for several months are over-joyed at their sudden health improvements. They are also shocked at the harsh negative reactions in their body to eating sugar and carbohydrate which can cause the heart pulse rate can jump and blood pressure rise suddenly. However once you feel the awesome health benefits from eating low-carbohydrate you will never go back.
Comparison of Low-Carb Plans.
How To Lose Weight by James South MA
Dr. Dean Ornish’s Low-Fat Diet and Dr. Robert C. Atkins’ Low-Carbohydrate Diet Compared
The following quote and table is from Adipos 101. “”We need large scale randomized studies comparing low fat and low carbohydrate diets. Until such studies is published we must compare results reported by Ornish and Atkins themselves. The Ornish figures are the average of the Ornish Experimental group (n=22) carefully selected from hundreds of applicants. The Atkins’ data (n=1) is from page 150 of his 1992 book. Neither of these samples is necessarily representative of the overweight population. However the starting age weight and body mass index of Atkins’ sample resembles those of Ornish’s experimental group much more closely than Ornish’s own control group lending credence to the comparison.””
Ornish and Atkins Diets Compared
INITIAL CONDITIONS | ORNISH (low-fat low-cholesterol) |
ATKINS (low-carbohydrate) |
Age | 56 | 55 |
Starting Weight | 201 | 195 |
Body Mass Index | 28.4 | 28.1 |
DIET RESULTS | ORNISH (low-fat low-cholesterol) |
ATKINS (low-carbohydrate) |
Cholesterol Change | -24% | -13% |
HDL (good) Cholesterol | – 3% | +60% |
Triglycerides (bad) | +75% | -82% |
Weight Change | -12% | -19% |
“”Further confirmation of Atkins’ data comes from Dr. Ronald Krauss chairman of the American Heart Association’s Nutrition Committee. In some men with normal-sized LDL cholesterol particles a very low-fat diet can cause changes in the cholesterol profile that indicate an increased heart disease risk. In one study 36 out of 87 men with normal-sized LDL particles switched to the small-particle abnormalities when their dietary fat was lowered from 46 percent of calories from fat to 24 percent. One sign of the switch was a rise in their ratio of total cholesterol to “”good”” HDL cholesterol which implies a higher heart disease risk. (API 7/16/96)””
Poll Results: Atkins Beats Out Low-Fat Diets.
Scientific studies as reported in the European Heart Journal (1997) 18 18-22 show the low-fat low-cholesterol diet is ineffective in reducing coronary heart disease and in one study showed an increase in deaths. The diet also causes an increase in deaths from other causes as in the case of Mr. Pritikin above.
Increasing triglycerides and decreasing HDL implies a higher heart disease risk. Therefore the low-fat low-cholesterol diet proposed by Dr. Dean Ornish causes the cholesterol risk ratios to move in the wrong direction toward increasing heart disease risk. The Dr. Robert C. Atkins’ low-carbohydrate diet greatly improves cholesterol risk ratios as shown in the table above and my own results sited above.
Effects of a Very-Low-Carbohydrate Diet Program Compared With a Low-Fat Low-Cholesterol Reduced Calorie Diet.
Read 18 Personal Atkins’ Low-Carb Testimonies
Pregnancy and Feeding Babies
Women who are planning to get pregnant or already have babies should read this information. Autism is increasing in the USA and UK at the rate of 20% per year. This is caused by low-cholesterol and low-fat diets of the mother. The baby’s brain needs cholesterol and fats for proper development. Vaccines may also be involved in the autism epidemic.
Mommy Goes Shopping for Baby Food!
Bible Life Ministries – Pregnancy Counseling.
Weston A. Price Foundation: Nutrition Guidelines-Feeding Babies.
The Vital Role of Essential Fatty Acids For Pregnant and Nursing Women.
We Are In the Midst of An Autism Epidemic?
Autism by Dr. Viera Scheibner and Bronwyn Hancock BSc.
Other Sites and Books
The following sites have excellent information on a good diet for healing and health preservation.
- Dr. Joseph Mercola – Reaching for Optimal Wellness
- Dr. Joseph Mercola – Articles for Wellness and Optimum Well Being
- Dr. Weston A. Price Foundation
- Dr. Stephen Byrnes – Nutrition Guide for Healthy Living
- Dr. Jan Kwasniewski’s Optimal Diet – Homo Diet Healthy Way of Eating
- Dr. Robert C. Atkins Official Home Page
- Atkins Nutritional: Weight Control – Four Phase Strategy to a Healthy New Life
- Atkins Nutritional: Advice and Inspiration – Success Stories
- Atkins Nutritional: Recent News
- Atkins Beats Out Low-Fat Diet in Poll Results
- Clinical Trial Validates the Atkins Thesis
- LowCarb.ca – Support Research Studies Shopping and News
- LowCarbEating.com – Support for High Protein Low Carbohydrate Dieters.
- Food Counter – Carbohydrate Protein and Fiber
- Low-Carb Research & Studies – Atkins Responds to American Heart Association
- Low-Carb Research & Studies – High Protein Diet Found Beneficial
- A High-Carbohydrate Diet Increases the Risk of Heart Disease
- What Does Your Blood Test Mean?
The links below are book reviews on Amazon.com or other sites. They all deal with scientific and medical findings that prove the current low-fat low-protein high-carbohydrate American diet causes hardening of the arteries high blood pressure high cholesterol heart disease cancer weight gain malnutrition osteoporosis asthma irritable bowel syndrome gluten sensitivity infertility and diabetes.
Letter On Corpulence by William Banting – 1869
Letter on Corpulence by William Banting is the first book about the benefits to health of a low-carbohydrate diet. It can be read online. Mr. Banting was advised to follow the diet by his Doctor William Harvey who had heard about the diet as a cure for diabetes in a lecture given in Paris by Mons. Bernard. The diet was known and applied to athletes to achieve better performance but was not generally given to unhealthy or obese people to cure their ailments. Mr. Banting showed that it did. His book was highly criticized by the established medical community just as the low-carbohydrate diet is today. Mr. Banting proved all of the criticisms to be false. You can also read a brief summary of The Harvey-Banting Diet Letter on Corpulence.
Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution – Revised and Improved
The Atkins’ New Diet Revolution is the best book for an initial dietary change and quick weight loss reduced blood pressure and reduced cholesterol. Also look for the companion book for recipes. It has some very interesting case studies from the doctor’s patients. It includes data from past civilizations proving the low-carbohydrate diet is the most healthy. Robert C. Atkins M.D. ISBN: 006001203X.
Dr. Atkins’ Age-Defying Diet Revolution – Amazon Book Review
This is Dr. Atkins newest book. The main topics are the cause prevention and cure for diabetes and heart disease which have become major health concerns in the United States and many other developed countries. Robert C. Atkins M.D. with Sheila Buff ISBN: 0312251890.
Life Without Bread: How a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Can Save Your Life
Life Without Bread is an important addition to the growing body of literature on the benefits and importance of low-carb diet. Written by Christian Allan Ph.D. and Wolfgang Lutz M.D. the book is based on Dr. Lutz’s experience using carbohydrate restricted diets with thousands of patients for over 40 years. It is also based on extensive research in the medical and scientific literature.