October 5, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Food Intolerances

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Poorly Diagnosed, Therefore Mistreated

Because symptoms of food intolerance frequently present themselves very similar to other diseases, they’re often misdiagnosed. And many people have more than one food intolerance, further complicating the diagnoses.

Your body’s reaction to foods can take place up to 48 hours after eating, so it’s difficult to connect the effect to the cause. This may lead to mistreating the symptoms with over-the-counter medications, rather than finding the cause.

Symptoms of Food Intolerance (see Help below)

  • Gastrointestinal (stomach and intestines)
  • Respiratory (lungs and breathing)
  • Dermatological (skin problems and diseases)
  • Neurological (pain, memory and moods)
  • Musculoskeletal (muscle and bone disorders and pain)
  • Reproductive (genital and fertility issues)
  • Immune Responses (ability to fight infection)

Serious Health Risks

Many symptoms of food intolerance are easily tolerated, such as itching skin, mild diarrhea, coughing, tiredness, mouth ulcers, stomach bloating, headache.

It is important to understand that if left untreated, food intolerance can seriously compromise your general health, and put you at an increased risk of many serious diseases like diabetes, cancer, dementia, obesity, arthritis & osteoporosis, anemia, Celiac Disease and Crohn’s Disease.

Easily Remedied

When properly managed, diet changes can eliminate your suffering, and take you back to full health.
The offending food must first be identified with an elimination diet (see below).

The Most Common Sources of Food Intolerances

(listed in order of most common)

  1. Dairy
  2. Wheat
  3. Gluten (wheat)
  4. Yeast
  5. Sugar

Treatment of Food Intolerances

  1. Identify the Food
  2. Avoid the Food
  3. Revitalize Your Immune System

Identify the Offending Food, with The Elimination Diet

The elimination diet is quite simple, and should be supervised by your health care provider. It will last a few weeks, and involves removing specific foods (or ingredients) from your diet, that you and your health care provider suspect may be causing your symptoms.

Before making significant changes in your diet, always seek the advice of your health care provider.
If you randomly remove foods from your diet, you may not have a balanced diet and lack some nutrients, causing other health problems. A dietitian can help you plan meals that are healthy and nutritious, while eliminating the suspicious food source.

You will be required to keep a record of all the foods you eat, and any symptoms you experience. Carefully read food labels, and inquire about food preparation methods when dining out. This record will enable you and your health care provider to identify the food causing trouble.

Following the elimination diet and identification of the particular food that causes you grief, your health care provider will ask you to gradually reintroduce the eliminated foods, one at a time. This process helps link symptoms to specific foods.

This is not a foolproof method. Psychological and physical factors can affect the results. For example, if you think you’re sensitive to a food, a response could occur that may not represent food intolerance.

You will be successful in eliminating your symptoms.

You’ll have improved resistance to disease and renewed vitality.

Help for All Allergies and Food Intolerances

For more immediate relief, revitalize your immune system with the following supplements:

To aid digestion, promote natural immunity & resistance to diseases.
Crucial for regaining and maintaining your health and vitality.

High amounts of proper, absorbable, life giving nutrition.
Your immune system can naturally work efficiently to heal and maintain health.

Immune Boosters
A robust immune system is instrumental in fighting disease and keeping your body in the best health possible.

Amino Acids
Amino acid supplementation will provide your body with an essential foundation for health. They are the building blocks of systemic proteins, which are present in all your body tissues, including skin, nails, hair, blood, bone and brain cells. Thousands of different systemic proteins are constantly being manufactured from 20 different amino acids. Your body can manufacture 10 of these amino acids, the other 10 are considered essential, meaning they must be acquired from your diet.

Enzymes: Digestive and Systemic
A critical energy that runs your entire body. Without them, you couldn’t digest or absorb food, all your cellular functioning would stop.

Allow all activities in your body to happen efficiently. They are required for all metabolic processes, proper composition of your body fluids, the formation of your blood & bones, and they are also critical for healthy nerve function.

For long term relief and maintenance of your health, we recommend the following steps:

1. Cleanse and Detoxify
Regular cleansing of your body will begin healing of discomforts and diseases, and bring you into a more vibrant state of health. Every system in your body will function more efficiently.

2. Nutrition
Support your body with proper nutritional supplements, to heal and maintain a state of health. With adequate nutrition, your body can efficiently absorb nutrients, and eliminate toxins. You’ll have in a healthy immune system that can heal and be free of pain and disease.

3. Balancing Your Body’s pH
A balanced pH in your body is a critical factor for a healthy internal environment and immune system. Healing or remission of chronic illness takes place only when your body fluids are restored to a normal pH.

4. Care For Your Space, Mind and Soul
To be healthy, you must be in harmony with your world. Fill yourself and your space with love. The way you feel, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, has a direct impact on your physical well being.

5. Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse and Maintain
It takes less than 12 hours to do it, it’s effective, and it’s easy on you.

The Prevalence of Food Intolerance

Food intolerance are responsible for unnecessary suffering in millions of people. Previously, it was thought to be rare, and now it’s quite prevalent.

Type of Food Intolerance Prevalence
Dairy Intolerance (Lactose intolerance) 75% (3 in 4 people )
Yeast Sensitivity (e.g.. Candida infections) 33% (1 in 3 people)
Gluten Intolerance (e.g.. Celiac and Wheat sensitivity) 15% (1 in 7 people)
Sugar Sensitivity 35% (1 in 3 people)
Food Allergies 1% (1 in 100 people)

If you are one of the 75% of people who are affected to some extent by food intolerance, it makes sense to investigate – doesn’t it?

Food Intolerance Worsens With Age

Food intolerance can turn up later in life. People are frequently surprised to discover they are lactose intolerant or sensitive to sugar or gluten, when they are 20, 30, 40 years or older.

Any symptom of ill-health that you may experience will worsen as you age. Unfortunately, another effect of leaving ill-health untreated is to exacerbate other conditions like heart disease, liver, kidney and lung dysfunction, amongst other things.

Hereditary Predisposition

Food intolerance tends to be inherited from your family. Celiac Disease (or Gluten sensitivity) occurs in 10% of all first degree relatives of Celiacs (that is siblings, parents & children).

Triggers of Food Intolerance

Serious stress, both good and bad (births & deaths, divorce, sickness, new career), can trigger food intolerance. The tendency was always there, and the body had been compensating. But high stress situations can easily allow the intolerance to appear.

Food intolerance is common, and may be difficult to diagnose. Symptoms of Food Intolerance are a signal from your body. Don’t ignore the signal.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 5, 2018
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