October 6, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff


Depression is yet another of those problems that do not have a single point solution. Yes, the establishment offers the all-so-wonderful serotonin re-uptake inhibitors that apparently mess with the brain enough to give you the illusion that you are no longer depressed. The real solution for depression is to raise your level of joy so that the down moments become insignificant.

A well body does not become depressed. A body that is standing proud (as opposed to shoulders slouched, shallow breathing, eyes downcast, with the Eeyore voice tones) will not allow you to feel depressed. Depression is frequently related to imbalanced levels of calcium and magnesium, with low levels being associated with anxiety. After comparing backgrounds of patients who required very high doses of calcium (over 4,000mg daily, just to barely reach normal levels), it turned out that a very large percentage had a history of benzodiazepine (tranquilizers/sedatives) use. Duh!

These drugs either affected their body’s ability to utilize calcium and/or magnesium properly, or those minerals levels in these patients had already been extremely deficient before taking any medications, provoking insomnia, anxieties, or other symptoms, and resulting in drugs being prescribed instead of having the real cause (mineral deficiencies) corrected. Unfortunately, this type of symptomatic drug therapy continues to be a trademark of modern medicine. Anxiety, irritability, racing heart, nervousness, and other emotional problems can be caused by impaired adrenal function and by candida toxins circulating throughout the system, which are mainly alcohol, particularly affecting the brain and mind.

Helpful Solutions:

  • Discontinue tranquilizers or sedatives as soon as possible.
  • Supplement with green Superfoods and effective mineral supplements every day.
  • Add Smart Minerals – The Gift – to your routine and you will never look back.
  • Supplement with Omega-3 essential fatty acids. Take it as cod liver oil, which provides omega-3, and vitamins A and D; get at least 3,000 mg of omega-3 per day.
  • Consider adding Lecithin and Essential Amino Acids. All of the good fats work together along with oil soluble vitamins A, D and E, and omega-3.
  • In the summer get at least a half hour of sunlight every day on the largest area of exposed skin you can.
  • During the winter months try to get at least 15 minutes of direct sun every day (not through windows) with as much exposed skin as possible, even if it only on your face. The sun is very therapeutic and can alleviate depression and anxiety.
  • Vitamin E 800 IUs in two doses per day; get a good mix of natural source tocopheryls (the small letter d indicates it is natural source, i.e. d alpha tocopheryl)
  • B Vitamins are very important for the body and the mind. There’s plenty in our green Superfoods, but you can add a good B-complex.
  • Help increase liver and adrenal function by doing “dry skin brushing” at least once a day.
  • Help your liver detox by drinking lemon juice and salt brine water a few times a day (juice of half lemon and quarter teaspoon sea salt in 6 oz water). Potassium to balance Sodium be needed.
  • Fresh chlorophyll, 1 tablespoon in water three times a day to help your liver detox and to chelate out heavy metals. Fresh wheatgrass juice, fresh bluegreen algae, or at least our green Superfoods
  • Take magnesium baths at least 3 times a week – add half-cup of Magnesium Bath Crystals or at least 1 cup each of Epsom salts and Baking soda to your bath. Soak for at least 30 minutes to help detox. Take Himalayan Crystal Salt Bath once a month to further detox and balance.
  • Get plenty of trace minerals. Drink good water, energized water. Use good salt like our Himalayan Crystal Salt liberally on cooked meals or on raw veggies and salads.

Is depression your best-kept secret? Then you are not alone! Experiencing depression, insomnia, anxiety or fatigue is more common than you think. The good news is that every condition has a solution and improvement can be seen surprisingly quickly when the proper combination of corrective measures is instituted. Your mental state of being is very directly connected to your biological health. Simple changes in diet, for instance, have the ability to shift brain chemistry in such a way as to improve your outlook and capacity to deal with the stresses in your life. It is presumptuous of us to think that our attitudes and stress managing abilities remain separate from the biological impairments of our diet. If nothing else, improvements in our food choices along with specific supplement intake, will undoubtedly contribute to our sense of well-being.

Serotonin is a natural hormone that transmits nerve impulses. Simply put, when serotonin is functioning correctly in your brain, you have a positive sense of well being. When serotonin is not making the proper connection with brain cells, the result is depression, often accompanied by other health problems such as insomnia and migraine headaches. Omega-3s improve the brain cells’ ability to receive serotonin so it is no wonder research concludes that increasing the uptake of omega 3’s will favorably improve your depression.

The best source of omega-3 is fish, particularly dark meat fish such as tuna and swordfish. Because of the concerns about mercury in fresh water fish, Fish oil supplements are an excellent alternative, and will deliver far more omega-3 than your diet ever could. High levels of B vitamins have also been shown to relieve symptoms of depression. In addition to supplements, good dietary sources of vitamin B are: tuna, salmon, avocados, bananas, mangoes, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, poultry and meat. Just remember that stress is believed to deplete your body’s store of B vitamins which contributes directly to depression, insomnia, fatigue and headaches.

People who are depressed are often deficient in magnesium, as well, which is found in whole grains, nuts and leafy green vegetables. Herbal supplements like valerian root, chamomile, black cohosh, and rosemary may also help manage depression. St. John’s Wort is sometimes called “natural Prozac” for its apparent ability to help manage the proper functioning of seratonin in the brain. St. John’s Wort is used 3 to 1 over Prozac in Europe, because they value the properties of natural remedies more than North Americans.

One of the greatest mistakes people make is assuming depression is simply a mental, condition when, in fact, proper nutrition is as important to your mental health as it is to your digestion, skin and liver function. As an example of how mineral balance affects our emotional being, LOW ZINC can contribute to our indecision and even male impotency. High zinc can make us detached and sometimes be the martyr type. EXCESS IRON translates into aggression, irritability and a rigid attitude in life. Heavy metals such as LEAD can interfere with our absorption of iron and be a major contributor towards anemia and fatigue.

Are you stubborn and controlling with egotistical tendencies? CADMIUM has powerful aldosterone-like effect in the system, raising sodium levels and pushes digestion towards fast oxidation. Cadmium lowers copper, thus covering up fears. The presence of this heavy metal in the system pushes an individual towards exhibiting their masculine aspects but not necessarily in a pleasing manner! It is advisable to rule out hypothyroidism, as a low functioning thyroid is a huge contributor to depression. Relief from depression or anxiety and hypothyroidism can be as close as taking high doses of fish oils, eating foods that correspond to your blood type and exercising. These simple changes will most definitely benefit those battling the blues.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 6, 2018
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