October 6, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Citricidal: Grapefruit Seed Extract

Potent Antimicrobial: The Citricidal Story

Citricidal was originally developed by a German physicist and immunologist, Jacob Harish, as an antiparasitic. Dr. Harish was finally in the 1960’s able to convince researchers at the University of Florida at Gainesville to experiment with the use of grapefruit extract as an alternative to then-current chemicals for the protection of fruit and vegetables. They were quickly won over with GSE’s amazing ability to inhibit the growth of not only parasites, but fungi and bacteria as well. Tests conducted by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture in the early 1980’s confirmed that Citricidal, as it was then called, was effective in inhibiting viral strains in cattle and hogs, and was approved for the USDA’s Evian Influenza Eradication Program in 1984. Sadly, USDA’s promise to investigate further uses for Citricidal in these areas has never materialized.

Since the mid-1980’s, the production team at Citricidal worked closely with Dr. Harish, perfected the manufacturing process, opened new facilities, and pioneered the use of Citricidal beyond it’s original application. Citricidal is synthesized from the polyphenolic compounds found in grapefruit seed and pulp. Numerous reactions are involved, including distillation, catalytic conversion, and ammoniation. The active component of Citricidal is a quaternary ammonium chloride (a diphenol hydroxybenzene reacted with ammonium chloride) similar to benzethonium chloride when analyzed in accordance with USP XXII/NF XVII. (Benz. Chloride is a powerful germicidal agent, but is highly toxic to all animal life. See info on toxicity, below)

Residues of pesticides, fungicides and preservatives have always been a concern with regards to our product. The use of these compounds is common in the agricultural and botanical industries in the United States as well as abroad. In addition, the extraction processes involved in botanicals would not necessarily remove these compounds. Therefore, every batch of Citricidal is certified for the absence of such residues, as well as the absence of Triclosan, a common germicide and preservative. Independent labs have confirmed these results. (see United States Testing Company Report No. 405993, dated 9/8/95). The results show no trace of triclosan, while displaying very strong antimicrobial activity. Every batch of Citricidal is tested and certified free from chemical and heavy metal contamination. And in an attempt to further improve the product, a source of grapefruit seed and pulp from Certified Organically Grown grapefruits has been secured.

To further show the safety of Citricidal, an Acute Oral Toxicity Study was performed (see Northview Pacific Labs Report No. X5E015G, dated 7/6/95). Results showed that Citricidal is considered nontoxic by oral ingestion with an LD50 of over 5000 mg/kg of live body weight. This is the equivalent of a 200 lb. person drinking close to 1 lb. of pure Citricidal daily for two weeks, before risking a 50% risk of fatal poisoning. (There are close to 20,000 drops in one pound of Citricidal liquid. The recommended adult dose is 5-6 drops at a time.) According to the Association of Poison Control Centers, the AMA Physician Reporting System, and the Journal of Emergency Medicine, there have been no reports that Citricidal has ever harmed anyone. In fact, there are thousands of clinical and anecdotal reports that Citricidal has helped many, and enjoys a safety record going back more than 30 years.

Over the years, numerous and differing analytical tests have been performed to determine the active components of Citricidal. The test results have quite often varied, for the following reasons: a.) varying test procedures, b.) different chemicals used in the test procedures producing false positives, c.) different interpretations of test procedures resulting in false positives, and d.) the different background of the chemists involved, organic chemistry vs. inorganic chemistry being an issue. The similarity in molecular weight between Citricidal and both Benzelkonium Chloride and Benzelthonium Chloride has wrongly influenced some (including drug and chemical manufacturers) to assert that Citricidal has been “spiked” with these poisons. (They are both powerful industrial disinfectants, and are even found in some consumer goods in the U.S.) But once again, independent lab tests, and a 30-year track record of safe use as a human therapeutic speak loudly against such slander. More on quaternary compounds here.

Citricidal” is the trademark of our professional-strength product, available in both liquid and powder form. “Nutribiotic” is the trademark of our growing consumer line of products containing Citricidal in measured quantities, along with other, thoroughly tested ingredients, insuring the highest quality, potency, and safety. With so many products on the market making so many claims, a measure of skepticism about GSE is understandable. But consider that Citricidal and NutriBiotic extracts have been used in their present form for some 10 years, all over the world. Virtually all of our bulk-order customers have had the product tested in the laboratory before buying. Even without the advantages afforded the pharmaceutical establishment, Citricidal and NutriBiotic have gained wide acceptance. Production for 1998 exceeded 1.5 million pounds. As more uses are discovered, and more testing is done to confirm its safety and efficacy, it is certain that many more questions about agricultural, environmental, and human health will be answered with Citricidal Grapefruit Seed Extract.

Lab reports on grapefruit seed extract, technical data, common uses, feedback from doctors and consumers, FAQ’s, dosages, discussions, newsletter, and lots more. How specific common problems have been treated: candidiasis, parasites, sinusitis, athlete’s foot, colds & flu, ulcers, pets and livestock, crops and foodstuffs, applications as germicide, preservative, and preventive.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

Grapefruit seed extract is a multipurpose (broad spectrum) compound that is currently being used in humans and animals alike to safely fight many types of internal infections caused from parasites (single and multi-celled), viruses, bacteria and fungi etc. Grapefruit seed extracts biggest benefit is due to it’s multipurpose (broad spectrum) effect. It is effective even if the causes of the infections are known, unknown or misdiagnosed. By eliminating a wide range of dangerous pathogens grapefruit seed extract actually enhances the immune system!

Grapefruit seed extract is effective at very low concentrations. During 1989-90, an international research team (reported in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Volume 5, No. 3, USA, 1990) examined the effects of GSE and compared this with 30 effective antibiotics and 18 proven fungicides. GSE was found to perform as well as any and all of the tested agents. Grapefruit seed extract is nontoxic According to an independent laboratory testing “Acute Oral Toxicity”, it would take at least 4,000 times the normal dose of gse to produce a 50% chance of poisoning (called LD50). Because of it’s low toxicity for humans grapefruit seed extract is becoming the health alternative choice for those seeking a (broad spectrum) compound that does not have the harsh side effects of pharmaceutical chemicals.

Human Internal Uses

1. Allergies 18. Earaches 35. Parasites
2. Bad Breath 19. Ear Rinse 36. Phlegm /Mucus Removal
3. Benign Tumors/Wens 20. Flatulence (gas) 37. Plaque
4. Bladder Infection; Interstitial 21. Gastritis 38. Polyps
5. Bladder Infection; Bacterial 22. Gastrointestinal Disorder 39. Respiratory Infections
6. Candidiasis (Fungal Infection) 23. Giardia lamblia 40. Sinusitis/Nasal Rinse
7. Candidiasis (Yeast Vaginal) 24. Gingivitis 41. Sore Throat Gargle
8. Caries (Tooth Decay) 25. Gum Disorders 42. Strep Throat
9. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 26. Hoarseness 43. Swollen Glands
10. Chronic Inflammation 27. Hypoadrenalism 44. Thrush
11. Colds/Flu 28. Hypotension 45. Tonsillitis
12. Coughs 29. Laryngitis 46. Toothaches
13. Cysts 30. Lipomas 47. Tooth Extraction
14. Dental Rinse 31. Lung Infections 48. Toothbrush Cleaner
15. Diarrhea 32. Lymph Inflammation 49. Toxic Shock Syndrome
16. Dysentery 33. Mouthwash 50. Ulcerative Stomatitis
17. Duodenal Ulcers 34. Orally for Good Health  

Allergies: Food sensitivities and hay fever. Mix 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 1/2 cup water or juice 2-3 times daily with or without meals. Read more about allergies | Customer comments about allergies.

Mouthwash and Dental Rinse: For healthy gums, fresh breath and to eliminate harmful germs and bacteria. Stir 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 1 cup water. Vigorously swish a small amount of this dilution for 10 seconds or more 1-2 times daily. Also add grapefruit seed extract to the reserve of “waterpik” type devices. Only for adults and children over 6 years old. Customer comments about dental hygiene.

Bad Breath: Can be caused by bacteria inside the mouth, tooth decay or putrefaction in the lower digestive tract. Rinse the mouth and gargle with 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 1 cup water several times daily. If the cause is in the digestive tract then take grapefruit seed extract internally at 1 to 5 mixed in 1/2 cup water or juice 2-3 times daily. Grapefruit seed extract is an extremely effective and long lasting breath freshener. Read more! about bad breath halitosis.

Bladder Infection, Bacterial Cystitis and Incontinence: A frequent, urgent, burning and painful urination. As soon as you feel the symptoms take a few drops of grapefruit seed extract and 1 tsp Baking soda in 1 cup water. Drink 3 times daily. Read more about bladder infections & incontinence..

Bladder Infections, Interstitial Cystitis and Chronic Urethritis: Cloudy urine with foul odor. Pain goes away during urination, then immediately returns. Mix a few drops grapefruit seed extract in 1 cup water. Drink 3 times daily, for one month. Read more about chronic urethritis | bladder infections & interstitial cystitis.

Candida Yeast and Fungal Infection: Read more about candida diet. 1st week: (2) drops grapefruit seed extract in 6 ounces of water, diluted unsweetened fruit or vegetable juice, once daily. 2nd week: (4) drops grapefruit seed extract twice daily. 3rd week (6) drops grapefruit seed extract three times daily. Note: Doses can be increased or decreased as necessary.

Candidacies, Yeast Infections and Vaginal Rinse: Read more about candida diet. Mix (8) drops grapefruit seed extract in 1 cup water. Douche once daily for 1 week or as directed by your health care practitioner. Always dilute. For persistent cases use this recommendation together with the candida yeast and fungi infection recommendation (above) at the same time.

Caries, Tooth Decay: Caries is a demineralization process of the tooth enamel and the hard substance of the tooth, caused by the metabolic process of plaque bacteria. Use 1 drop grapefruit seed extract on moist toothbrush; Brush thoroughly 3 times daily. After brushing rinse mouth using (4) drops grapefruit seed extract in 1 cup water. Or add 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract to waterpik reservoir. For severe cases put (6) drops grapefruit seed extract in 1/4 cup water on a moist strip of cotton and place it on the gum for several minutes every day. Also See: Toothbrush cleaner below. Read more about bacteria and tooth decay.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epstein Barr Virus, Hypoadrenalism and Hypotension: Mix (12) drops grapefruit seed extract in 1 cup water. Drink 3 times daily. Read more about chronic fatigue syndrome, and epstien barr virus.

Chronic Inflammation: Indicates a weakening of the immune system. Mix (12) drops grapefruit seed extract in 1 cup water or juice 2-3 times daily or more if necessary.

Colds and Flu: Mix 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 1 cup water or juice 3 times daily at the first sign of a cold or flu. As an alternative, Mix 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract to a quart of fruit or vegetable juice and sip throughout the day. Read more about flu | Customer comments about colds.

Coughs, Hoarseness and Laryngitis: Mix 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 1 cup of lukewarm water. Gargle several times daily. Read more about hoarseness, laryngitis & coughs.

Cysts, Polyps, Benign Tumors, Lipomas and Wens: (To shrink) Mix 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 1 Tbls. of olive oil, almond, sesame, avocado or vegetable oil. Rub on 2 or 3 times daily, especially if the growth is increasing in size, If this mix is irritating to the skin add a little more oil, if necessary. Read more about cysts & polyps.

Diarrhea and Dysentery: Caused by contaminated food or water. Experts say a great many people in whom colitis or Crohn’s disease is diagnosed and the cause seems to be unknown are actually infected with shigella, amoebas, salmonella, fungi, giardia lamblia or other parasites. For which grapefruit seed extract is very effective. Mix 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 5 oz. of water or juice 1-2 times daily. As a preventative measure mix 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract per 5 oz. of water or juice and drink each day. Read more about diarrhea.

Ear Rinse and Earaches: Thoroughly mix 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract with 1 oz vegetable glycerin or alcohol. Apply 1 to 5 of mixture in affected ear as often as needed. Do not use full strength in ears.

Flatulence and Gas: Mix 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 1- cup water or juice 3 times daily, before or after meals. An appropriate probiotic is very helpful to replenish beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. Digestive enzymes taken before meals are often helpful. If symptoms persist consult a Physician. Read more about the causes of flatulence.

Gastritis, Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers: Helicobacter pylori is a bacteria that is now believed to be the cause of up to 90% of peptic and duodenal ulcers. When helicobacter is treated successfully, the sufferer usually finds permanent relief. Mix 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract to 1 cup water. Drink a half an hour before a meal on an empty stomach 2 to 3 times daily until the symptoms have disappeared. Read more about duodenal ulcers.

If your stomach is sensitive start off with grapefruit seed extract and increase as needed or take with or after meals. Note: Ulcers are very sensitive to acidic irritation, “extreme care” must be taken when using grapefruit seed extract. If irritation persist discontinue use. As ulcers can be a very serious condition. Consult a Physician.

Gastrointestinal Disorder: If the cause seems to be unknown you may actually be infected with shigella, amoebas, salmonella, fungi, giardia lamblia or other parasites from contaminated food or water, etc. Mix 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 1 cup water or juice 2 times daily. Read more about gastrointestinal disease.

Gingivitis and Gum Disorders: Caused by plaque bacteria that can cause gums to bleed. Use (?) grapefruit seed extract on moist toothbrush; Brush thoroughly 3 times daily. After brushing rinse mouth using 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 1 cup water. Or add 1 to 5 to waterpik reservoir. For severe cases use 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 1/4 cup water on a moist strip of cotton and place it on the gum for several minutes every day. Also See: Toothbrush cleaner below. Customer comments about dental hygiene.

Orally: For over all good health. Mix 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract mixed in 1/2 cup water or juice. 2-3 times daily, with or without meals.

Parasites: For internal use. Mix 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 1 cup water or juice. 2-3 times daily. If you have a sensitive stomach take after meals until stomach adjusts to the extract and then you can take it independent of meals. Doses can be increased or decreased as necessary. Read more about parasites.

Phlegm and Mucus Removal: Mix 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 1-cup water and gargle deep in the throat using very little water mixture at a time. Repeat several times and slowly drink the rest.

Plaque: A bacterial coating of the teeth that causes caries and periodontosis; a progressive gum disease. Put (?) grapefruit seed extract on moist toothbrush, brush extensively 3 times daily. Also put 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 1 cup water rinse mouth thoroughly. Also: Read more about gum diseases & plaque. Customer comments about dental hygiene.

Respiratory: People have successfully used grapefruit seed extract in a nebulizer to rid themselves of lung and bronchial infections. Symptoms disappeared in less than a day. Four of the five were children with chronic infections unaffected by antibiotics prescribed by their doctor. This method was first tried by a respiratory therapist. (1) drop grapefruit seed extract in one ounce saline water (for nebulizers). This solution could also be used in a vaporizer or boiling water. I cannot say if this would be effective against the sars virus but it may be worth a try? Customer comments about lung infections.

Sinusitis and Nasal Rinse: Mix 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract with 3/4 cup water. With the head tilted back fill each nostril with an eyedropper full of mix. Drop head forward and down (head is upside down) to force solution up into nasal passages. Return head to normal position and allow nasal passages to drain. Do not inhale during this process. Always dilute. Also: Read more about sinusitis. Customer comments about sinusitus.

Sore Throat Gargle, Tonsillitis, Strep Throat, Swollen Glands (lymph Inflammation): Stir 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 3 oz or more of water and gargle several times or as often as needed. Always Dilute. Increase dose if necessary. Read more about strep throat & tonsillitis. Customer comments about strep throat.

Thrush: Is a fungal infection of the mouth region. Thrush appears as a whitish coating in the mouth and is caused by the yeast fungus; Candida Albicans. Thoroughly rinse the mouth about 3 times daily with 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 1 cup water. For babies See: Baby care Also See: Candida yeast and fungal infections for more info. Read more about thrush.

Toothaches: Mix 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 1-cup water. Gargle several times a day. In addition: Soak a cotton pad in a mix of 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract to 2-4 oz of water. This can be placed directly on the aching tooth. Read more about toothaches.

Tooth Extraction: To prevent infection and relieve pain. Use 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 1-cup water and gargle.

Toothbrush Cleaner: Mix 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 1-cup water. Submerge toothbrush for 10-15 minutes or leave in solution between uses. Rinse toothbrush before using. Change water and re-mix every few days. It is documented that up to 1 million bacteria can inhibit your toothbrush.

Toxic Shock Syndrome and Virulent Staph Infection: After tampon use, douche with a solution of 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 1-qt water. As a precautionary measure. Read more about toxic shock syndrome.

Ulcerative Stomatitis: A contagious disease that causes the tongue and throat to become red, swollen, ulcerative and very sore. May affect the lips, palate and insides of the cheeks and produce swollen gums that bleed easily. Put 1 to 5 grapefruit seed extract in 1-cup lukewarm water. Mix well and rinse out the mouth. Gargle several times a day. This will promote healthy gums and fresh breath. Precautions: Sterilize toothbrush (see toothbrush cleaner above) to keep from spreading.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 6, 2018
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