November 11, 2018 by
David Hall

Cellercising is Different from Rebounding

Don’t Exercise, Cellercise

Cellercise flexes ALL 75 TRILLION CELLS at the same time! Even better, it requires only 12 minutes a day!

Cellercise is Dave Hall’s unique name for exercise that applies weight and movement to every cell causing the entire body, it’s parts and functions to become stronger, more flexible and healthier. Cellercise works because all body parts and functions are made up of cells. Cellercise is a weight bearing exercise without the jarring and damage of most impact aerobic activities. Cellercise uses vertical movement like weight lifting, push-ups, pulls-ups or sit-ups in a repetitive up and down motion. However, these conventional forms of exercise target and isolate specific muscles or muscle groups. It’s very time consuming and often tears down the body to build it up.

When weight or stress is applied to a muscle, it applies weight or pressure against the cell membrane. Cells increase the amount of protein in their membrane to avoid rupture. As we Cellercise the cells get bigger and stronger. The movement creates momentum. Acceleration and deceleration create pressure changes within the body and an increased amount of weight against the cell membrane. At the bottom of the bounce, every cell in the body is stimulated, exercised and strengthened. Cellercise exercises more than just muscles. Every cell is exercised, including internal organs, veins, capillaries, bones, connective tissue and skin. They are toned, cleansed and strengthened. The Cellerciser is not a typical rebounder or mini-trampoline. The Cellerciser offers the new “”Triple-Tiered Tapered Spring”” (patent pending), not the typical tube spring which can lead to nerve damage and lower back problems. There are lots of rebounders….there’s only one Cellerciser. Feel the difference.

As Seen In The Townsend Letter For Doctors

Dr. Morton Walker has long been an advocate of the benefits achieved from Cellercise. He has been our customer and friend for many years. He states the following:

  1. It increases the capacity for respiration
  2. It circulates more oxygen to the tissues
  3. It establishes a better equilibrium between the oxygen required by the tissues and the oxygen made available.
  4. It causes muscles to perform work in moving fluids through the body to lighten the heart’s load.
  5. It tends to reduce the height to which the arterial pressures rise during exertion.
  6. It lessens the time during which blood pressure remains below normal after severe activity.
  7. It holds off the incidence of cardiovascular disease.
  8. It increases the functional activity of the red bone marrow in the production of red blood cells.
  9. It aids lymphatic circulation, as well as the flow in the veins of the circulatory system.
  10. It encourages collateral circulation.
  11. It strengthens the heart and any other muscle being used in the body so that they work more efficiently.
  12. It allows the resting heart to beat less often.
  13. It lowers elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  14. It stimulates the metabolism.
  15. It promotes body growth and repair.
  16. It tones up the glandular system, especially the thyroid to increase its output.
  17. It adds to the alkaline reserve of the body which may be of significance in an emergency requiring prolonged effort.
  18. It chemically attains absolute potential of the cells.
  19. It reserves bodily strength and physical efficiency.
  20. It expands the body’s capacity for fuel storage and endurance.
  21. It improves coordination through the transmission of nerve impulses and responsiveness of the muscle fibers.
  22. It affords muscular vigor from increased muscle fiber tone.
  23. It offers relief from neck and back pains, headaches, and other pain caused by lack of exercise.
  24. It enhances digestion and elimination processes.
  25. It allows for better and easier relaxation and sleep.
  26. It results in a better mental performance, with keener learning processes.
  27. It curtails fatigue and menstrual discomfort for women.
  28. It minimizes the numbers of colds, allergies, digestive disturbances, and abdominal problems.
  29. It tends to slow down aging.
  30. It reduces the likelihood of obesity.

Development of Cellerciser Rebounders

Why is the Cellerciser not the cheapest and how is it different from other mini trampolines?

Rebounders that look like ours, at least at the first glance, that are priced around $100-$150.00 can fool you with their looks. Please check the details. The ‘typical’ rebounder uses either tube springs or simple tapered springs. If the steel in the tapered spring is too soft, then you do not get enough resistance in the forces generated by the spring. If the spring is too stiff then you don’t get enough movement and could hurt yourself. Bungy cords also have this resistance problem, and they solve it by offering narrow strength ranges.

Bouncing on a mini-trampoline became a huge trend in the 1970s. Like most trends it was exploited. Products with weak springs and poor mats flooded the market. These cheap rebounders were little better than jumping up and down on the floor. In the Townsend Letter for Doctors, Dr. Morton Walker warned that, there is no yield to them [the typical rebounder] and the abrupt jarring effect is the same as landing on the floor. He went on to warn against using these products which can lead to nerve damage and lower back problems.

Dave Hall writes:

“In 1990, I felt like a horse put out to pasture. My shoulders were rounded, my posture poor. A weak back put me down for days at a time, my knees and shoulders constantly ached, and the circulation in my legs was so feeble that a doctor suggested I wear stockings. Digestion and elimination were a struggle and I wasn’t sleeping well. Sometimes when we ignore God’s subtle clues, he hits us across the head with a 2×4. In 1991, my awakening came in the form of a pesticide poisoning. The right side of my lymphatic system collapsed. My glands swelled and large lesions erupted on my shoulders, neck, and back. My liver was a mess, my kidneys hurt, I was only 34 years old. I consulted with a friend of mine who told me to go jump. Thanks a lot, I replied in a sarcastic tone. NO not off a building, he laughed, on this. He pulled out a mini-trampoline. It was a simple and effective solution.

With the encouragement of my friend, I bought a mini-trampoline, or rebounder, and started bouncing. At first by balance was poor. I’d bounce in rhythm with my child. She would hold on to her crib while I’d cling to a door jam. My balance quickly improved; so did my sinuses. In 3 weeks I had much more energy and after the first month I dropped a belt notch. Noticing my arms, my wife asked if I was lifting weights. I smiled, no weights, just bouncing. She started bouncing too, and our relationship and sex life improved dramatically! Within six months my double chin disappeared and my stomach went from flabby to flat, ripped, and rock-hard.

People wanted to know what I was doing. I enthusiastically told them to bounce. They started to experience their own results and it spread. Before I knew it, I was invited to speak in front of clubs and civic organizations. I was finding more joy teaching people to bounce than I ever did selling insurance. Within two years my knees were greatly improved. I became flexible and could touch my toes, though I never stretched. I could stand on one leg and tie a shoe without holding on to anything! My vision even improved. My physique became lean and defined.

Tragic Results from a ‘Typical’ rebounder
Because of my enthusiasm, my father bought a typical rebounder; the kind you can buy at sporting goods stores. Typical rebounders use cheap, often weak tube springs, a sagging mat, and a weak frame. Within one month on this typical rebounder, my father was permanently disabled, suffering nerve damage. Since I was younger and more resilient, my body could better tolerate the jarring effect. However I often found the rebounder would hurt my back. But now my father was seriously injured, he was crippled. I was dazed and angry. People were getting hurt and I felt I needed to warn them. The same year my Dad was injured, Dr. Morton Walker, in the Townsend Letter for Doctors, warned that the jarring effect at the bottom of each bounce can be dangerous. The same year I introduced a whole new concept in mini-trampolines.
I set out on a mission to enlighten people of the benefits of Cellercisers and the problems with typical rebounders. I became known as Mr. Rebounder. It sounds like a third-rate superhero, but that is what people started calling me. I became passionate about my mission.
Sincerely, David Hall

I was only Cellercising 10 minutes a day even in front of the TV or on the phone. No more health club fees or expensive equipment. For the first time in my life being healthy was easy. Then something happened that changed my life forever.

I searched for a mini-trampoline I could put my name behind. Over the years many individuals and companies tried to partner with me. I’d been on Good Morning America, CNN, and numerous radio and talk shows. I was Mr. Rebounder, and everybody wanted my endorsement. I turned down several lucrative infomercial opportunities because they were about money, not a quality product and program. Cellercise had transformed me, and I wanted people to know it could do the same for them, but I needed the right product. In 1993-94, I introduced a soft bounce rebounder to the public. The springs were tapered, and created a gentle, soft bounce. It was the best at the time, but I was still not satisfied and the company producing it for me still produced the typical style rebounder.

In 1998, after several years of research, experience, and development, I finally created a mini-trampoline that I felt comfortable putting my name on. I just had to figure out what to call it. In one of the more humorous marketing bungles of history, Chevrolet introduced the Nova in Mexico. In Spanish, ‘nova’ means doesn’t go, a questionable name for a car. I felt the same way about the name ‘rebounder’. Websters Dictionary defines rebound as a reaction to setback or frustration. Since typical rebounders are described in this manner, I did not feel like focusing on frustrations; especially since vertical movement afforded so many positive benefits.

In addition there were too many bad rebounders on the market and too many companies claiming that their inferior product was the best and frankly they weren’t. Cellercise does not focus on set backs, it focuses on promoting wellness. With healthier cells, problems fade away. Since my program exercises cells, it seemed appropriate to call it “Cellercise” and my equipment the Cellerciser Hence, Don’t Just Exercise, Cellercise!, became my message. I’m now in my 50’s, and the benefits of Cellercise continue to amaze me. In 1997, I learned that I have increased my height from 5’10 to 5’11. I actually got taller. It is all documented. I look and feel great. The belly is gone, replaced with a 6 Pack of rippled muscles. My posture is now erect, my digestion and elimination processes are smooth, easy, and efficient. My metabolism has increased.. yet I sit behind a desk all day long. I do no other form of exercise. I Cellercise 10 minutes a day that’s it, and I feel like a kid again.

I’ve been teaching my wellness program for nearly 15 years and just as in the 70s when the cheaper rebounders flooded the market, the rebound industry is now producing cheap rebounders that look similar to the Cellerciser. However, when the steel in the spring is cheap, you sink without the resistance necessary to build the body up. Some companies have actually made the legs on their rebounders longer to help their customers avoid hitting the ground.

We produce the very best mini-trampoline on the market. Put our unit next to anybody’s and we will guarantee you will see and feel the difference. We have tens of thousands of satisfied customers who are more family than customers. We have chosen not to sell the Cellerciser in stores like our competitors do. We sell through Doctors, health practitioners, word of mouth, and through our company directly. Our customers can call and talk with me or my staff. We consult with Doctors on the benefits of Cellercise. And I continue to share my program with groups all over the United States and different areas of the world. The bottom line, we don’t just want to sell you a great piece of equipment, we want you to get results. There are lots of rebounders, but there is only one Cellerciser.

Most mini-trampoline companies use the same spring for all types and weight of people. A typical barrel spring will be too hard for someone light and too soft for someone heavy. The Cellerciser is the only mini-trampoline on the market with the Triple-tiered Tapered Spring design (patent pending). By tapering AND tiering the spring, you can receive a superior bounce regardless of your weight or the height of your bounce. The Triple-tiered Tapered Spring actually adjusts to your weight and strength.

With the tapered and tiered spring, a 100 pound person will use most of the first tapered tiered section, part of the second tier of the spring and have a great bounce, a 200 pound person will utilize more of the second tier and part of the third tier and the 300 pound person will use more of the third tapered tier. That means you will have the best bounce available regardless of your weight or the height of your jump.

Our spring actually adjusts to your weight automatically. It spring is made of hi-carbon steel wire with an excellent annealing and temper treated finish. The annealing/temper treated finish is an important point. It is produced in the newest automated production machine shops. You’d be surprised to learn that these hi-carbon steel wires destroyed many of our moldings early on. In the end we were compelled to use the tungsten steel molding to overcome the problem. Better than stainless steel for performance, the hi-carbon steel wire is not readily available, so our minimum production quantity and longer lead time accounts for a little higher cost. The result is the best performance rebounder available that just does not break. We are so sure of it that we put a 5 year warranty on the springs, the frame, and the mat.

David Hall’s Triple-tiered Tapered Spring

David Hall’s Center for Cellular Health has been at the forefront of design and performance of mini-trampolines. David first introduced the barrel spring design in 1993. His new Triple-Tiered Tapered Spring is his latest design and it has proven to be more effective than any others. It’s special metal alloy and anodized finish makes it the best spring ever offered. Since entering the mini-trampoline industry in the early 90’s, David has since shared his program and work with Needak, and JB Burns, and many others who have followed David’s lead.

David is now making the new Professional Tri-fold Cellerciser (patented) available to the general public. It is fast becoming the standard for portable mini-trampolines. With its included carrying case and built-in dolly is the unit most preferred by those who travel, trainers, therapists, and people with storage space limitations. Composite frames have a history of cracking. A good rule of thumb is to look inside health clubs. Do they use steel frames or composite? Maybe there is a reason they stay with steel. Our built-in dolly allows you to carry ONE piece of equipment, not two.

What will the competition do and say about your new spring design? It doesn’t really matter. The only way to know the difference is to experience the equipment. Put Cellerciser next to any other mini-trampoline on the market and try them both. We guarantee that you will feel the difference. Competitors can claim their mini-trampoline is practically identical to the Cellerciser. THEY ARE NOT. Rebounders are a dime a dozen… there is only one Cellerciser.

The Cellerciser is not sold in stores.

Author: David Hall
David Hall November 11, 2018
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