Calcium Basics
Calcium is a vital mineral that helps regulate many of your body functions. A calcium deficiency is more rare than it is with other minerals.
We have all heard the slogan that milk does a body good. If that were true, would we not be healthier in than we are?
A problem for milk drinkers is that the ratio of calcium and magnesium is 8-1. Cow’s milk was intended for cows to have the perfect ratio for a calf, not a human.
In the mainstream, the answer for brittle bones is to simply take more calcium. We are bombarded with marketing that tells us to take more calcium and drink more milk. People go to the drug store and pick up a calcium carbonate supplement in the highest dose you can find because their doctor told them to.
If improving bone density was all about taking more calcium then we wouldn’t have the incredible amount of bone loss that we do. America has the highest rate of milk consumption and calcium supplementation yet we have the highest occurrence of bone density loss in the Western world.
The solution of “more calcium” is obviously not working. We are ending up with brittle bones anyways and deposits of calcium in our joints, arteries, kidneys and gallbladder.
Instead of taking more calcium we should take more Magnesium, Silica and vitamins D3&K and boron. Your sodium and potassium levels need to be balanced as well. Many of us get more than enough calcium, but don’t get the required nutrients for our bodies to utilize that calcium.
Calcium and Magnesium Balance
Calcium and magnesium should be taken together. Too much calcium will block magnesium absorption.
Calcium excites nerves while magnesium calms them down. Calcium makes muscles contract, while magnesium enables them to relax. Your body does this with every heartbeat and breath.
Calcification due to too much calcium will put deposits in:
- Joints – causing pain to move (also can cause bone spurs)
- Blood vessels – hardening your arteries
- Heart – heart disease
- Brain – senility
- And almost all the soft tissues in your body are subject to calcification, including your glands
To remove these from your tissues you must supplement with magnesium.
If the calcification is very bad, oral magnesium supplementation may not be enough. You may need to use transdermal magnesium to get your levels up high enough. You must also make sure you are properly hydrated to help speed the disposal of excess calcium.
Our energized water products are best for hydration. It can take 6 weeks to 6 months of doing this depending on how severe the calcification is.
Symptoms Of Calcium Deficiency
Many of these symptoms go hand in hand with magnesium deficiency.
- Muscle cramps and spasms
- Tooth decay
- Irritability
- Nervousness
- Sleep issues
- High blood pressure
- Loss of bone density
- Increased tendency to absorb lead and cadmium
If you have calcium deficiency, you would benefit from supplementing with more Vitamin D. Take a look at Vitamin D3 with K2 and Vitamin D3+K2 Spray.
What Depletes Your Calcium?
Antacids create lower stomach acid and this makes mineral absorption more difficult. Potentially leading to calcium and other mineral deficiencies.
Symptoms Associated With Excess Calcium
- Fatigue
- Kidney stones
- Gall stones
- Joint pain and inflammation
- Hardening of arteries
- Constipation
- Bone spurs
If you have kidney stones, they will tell you to stay away from vegetables that contain oxalates. Instead, you should supplement with magnesium, K2, D3, vitamin C and other trace minerals.
You may have too much calcium if you are experiencing these emotional symptoms:
- Feeling rigid
- Defensiveness
- Withdrawal
- Sluggish
- Numbed
- Fatigued
Different Types of Calcium
The forms of calcium that your body will absorb the best are:
- Ionic
- Chelated
Not all types of calcium are equal. Calcium carbonate is a popular form in many low quality supplements. It is cheap to produce, but your body doesn’t absorb it well at all. It can also cause constipation and it more likely to be deposited in the body than used.
Herbs and Foods
You can also find calcium in herbs and vegetables. There are just not enough nutrients in foods from commercial farmers. The minerals that used to be in our soils are depleted.
Wild harvested Horsetail, Nettle leaves and Oatstraw are some great herbs that contain organic, bioavailable calcium. Horsetail is also high in silica, which is vital for the formation of bones.
Restore your calcium and magnesium balance and feel relief from muscle and joint pain. Restore normal pH balance and promote better overall health.
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