October 6, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Bentonite Clay: Herbal First Aid

Priceless Gift from Mother Nature


One of the first items to include in an herbal “first aid kit” would be hydrated Bentonite. Bentonite is known for its highly absorptive properties and its ability to draw out and bind heavy metals, drugs and other toxins from the body. This clay has been used for thousands of years as both an internal and external purification aid. The Egyptians used it to preserve their famous mummies. The ancient Greeks and Romans used it to restore health. The great German Naturopaths of the last century hailed clay as one of nature’s great remedies.

Mahatma Ghandi advocated the use of clay for health and purification. Numerous so-called ‘primitive’ tribes have used clay for both internal and external purification. Today, Bentonite clay is increasingly used both internally and externally by those interested in natural remedies, and it is included on the FDA’s famous “GRASS” list, which stands for “Generally Recognized as Safe.”

With increasing public knowledge about minerals, some have expressed concern over the presence of small amounts of aluminum in bentonite clay. However, Dr. Anderson himself, and numerous others who have used Bentonite clay extensively with his cleanse program, have had hair analyses done which indicated that the body does not absorb aluminum from Bentonite.

Bentonite is one of the volcanic ashes. It is not a drug or chemical composition made in a laboratory. It is a product of Mother Earth. Bentonite, in ages past was blown into the sky by volcanic action, which sifted down to help impregnate the soil with its 25 to 35 trace minerals. Bentonite, under a high-power microscope, is seen as extremely minute rectangular particles, similar in shape to a business card. When hydrated, it generates and maintains a very strong electromagnetic field, which allows it to attract and hold unwanted, nonnutritive substances such as pesticides and other toxins so that they can be eliminated from the body.


Dr. Jensen, N.D., D.C., Ph.D., suggests using bentonite to absorb radiation from the bones. Since so many of us are subject to various forms of radiation, whether from X-rays or television or computers, this would be something to consider. This could be extremely important for those who have undergone radiation treatment for cancer. Some people take about a cup of extra thick liquid bentonite and put it into their bath water. Others have used a full quart and more. It is highly effective in drawing out toxins. But too much, or too long exposure, will dry out the skin.

Swelling and Pain in Gums and Teeth

Some bentonite users report relief from swelling, pain and aching in the gums and teeth. Since these symptoms are manifestations of toxins or infections in the tissue surrounding the teeth and gums, it is easily apparent that bentonite’s powerful absorbing qualities would provide relief for these areas. If you are suffering from pain or swelling in the teeth and gum area, it would be wise to take a psyllium shake several times a day to absorb any poisons being released from the infected mouth into the bowel.

Dr. Anderson, himself, has done this many times for a tooth infection and attained complete relief from the pain and aching. His tooth infections were caused by old root canals. When he finally had the root canals removed, the infections stopped forever. In this situation it would also help to pack powdered bentonite directly onto the swollen, painful areas to draw the irritating toxins out. A combination of powdered bentonite and plantain (another powerful absorber) can be used in a square of cheesecloth or muslin, which is then dampened and placed over the irritated area of the gums. This seems to work best if you do this before bed and sleep with it under your lips.

Skin Eruptions

Hydrated bentonite is invaluable for skin eruptions as well. Dr. Anderson once got an extremely severe case of poison oak, in every nook and cranny of his body, during a camping trip. When he got home, he put thick hydrated bentonite on every spot he saw or felt, and noticed immediate relief from the itchiness. However, the next morning after showering it all off, he saw that there were still some red spots, and the itchiness returned. Again, he applied hydrated bentonite, and again the itchiness left.

This time, when he showered it all off, it was completely gone! We also use his on yellow jacket bites. For some people, when bentonite is applied to the sting, it removes the pain within 10 seconds. Many have used a paste of hydrated bentonite as a facial mask for general skin enlivening and cleansing, as well as for specific skin eruptions. Whenever applied to a pimple or infected skin bump, the hydrated bentonite will simply draw out the toxic matter that is causing the eruption. This application should be repeated each night before retiring until the skin eruption has been completely eliminated.


In the MEDICAL ANNALS of the District of Columbia, Vol. 20, No. 6, June, 1961, under the title “The Value of Bentonite for Diarrhea,” are the results of the clinical work performed by a team of medical doctors using hydrated bentonite in the treatment of diarrhea. The diarrhea was the result of virus infections, food allergies, spastic colitis and food poisoning. The results of the scientific investigation indicated that liquid bentonite provided substantial relief in 97% of the cases. The percent of relief indicated by the symptoms were: abdominal cramps – 80%; anorexia – 78%; malaise – 80%; headaches – 71%; nausea – 85%; and weakness – 100%. The article concluded:

“By virtue of its physical action, bentonite serves as an absorbent aid in detoxification of the intestinal canal.”

Both US Government Bureau of Mines Booklet #609 and a late edition of the Dispensatory of the United States of America, an official compendium, give bentonite high praise:

“In addition to the growing number of external uses for bentonite, it has been reported to be of value as an intestinal evacuant when used in the form of a gel.”

Depression Treatment

Clay appears to be incredibly helpful to a whole host of mental and physical illnesses, especially bipolar disorder, depression, and alcoholism, those that I am most familiar. Clay may also apply to the treatment of autism, schizophrenia, fibromyalgia, and any other illness that has hidden food allergies and intestinal dysbiosis as causative factors.

My first miraculous experience with high dosage clay was in August 1999 when I poured eight ounces of Sonne’s liquid bentonite into a large glass, mixed it with a three heaping tablespoons of psyllium husk and some water, and drank it as fast as I could (to avoid the psyllium from turning into a gel).

Doing the above on an empty stomach (which I ensured by the use of HCl hours prior), as well as taking an unusually large dose of probiotics about four hours after I drank the bentonite mixture referred to above seems to have resolved intestinal dysbiosis within me in a matter of a day or so. And I had no die off reaction from taking a high dose of probiotics (Primal Defense powder) whatsoever, despite being high yeast prior to this. Since this first experience with high dosage bentonite, I have learned that 8 oz. is a bit too much for me, as it is a bit too constipating. I normally use between 4 oz and 6 oz of Sonne’s #7 detoxicant (mixed with psyllium and spring or distilled water) to purge my gut of a whole host of problematic issues, to include yeasts, molds, fungi, “bad bacteria”, allergic food residue, excess mucous, etc. I admit to all that 4 to 6 oz. of bentonite is way beyond the norm dosage-wise… but I have found that one or two tablespoons of bentonite is just not nearly enough for me.

I have taken high dosage bentonite this many dozens of times since 1999 in an attempt to validate and refine an anti-depressive treatment protocol that I have been working on ever since I stumbled on to bentonite. This treatment protocol uses glutamine, high dosage broad based amino acids, a wide range of other nutrients, and probiotics in roughly timed stages after the bentonite purge. Out of these measures, even if one foregoes the use of amino acids, etc., one should, if not MUST, initiate an aggressive probiotics regime within a matter of hours after high dosage bentonite, as it removes the good bacteria from your GI tract and colon as well as removing all of the bad stuff. My results with all of the above have been no less than amazing…

Within a matter of three or four days, by heavily eating foods that I know I am allergic to, and by aggravating dysbiosis issues with sugar, I can create a state of severe depression with suicidal ideation attached in myself at will. And within less than a single day by using high dosage bentonite, high dosage broad based amino acids, probiotics, etc. I can fully correct this state of severe depression and feel just fine.

I have made many attempts to connect with medical research and/or any other party that can help me move the above discoveries forward, thus far to no avail. No one wants to touch the correction of severe depression within a matter of a day or two by the use of bentonite, amino acids, etc. Regardless, I am almost certain as a result of doing the above that clay of some sort taken internally is going to be part of a standard treatment protocol someday. It is only a matter of time. Clay appears to be incredibly helpful to a whole host of mental and physical illnesses, especially bipolar disorder, depression, and alcoholism, those that I am most familiar. Clay may also apply to the treatment of autism, schizophrenia, fibromyalgia, and any other illness that has hidden food allergies and intestinal dysbiosis as causative factors.

About Aluminum

Some people are concerned about the aluminum in bentonite. Yes, it does have aluminum. For aluminum is one of the most abundant minerals on the earth. However, if you recall the above paragraph where it states that bentonite has a negative electrical charge, you will realize that bentonite cannot be absorbed by the body. The epithelial cells of the gut are also negatively charged. Like the polar opposites of two magnets repelling one another, the cells of our bowels absolutely repel the bentonite from entering the inner sanctum of our bodies. This means that you never need to be concerned about taking psyllium shakes. Dr. Anderson has probably set the world’s record in the consuming of bentonite. Not only has he no signs of aluminum poisoning, but also hair analysis has never indicated any abnormal levels of aluminum in his body. And does he still use bentonite? Absolutely.

About Bentonite

Since bentonite has such strong absorptive powers, some may be concerned about whether it might absorb necessary nutrients from the alimentary canal as well. Independent experiments designed to find out how much this absorption would adversely affect the growth and health of animals indicated no ill effects when the intake of bentonite was 25% of the total diet, but did adversely affect the health of the animals when the intake of bentonite was increased to 50% of the total diet. (Annals of the NY Academy of Science, Vol. 57, pg. 678, May 10, 1954.) Even 25% of the total diet is a lot of bentonite!

It is important, however, not to take any nutritional supplement at the same time as the bentonite. Especially when used with psyllium, the bentonite will absorb anything of nutritional value such as herbs, friendly bacteria, and vitamins, as well as toxins, bad bacteria and parasites. Be sure to wait 1 hour after doing a bentonite shake before taking anything nutritional.

Scientific research has shown that bentonite’s absorptive action is due to five characteristics. First, it has a large and varied mineral content. Second, it has a negative electrical attraction for positively-charged particles. Third, its particles (being shaped like calling cards), have the wide surfaces negative-polarized and the edges positive-polarized, which give it an incredible negative pulling power. Fourth, the very minuteness of the particles of bentonite gives a large surface area in proportion to the volume used, thus enabling it to pick up many times its own weight in positively-charged particles. Fifth, to obtain maximum effectiveness in the human body, it must be put in a liquid colloidal-gel state.

Though bentonite has been used internally by the American Indians for hundreds of years to help detoxify the bowels, Dr. Anderson recommends that when using it internally, we always use it with psyllium, as a psyllium shake. The reason for this is that some people fear that bentonite could get stuck in the gut. We do not know for certain if this has ever occurred with anyone, but just to be safe, use it with psyllium. Dr. Anderson suggests this because psyllium is known to help prevent undesirable inorganic minerals from entering the system. Dr. Anderson also explains that he has consumed as much as 1/4 cup of Hydrated Bentonite right out of the bottle many times. Why would he do this? Because he had eaten something that was contaminated. The bentonite eliminated the problem immediately.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 6, 2018
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