November 11, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Benefits of Rebounding

Mini Trampoline Jumping Benefits

Easy Exercise (and necessary!) for People in Pain…

Are you unable to exercise, but NEED its benefits?

A medical doctor once said to me:
“If exercise were a drug, it would be the most prescribed one” and it’s true!

Literally every health condition will benefit from exercise.

Yet so many people don’t exercise, or just can’t because it hurts.

We truly understand that terrible circle: 
Your pain makes you rest, so you don’t exercise and get weaker, heavier and more tired. You continue to feel worse and worse.

You’re not alone. I suspect this awful circle is the most common reason people stay unwell, and fall deeper into the pit of degenerative diseases.

If this is you or someone you care about, you have my complete sympathy and I would love to help you get off this path.

If you’re not able to exercise, we have the perfect answer for you to regain your strength, health and vitality.

If you can stand up, then you can get fit!

Rebounders and Fitness Trampolines

They can work for you!

No matter what shape you’re in (well almost), you can use a mini-trampoline or rebounder in your own home… it’s easy!

You can bounce while watching TV or talking on the phone.

Bouncing on a mini-trampoline is possibly the most effective exercise because with each and every bounce, your lymphatic fluids move.

Rebounding is a unique exercise that affects every muscle and cell in your body. It’s a safe, gentle low-impact workout that adjusts to your fitness level.

Easy on your joints and back…
wherever you want and at your convenience.

  • Builds muscle and bone mass
  • Improves balance and coordination
  • Increases flexibility and range of motion
  • Lowers your stress (and cortisol)
  • Burns fat by increasing your metabolism
  • Reduces back and muscle aches
  • Promotes lymphatic drainage
  • Increases blood circulation, cellular oxygenation and nutrient delivery
  • Slows the degenerative, aging process.

This technology stimulates your muscles to work.

Get on a Mini Trampoline, and EVERY ONE of your muscles responds!

Talk about a great – painless – workout!

Especially great for those who are sedentary because of pain.

Rebounding: A Better Way to Exercise

Total Fitness in just 10 minutes a day!

You will lose weight and tighten up from head to toe with stronger core strength and more youthful energy.

Relieve stress and rejuvenate your cells.
Lymphatic circulation restores your energy.

Rebounding is a unique exercise that affects every muscle and cell in your body. A safe, gentle low-impact workout that adjusts to your fitness level.

Easy on your joints and back – at home, any time you’re ready.

Rebounding on a mini-trampoline is fun and easy. 
You can bounce while watching TV, or while talking on the phone.
Possibly the most effective exercise because You Will Love it.

The mini-trampoline subjects your WHOLE, ENTIRE BODY to gravitational pulls, ranging from zero at the top of each bounce to 1.5 or even 2 times the force of gravity at the bottom, depending on how high you bounce. Unlike jogging (outdoors, competing with cars for air & road space) or stationary bikes (moving just your legs), or treadmills that will stress your joints, rebounding has a positive effect on every joint and cell in your body equally.

Exercise and Your Immune System

For every day of hard training, your muscles have 2 to 3 days of immune suppression following. No kidding!

So… no more training every day of the week!
If you have too many workout days together – as we manic compulsive baby boomers tend to do – then over time, your immune system becomes completely trashed.

There are numerous cases of marathoners coming down with reoccurring infections because they don’t have anything in their bodies to fight bugs for them.

We ALL need the benefits of exercise.

Gentle jumping is easy exercise, but you can make it challenging, too. The degree of difficulty is entirely up to you… from easy to strenuous and everything in between. This is the fastest way to build muscle resistance, bone strength, and better circulation.

Rebounders – Cellerciser vs. JumpSport video from Life Enthusiast

The health benefits are multifold, the effect spreading through your whole body.

Enhance your general well being and quality of life!

~ regardless of age, medical, neurological or physical condition.

A Friendly Warning…

If you continue to NOT exercise, to be sedentary – even if the reason is pain that is understandably keeping you in bed – your risk of getting worse and worse is more than a risk – it’s a guarantee.

Without movement, your body will stagnate, and disease will fester until your health decays to the point of no return.

Our bodies are meant to move and when we don’t, toxins accumulate, and cause serious degenerative diseases.

Get Moving and Break the Chains of Pain

Bouncing on a mini-trampoline is possibly the most effective exercise because of the effect rebounding has on the lymph in your body.

The mini-trampoline subjects the WHOLE body to gravitational pulls ranging from zero at the top of each bounce to 1.5 or even 2 times the force of gravity at the bottom, depending on how high you bounce.

Unlike jogging (outdoors, competing with cars for air and road space) or stationary bike (moving just your legs), or treadmill that will stress your ankles and knees, rebounding affects every joint and cell in the body equally.

Immune System Benefits from Rebounding

The rebounding motion stimulates all internal organs, moves the cerebrospinal fluid, and massages the intestines. Many immune cells such as T-lymphocytes and macrophages are self-propelled through amebic action. These cells contain molecules identical to those in muscle tissue. All cells in the body become stronger in response to the increased gravity pull during rebounding. Self-propelled immune cells (control of viral, fungal and cancerous invasions) become up to 5 times more active after rebounding. Bouncing on a mini-trampoline directly strengthens the immune system.

Mini-Trampoline Rebounding
For Seniors and Extreme Sports Training Too

While jumping on a mini trampoline, every muscle in your body works – every tissue, organ, bone and cell too – as it reacts to the forces of acceleration, deceleration and weightlessness. You become more aware how your body works in three-dimensional space, improving spatial awareness with every jump.

  1. You can slip and regain balance, instead of falling down.
  2. Or you can amp-up your athletic performance.

Rebounding stimulates your proprioceptors – the sensory receptors in muscles, tendons, joints and inner ear, that detect motion and positioning of your body or a limb, in response to stimuli. Developing your proprioceptive system is key to improving your athletic ability, as it controls your reaction time to changing conditions.

Trampoline exercise improves your reaction time and balance like no other method of training.

Rebounding for Mental AND Physical Conditioning

  • Physical conditioning shows as stronger muscles and bones.
  • Mental conditioning shows as improved response time, and accurate compensation (staying balanced – not falling down).

This combination of mental and physical conditioning forces your body to understand its position in space, enabling you to remain balanced and responsive, no matter what changes occur in your terrain – whether it’s skiing down a mountain, or simply walking into old age.

AND… the stronger you are, the more fat you burn – even at rest!

No other gym apparatus can do so much!

Strengthen Your Arms, Core and Legs

Your mini trampoline has an exercise to work every part of you. Rebounding is one of the best forms of activity – high energy, low-impact exercise that relieves stress and helps you lose pounds.

Arm Exercises

Firm-up the flappy part.
Part of a total body workout is concentrating on other key muscles groups like your upper body and core abdominal muscles.

Core Exercises

Fight the belly bulge.
People’s abdomens are usually a problem area and abdominal crunching is one of the best ways to target this muscle group. However uncomfortable crunches may be on a mat, a fitness trampoline relieves pressure on your lower back, making all core exercises more enjoyable. That means you will do more of them.

Leg and Glutes Exercises

Firm your booty.
Your butt and legs have the biggest muscles on your body and when weak, they can weigh you down. Rebounding will strengthen every muscle (organ, tissue and bone too), increasing your metabolism to lose weight, improve coordination and balance, lower your cholesterol and have more energy.

Why Care About Balance?

Balance exercises can have an immediate impact on the health and well being of the actively aging. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2013:

  • There were 2.5 million emergency room visits for nonfatal falls in the 65 and over age bracket.
  • Over 700,000 of these visits resulted in hospitalization.
  • The direct cost of these falls was estimated to be $34 billion.
  • 20-30% of these falls will result in moderate injuries that keep the active aging from being mobile and inhibit physical fitness.

These statistics show the importance of maintaining and increasing your balance and strength.

Rebounding to Train Year Round

Wouldn’t it be great to start your season and not feel rusty? You don’t have to be out of shape when your sport’s new season begins. When the weather keeps you inside, or your sport is out of season, rebounding will keep you fit.

More rebounding during the off-season means your athletic performance will be exhilarating instead of frustrating.

Get the tremendous advantages of physical fitness all year long. Rebounding workouts increase your strength, stamina, tune-up your coordination, balance, and spatial awareness – all are important for better athletic performance, and healthy aging.

Basic Balance Exercises for Seniors

  1. Stand up straight with your feet a few inches apart. Put your arms over your head palms touching.
  2. Lift one foot up a few inches, balancing on your other leg and hold for as long as you can. Five seconds is a good start – aim for 30 seconds.
  3. Lower your foot to the starting position.
  4. Repeat with the other leg and this completes one repetition.
  5. If you can, repeat once or twice more.
  6. When you’re ready, challenge yourself and try this exercise on a mini trampoline.

Trampolines for Extreme Sports Training

The Pros Do It!

If professional athletes do it, you can be assured it’s going to increase athletic performance, and trampolines can provide this advantage for you too.

Trampolines are used at the world-renowned extreme sports training facility Camp Woodward, to enable athletes to repeat actions (like twisting somersaults) in a controlled and safe way, eliminating the threat of injury. This has a very positive effect on their creativity and confidence too.

Trampolines allow the skier, snow, skate, wake or kite boarder to recreate airborne weightlessness, and learn new tricks faster and safely.

The world’s best athletes are acutely aware of their bodies, and very much in tune with how their bodies work and react to the world around them. That’s why trampolines are used by professional athletes, coaches, college athletic departments, and Olympic development programs, for nearly every sport.

Just like these extreme athletes, you can build your strength, stamina and confidence too.

Rebounding and Skiing

Begin training early, or just stay conditioned for the slopes in the off-season.

The vertical compression and decompression of rebounding mimics the motion of skiing, by flexing your hamstrings and contracting your quadriceps, as you bend into your tuck position.

Just like the ever-changing mountain slopes, rebounding muscle movements are random because no two trampoline jumps are the same, specifically helping to develop your spatial awareness. Your body automatically adjusts to maintain balance through the acceleration, deceleration and weightlessness every time you bounce – and all your cells work to respond, practicing for quicker reaction time for each impact.

Rebounding to improve the condition of middle-aged skiers can be especially helpful to keep up with teenagers. You’ll have a lot less muscle fatigue and soreness, and a lot more fun.

Rebounding to Cross Train

Training for every sport focuses on strengthening and refining the athlete’s balance, rhythm, coordination and spatial awareness. Trampoline exercise is one of the few methods that can develop all of these fundamental abilities simultaneously, making it one of the most efficient and valuable methods of developing athletic skill.

Rebounding can benefit athletes – and the not so athletic people – of all ages and abilities.

Cross-training with mini trampolines will turn good athletes into great athletes!

If you want higher athletic performance, or you just want to feel more balanced when walking, make sure that rebounding is part of your life.

Mini-Trampoline Exercise For Detox

Your lymphatic system is one of the most under-appreciated systems of your body. Think of an aquarium, and fish within it. The fish eat their food from the water they are swimming in, but they also poop in it. If it were not for effective oxygenation (an air pump, plants) and some bottom feeders that help keep it clean, soon the aquarium would become stale, and the fish would die.

The lymph carries nutrients in and toxins out of every cell. Unlike your blood which is pumped by your heart, the lymph is totally dependent on physical exercise to move. Without adequate movement, the cells are left rotting in their own waste and starving for nutrients. This mix of toxicity and malnutrition is the biggest contributor to degenerative diseases and aging. Just 10 minutes of rebounding a day is enough to keep your lymphatic fluids moving.

The lymphatic fluid moves through channels called “vessels” that are filled with one way valves, so the lymph always moves in the same direction. The main lymph vessels run up your legs, arms and torso. That is why the vertical up and down movement of rebounding is so effective at moving the lymph. Restrictive clothing prevents the flow of both blood and lymph. Tight jeans that block your groin, or a bra that prevents natural movement of the breasts during walking and exercise stops the lymph from moving through the breast tissue. A study by Singer and Grismaijer, 1995.

Hours in a Bra Per Day Chance of Breast Cancer
24 75.00% (3 out of 4)
>12 (but not while sleeping) 14.28% (1 out of 7)
<12 00.66% (1 out of 152)
0 (or rarely) 0.60% (1 out of 168)

Even the gentle “health bounce” when feet remain in constant contact with the mat while your body moves up and down is sufficient to move your lymph and massage your organs. Start with 5 minutes of rebounding and increase to 15 as your fitness improves. Start gradually so that your connective tissue that is holding your internal organs in place has the time to strengthen to prevent prolapsed organs – the only contraindication to rebounding reported in the medical literature. People who rebound three times a day for 10 minutes each time are able to work longer, sleep better, and feel relaxed.

Detoxification Effect of Rebounding

Arterial blood enters the capillaries in order to supply the cells with fresh fluid containing food and oxygen. The bouncing motion moves and cycles the lymph so that it picks up nutrients and drops off toxins effectively. The lymphatic system is the sewer and water system of your body. It transports toxins, dead cells, nitrogenous wastes, fat, infectious viruses, heavy metals, and other trash cast off by the cells. The movement of rebounding enables the system to drains away these poisons.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff November 11, 2018
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