Assimilation and Elimination
Assimilation and elimination are the two key stones that make us tick. Edgar Cayce said that if we could control these aspects of the human form, we could extend life to whatever we chose, that’s how important these two principles are.
Assimilation is defined as the measure of the ability of any body to utilize foods we eat. Some people think that having massive doses of food will give them all they need. They could not be more wrong: it is all right shoving nutrition in but it is quite another thing if the body can absorb it and use it in that form. Typical assimilation rates might vary from 20% to 80% and nutrition supplied in some forms will not be absorbed at all. That means out of every 454 grams of food you might only absorb 20-80% of that. What happens to the food after you swallow it depends to a large degree on the other three principles of your body, namely circulation, relaxation and elimination.
Circulation is crucial if assimilation is to be maintained at high levels. Circulation is helped greatly by some important factors; exercise, especially cardiovascular. Apparently something like 50 or so times as many blood vessels open up when exercising than just sitting. We have about 60,000 miles of vessels, mostly capillary type, so you can imagine the effect of increased blood flow. Massage, hydrotherapy treatments and osteopathic adjustments help because the blood stream carries the rebuilding forces to the body in these channels. They need to be clear and stimulated so that the blood will flow to feed the cells and tissues.
Every activity your body does produces waste. We get rid of that waste through the skin, the lungs, the kidneys and the intestines. Major problems start to occur when any of these important channels are stopped from doing their job. We start to accumulate waste, bacteria start growing at alarming rates which leads to all sorts of problems as we become toxic. Imagine not cleaning up the kitchen very often -leaving waste- what would happen, your kitchen would become literally alive with all sorts of creepy bacteria. The same with your body. The fact that poor elimination is the most cited cause of disease within the Edgar Cayce research papers totaling over 14,000 gives you some idea just how important this aspect really is. It gives you an idea of the importance of getting rid of toxins, rid of waste from our bodies.
Some of the diseases which elimination problems either cause or play a big and major part include: Arthritis, Acne, Anemia, Apoplexy-stroke, Appendicitis, Asthenia, Asthma, Atrophy, Balding-poor circulation, Bladder stricture, Blepharitis, Some cases of blindness, Boils, Brain tumors -poor circulation, Bronchitis, Bursitis, Cancers and tumors, Skin cancer, Canker sores and herpes simplex, Cataracts, Cirrhosis, Colds, Colic-poor assimilation, Colitis, Colon impaction, Complexion problems, Cystitis, Cysts, Some cases of deafness, Dermatitis, Eczema, Edema, Enteritis, Feet swelling, Gall bladder-gall stones, Halitosis-bad breath, Headaches general, Hemorrhoids, Hepatitis, Hernia, Herpes zoster, Unwanted hair, Indigestion, Insomnia, Iritis, Kidney problems, Laryngitis, Leukemia, Lumbago, Lupus, Lymphangitis, Malaria, Measles, Menopause problems, Migraine.
Some cases of myopia, Polyps, Nephritis, Neuritis, Oophoritis, Phlebitis, Pneumonia problems, Poison ivy, Prostatitis, Pruritus, Psoriasis, Purpura, Pyorrhea, Rheumatic fever, Sarcoma, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Scolliosis -eliminations were a cause and an effect, Seborrhea, Skin ulcers, Female and male sterility, Streptococcus infection, Tic douloureux, Tonsillitis, Torticollis, Ulcers, Vaginitis, Varicose veins, Vertigo-some cases, Xeroderma. So if you are suffering from any of these complaints it is highly likely that you could be helped by increasing your body’s ability to rid itself of toxins and wastes. It is as simple as that. Phenomenal results have been obtained from increasing your eliminations. Peoples lives have literally been turned around. To boost those all important eliminations we occasionally need to have an internal bath too. These are called enemas and colonics, Cayce even said one should have a colonic every few months to stay in tip top shape. I think it was John Wayne who died carrying over 40lbs of dead fecal matter inside his insides.
Benefits of Elimination
A Boosted immune system, Improved functioning of the digestive system, Increased hydration means improved concentration, Increased energy levels, Improved sense of well being, Restful sleep. The benefits of detoxifying your body are both short and long term. Immediately after detoxifying you might notice increased mental awareness, more energy, more comfortable digestion of foods, and better absorption of nutrients, as well as an overall feeling of better health. Long-term benefits can be a reduction of chronic illnesses. A gentle cleansing can benefit the body in many ways including improved health, mental clarity, restful sleep and recharged vitality. The emergence of your true inner beauty will become as clear as your skin, eyes and shining hair.
It is not possible to use an enema as such, in people who have a colostomy or ileostomy one of the most vital elements in our bodies. Most people are shocked to learn that the average person holds between 5 and 10 pounds of putrefied faecal matter and other foul material in the body. The bowel walls become encrusted with un-eliminated faecal matter, creating a “catch 22” situation. Not only does this toxic material hamper the absorption of vital nutrients through the intestinal wall and provide a breeding ground for unhealthy bacteria, but it also causes the blood capillaries lining the intestinal wall to begin absorbing these toxins into the bloodstream, consequently polluting all of our organs.
The UK is said to have the highest incidence of bowel cancer in the world with about 20,000 new cases per year. One in three people consulting their doctors have bowel problems, such as diverticulitis, Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, and Candida infections. A major part of these problems will be due to neglected inner hygiene. Infants are a perfect example. Ask any mother for proof – a baby will eat and immediately eliminate. Their new digestive systems have not had time to develop the malabsorption problems caused by improper diet, environmental toxins and stress. Faulty digestion and elimination develop in an individual through the years of improper lifestyle and dietary habits.
According to Dr Bernard Jensen, the famous American naturopath, after working with more than 350,000 patients over a 50-year span, not one of them was free from some form of bowel disorder. He concluded that all sick people have bowel problems and all sick people are tired and toxin laden. Try reading Dr. Jensen’s book, “Guide to Better Bowel Care: A Complete Program for Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management“. Medical autopsies have revealed that impacted waste and blockages to parts of the bowel that usually have a diameter of up to 20cm, have only a 1cm passage for the waste to pass through. It is not surprising that the incidence of bowel disease and bowel cancer is on the increase. Michael Gearin-Tosh is a fellow of St Catherine’s College in the University of Oxford.
He has famously achieved long-term survival with myeloma, an aggressive cancer with an average survival of one year. Living Proof is his remarkable story, diagnosed with cancer when he was fifty-four, Michael refused the immediate treatment consultants urged him to undergo and embarked on his own quest to overcome the illness. His quest led him to embarking in Gerson Therapy, of which coffee enemas are a daily and integral part of his treatment. Many years on he maintains a daily regime incorporating them, and has remained in remission against overwhelming odds. Michael Gearin-Tosh, the author of “Living Proof” says “As I prescribe in my book Living Proof, coffee enemas have played a crucial part in my survival. I recommend them strongly and, contrary to what you may think, they are not disagreeable. They are soothing and invigorating.”
Lymphatic Massage
Better lymph movement. Lymph is a milky white fluid that drains impurities and waste away from the tissue cells. A component of these wastes is toxins which are the byproducts of metabolism. So, it is a vital to our health. Muscular contraction has a pumping effect that moves lymph. Massage and exercise help to move lymph. Lymph massage technique developed by Danish medical doctor E. Vodder and his wife in 1932. Vodder, who also discovered and developed a new branch of medicine called Lymphology, created this method primarily to treat patients with swollen necks or limbs due to poor lymph flow. He applied a series of particular rhythmic, light strokes along the lymphatic vessels and surrounding tissues to help the flow of lymph toward the heart thus reduce swelling in the affected area.
Fasting is one of the best methods of getting rid of toxins, but this too requires similar supervision when it is undertaken for more than a day or two. Supplementation with nutrients, especially sodium- ascorbate. Regular emptying of the bowels is an all-important element in the treatment of toxicity. Diet changes may be needed to improve the function of the bowel. In addition massage movements to the abdomen and in particular to the colon will reduce constipation and in so doing speed up the elimination of toxins. Digestion is also improved with the massage and with this the metabolism of nutrients and antioxidants which are needed to naturalize the toxicity. Further assistance is provided by the transportation of lymphocytes and phagocytes which takes place with the enhanced blood circulation and lymph flow.
Improving Liver Function
A major function of the liver is to destroy worn-out blood cells, bacteria and toxic substances. It also removes drugs like penicillin, ampecillin, erythromycin and sulfonamides. The liver is said to be a semisolid organ which is encased by a fibrous capsule. As it is largely protected by the rib cage direct manipulation is limited to its lower borders. The organ is however influenced by external pressures such as those exerted by the diaphragm from above, an adjoining viscerus or indeed that of palpation. With the squeezing massage movement described here sufficient pressure is exerted through the tissues to influence its circulation. Massage can also assist the portal circulation to the liver through the hepatic portal vein. It also increases the oxygenated blood supply to the liver via the hepatic artery. Circulation is also enhanced along the lobes of the liver, the central and hepatic veins, and to the superior vena cava.
Secretion of bile is augmented to some extent by the advanced blood flow and by the mechanical pressure of the technique. In extreme cases of toxemia Cayce recommended a controlled fast or a three-day apple diet to clear the system and restore balance. That is for three days eat nothing but apples (jonathan, oregon reds and the like) and on the third day 2 teaspoons of olive oil. I have done it and many others reports indicate feelings of euphoria in many people. A great deal of elimination takes place through the lungs by means of deep breathing and Cayce placed great emphasis on this aspect recommending some of the breathing techniques as used in yoga. Of course exercise pays a very important role here driving out wastes into the lungs and speeding up circulation, helping digestion, helping elimination of wastes through the skin. Cayce used certain foods to help elimination such as leafy vegetables and in the mornings or evenings stewed figs, raisins, apricots or pears occasionally.
Just impeding the flow to the brain for a few minutes will cause permanent brain damage such is the importance of good circulation. The blood feeds our cells our tissues, the better the circulation the better we feel. For all the bodies rebuilding forces come through quicker with good circulation. Not only does the blood carry the so important chemicals, which feed our cells, but also the lymphatic system carries away our wastes. Exercise helps circulation in a big way as does massage hydrotherapy, osteopathy and other manipulative therapies.
The Cayce Detox
Recommended in hundreds of readings was the Cayce Detox, the elimination process was found to be poor in thousands of people and the subsequent build-up of toxins and poisons was found in hundreds of people. The Cayce Detox was to help rid the body of these wastes. As the lay person can easily appreciate the situation in your very own kitchen if you did not clean up after every meal, bacteria would have a great time multiplying and contaminating places everywhere. So many thousands of people have been helped greatly by helping the body get rid of waste the importance of this action cannot be overestimated.
Cayce prescribed the three-day apple diet where for three days you would eat nothing but apples of the sheep nosed type preferably organic types like Jonathan, Delicious, Oregon reds, Arkansas black and water. At the end of the third day a two spoons full of olive oil was taken. The success that people described having done this regime was uplifting, revitalizing, feeling great, an euphoric feeling, greater mental clarity and physically more energy. It is one of the most effective ways of preventing disease. In fact Cayce said that it would cleanse all toxic forces from any body. According to Harold Reilly’s book “The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapy“, he himself tried to detox three times a year.
Frequently prescribed by Cayce in hundreds of readings, massage has been used for thousands of years with extremely good effects, some of the benefits are increased circulation, increased elimination. It can provide relaxation or stimulation depending on how it is given it can help with emotionally affected people and children have developed better from its use it will help with depression and a hundred more complaints. It affects every part of the body -nerves organs, glands, circulation and muscular tone. Massage will help all people and Cayce advised having one from thirty minutes to an hour and a half-using cold pressed peanut and olive oil at least once a week. It can free up joints, relieve pain and soreness.
Cayce often said that the person giving the massage have some affinity with the patient. It can also build bridges of brotherly or sisterly love between people. Children with major behavioral problems have shown marked improvements in their behavior. Cayce said those who would take a peanut oil rub each week need never fear arthritis. Other means of increasing elimination’s are utilizing osteopathic adjustments but you will need a specialist to do this in the main but this is one of the best methods apparently. Many times Cayce said that adjustments were necessary as the ganglia feeding organs had somehow become impeded and needed to be adjusted, this caused pain and slowing circulation.
Hydrotherapy is another method used to aid eliminations through the skin and takes the form as a sweat bath with certain chemicals added to the vapor. Also, two must have books on the medical side which give the treatments, the causes and the philosophy of the healing of his work are The Encyclopedia of Healing by Reba Ann Karp ISBN 0-446-30981-8 This is a condensed version of the readings giving causes and cures and some feedback from people using the treatments. “The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapy” by Hugh Lynn Cayce and Harold Reilly.
The book describes Harold Reilly’s 43 years of experience of working with the readings, the results he got and the treatments he gave. Also as ever Spiritual healing has been shown to be of huge and extreme benefit in many illnesses, as millions have testified, this can also help those who are just about to pass to the other side of life. Further information on cancer and other ailments and therapies will be found at this web site. I do not sell anything here related – for the cynics amongst you, or you can e-mail me on for further information on other ailments dealt with by Cayce Research which I believe total over 350 from stuttering to Parkinson’s. Those who would like to go on our healing list free, just e-mail me. Do copy and share this information.