October 6, 2018 by

Acid-Alkaline Food Values

When your body gets its required nutrients, it can clean, repair and maintain itself. Find your specific Metabolic Type to determine what foods contribute to your health. And which foods take away your well being. Learn how to construct meals to build health instead of disease.

Metabolic Typing is THE tool you need for optimal health. Feeding your unique body type is the single most important principle that affects your maximum performance in all aspects of life.

Based on work by Dr. Theodore A. Baroody

Over acidity, which can become a dangerous condition that weakens all body systems, is very common today. It gives rise to an internal environment conducive to disease, as opposed to a pH-balanced environment which allows normal body function necessary for the body to resist disease. A healthy body maintains adequate alkaline reserves to meet emergency demands. When access acids must be neutralized our alkaline reserves are depleted leaving the body in a weakened condition.

Note: This work is based on limited understanding of how the pH control system actually work. If your dominance is Autonomic, this chart will work for you. If you are an oxidizer, this will be exactly backwards. We are quoting this here more for historic reasons than for useful information. If you want to manage your pH, you need to know your Metabolic Type.

Fruits – Alkaline

Apples Currant Limes Pineapple
Apricots Dates (dried) Mangos Pomegranate
Avocados Dates (fresh) Melons (all) Quince
Bananas Figs (dried) Nectarines Raisins (most)
Berries Figs (fresh) Olives: ripened Raspberries
Breadfruit Grapes Oranges Sour grapes
Cactus Grapefruit Papaya Strawberries
Cantaloupe Guavas Passion Fruit Tamarind
Carob Kiwis Peaches Tangerines
Cherries Kumquats Pears Umeboshi Plums
Citron Lemons Persimmons  

Fruits – Acid

Blueberries Cranberries Plums Prunes

Vegetables – Alkaline

Artichoke Cucumbers Mushrooms Salsify
Asparagus Daikon Mustard greens Sauerkraut
Bamboo Shoots Dandelion greens Okra Seaweed
Beets Eggplant Onions Spinach
Broccoli Endive Oyster plant Squash
Brussel Sprouts Escarole Parsley Swiss Chard
Cabbage ginger (fresh) Parsnips Taro
Carrots Horseradish Peppers Tomatoes
Cauliflower Kale Pickles Turnips
Celery Kelp Potatoes (with skin) Water chestnuts
Chard, Swiss Kohlrabi Pumpkin Watercress
Chicory Kudzu root Radishes  
Collards Leeks Rhubarb  
Corn, sweet Lettuce (except iceburg) Rutabaga  

Nuts – Alkaline

Almonds Chestnuts Coconut Pignolias

Nuts – Acid

Brazil Filberts Pecans
Cashews Macadamia Pistachios
Coconut (dried) Peanuts Walnuts

Seeds – Alkaline

Alfalfa (sprouted) Chia (sprouted) Radish (sprouted) Sesame (unsprouted)

Seeds – Acid

Pumpkin Sunflower Wheat germ

Meats – Acid

Bear Fish Pheasant
Beef Shellfish Pork
Chicken Goat Rabbit
Deer Lamb Turkey

Animal Products – Neutral or Acid

Butter Custards Lactobacillus Bifidus
Cheese Eggs Whey
Milk Goat’s Milk (best fresh, slightly alkaline) Yogurt
Cream Lactobacillus acidophilus  

Oils – Neutral or Alkaline

Almond Castor Corn Safflower Soy
Avocado Coconut Olive Sesame Sunflower

Sugars – Alkaline

Brown rice syrup Dried Sugar cane juice (Sucanat) Maguey
Barley malt sweetener Honey  

Sugars – Acid

Artificial Sweeteners Cane Fructose Milk Sugar
Barley Malt Syrup Honey Molasses
Beet Maple syrup Turbinado

Beverages – Alkaline

Fruit Juice & Vegetable Juices

Parsley Wheat Grass Carrot Celery Beet

Beverages – Acid

Liquor Coffee Carbonated drinks
Wine Coffee Substitutes Fruit juice soft drinks
Beer Caffeine drinks Tea

Condiments – Alkaline

Agar-agar Gelatin Mayonnaise (homemade) Spices Vinegar (apple cider vinegar)
Cayenne pepper Herbs Mineral bullion Tamari Yeast
Garlic Ketchup (homemade) Miso salt soy sauce Vanilla  

Condiments – Acid

Gelatin Mayonnaise (refined, sugar) Salt (refined, table) Spices: dried mustard, nutmeg
Ketchup (refined, sugar) Mustard Soy sauce (chemically processed) Vinegar, white processed
October 6, 2018
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