January 6, 2024 by
Harold J. Kristal, D.D.S.

The Confusion of Vegetarianism

Venous blood plasma pH ideally is 7.46. pH readings below that are considered fast oxidizers (according to Dr. George Watson), are considered acid biobalance profiles (according to Dr. Rudolf Wiley), and are considered parasympathetic dominant (according to Dr. Nicolas Gonzales). Likewise, anything above 7.46 are considered slow oxidizers, alkaline biobalance profiles, and sympathetic dominant.

Why did these three brilliant scientists go to great lengths to determine acid-alkalinity profiles in their patients. Very simply; they found psychological problems, low level wellness, and degenerative disease problems occurring when their acid-alkaline profile was not balanced. While the techniques of these three scientists vary, the basic ingredient for establishing homeostasis are similar.

It is well documented that certain foods, vitamins, and minerals are either acid or alkaline in the venous blood plasma. Generally, what foods cause the blood to become acid, causes the urine to become alkaline and vice versa.

Genetics, food, climate, and stress are the four main factors that cause acid-alkaline profiles. We have little control over our genetics; however, we have the ability to control our climatic preferences, our food intake and stress.

It should be noted here that cold weather acidifies the blood and hot weather alkalinizes the blood. Eskimos thrive on high fat and high protein diets which alkalinize the blood to compensate for the extremely cold weather environment that acidifies the blood. Likewise, the tropical people in the equatorial belt thrive on vegetation and some light fish, a diet which is acid producing in the blood to compensate for the extreme hot climatic conditions that alkalinize the blood. I believe that your personal biobalance profile has a lot to do with your ancestry and their climatic condition that they had to endure.

I already alluded to the fact that certain foods make your blood acid or alkaline. All animal protein and fats make the blood alkaline. Only food from the vegetative kingdom can acidify the blood. There are, however, certain food in the vegetative kingdom that contain high proteins and fats that do indeed cause the blood to become alkaline. Doctor Rudolf Wiley carefully analyzed most foods and has given us a value as to how acidifying and alkalizing most foods are. The acidifying foods manufacture an acetate known as oxaloacetate. The alkalinizing foods manufacture an acetate known as acetylcoenzyme acetate. There is an interlinkage between these two acetate groups. The enclosed diagram will help explain this. Please note that the glycolysis cycle breaks down glucose to pyruvates which form primarily oxaloacetates. Some pyruvates manufacture acetylcoenzymes, but very little. We depend primarily for the fats and proteins to manufacture the lion’s share of this particular acetate. The diagram is very simplistic in that it does not illustrate the many intermediary stages that vitamins, mineral, enzymes, etc. play in order for these two acetate groups to fulfill their destiny.

You will note that 20 percent of your energy comes from the glycolysis cycle and 80 percent of your energy comes from the citric acid cycle. I mentioned the interlinkage between the two acetate pathways. An example would be: let us say the oxaloacetates (acid segment) fulfills 100 percent of its pathway or yield, and the acetylcoenzyme acetate (alkaline segment) yields 50 percent. The total yield in energy would be 50 percent of the citric acid cycle. This means you lose 50 percent of the oxaloacetates that cannot be converted to Carbon Dioxide, water and energy. The same is true if you had complete fulfillment of the acetylcoenzyme acetate and just 50 percent of the oxaloacetate. Only 50 percent would be utilized in the citric acid cycle.

A venous blood plasma of 7.46 will allow maximum metabolism and utilization of nutrients, trace nutrients and enzymes. If you are too acid or alkaline, you simply will not be able to assimilate many nutrients and enzymes. In addition, you will have loss of energy.

If I have explained the forgoing in lucid manner, and I hope I have, you will be able to understand why vegetarianism, or any one diet, is not for everyone. We are all biologically different.

If the vegetarian person had an acid profile, is a fast oxidizer and is parasympathetic dominant (all refer to the same profile) then the blood becomes further acid and continues to produce more oxaloacetates and leave a shortage of acetylcoenzyme acetates. This can cause serious consequences in our energy and metabolism.

I do hope this answers the question why certain of our population do well on vegetarian diets, and some have disastrous consequences.

The next question to be answered is how one is tested for their biobalance profile. I have extensive knowledge on Watson and Wiley’s testings but very limited knowledge on Gonzales’ testings. I have generated over 300 venous blood plasma pHs, over 1000 fasting blood glucose testings, and 3000 fasting urine testings. I have been greatly rewarded by my protocol. The success rate is two to three times more than any other dietary regime that I ever utilized. Dr. Wiley mentions that he has a 100 percent success rate in 55 percent of his patients and a substantial improvement in 35 percent. This is a remarkable success rate.

My protocol does not require that you take venous blood plasma from the antecubital vein; only a lancet prick in the finger.

Please Note:
When your body gets its required nutrients, it can clean, repair and maintain itself. Find your specific Metabolic Type to determine what foods contribute to your health. And which foods take away your well being. Learn how to construct meals to build health instead of disease. Metabolic Typing is THE tool you need for optimal health. Feeding your unique body type is the single most important principle that affects your maximum performance in all aspects of life.

Author: Harold J. Kristal, D.D.S.
Harold J. Kristal, D.D.S. January 6, 2024
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