March 8, 2019 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Podcast 364: Introducing Purality Health

Discover liposomal technology with Purality Health products and enjoy the full potential of nutrients!

Scott: Welcome everybody, this is the Life Enthusiast online radio and TV network, restoring vitality to you and the planet! I am your co-host, Scott Paton, in beautiful, rainy Costa Rica, it’s the wet season down here right now, and joining us as usual is the health coach at Life Enthusiast, Martin Pytela. Hey Martin, how are you doing today?

Martin: Doing good! Hail you from the rainy British Columbia, where yesterday was 95°F and today it’s 75°F and raining, it’s lovely, everything is lush!

Scott: Yes, a nice break from the heat!

Martin: But what the heck, our podcast is usually about health, and I would like to stay on topic. So what’s interesting, I’d like to introduce something that we have recently added into our line of products, by company called Purality Health, they have an unusual technology, it’s called liposomal. How well do you know what liposomal could mean?

Scott: I have no idea what it could mean.

Martin: So a liposome is a little packet, a bundle. If you could visualize a golf ball, and inside of that golf ball you would deposit the payload, the stuff that you really want, and the shell of the golf ball is what protects the fragile payload from getting damaged. And what happens is this: every human cell, actually every mammalian cell, has a cellular membrane made out of phospholipids, a lipid bilayer, which is permeable to fats, and it’s not terribly permeable to water. To water it opens very little, to fat it opens way more readily.

So when I deliver things in a fat packet, it’s going to have a much greater effect, than if I deliver it dissolved in water. So instead of delivering water soluble things in just plain water, I actually wrap them inside these little golf balls that are fat protectors. And what that means to the user is that the absorbability goes way up. So all of a sudden you have this ability to deliver nutrients with efficiency that’s unprecedented.

Scott: And generally speaking, the population of North America and much of the world is deficient in a lot of things. So this is a great way to overcome that.

Martin: Exactly, that’s what we’re seeking. Why would you be taking a vitamin product if not to deliver the benefits that the vitamins have for you?

Scott: Right. Although I think sometimes people take a lot of multivitamins just be able to say: “yeah, I’ve been taking my vitamins,” and not really looking whether it’s making any difference or not.

Martin: A guy called me just today, saying: “I want to get my money back for the product that I bought from you, it’s not doing anything for me.” My response was: “Well, that’s fine, we do guarantee everything and you can have your money back, but would you do me the favor and just stop taking it for a week and then let’s discuss how they’re not working for you.” You know the story right? You know the story yourself, for example with the Iridesca, you take it and you say: “Well, no big deal, whatever,” and then you run out of it, and you say: “oh, lord!”

Scott: “That’s exactly right, I find when I’m not taking the Exsula products, I really notice a difference. But you’re right, it’s normal human brain function, like: “Oh, everything is fine, I don’t need this,” and then when you don’t get it, you realize: “Oh yeah, I do need it.”

Martin: Yeah, we totally do not notice the absence of pain. And when it returns, oh! I remember the calls I get: “Hey Martin, I thought I could go without, but could you overnight me a couple bottles of this one?”

But anyway, I want to talk about the liposomal vitamins, because they are really super efficient. It’s not the cheapest product, it seems to be like 3-4x more expensive than regular vitamins, but it actually delivers 8-10x as much in benefits, so in relative terms, it’s actually half price than doing it the other way, it just doesn’t look like it on the label.

Scott (talking over loud bird chirping): So what are some of those vitamins that we could get this way?

Martin: Those are exotic birds!

Scott: Yes!

Martin: Okay, so what we have here is a Vitamin C, which is the most common antioxidant vitamin, that helps you to deal with stress and aging, and just with general oxidation, it’s just great for everything. So if you’re feeling aged or if you’re feeling rushed or stressed or just declining in any way, Vitamin C is just great to have, period.

The other one we have is the Vitamin B Complex, that’s the one with Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, biotin, and folate. It’s a nice mix of things, and again the Vitamin B group is involved in so many things, like energy, immunity, sleep, mood, brain function, appearance, biotin for example is involved in hair and nail health, general cardiovascular health, hormonal balance, heart function, bone density… so it almost seems like it’s involved in everything, which it is. And this is just a Vitamin B Complex. Vitamin B5 for example is involved in stress response, B6 in digestion, B3 be immunostimulation, I mean, we could go on for hours about it. But the main point I want to make is that it’s the complex, it all works together. Then we have Vitamin B12 on its own, that’s for people who are particularly tired. Vitamin B12 deficiency is a nasty thing.

Scott: I want to ask you a little bit about Vitamin B12 and energy, because I was talking to a friend of mine the other day, and we got talking about Red Bull and energy drinks, so in my mind I’m thinking: “Okay, here’s some twenty-something guy or girl, they are go go go go go go all the time, and then they ready for sleep, but they want to go go go go for another three or four hours, so they chug a Red Bull, and away they go, so… this is not that, right?

Martin: No, totally not. The analogy I would use is this: you can get on your horse and whip it, and make it go. Sort of against its will, but it will go. But at some point, you’re going to have to slow down and get the saddle off and take it to the pasture. So when we do nutritional support as oppose to the stimulation, we build reserves, and we create capacity. With drinks like the Red Bull or other caffeinated stimulants, what you’re doing is you’re simply spending whatever is in the account, and maybe some more, you may be even spending beyond of what’s there.

Scott: And we won’t even know for another twenty years. When people in their twenties or thirties have been using it for ten years, in their fifties they have no energy.

Martin: Right. Well, we talked about metabolic typing, we talked about endocrine dominance, so people who are adrenal dominant can handle caffeine, they are resilient, they have a strong core, they can do it without paying the price, really. But the thyroid dominant people are fairly fragile when it comes to this department, and they can still do it, but they’re more sensitive to it, so a smaller dose will cause them a greater swing, and yet they will be super depleted, they will actually cause themselves illness, if they don’t stop.

Scott: Okay, and I have one more question about the Vitamin B12. Those are all personal questions, it’s like having my own private coach and everyone gets to listen! So on the sales page for it it says: “Vitamin B12 is essential for your energy and so much more. Vitamin B12 is also crucial for your brain, heart, nervous system, and the health of your DNA and all your cells.” So one of the things that I’ve noticed, since I’m no longer twenty, I’m a little bit older than that now, is that my brain doesn’t access things the way that it used to access. So what I’m noticing is my thinking is a little bit slower, and not quite as accurate as it used to be. Is something like B12 something that would rejuvenate that or push that back? Or am I just grasping straws?

Martin: No, no, no, you’re on the right track! Vitamin B12 does get low in people and it’s especially low in people who are supposed to eat red meat and don’t, or don’t get enough of it, so vegetarians are notoriously troubled, and you could see it in them, they are those, pasty faced, pale skin, weak wet noodles, that just don’t have much of a get up and go to them. As far as the memory loss – yeah, it’s part of it. Vitamin B12 is involved in fatigue, irritability, low moods, also known as depression, feeling run down, you know, the tank is empty – you try to run, but there’s nothing to run on. And then the brain fog and memory loss, lightheadedness… so I mean, the best way to know is just getting a bottle and start hitting it and see.

Scott: Sounds like a good idea. So let’s talk about one of my favorites, which is turmeric.

Martin: Yes, so turmeric. First of all, a liposomal story with turmeric. Turmeric is not properly absorbed into the human body unless it is bonded to some kind of fat. The Indian people solved it by cooking with it, so you take coconut oil and the vegetables and the turmeric you can cook with it. Or you take chicken fat and turmeric, and you make chicken curry. Or fish curry, or whatever else. It always has to have some oil, and it needs to be cooked. Or you can make this thing called turmeric milk where you mix butter or ghee and turmeric, or coconut milk and turmeric, in a tea-like hot drink. Hot because you want to melt the fats, make them liquid.

Or, which is what we have here, we have this liposomal packet, where we have solved the bonding with fat issue by indeed just wrapping the little bits of turmeric inside of these golf balls, that are the liposomes that will deliver the turmeric right to where it’s needed, at the cell.

Scott: So, Martin, in addition to the turmeric, they’ve added Fulvic acid. How does that impact the delivery of the turmeric?

Martin: Fulvic is an excellent tool for nourishing cells, and helping them detox. Fulvic is really good at the membrane penetration. It’s also very good at balancing the electrolytes inside of cells. Fulvic is famous for helping the cell to detox itself, and free up the mitochondria. And the mitochondria are these little organelles, that are responsible for the energy generation. So when you are saying that you didn’t have the oomph and power, that’s because the mitochondria are not firing as well as they should.

So with the Fulvic on board, we have actually more of this effect, than you would have expected.

Scott: Cool. So, some of the main benefits of turmeric are that it protects your brain cells, we are back at the brain health, it helps you with a positive attitude, it also helps if you have an appropriate inflammatory response, so it fights and reduces and prevents free radical change, it supports cardiovascular function, so your blood flows through and your heart is strong. And, of course, you get radiant skin.

Martin: Right, that’s all the antioxidant effect. When we are reversing aging, you’re going to look younger.

Scott: And you’re going to detox, right? It’s going to take out some heavy metals and other toxins, that are stuck in your cells, and that Fulvic acid helps with that as well.

Martin: Exactly. So yes, straightforward. There are studies now done on turmeric that are in the thousands, and they all document all the various effects of turmeric, like anti-aging, memory repair, brain repair, anti-inflammatory, and immune repair, all the major slayers of this society are positively impacted by turmeric. So that’s awesome. So you can either switch to cooking Indian food like curries, or get one of these.

Scott: And I believe the last one is Curcumin.

Martin: Well, curcumin and turmeric are interchangeable. Turmeric is the name of the plant, curcumin is the name of the active molecule. Liposomal Curcumin Gold is actually a drink. So we have the liposomal Turmeric in a little squirt bottle, that squirts the turmeric in the liposomes directly into your mouth, and the Curcumin Gold is actually an easy to absorb expanded version of this thing. It’s like that turmeric gold tea that I mentioned.

Scott: Okay.

Martin: So this was blended with sunflower oil and algae, DHA oils, and some ginger oil, it’s closer to a meal than just a little supplement. It’s in a bigger bottle, and it’s a stimulant as well as a supplement.

Scott: Would you drink it straight or would you…

Martin: Yeah, you can take a spoonful of it, add it to a smoothie, or drink straight up, it tastes ok, it’s got a citrus flavor, so you could just put it in a spoon and put in your mouth straight.

Scott: Awesome.

Martin: And the last one we didn’t talk about is the Vitamin D3, with Vitamin K2. Vitamin D3, cholecalciferol, is responsible for regulating a lot of things that relate to cancer and aging. I mean it’s just, again, broad list of benefits, it deals with bones, immunity and the immune repair.

Scott: Does it also impact if you’re feeling blue or depressed?

Martin: The B12 is the strongest for that. If I had someone looking for a single supplement, rather than a full lifestyle change, I would say B12. Great for a gut repair, bone repair, cancer prevention… I mean this one has a lot of natural health benefits. And of course every time I open my mouth I have to mention some name of some illness, which of course, we’re not supposed to do, because we don’t fix anything, we won’t heal anything, we don’t prevent, cure or treats anything. The only thing we do is we provide better nutrition and let your body take care of itself.

Scott: So, Vitamin D is associated with being in the sun, and our skin creates lots of it, if we’re in the sun for half an hour or something, is this the same or relative of that vitamin D?

Martin: It is the very one! That’s the Vitamin D that we’re supposed to supplement, if we are not exposed to sun every day for fifteen minutes.

Scott: And 50-90% of North Americans are deficient in it! So are we just indoors too much, or what?

Martin: Yes, correct. The worst cases are typically found among African, or dark skinned, dark pigmented people, who are really protected. They’re built for being in equatorial areas and can withstand a couple hours of full sunshine, so of course with all that protection, they get hardly any Vitamin D.

Scott: Okay, so Martin, if somebody wanted to find out more about this line of products, or some of the problems that we’ve mentioned, what should they do?

Martin: They can visit and look up the brand Purality Health. And of course if you have questions, get us on the phone – (866) 543-3388. Give us a call.

Scott: Thanks, Martin! Thank you for joining us, everybody, you’ve been watching or listening to the Life Enthusiast online radio or TV network, restoring vitality to you and the planet. See you next time! Bye, bye!

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff March 8, 2019
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