January 29, 2009 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Podcast 100: Drugs, Herbs and Mainstream Medicine

“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind” — Rudyard Kipling

Listen closely. Read between the lines. You are being convinced, slowly and deliberately that vitamin supplements are dangerous and that pharmaceutical drugs are always your best bet.

Click here to read Health Blogs about our Medical Establishment.

Perhaps you’ve become aware of this upside-down logic. If not, I offer you a few examples of how the masses are being systematically brain-washed. Keep these examples in mind, it won’t be long before you’re noticing some yourself.

ABC News ran a rather lengthy piece about how “dangerous” certain common herbal supplements are. The case in point was woman who’d had a kidney transplant. She took an herbal supplement containing the age-old Black Cohosh root and whammo! She became deathly ill. What ABC didn’t discuss was that people who’ve had an organ transplant have compromised systems that even too much water or table salt plays havoc with. Never mind that. The not-so-subtle point the network was making was this: Be afraid, be very afraid of anything the pharmaceutical companies don’t make a profit from!

And then past week The Wall Street Journal screamed out headlines: “Watch Out For Serious Interactions When Taking Drugs, and Herbs”.

Instead of pointing out that pharmaceuticals cause the deaths each year of over 100,000 people, media attention focuses on the “dangers” of herbs people have been taking to help heal their bodies for centuries.

Podcast 100: Drugs, Herbs and Mainstream Medicine

Scott: Welcome back everybody you’re listening to the Life Enthusiast co-op online radio network Restoring Vitality to You and to the Planet. I’m your co-host Scott Paton along with Martin Pytela, hey Martin how are you doing this today?

Martin: Scott I am doing marvelously well we have a perfect winter day the fog has lifted and the sky is blue and we have snow which is glistening in the sun light.

Scott: Where I am its cloudy and it looks like it’s raining but the grass is green.

Martin: Alright it is time for both of us to head to Ecuador.

Scott: Or Costa Rica?

Martin: Okay I think Ecuador is better do you know why? It’s right on the equator so the weather doesn’t change much so you have like two seasons sort of a wet summer and a dry summer but actually the good part is it is at ten thousand feet altitude so there it is extremely hot but because of the altitude you get an eternal spring in sort of the normal American context so you would get bananas and avocados and roses and just about anything you want growing year round all the time because you don’t have the cold days that would kill off all these plants but you also don’t have these very hot days that kill off the very fragile plants as well.

Scott: And you just go down the mountain and you are on a beach.

Martin: Well that’s going down a very long hill that is a major endeavor, it probably would be a day and half trip because the roads are pretty louse.

Scott: Then we are just going to have to get a plane.

Martin: Yes how do we pull off loads of wealth without having to work for it.

Scott: What I think we should do is pull the wealth away from those aspects of society that are charging an arm and a leg worth very poor results.

Martin: You know I think there is a time for revelation in society. I think this latest election in the United States was a sign of things to come and what I was noticing was that people were putting a lot of hope into change they were not voting for a person or a party but for just change, just give me something different please.

Scott: Yes I agree openness and honesty is a good thing and conversations like being able to sit down with someone you know disagrees with you and not leave ordering the tanks to come in but we are digressing. We talked about people with a lot of wealth in our society and that have caused untold damage and since we are trying to figure out how to retire in Ecuador and live a good life I think we should tell people about this danger to their lives because if they are not careful they are going to be doing things that will seriously impact their health.

Martin: Well yes there is a whole section on the life enthusiast website in the health education section we entitled it medical establishment and in that section I tried to collect articles from clear thinkers, people who see the bigger perspective to eliminate the futility of the entire medical system and the insurance system and the entire society really because it is really not working.

Scott: You know when we talk about doctors and everything obviously when you break an arm it is great to go and have him set it and hopefully he sets it right and your fine but sometimes they don’t that’s what the human error is that sometimes people do but it’s really a fight between natural health and nature and manmade solutions.

Martin: Well here’s what I have to say Scott surgeons have learned in battlefields most of the techniques in the operating rooms with surgeons or technicians have learned were learned in either battle field with loads of serious injuries coming in fast or looking after traffic accidents you know disasters and they have done a phenomenal job and I am so impressed. I mean my wife wouldn’t have survived her first pregnancy it was an ectopic pregnancy and if it wasn’t for their surgical intervention she would have died right there and yet she lived to have two wonderful daughters and raise them with me.

Scott: Yes and my son broke his arm very badly and his foot and if it wasn’t for them putting it back together he would have an arm at a weird angle and he probably wouldn’t be able to run.

Martin: Probably not and I am completely grateful and all of that but here is where it falls apart the medical establishment is trying to apply emergency room technology to chronic diseases that aren’t the result of an accident they are a result of a life style see you don’t end up with diabetes as an accident. It’s not like a bullet arrives and rips a hole in your belly and there is your diabetes. It doesn’t happen like that it comes as a result of changes that are long term or slow I mean when it finally comes through and the illness breaks out that looks like an accident but it isn’t it took years to develop.

Scott: Yeah cause if you take a look at a heart attack or stroke that plaque didn’t build up over night.

Martin: Right I mean that crisis event now that we have got the heart attack there I would be really grateful to the emergency room because they are going to save me and pump me full of chemicals and electro interventions and keep me alive but boy do I wish they had taught me how not to get like that in the beginning.

Scott: Right as we are talking about this I was reminded that I had read once well here is my question, who was the lowest paid on Christopher Columbus’s boat when he discovered America?

Martin: I couldn’t begin to tell you, the doctor?

Scott: The doctor.

Martin: Well he certainly deserved all the pay he got.

Scott: Yeah because they had scurvy and all that and what was the cure for scurvy it was bringing oranges and lemons on board.

Martin: Right fruit with vitamin C.

Scott: So there was no drug there and I think that is just a great example you know here is these people spending months at sea and their teeth are falling out and they are dying and if you just give them an orange they get better. So there is the lifestyle and there is what happens to the lifestyle when you fix it.

Martin: Yes and yet it took centuries to actually come to that realization you know they called the British sailors limeys and that was not an admirable term.

Scott: Because they ate limes and people probably ridiculed them but that is why they won the battles at sea.

Martin: Yes that’s right. So when you call me a granola actually I wouldn’t eat a granola because that comes with grains not worth eating anyway but in general granola is a vegetarian thing.

Scott: Okay let’s talk about death by medicine.

Martin: Okay I guess I will open up with this statement doctors are more dangerous than guns.

Scott: You’re kidding?

Martin: No you have a ten times greater chance of dying by doctors rather than by the gun. In fact there are seven hundred thousand deaths caused by the medical trade and most of these deaths are not accidents or malice it is correct application of drugs as they have it in the manual or just unexpected interaction of the chemicals they give you like natural consequences.

Scott: Okay let’s just talk about the most famous drug death in the last six months, the fellow that played the joker in the batman movie Health Ledger died and what was interesting was originally my impression was that he committed suicide and I was reading an article recently like five months later whatever it is and they said basically he had these prescription drugs for the pain he was in.

Martin: Well he was depressed and was prescribed an antidepressant.

Scott: But the impression I got while reading this article was that it was an accidental death and he wasn’t trying to kill himself or anything else and of course we may never know that answer accurately because we can’t ask him.

Martin: Well I don’t think it was an overdose I think it was just an interaction of too many prescription drugs all at once.
Scott: That was the impression that the article gave me and I am not sure that it was a doctor or an expert opinion but it was interesting because when I first heard of it for someone who really isn’t paying much attention to it, it’s like oh he dies well yeah he overdosed on drugs. Well that sort of sounded like he tried committing suicide and well he didn’t take too much he just took too many in the wrong order of something right. What a sad situation that is.

Martin: Right what a talented man I mean I have watched the movies he was in and he was just phenomenal.

Scott: So here is my question, if he had too much vitamin C there would have been calls for this huge inquiry to the safety of vitamin C and I don’t recall people getting all up in arms saying we have to ban the drugs that he was on.

Martin: You know why that is right?

Scott: I have no idea.

Martin: Well the corporations that manufacture these products are very big and very powerful they pretty much own the TV channels all of them because currently the biggest advertisers on television are drug companies.

Scott: I don’t watch enough TV to be able to decipher.

Martin: Oh what a sad story that is, well let me tell you there is the soap and detergent manufactures but the other biggest manufacturers is the drug companies.

Scott: Oh I saw a commercial with this couple walking into a TV sales place and every huge screen TV had this thing about this couple being missing for three days and they sort of look at each other and they have this knowing look.

Martin: They probably took Cialis.

Scott: That’s right and that’s what it was Cialis and it was a drug commercial it was the only commercial that stands out in my mind so I see your point.

Martin: And you can see the ad with the big blue pill and this guy walking around with a big smile on his face but you know there are these drugs that are advertised that give protection from feeling too sad or feeling too shy or just not feeling cheerful like you should. These are invented illnesses that mess around with your brain actually this is my favorite topic what is known as psychology when you go to a psychiatrist you’re not treated by examining your mind you are treated by just throwing drugs at you and you know the SSRI the serotonin reuptake inhibitors like Prozac and that type of family have causes an untold uncounted huge quantity of deaths especially in young people these are deaths by suicide most of them hang themselves and go quietly and some of them don’t like the famous one was the Columbine shooting where one of the two perpetrators was on Zoloft I think I don’t remember exactly. That’s one of those drugs and several of the other serious shooting in society where all of a sudden a person just goes completely crazy are caused by people who are on these drugs. It causes a shift in the brain that causes it to block all rationality out, here is a women whose name is Yates and she was recently in court for drowning her five children. You know how does a mother drown her five kids, well a mother who is on SSI’s can do that and the drug company was not in the court. They were not suing the drug company they were suing the woman or trying.

Scott: Yeah because we have a hard time believing that we take something and it changes our personality so drastically.

Martin: And yet we will have a couple of beer and we know it will change our personality pretty much or I will give you a different example how about you have a coffee and a donut is that going to change your behavior? I tell you it is going to make you way more aggressive any other way.

Scott: I want to Martin for a second about the scope of this because there are statistics and we know about it by talking about it but what are the hard facts that is hard to argue with and one of the articles that we have on the life enthusiast co-op website states that is all documented the number of unnecessary medical procedures performed annually is 7.5 million, the number of people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9 million. The total number of deaths shown in the these tables is well over a quarter of a million and these are from adverse drug reactions, medical errors, bed sores, malnutrition, out patients, unnecessary procedures and surgery related.

Martin: Right well look at the table the two biggest is out patients and bed sores so anyway seven hundred eighty thousand people who have died because of their interaction with the medical system. So you mentioned vitamin C and the adverse reaction to vitamin C is diarrhea, the adverse reaction to Tylenol is cirrhosis of your liver.

Scott: I would rather have diarrhea for a few days.

Martin: And yet Tylenol is just a common thing that you can buy over the counter and take by the handfuls if you want to right. Did you know if you take these types of drugs you are causing the cirrhosis of your liver? That is likely to kill you some day a few days later.

Scott: Nope never heard of it. I know however they are really trying to make sure I don’t get vitamin C without a prescription.

Martin: So here is where my head is at as far as this is concerned, I really think society needs to change its perspective which we are looking at things. You know the way the medical field is treating an illness it treats it from a symptom perspective. You show up and say I have a pain over hear and let’s just say you have high blood pressure and you show up at the doctors and he says lets treat that blood pressure and he will prescribe to you one of four things either beta blockers or diuretics or some other kind of drug that he has in his compendium of things that will work and yet he hasn’t asked you what the cause was or he hasn’t investigated the cause. What if your intolerance to glutton what if that alone was simply caused by your dietary problems and all you needed to do was change what you are eating.

Scott: Well it wouldn’t be as expensive that’s for sure.

Martin: So he wouldn’t have sold you any drugs he would have simply just sold you his service which he should be. You know a doctor should be an impartial consultant but that’s not what’s going on. We used to have that back in 1890 to1920’s when doctors were still independent consultants but these days doctors are working for the cartel right. There are so many sales men pushing drugs there is a sales men for every nine doctors out there in the drug industry. As a doctor wouldn’t you enjoy going on a cruise paid for by the drug company, wouldn’t it be easy to take a week off on a boat in the Caribbean and the only price is you only have to spend two or three hours for the day in a training session in a theatre instead of watching some entertainment that would be a perfectly acceptable price right you are getting educated and a holiday all at the same time.

Scott: And just a little bit of brain washing.

Martin: Well it is education I am sure. The problem is the company that is paying for the education is only promoting their own interests which I wouldn’t fault them for but the thing is everything else is excluded and the doctor is no longer an independent consultant. He is no longer working for you he is working for the drug companies, he is no longer an agent he is now a sales man. That’s the medical establishment, the insurance establishment is even worse.

Scott: That actually surprised me to hear you say that because I don’t get that.

Martin: You would expect me to say we should all have medical insurance and not so I think insurance is our worst enemy because procedures are getting done because they are covered and not because they are necessary. You know like you go to a doctor and say am I covered for that and he says no and you say well what else am I covered for.

Scott: It sounds like I need to go to the hospital what disease do I need to go.

Martin: It is almost like that think of it this way when I went to my doctor my insurance covered the procedures and this was about twenty five years ago when I was really sick with mercury poisoning my body started falling apart so the arches in my feet were no longer holding because the tendons and ligaments were weakened by the poisoning so my feet were getting flat and it hurt like hell. So the first place I went was my general practitioner and he said I will send you to an orthopedic surgeon and I went to the surgeon and he said well I have got the cortical steroid and I will inject you with that and that will stop the pain. Well it did for six weeks, that’s the relief I got but I didn’t get anything fixed. So I went to the chiropractor and he adjusted it for me and put the structure back together and I had to pay him because I wasn’t covered for it but that didn’t fix anything. That simply put it back together because the ligaments were weak it would simply fall apart and I would have to go back there once a week to get straightened. So I was on maintenance at least I wasn’t falling apart further so then I had to go to the naturopath so that wasn’t covered I had to pay out of pocket to pay for all the supplements but finally I was getting some ideas. If I were to continue to go to the general medical I would be on pain killers and I would simply continue to get worse. I had to take money out of my pocket to pay for the alternative health care people.

Scott: There is an old saying you get what you pay for.

Martin: Well that is somehow wrong and not necessarily correct.

Scott: But you would have got what you paid for if you kept going to the doctor.

Martin: Oh you mean nothing.

Scott: You go to the doctor and it’s free and he gets to bill the government or the insurance company every time you go in but you can go in as many times as you want and it makes no difference to your bank account and what are you getting, nothing it is basically making you worse.

Martin: And guess what in the scope of the whole society this is costing billions of dollars. America has the most expensive health care system on the planet and getting a thirtieth level of service somewhere near what Cuba is charging and Cuba is getting a tenth of that. Well here is even more to that same topic how did I even get to that trouble? I went to a dentist I was covered and insured and the dentist said I think we could put twelve fillings in and I needed one and if it was coming out of my pocket I would say stop there and we will wait to see if I need the others but I had insurance so I said okay. So anyway I ended up with mercury poisoning because of that and I would say insurance breeds stupid behavior. Think of it this way think about it as car insurance why do we have car insurance.

Scott: So if someone runs into us we don’t go bankrupt.

Martin: Okay who causes most of the accidents? A specific group of careless driver’s right. Like I would say eighty five percent of drivers have never had an accident. I don’t know the numbers actually but it is a fairly high number I mean an accident that they have caused not that they were in an accident but that they had caused and accident.

Scott: Well I have been in one in thirty odd years that I would call a major accident.

Martin: Did you cause it yourself?

Scott: No I was driving along and another car was driving beside me and I was in the right hand lane and he was in the left hand lane and he was about half a car length in front of me and someone turned in front of him coming from the other way and turned to cut across us both and hit him and he in turn spun and hit me. There was no way to get out of the way because his car is spinning in front of me and he is only half a car length away and going 20 or 30 miles per hour and fortunately no one was injured on any side of it.

Martin: Well I have caused accidents two of them both of them caused by distraction and both of them at slow speeds. One of them I backed into a person in a parking lot and the other one I was eating a sandwich while I was driving in rush hour down town and you know I look up and I can’t stop anymore and I parked my car inside the other guys trunk. So I did not deserved to be covered for that I deserved to be punished with full costs. What I want to get too is this if I did not have insurance would I be a more careful driver? And the car insurance as such, is for people who are bad drivers and continue to drive. So people who are doing stupid things as far as their health goes are thinking oh well if I have a medical problem it is going to be covered.

Scott: So I don’t have to worry but then you end up worrying twenty or thirty years later when you are really sick and yeah I don’t have to worry because it is covered but now I’ve got a miserable life.

Martin: Well the procedures are covered which is a false benefit because these procedures are not really doing anything for you other than just dealing with the symptoms instead of the causes. The cause was you poisoned yourself with stupid food or toxic lifestyle or you know vaccination which puts mercury into our children which destabilizes their immune system. There are huge experiments with vaccination with the rates of autism, AHHD rising so how. How is it possible we had one in ten thousand people with autism and now we have one in a hundred?

Scott: Okay so I think we have done a pretty good job of painting a picture of the problem and I am pretty sure you will probably say this but we are running into our half an hour which is kind of our limit and I don’t want to leave everyone with this oh dear thing. So what would you say would be the best first steps that people can take because obviously it is a huge problem when you look at the billions of dollars lost and the hundreds of thousands if not millions of lives that have been lost and to say nothing about the poor quality of life that someone has where should people start?

Martin: Well number one is people need to realize you need to take responsibility for your own behavior because whatever you do is going to have a consequence later in life and the sooner you get that the better. I wish we were teaching this in high schools but it is not happening. Well when you finally do get it even if you are fifty and you wake up and go oh shoot I am in trouble you the person in trouble are responsible for getting yourself out of trouble and you need to work on the long term solutions to the causes and there are only two causes to chronic illness and one is malnutrition and the other is toxicity. So detox and nourish there are many solutions to the detoxification and many solutions to the nourishment that you are missing. That could be complicated but we can help simple right.

Scott: And don’t put your head in the sand right and say there is no problem but if there is a problem these people will fix me.

Martin: No the establishment medicine will not help you they don’t understand the concept of systemic health they only treat symptoms you know if you come up to a dermatologist with a rash on your forehead he is going to give you a cream to treat the rash on your forehead never mind that it is caused by some worms that you have contracted on tropical holidays or that your liver is giving out on you or whatever the cause may be.
Scott: Yeah you are eating too much chocolate.

Martin: Yeah maybe that.

Scott: I have two sons and they come home with friends and their friends are just one big pimple on their face and I am just thinking man you have to stop eating greasy hamburgers and fries and milkshakes.

Martin: It’s the fried food, the high sugar, the fructose corn syrup it’s all of those wrong things, the empty calories, low nutrient density foods and high toxin density foods and its behaviors too you know living in traffic and inhaling all that stuff you know. So the hope is that everything can be reversed given enough time and that causes are known. Functional medicine is alive and well the research is widely known this is not some kind of old folks tale this is research that is backed up by modern medicine. It’s just that the drug companies that own the TV channels are not interested in telling you about it because it doesn’t profit them so come to www.life-enthusiast.com and start reading.

Scott: Yeah educate yourself. So you have been listening to the life enthusiast co-op podcast restoring vitality to you and to the planet and Martin if someone wanted to talk to you some more about this very important topic aside from going and reading more on the life enthusiast site what could they do.

Martin: Well they could listen to more of our podcasts at LifeEnthusiast.podomatic.com or on the main website find the link it is on the main navigation to podcasts and there is another link there to blogs and there is also right there is the main banner a phone number 1-866-543-3388 call make an appointment with the health coach which is me. Spend time with you and help you figure it out and the first fifteen minutes is free.

Scott: Awesome well thanks Martin and thank you all for joining us and make sure you head over to www.Life-Enthusiast.com and learn about how you can take control of your life.

Martin: Yes this is Martin for Life Enthusiast restoring vitality to you and to the planet.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff January 29, 2009
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