October 5, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Murder by Psychotropic Drugs

The side effects of Psychotropic Drugs are broad, devastating, and woefully under-reported. I doubt that you have been able to avoid the topic of mental health recently. Suicide definitely tops the list, at about 12 people per 100,000 every year.

How have you been affected by the recent discussions about the untimely passing of Robin Williams? I have been reminded of multiple facets, the many sides to this story. Most of all I really enjoyed the clips of his performances and highlights of his past interviews. He was such a fantastically talented man and yet, so complex. I hope that his passing made it possible for many people to talk about their mental health, and even their own suicidal thoughts. Gary Kohls MD described in his article The Suicide of Robin Williams the sordid details. He also calls for a public inquiry into his death, as a means of starting the debate about the effects of the drugging of America.

I have had my own run with that: when I was poisoned by mercury (thanks to my dentist) I had very frequent dark moments, especially just before going to sleep, when I was contemplating the end of my suffering practically every day. Interestingly, once I detoxed the heavy metals out of my brain, these thoughts went away.

Something that I fail to notice in the news reports is people asking whether Robin Williams was taking any psychoactive medications. A prevalent pattern of both suicides and violent acts (like school shootings) has been that people who either just started, just stopped, or just changed, their dosage of their psychiatric or psychotropic drugs. These include Prozac, Zoloft, Luvox, Paxil, Effexor, Ritalin. Lexapro, Xanax, Ambien, etc. I only heard that Robin was suffering from depression and was trying to do something about it.

At least 10 percent of people are on prescription psychoactive drugs, and the numbers are growing. People are having trouble coping maybe it is the faster pace of our modern lives, or maybe it is the imbalances brought on by the industrial environment. Chances are you or someone close to you are taking one of them: SSRIs, Benzodiazepines, Tricyclics. There is of course more: not just depression, bi-polar and manic, but anxiety and OCD, schizophrenia, and the ADD-Autistic spectrum as well. All of these are treated with drugs that suppress symptoms, often at a horrible price of turning the patient into a medicated zombie.

This rant leads me to a point: we have a very strong idea about the cure for for much of this, but the mainstream medical system pretends that it does not exist. We are good at treating the symptoms of heart disease, but not the cause itself. With mental illness it is no different. There is a cause, it is understood, but it does not fit the medical model upon which billions of dollars are made by the pharmaceutical companies, and their distribution channels (doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, insurance companies).

There is another way. If you or someone near to you is dealing with a mental health issue, please watch this (admittedly long) video, and then share it. I share this long video, because the story is broad and complex. The video explains the background of several issues that are in play here. If mental illness is in your life, I promise it is worth your time.

For reference see the List of Psychotropic Drugs here. The allopathic mainstream approach is well described and documented on the NIH website.

One of the bright lights of the alternative health movements (and we quote many of his articles on our website) is Dr. Tim OShea. What he wrote something in his newsletter caught my attention:

Robin Williams wasn’t a comedian he was a performing artist, who mastered film, stage, voice, and improv. And all with intelligence and profound range of insight that is never seen in today’s cookie-cutter pasteurized robot plastic prefab stars. He was a walking textbook dissociative schizo funnyman, working out his deep-seated psycho-cerebral conflicts in public, in real time, live and unplugged. Synapses blazing, the connections he would make would be so unexpected, so incongruous, so articulate, so blindingly fast, that audiences often had trouble keeping up with him, afraid that if they laughed they’d miss the next 3 zingers.

When he was really up and rolling on a mad 8 cylinder full tilt improv rant, characters and accents he’d invented and honed all his life since Juilliard, would flash in and out of his cortex, like a kaleidoscope hooked up to a Klieg light. No nationality was safe from Robin, and no one could hope to take offense, because as soon as you recognized one accent, in half a second he’d be off onto the next one.

Robin was improvising in real time, living all those emotions right in front of you, inhabiting all those momentary characters, not just at the musculoskeletal level, but at the biological, hormonal, and neurotransmitter level. His brain chemistry must have been like a lava lamp, or a Pfizer work bench, or a google search with the Search button held down always in flux, looking for the next preposterous connection that would get the laugh. Like a ferret on a double espresso.

So imagine what it was like to live in a skull with all that company. How do you turn it off? You don’t. Robin wasn’t acting. He really was all those people, with all those world views and mindsets and demons. So there had to be a flip side to all that elation and excitement, a balance, a rebound some reset button.

Four decades of party drugs are not what laid this man low. His nemesis was the same thing that wasted all the recent mass shooters and their victims, and has destroyed the lives of all those celebrities, and 20 million Americans. Psych drugs. Antidepressants a flowery euphemism if ever there was one.

As soon as I read the story the day after Robin hung himself, I saw the cover-up. Talking about anything but psych drugs. Exactly like the Colorado shooters blackout. Bring on the smokescreen: the pressures of work, temptations with Hollywood drugs and alcohol, depression, money problems, marriage, whatever.

The clincher was the Parkinsons angle. Parkinsons is not really associated with suicide. Given Robins history and personality and public persona as an entertainer famous for pushing the envelope, it wasn’t hard to click in psych drugs to the equation. Which are at the top of the list when it comes to suicide etiology.

Where he had been for six weeks prior to his death tells us more of the chemistry running his brain. Robin entered a rehab psychiatric clinic: Hazelden’s Rehabilitation facility in Lindstrom, MN at the beginning of July and stayed for several weeks. Shortly after he came out of there, he hung himself with his own belt.

Read Gary Kohls article for the whole story, including what drugs were in the cocktail and what they do, and how their side effects mimic Parkinson’s. Suicide is an effect (not just a side effect) of most of the standard psychiatric drugs. Why are you not reading about it in magazines? Why is it not on TV news? Think about who are the top advertisers on television. Consider how their message shapes that medium. Follow the Money. For an alternative that has been proven to work in clearing the reason for mental illness you need to consider Neuro C3.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 5, 2018
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