Fibromyalgia Symptom Relief
The article below explains the fibromyalgia mystery, its origins, and its relationship with hypoglycemia, protein deficiency, as well as viral, bacterial, yeast and fungal infections. It will illuminate fibromyalgia’s connection to spinal degeneration and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. It will also discuss testing methods that help explain how to find these conditions in the body.
Before you start on the science, please watch our “Ending Fibromyalgia” video.
Dr. methods are not standard procedure in the medical mainstream. They are extremely efficient, cost effective, and highly accurate. Many years of research went into the development of the testing methods and the development of Amino Acid Supplementation Therapy, the foundation of all our programs for many diseases and conditions, including fibromyalgia. When the body becomes unable to digest food properly (often because of intestinal dysbiosis), it becomes protein deficient and therefore open to all kinds of disease conditions.
Until this deficiency is corrected, the body will continue to drift toward illness, rather than toward health, because our body requires the amino acids digested from food as building blocks to make thousands of different proteins that are used to construct all types of tissues. Hopefully, after reading this essay, you will understand the nature of this and other degenerative conditions and its root cause: protein deficiency. Platinum Plus Amino Acids do not have to be extracted from proteins through the digestive process and so they are immediately available for use in the manufacture of digestive enzymes. Now the body can use food to make the many proteins it needs to function. The problem of protein deficiency is solved and fibromyalgia disappears. It’s really just that simple.
Testing for Fibromyalgia
The 6 following paragraphs tell the story in detail.
When I confirm viral or bacterial infections in my patients, one of the most frequent questions I am asked is, “Other doctors I’ve been to never found these things, how do you identify these infections?” The answer is simple, I am using a testing method that will allow me to search for diseases I suspect may be harbored by the body. The currently accepted methods for testing in the field of status quo medicine are mainly biochemical. There is nothing wrong with these methods; they work well in certain instances. For instance blood and throat cultures for streptococcus are fine if the strep is in either of these locations. But what if you are harboring strep (or hepatitis C or staphyllococcus, etc.) somewhere else, maybe your heart, spine, or brain? How do I find it? If I used a blood test it may come up negative. Does this mean that the diagnosis for the pathogen is negative? No, it means I have to find the method that will allow me to test for strep in all areas of the body.
This is exactly what I am saying about many doctors and their testing methods today, it is not that their methods are invalid, it is just that their methods allow them to find disease only part of the time. Biochemical diagnostics are an outgrowth of Newtonian physics. Newton showed us that there were laws, based on observations of the world that would always lead to correct answers as to how that world worked. Einstein did not prove Newton wrong; he just proved that Newtonian laws only applied in certain spheres, which did not always include energy. E = MC2 also proved that mass is energy, so we are energy, and it would not seem unreasonable that doctors would develop testing methods based on energy (quantum physics) in order to find out things that Newtonian methods could not. Energy medicine has been evolving since the nineteenth century and the FDA and the FCC now recognize certain of its methods as valid scientific methods.
I have been using these methods for many years now. Not only have they enabled me to identify and pinpoint the exact location of disease in the body, but they have also enabled me to develop cures for these same diseases. Using either electro-acupuncture or kinesiology I can locate in just a few minutes the presence of many different pathogens and toxic metals, measure their levels, and pinpoint the tissues and organs in which they reside. Presently fibromyalgia is treated as a collection of unexplained symptoms, which doctors attempt to relieve by various drugs such as antidepressants, muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatories, cholesterol lowering drugs, antacids, etc. This at best is symptom relief; it will not cure a condition which allows toxic infections to overrun the immune system! My experience has shown me that what others have labeled the fibromyalgia “syndrome” is accompanied by metal toxicity, especially mercury, and viruses that include hepatitis C, herpes, lupus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, and others.
Fibromyalgia and Hypoglycemia
Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) is the common condition that I find in fibromyalgia (FM) patients, leading me to the root cause of FM, protein deficiency. Hypoglycemia is a condition which has around 100 different symptoms associated with it, such as weakness, disorientation, headaches, slurred speech, tiredness, nervousness and “brain fog”. If blood sugar levels become too low, the result can be a coma. Sadly enough, doctors will often end up misdiagnosing this simple problem because they fail to administer a six-hour glucose tolerance test or misinterpret the results. The outcome is that patients will sometimes be administered antidepressants for low blood sugar! That is a real shame, because this is where FM really starts, with pancreatic overload, leading to loss of digestive function and to protein deficiency in the body. Fortunately, I do not have to administer expensive tests to find the cause, I have developed a highly efficient and accurate form of applied kinesiology, called the Voll Test which allows me to test the three specific pancreas acupuncture points, 1) protein 2) carbohydrate, and 3) fat. If the number two point shows up, I know that carbohydrate metabolism is impaired, which is the defining attribute of hypoglycemia.
This will happen when a person consumes too much sugar or refined carbohydrate. The pancreas will then work overtime secreting insulin to lower blood sugar levels and the adrenals will become stressed by producing high levels of adrenaline so that the liver will convert amino acids and fats to glucose to raise blood sugar back up again. In this process all three acupuncture points will eventually register impaired metabolism, but it is with protein deficiency that FM finally occurs. Meanwhile the thyroid gland is attempting to control the rate at which the blood sugar is utilized by the body, so it is working overtime also. In a way similar to a car engine that overheats and fails because of a leaking radiator hose, the weakest link in your body will determine how it fails. If the adrenals are the weakest point, clinical hypoglycemia will occur, if the pancreas fails, diabetes will follow, if the thyroid crashes, Hashimoto’s Disease could happen, if the liver malfunctions, cirrhosis will develop.
Other glands also become involved in the imbalance including the hypothalamus, the pituitary, the thyroid, and the sex glands. Digestion becomes impaired as the pancreas stops making the necessary digestive enzymes, and now the entire body becomes deficient in proteins, its structural and functional building blocks. Then the system becomes open to diseases of all kinds, the defining condition of fibromyalgia. If the pancreas does not have the necessary amino acids it will not make digestive enzymes or glucagons (the stuff which allows the liver to convert glycogen, a sort of stored sugar, into glucose), nor will the adrenals make adrenaline (the stuff which allows the liver to convert protein and fats to glucose for balanced blood sugar.) If the body cannot do these things, your blood sugars can never be properly balanced, and the glands will always be overworked trying to control an out of control situation.
To change this destructive cycle you must do two things:
1. Switch to a low-carbohydrate, no sugar diet to give the overworked glands a rest, and
2. Start supplementing with free form readily absorbable amino acids to start the system working properly again.
But don’t make the mistake of thinking any amino acids will work, we already tried that. I had to develop a very specific blend of essential amino acids in the correct balance to one another. I want to make that very clear because if the amino acids are taken in the incorrect amounts or out of balance, or without the required cofactors, you could just end up doing yourself more harm. All of my FM patients who have followed my FM program faithfully have gotten well.
Fibromyalgia and Hypoglycemia
In one hundred percent of our fibromyalgia diagnoses, we have found a degenerating spine, from neck to tailbone. In many (but not all of) these cases back pain is also present. If there is no degenerative disk disease, there is no fibromyalgia. In 1982 we discovered that cellular protein deficiency had a deleterious effect on the spine and by 1986 we had proved that Degenerative Disk Disease (DDD):
1. Caused back pain in many instances and,
2. Was the direct result of cellular protein deficiency!
The next step was to develop the supplement that would ensure protein delivery to the cells. Obviously, diet was not the answer because many of our patients ate plenty of protein. We then found out that the problem stemmed from digestive system malfunction. Nine out of ten people do not properly digest their food and therefore cannot utilize their proteins. So we went to work carefully developing an amino acid blend that would ensure that the body received the protein it needs to function properly, then we added sulfur to take care of the widespread sulfur deficiency we were finding in most of our patients.
In order to find the connection between DDD and protein deficiency I had to develop a new method of testing. Using applied kinesiology combined with the Voll electro-acupuncture method (EAV), I came up with the Voll Test (vibrational resonance testing), which uses energetic frequencies in order to locate and identify disease states in the body. Using this same testing method we determined that it took around 10-12 hours for the degenerated spinal disks to begin rebuilding when the patient began taking the Platinum Plus Amino Acid blend. If you have fibromyalgia, your entire spine is degenerating.
Fibromyalgia and Viral Infections
I told you that viral infections appear to form the symptomology for the condition labeled fibromyalgia syndrome (FM). In fact I have never seen a single case that did not have at least one virus attacking some part of the body. I also told you that Degenerative Disk Disease) DDD accompanies FM. It is this diagnosis of DDD that helps us locate the area of the viruses. Wherever the spinal disks have degenerated to the point that they affect the nerves around them is area where viruses seem to congregate. For instance, diabetic neuropathy patients with bilateral sciatic nerve and lower body pain fairly consistently give a positive reading for lupus in that same area of the body. Doctors today are still undecided as to whether Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a part of the Fibromyalgia Syndrome or not. My experience with FM patients is that the adrenals are always affected and that this is an area where viruses will attack. A virus that we often find in this area is Epstein-Barr, which is also associated with CFS. Unfortunately we cannot test for all 600 known viruses but we do test for many, including Hepatitis A, B, and C, herpes (zoster and simplex), Coxsackie’s, and cytomegalo, to name a few.
Fibromyalgia and other infections; bacterial, yeast/fungus, parasites, and toxic metals: When the body has a protein/sulfur deficiency it cannot defend itself from infections because it does not have the raw materials (amino acids) to make the defense equipment (such as immune system proteins) it needs to keep the body safe from invaders. Bacterial infestations of staph and strep show up in many of my protein deficient patients, as well as intestinal parasites like lamblia and Coxsackie’s. In FM we often find bacterial infections even in the lymph nodes, causing a painful condition known as lymphadenitis. In this condition bacteria, which are usually flushed out by the lymphatic system, become trapped and the white cells that congregate to kill the infection cause accumulation of pus in the nodes, which, if the bacteria are unresponsive to antibiotics, doctors will sometimes have to surgically drain. Time and time again, however, conditions that prove resistant to antibiotics clear up with the Fibromyalgia Protocol.
Protein deficiency will allow yeast or fungal infections to begin to cause problems all over the body, showing up as rashes, constipation, poor concentration, and sinusitis. It is my observation that many autoimmune conditions such as, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and fibromyalgia occur as a result of chronic infections, which the body is not equipped to control. Overwhelmed, the body becomes confused and begins to produce T-cells that are programmed to attack live healthy cells. In other words, without the necessary protein to act as our body’s general system manager, chaos ensues and we respond with an allergic reaction to ourselves!
This situation is made even worse by xenotoxins such as herbicides, pesticides, organo-chlorines, hydrocarbons, PCP, sodium fluoride, and metals like aluminum, cadmium, lead, and mercury. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen infections gather around teeth with mercury fillings or around root canals. I have found consistently that Platinum Plus Amino Acids will remove toxic metals from the system faster and more efficiently than all the expensive chelation treatments, simply by activating the body’s defense systems.
Yeast is a particularly nasty contributor to a weakened immune system. Often doctors will only recognize vaginal or intestinal yeast, trying to solve the problems with expensive creams, pills, or internal washes. These treatments provide at best temporary fixes that do not cure the condition that if allowed to follow its course could well end in death. Research into yeast infection shows that it produces over 79 different toxins in the body, which cause over 40 different symptoms. Bad yeast infections can completely shut down the thyroid, resulting in Hashimoto’s Disease. When yeast infections become systemic there is no way that the body can fight other infections such as hepatitis or staph.
A yeast elimination diet is imperative, but many published restriction lists are not effective, because their authors do not understand the whole picture. In order for equilibrium to be restored to the body, a very strict, super low-carb diet must be combined with proper amino acid-vitamin-mineral supplementation. My experience with thousands of yeast patients is that if this protocol is not followed, the body will not heal. When the protocol is strictly adhered to, we find that even cases such as antibiotic resistant Lyme Disease will disappear. Once the body has been brought back into balance people can revert to a more normal diet. It has been my experience that all FM patients also have a yeast overgrowth.
Fibromyalgia and Nutritional Deficiencies
The last category in this fibromyalgia (FM) essay is that of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids (EFA). In my experience, FM patients are usually deficient in all these areas. The reason for this is that protein transporters carry each of these vital nutrients into the cell, and if you are protein deficient you cannot sufficiently make these transporters. Another reason may be the type of fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals you are taking. Many of the EFAs available on the market today actually do absolutely nothing for you. I do not know the reason for this yet, but I do know that many of the EFAs I tested were turning up detrimental to people’s systems. We needed to develop an EFA blend of our own, one we can absolutely assure you will be beneficial. (For more information on the importance of EFAs, see my article on Essential Fatty Acids)
It is the same with vitamins and minerals. Remember, just because it comes from a health food store does not mean it is good for you! Did you know that one of the major clogging agents in municipal sewer systems are undigested supplement tablets? Two reasons for this:
1. If you are protein deficient, you won’t be able to produce the enzymes to digest anything you put in your system and
2. If your supplement pill is so loaded with fillers designed to give the tablet shape and shelf life, chances are you could not digest it anyway!
All Programs come with amino acids to ensure digestion and vitamins and minerals that are digestible. (If you want to test this simply drop one of our vitamins in a glass of water and watch it start to dissolve.) Also, minerals must be of the proper size, water-soluble, and ionic in order to be accepted into the cell, if they are not, it will not matter how many protein transporters you have, the minerals will just end up floating around your system, storing themselves in tissues and blood vessels, causing their own set of problems.
In fibromyalgia patients the pancreas begins to malfunction, leading to blood sugar imbalances, leading to an inability to digest food properly, therefore FM patients are protein deficient, and subsequently vitamin, mineral (especially sulfur), and fatty acid deficient. This is true no matter how much protein and how many supplements they ingest. These deficiencies lead to a weakened immune system, which in turn cannot protect the system from infestations of bacteria, overgrowths of yeast, or settlement of toxic metals. The spine begins to degenerate and viral infections begin to take hold, organs start to malfunction and there is nothing the body can do because it does not have the tools to fix itself.
Any drugs that a doctor without complete understanding of these issues prescribes for FM will only alleviate symptoms. Let me repeat that, any drugs prescribed by a doctor for FM will only alleviate symptoms, they will not cure FM. The digestive system must be given the proper amino acid blend, vitamins, fatty acids and minerals in order to start working properly, and then the body will cure itself. This is the only way FM can be cured. Think about it, FM is a complex, intensive, systemic condition that is really nothing more than a highly efficient gateway for disease. One can spend a tremendous amount of time and money chasing down these diseases one by one. Yet, until the gateway is closed, more new problems will keep coming. These diseases are just the symptoms of protein deficiency, that is how simple this is. If you are suffering from chronic symptoms of the kind described above, order our Healing Program today!
The Solution To Fibromyalgia
A growing band of doctors routinely conquer these mystery diseases. The bulk of the healing arts sit confounded on the sidelines. What is it that makes the difference? We needed finer tools in diagnosis and treatment especially since we did not overcome symptoms with drugs to give our patients relief. What we found is that the identification of the particular nutritional deficiencies, supplying the exact nutrition needed, and the ability to test for BIOAVAILABILITY, can bring about miracles in the majority of cases. The study of Applied Kinesiology by George Goodheart which led me to EAV (Electroacupuncture According to Voll), Versendaal, Beardall and many others presented a whole new World of diagnosis and treatment. The protein deficiency – Nine out of ten patients were protein deficient. This was correlated with the EAV and the AK by testing of the pancreatic meridian at the Voll points in the drawing.
This lead to our formulation of Doc’s Aminos. This is the major factor in virus elimination. These discoveries rival Dr. Fleming’s discovery of penicillin. MORE powerful because it effectively handles the first cause of protein/sulfur deficiency arming the immune system. These can be tested exceptionally well with either the electro-acupuncture machines or with kinesiology. There is a drawback however in machine testing and it is this: if you analyze a steak, you will find that the essential amino acids are there, but they are in an unavailable form that requires digestion. Using kinesiology interrogation is UNACCEPTABLE. THE AMINO ACIDS ARE STILL BOUND IN LONG CHAINS. When you test for Platinum Plus you will get a positive result every time.
Here the BEV TESTS and CCT Tests work as indicators of tissues healing – not seeking them as a pain source.
An Exact Form Of Energy Testing
HCV Kinesiological Testing
These tests are simple and require only competency in testing. We use a test kit that has a series of graduated dilutions of the actual virus starting from D5 and running up to D200 in a series of ten. The lower are the more acute, less dilution, and the higher, more dilutions, are in the chronic and disappearing range. These are sealed in injectable ampoules and can be used over and over. Determining that the patient is testable we hold the box against the patient’s chest near thymus. If the person has any one of the frequencies present in the box, he will weaken.
To determine the exact level of HCV infection we open the box have the patient place the index finger on the lowest and work up to the highest dilutions. Where the muscle weakens that is the level in his body. This can be done with other viruses. It is found that the common factor in viruses and multiple viruses inhabiting a person is -again- protein/sulfur deficiency. We would immediately place them on Platinum Plus and whatever else they needed (which is usually most of the major nutrients because they never had the protein carriers and enzymes) and then monitor using the same methods; THE RETREAT OF THESE VIRUSES FROM THE PATIENT!
We have watched this HCV virus march out of many Fibromyalgia patients. We can determine which parts of the body are involved. Many people do NOT have it in the liver, yet have it in their spine. We know the answers to why the arthritis never clears up – it is their spine. If it is in the lungs; they have asthma; in the brain and sinuses; their cervical adjustments won’t HOLD! This knowledge has been available for over 20 years. We are trying to convince doctors to read and to duplicate our results in their practice, but the wall of ignorance is very thick. The solution to chronic disease has been coming for several thousand years. This is 21st Century technology centered on testing the human body as its own laboratory, not somewhere else.
Quantum Physics and Diagnostic Progress
We know that we are dancing with the ” Wu Li Masters” and into the realm of quantum mechanics in many of these methods described. Most of the cases described have not been found medically and we are now entering the new and more difficult arena of cases with high viral copies and often cirrhosis of the liver. We are winning the battles with extremely complex viral infections with our customized solutions. If our standard healing program is not making big changes within a month, you will need to consult us for specific adjustments.
Take a look at all the ways to Decrease Pain from Inflammation.