Top 10 Reasons to Supplement with Drucker Labs Vitamins and Minerals
- Proper balance and composition of body pH, Poly-electrolytes and fluids
- Support of healthy blood and bones
- Maintenance of healthy nerve function
- Building and repair of muscles, tissues, joints, ligaments, tendons, etc.
- Proper activation and assimilation by our bodies of other vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, glycogens, etc.
- Reducing “Free Radical” damage to our cells
- Slow down the aging process
- Proper detoxification of intercellular metabolic wastes
- Immune system support
- Energy, strength and stamina
Introduction to Dr. Richard Drucker
From a conversation with Dr. Richard Drucker
M.Sc., N.D., Ph.D. and Founder/CEO of Drucker Labs
Since the launch of intraMAX in 2002, thousands of healthcare professionals have become excited about the potential of Intracell V technology and have since evolved their point-of-view and approach to how they use and prescribe nutritional supplements for their patients – and for themselves.
Drucker Labs proprietary “carbon-bond” process is what makes our products superior. This process is the key to developing intraMAX and the further development of all Drucker Labs products. In this question and answer session, Dr. Drucker – the leading force behind this nutritional revolution – discusses what makes his nutraceutical products unique and their potential for improving your health.
Q: What makes Drucker Labs and its nutritional products unique?
Dr. Drucker: We are unique in a number of ways: Most importantly, our mission is born from our product formulary, our manufacturing technologies, our production standards, our unrelenting commitment to healthcare professionals and to the well being of their patients. It all stems from an underlying scientific approach to nutrition that stands out as dramatically distinct in the saturated nutritional supplement arena.
Let me explain: Our nutritional paradigm was developed from the following premise: The body needs ample amounts of organic trace minerals, water and oxygen to survive. Research has revealed that “99% of Americans are deficient in organic minerals”. Why? Simply put, for decades, our contemporary industrial farming complex (agribusiness) has poured toxic chemicals, pesticides and herbicides into the soil to maximize crop yields. Simultaneously, they’ve tampered with the natural order of the food chain by depleting the soil of nearly all organic minerals, elements and complexes – the very “staples” of a pure food supply we need in order to stay healthy as a species. The fact is that a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals compromises our health.
Q: What does it mean to be “Organic?”
Dr. Drucker: The true point-of-difference between our products and others on the market is best explained beginning with a discussion of what it means to be organic in the first place. At Drucker Labs, when we refer to something as organic we are not referring to the common commercial use that presumably guarantees a product has been grown and/or produced without the use of toxic chemicals, pesticides, etc. Rather, we refer to the term organic from it purest scientific form – only when the “organic” substance or product includes trace minerals that contain “living carbon”.
Current research suggests that 100% carbon-bond organic minerals are a vital link to ensuring that vitamins and most other nutrients can be optimally effective… you could say that in general these organic minerals allow nutrients to flow through the body in their purest, most effective form – the way nature originally intended. Research has also demonstrated that when the body is deprived or depleted of essential nutrients, cells cannot function optimally, the immune system is weakened and the nervous system is not optimally supported.
When Drucker Labs uses the word organic, they’re not referring to the grocery store use of the word, which means produced without the use of toxic chemicals, pesticides, etc. Rather they’re referring to the more important and true scientific meaning of the word organic, which means the branch of chemistry concerned with the composition, properties and reactions of compounds containing living carbon.
Carbon is a natural component of all living tissue. Carbon is essential to the chemistry of the body, participating in most metabolic processes and acting as a component of carbohydrates, amino acids, triglycerides, deoxy-ribonucleic and ribonucleic acids, and many other compounds. For example, carbon dioxide produced in glycolysis is important in the acid-base balance of the body and in controlling respiration.
Organic carbon-based trace minerals can only be obtained from humified and enriched soils over hundreds of years from once living plant matter slowly yielding living organic soil-based complexes in the soil. After years of testing, Drucker Labs can state that the majority of trace mineral products in the marketplace (even those claiming “plant derived matter) do NOT contain sufficient quantities of true organic carbon. They also lack other critical ingredients such as: methyls and methylene groups, aromatic protonatic compounds, hetero-cyclic compounds, carbonyl compounds, carboxylic compounds, quinone compounds, and ketone-ketene like compounds.
There are a couple of key reasons that most manufacturers are unable to create a true 100% organic microcomplexed product. First, the soils in which the plants were grown and extracted were most likely already depleted of their critical organic complexes and nutrients. Next, they do NOT take the necessary precautions and massive expenses to preserve (not destroy) the 100% organic microcomplexes and organic carbon in the process of extraction and manufacturing the product. It takes Drucker Labs a full 40-days to produce just one bottle.
Understanding this concept is absolutely critical. This is because true organics (as listed above) are always present in Drucker Labs products. The exact compounds and elements are in synergistic amounts that match the makeup of our body and cells. Thus, there is an organic match from the organic living cells and tissues to the carbon-bond organic microcomplexed solution in each bottle.
Each bottle contains carbon-bonded minerals, electrolytes and metalo-enzymes that can not be found in any other product we have found available in the marketplace.
Q: Don’t most supplements contain 100% carbon-bond organic trace minerals?
Dr. Drucker: In a word, no. Many supplements contain some form of trace minerals. However, trace minerals alone are not sufficient; that is, they don’t contain sufficient quantities of living carbon to sustain our bodies. Again, the carbon is the link to transforming the nutrients to their optimal state, hence enabling them to deliver the maximum benefit to all of the body’s organic systems. 100% carbon-bond organic trace minerals and nutrients are only available from Drucker Labs. intraCELL V products are naturally rich in carbon, oxygen and fulvic acid. They are safe for the most sensitive and allergic patients.
Q: What role does intraCELL V Technology play in producing 100% carbon-bond organic trace minerals?
Dr. Drucker: intraCELL V Technology was introduced to the market after more than fifteen years of research, testing and analysis. It works to maximize intracellular and extracellular (interstitial fluid and fatty tissue) detoxification and to rapidly infuse nutrients into the cells. It takes 40 days to produce one bottle of intraMAX. During that time, the intraCELL V process wraps each trace mineral molecule in organic carbon. Subsequently, the molecules are broken down and transformed into new ultra-small, restructured molecules. The newly structured molecules have lower molecular weight and size. This process rapidly transforms the inorganic matter in the trace minerals into 100% carbon-bond organic nutrition in the form of organic trace minerals, fulvic acid, poly-electrolytes, metalo-enzymes and more.
Q: How did you discover intraCELL V Technology and its benefits?
Dr. Drucker: In the early 1980’s, I was studying alternative medicine. I stumbled on the following quote from Linus Pauling – two-time Nobel Prize recipient and renowned scientist: Every ailment, every sickness and every disease can be traced back to an organic mineral deficiency.”
I began combing through excerpts from one of Pauling’s presentations to congress. I had initially missed a key word in his presentation – “organic”. I reasoned that Pauling was attempting to demonstrate the value of minerals that contain living carbon, not inorganic, toxic and synthetic colloids. That revelation set me on a path of intense study of organic carbon, alternative therapies, homeopathic remedies and nutritional medicine. This inevitably led to the development of intraCELL V Technology, intraMIN, intraMAX. and intraKID. Furthermore, it lead to the process of extracting higher levels of fulvic acid, oxygen and carbon.
Q: What else should we know about Drucker Labs?
Dr. Drucker: Drucker Labs has invested in world-class, state-of-the-art manufacturing processes and facilities. We have implemented the strictest standards for quality control to produce the purest, most effective nutritional supplements available. We use a proprietary purified cold water process (cold fill) instead of a warm fill process used by many other manufacturers. Our cold fill process yields higher levels of carbon and consequently higher levels of fulvic acid – nature’s most precious form of protection and defense for plants, animals and humans. Cold processing is substantially more expensive than processes that use heat. It preserves the integrity of natural organics and is integral to our exacting scientific and technological processes.
Q: Can you share something with us about your commitment to healthcare professionals and their patients?
Dr. Drucker: We are passionately committed to sharing these health-promoting products with the healthcare community and their patients. Our goal is to share the results of our research and technologies with you. Our products are exclusively available through healthcare practitioners. Lastly, I am personally involved and invested in our continuing research and development endeavors to ensure that our products incorporate the latest advances in nutritional health.
Drucker Labs Unique Mineral Extraction Process
Derives Naturally Chelated, Carbon-Bond Organic, Homeostatic Soil-based Microcomplexes
“I consider Drucker Labs the quintessential liquid nutritional supplement. Besides being great tasting, it gives each of my patients a balanced energized feeling of well being. I am very impressed with the quality and the incredible research that has gone into this unique elixir. I encourage the use of this excellent tonic. I use this myself and will keep doing so. Dr. Drucker has produced a win” |
Agricultural techniques dating from previous centuries coupled with modern scientific research data gathered in this century, have established conclusively that microbe-formed, 100% Organic, Soil-based micro-complexes are a vital key to plant and human health and nutrition! As plant matter breaks down with microbial action the microbes complex minerals and trace elements and other nutrients into their most digestible and usable form.
This mineral complex is the basis for Drucker Labs intraCELL V technology, which is the basis for all our products. History reveals that every society of a substantial size, which existed for over 200 years with good health, had agricultural practices that harmonized with the microbial production of these Organic micro-complexes. Bio-intensive agriculture is the term we now use to describe the practice of regenerating these Organic micro-complexes back into the soil. Consider these facts:
- Since 1950, the practice of Western agriculture in China has destroyed 30% of croplands which had produced, with bio-intensive practices, healthful crops for over 6,000 years.
- U.S. agricultural practices destroy 6 lbs. of soil for every lb. of food produced.
- Even certified Organic farming practices deplete the soil 7 to 70 times faster than nature restores it. Research and experience have demonstrated that trace supplementation of these Organic micro-complexes result in dramatic benefits to both plants and humans!
The benefits of carbon-bond organically micro-complexed minerals and trace elements found in products using intraCELL V Technology include the following:
- The complex is a powerful, natural electrolyte restoring electrical balance and energy to cells, body fluids, and body organs.
- The complex has a high affinity to complexation reactions (chelation) and is capable of chelating with mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic or other heavy metals and carrying them out of body cells and tissues.
- The complex carries naturally complexed trace minerals and elements in their most digestible and usable form. These minerals were complexed from formerly living cells within living cells to provide our cells with essential minerals. These complexed minerals provide essential catalyst within the cell, assist in the proper assimilation of vitamins, and provide key mineral building blocks for the body.
- Through a process called polymerization and depolymerization, the complex has been shown to be capable of recomplexing (polymerization) toxins and poisons, rendering them harmless or molecularly taking a toxin or poison apart (depolymerization) which creates smaller compounds that are no longer toxic. In this way, the complex can help neutralize many of the toxins we face in our environment, including pesticides, herbicides, cleaners, industrial waste, etc.
- When added as a trace supplement in our daily diet, the complex assists in more efficient assimilation and digestion of foods and other nutrients!
- The complex improves the permeability of cell membranes allowing for higher assimilation of ALL other available nutrients!
- The complex increases the metabolism of proteins, (RNA, DNA) aiding in the process of cell divisions.
- The complex improves the activity of enzymes, especially assisting the respiration process within the cell.
- The complex assists the action of antioxidants, helping to stop the damage of free radicals.
- The complex contains minute amounts of microbe and plant formed vitamins, antibiotics, phytonutrients, phytochemicals, coenzymes, and other trace nutrients which contribute to the positive life processes of the cells and the entire body.
Products using intraCELL V Technology naturally contain over 72 chelated (99% to 100% absorbable form) fulvic poly-electrolyte minerals and Organic, Homeostatic Soil-based micro-complexes. Our micro-complexes contain a wide variety of carbon-bond organically complexed components in the form of: Methyls, Aromatic Protonates, Heterocyclics, Carbonyls, Carboxyls, Quinones and Ketone-Ketene-like Carbonyls. Our unique and proprietary micro-complexes provide over 72 ultra safe, healthy and naturally chelated, organic minerals and elements in a 100% natural, fulvic poly-electrolyte structure for maximum intercellular absorption and utilization. They also contain Fulvic Acid which is a naturally occurring organic electrolyte and bio-activator of exceptional merit.
Moreover, Dr. Drucker believes these complexes are critically necessary for:
- proper composition of body pH, electrolytes and body fluids;
- support of healthy blood and bones;
- maintenance of healthy nerve function;
- muscles, tissues, joints, ligaments, tendons;
- proper activation and assimilation by our bodies of other vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, glycogens, etc.;
- reducing “Free Radical” damage to our cells, thereby slowing the aging process;
- proper detoxification of inter-cellular metabolic wastes;
- providing each cell with a neuro-electrical and intercellular catalyst to assist in the transport of over 72 chelated minerals, poly-electrolytes, micro-complexes and other vital nutrients into our cells;
- immune system support;
- support for natural healing
We have compared and tested our vitamin and mineral supplements to top leading brands on the market. Because the unique and proprietary extraction process does NOT use harsh chemicals or detergents, we have found a way to naturally preserve critical organic, micro-complexes. Without our proprietary extraction process, these micro-complexes would NOT maintain their chelated, organic properties in the bottle. These benefits cover such a wide range of important contributions to our health that they cannot be ignored. These benefits would automatically be in the foods that we eat, if those foods were grown in soils rich in nutrients and not removed during processing. Bio-intensive agriculture is not practiced in most of our western agriculture and the majority of our commercial foods are void of proper levels of nutrients. Until agricultural practices are corrected, we need to supplement minerals in our diets.
There are NO detectable amounts of Mercury, Lead, Cadmium or Arsenic present in any of our products (<0.005 mg/L). Also, intraMIN and the intraCellular ENERGY System are Ultra Hypoallergenic and is free of all common allergens (antigens) and contains only the purest ingredients obtainable: 100% natural and ORGANICALLY micro-complexed Trace Minerals, Fulvic Acid, organic Carbon, Poly-electrolytes and Metalo-enzymes with proprietary intraCELL Technology. intraMIN and/or intraMAX do NOT contain any wheat, corn yeast, Gluten, Soy, Barley, Dairy (milk or egg), Animal Products, Fish, Artificial Additives, Artificial Colors, Artificial Flavors, Starch, Binders, Coatings, Excipients or Flow Agents. The information in this paper is for information purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Drucker Labs intraCell Technology
New, Proprietary, Ground-breaking “carbon-bond” Technology
- First, it surrounds, then polymerizes an inorganic molecule (toxin) with living organic carbon, then instantly breaks it into very tiny restructured organically complexed molecules.
- Second, intraCELL Technology converts inorganic elements and molecules to be 100% organically micro-complexed for maximum intracellular and extra-cellular detoxification.
- Then, intraCELL Technology instantly infuses over 415+ life promoting, carbon-bond organic micro-complexed nutrients into the cell.
Organic Trace Minerals are true 100% organic minerals containing carbon. When Drucker Labs uses the word “organic” we are not referring to the common commercial use of the word “organic” which means produced without the use of toxic chemicals, pesticides, etc. We are referring to the more important and true scientific connotation of the word “organic” which means containing “living carbon” not dead, synthetic, toxic carbonate. True 100% organic microcomplexed carbon-based trace minerals and nutrients can ONLY be obtained from Drucker Labs. After years of testing, Drucker Labs has determined most trace mineral products do not contain sufficient quantities of true organics to sustain our bodies. Each bottle of intraMAX takes 40 days of proprietary processing to yield 144,500 mg/l of living organic carbon.
“I have been using intraMAX and the results have been excellent. I continue to have substantial improvement in the quality of my life. I also have not had a cold or the flu in almost four years.”
Fulvic acid is the end product of nature’s decomposition process. Fulvic acid contains most of the phytochemical protective (anti-aging / antioxidant) nutrients and substances from the original living organic plant matter. Even the smallest strands of RNA, DNA and organic plant photosynthetic material remain intact. Over time, the original components become organically complexed and enriched with metalo-enzymes and other critical organic material. Fulvic acid is proven to have numerous unique capabilities for essential intra-cellular detoxification functions even when applied topically. Because fulvic acid is so highly refined and naturally chelated, it consists of 100% organically complexed and ultra-tiny molecules which easily penetrate human tissues and cells.
Fulvic acid is highly bioactive at the cellular level, providing innumerable biochemical and metabolic detoxification functions. Scientists believe fulvic acid bridges the gap between inert trace minerals and living 100% organically complexed (carbon-based) trace minerals, poly-electrolytes, and metalo-enzymes. Scientists also believe fulvic acid directly contributes to the “spark of life” itself. It contains latent solar energy matter and remnants of most plant photosynthesis. Fulvic acid is simply nature’s most precious form of protection and defense for plants, animals, and even mankind. Unquestionably, it is tied closely to immune system functions and has exceptionally powerful antioxidant (anti-aging) qualities.
Why do I need organic minerals?
“Every ailment, every sickness and every disease can be traced back to an organic mineral deficiency.”
Without organic trace minerals as a carrier, vitamins and other nutrients are not as effective. Cells cease to function, the immune system weakens, the nervous system deteriorates and the body begins to age more rapidly. True organic minerals and nutrients are absolutely critical to maintain health and promote healing.
Do I get enough nutrients and minerals from my food?
No. “99% of Americans are deficient in organic minerals because inorganic toxic chemicals, pesticides and herbicides have destroyed nearly all the critical organic minerals, elements, and complexes in our soils. A marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals impacts health.”
Do I get organic minerals and nutrients in most multivitamins?
No. The question really is, will your body absorb and utilize those found in most products? Only a small percentage of most minerals and vitamins in commercial products are absorbed by your cells.” This is because they are mostly inorganic (synthetic, dead, toxic), which means these non-absorbable synthetic minerals and elements are generally too large to effectively penetrate cell walls. Therefore, inorganic elements and minerals are of little or no benefit. Moreover, many doctors believe inorganic elements and minerals (i.e. colloidal minerals, coral liquids, etc.) may in fact accumulate in our extra-cellular tissue causing toxicity.