About the Sacral Chakra - Svadhisthana
The Sacral Chakra is located approximately 1-2 inches below your naval and its color is orange. The Sacral Chakra is very close in vibration to the Root Chakra, and so it is also concerned with survival issues, but more from an emotional/gut instinct standpoint. The Sacral Chakra is associated with our emotional body and our tribal consciousness. It rules creativity, intuition on a gut level, fertility, relationships with others, and sensuality.
Whereas the Root Chakra was more associated with the masculine energy of sexuality and physical gratification, the Sacral Chakra is concerned with the more feminine aspect of sex as a sharing act and union between two people. The Sacral Chakra is also connected to our sense of taste and to food. It is no wonder then that some people deal (or rather not deal) with their emotions with food, as they both correspond to the energy vibration of the Sacral Chakra. Food, and sharing a meal, is also associated with home and spending time with friends and family, all second chakra energy. As the Sacral Chakra is connected with emotions and the emotional body, it is also associated with the element of Water, the Moon, Yesod on the Tree of Life, and the lower Astral Plane. As such, the Sacral Chakra is also connected with endings and beginnings and the illusory nature of this life.
When the Sacral Chakra is clear and the energy is in balance, you are friendly, compassionate, and empathic with a concern for others. You are nurturing of yourself and of others. You have a very strong sense of belonging - you know your role within the tribe and are well respected and liked by others. This sense of connectedness also extends to nature and the plants and animals. Your emotions are balanced and you are self-aware - you allow yourself to feel your emotions and can transform negative emotion into positive. You have a strong gut instinct and heed well that level of intuition. You have a good sense of humor and express yourself creatively.
When the Sacral Chakra is unbalanced by excessive energy, you may be prone to emotional outbursts, be overly ambitious, manipulative (if you loved me…), caught up in illusions, over indulgent, and objectify others as sex objects, or use sex to not deal with your emotions.
A blocked Sacral Chakra with too little energy running through it is often tied to childhood trauma and abuse. You may feel unloved and unworthy, be shy and timid, immobilized by fear, overly sensitive, clingy or in contrast isolated, and burdened by undeserved guilt and shame. You may be repressed emotionally and sexually, inhibited, frigid or impotent. You may not be able to connect emotionally with others or form true intimate relationships. You may stuff your emotions down with food, and so they build up under the surface. You may feel overwhelmed - that you cannot allow yourself to feel your emotions, because your emotional well is full and just one more will cause the well to overflow, the dam to burst, and all hell to break loose.
In addition to the chakra clearing and balancing meditation, there are several ways that you can focus your energy and intention on balancing and clearing the Sacral Chakra. Indulge in a sensuous bath, surrounding yourself with the scents of jasmine, sage, and ylang-ylang. Eat sweet fruits, honey, and nuts. Connect with the mineral intelligence of carnelian, coral, amber, citrine, and moonstone. Swim, dance, create art, have fun, laugh. But perhaps most importantly, commune with your inner child and confront your emotions, allow yourself to feel them, and then transform them or let them go and allow the past to die. Give your inner child now the love, understanding, nurturing, protection, and safety that was needed before but did not receive. Form an intimate and loving relationship with Yourself, so that you can have loving and intimate relationships with others.