Sea Cleanse may help renew your body from the inside out by eliminating toxins and excess waste.
Helps with better digestion so you absorb and use more of the nutrients in your food.
Also may help decalcify all your body systems - a major cause of premature aging.
Calcium deposits...
- In your joints = inflammation and pain
- In your blood vessels = hardening of the arteries
- In your heart = heart disease
- In your brain = senility.
Sea Cleanse Benefits
- Acts as a digestive aid
- May strengthen immunity
- Helps dissolve calcium deposits, may reduce pain
- Cleanse your colon of toxic wastes, without harsh chemical laxatives
- May raise your body pH
- Helps restore organ functionality
- May help eliminate candida and fungus.
- Aids your liver's natural detoxification process.
This unique magnesium cleanse is one of the highest quality, least expensive, most assimilated magnesium supplements available.
The mineral profile of Sea Cleanse is similar to the mineral profile of healthy blood plasma, including over 80 minerals as they occur naturally in the ocean.
In addition, there are organic radicals that are added because they are suppliers of hydrogen ions, which help facilitate detoxifying tissues and eliminating unwanted fungi from the body.
Sea Cleanse has reduced sodium content and increased magnesium content, acting together with the hydrogen ions, to help dissolve accumulated calcium in soft tissues.
Sea Cleanse uses advanced laboratory technologies to appropriately blend the large number of ocean minerals with ascorbate (vitamin C), bicarbonate, citrate and malate radicals to produce relatively rare chemical species that facilitate, by their diversity, the improved operation of cellular metabolism, including removal of unwanted minerals such as excess calcium from the soft tissues.
In addition, Volixer technology restructures the large water clusters in Sea Cleanse into smaller hexagonal water clusters. These hexagonal water clusters will wrap around the nano-minerals and form onion-like water layers around the minerals. This is a form of water-chelation that magnifies the effective size of the nano-minerals, so your cells can use them with less effort.
One reason for this easier penetration is that the small hexagonal water clusters that form the water cage have a similar structure to the ones found inside the cells. These water-wrapped minerals are perceived by our cells as much closer to what is natural for them in using minerals for their processes, generally decreasing cellular stress.
As a result of this complex structure for the minerals and the water around them, Sea Cleanse permeates your cells very efficiently.