Zeolite and Nuclear Accidents
IF (or is it already a WHEN) the nuclear reactors in Japan blow up, the melting cores will be releasing radioactive isotopes that dramatically affect all life on Earth. Even a small amount of the radioactive heavy metals will cause long term problems, both from the radiation, and from the toxicity perspectives. We can learn from the Chernobyl accident in 1986. During the 1986 Chernobyl disaster radioactive isotopes equal to 30 40 times the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were released. Cesium (137Cs, 134Cs) and Strontium (90Sr, 89Sr) were the major isotopes released.
In response, about 500,000 tons of zeolite rock, mainly clinoptililolite (the same type of Zeolite we make available for human consumption) was processed in the Ukraine, Georgia and Russia. The majority of the industrial grade clinoptilolite was used for construction of barriers, agricultural uses and soil decontamination. The Dnieper River was decontaminated by use of clinoptilolite filter layers. Clinoptilolite was used to filter the water from the Chernobyl power plant and 137Cs was reduced by 95% and 90Sr by 50-60%. In Bulgaria, cows were fed 10% clinoptilolite-containing feed to decrease Cs in the milk. Children were given 2-30% by weight clinoptilolite cookies and biscuits to remove radioactive Cs.
Countries of Western Europe used clinoptilolite in animal feed and the soil to reduce radioactivity in plants, sheep, chickens and fruit juice. Clinoptilolites effectiveness has been verified by years of research. It is safe (GRAS) and has the ability to bind and remove toxic heavy metals and to protect you from the long term effects of radiation from Cesium and Strontium isotopes. Zeolite does not remove radioactive Iodine (131I). For that you need to supplement with either seaweed, tincture, or KI to protect your thyroid gland. Iodine of course, does not protect your other organs from radiation or toxicity.
Zeolite works because of its ability to bind toxic heavy metals and to escort them safely through your urinary tract.
Here are some references that were used in research:
1. NF Chelishchev, in DW Ming and FA Mumpton eds, Natural Zeolites 1993: Occurrence, Properties, Use, Int Comm. Natural Zeolites, Brockport, NY. 1995, p525
2. Yu, I, Tarasevich,J. Water Chem Techno. 18(1996)6
3. Filizova,L, Zeolites 1993, Program and Abstracts, 4th International Conf on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites. Boise, ID 1993, p88
4. MJ Madruga and A. Cremers. Environ Impact Radoactivity Releases. Pro Int Symp 1995, p 503
5. M Poschl and J Balas. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics. 38 (1999)177.
6. M.Phillippo, S Gvozdanovic, D Gvozdanoviz. JL Chesters, E Paterson and CF Mills. Vet. Rec. 122 (1988) 560