Probiotics for EASY Digestion and STRONG Immunity
Quick definition:
Anti-biotic means “against life”
Pro-biotic means “for life“
Probiotics are healthy, desirable bacteria.
Just as “bad” bacteria can make us sick, “good” bacteria can protect us from disease. Friendly bacteria balance the destructive bacteria.
Living inside your digestive system is a vast amount of good bacteria. They perform very important functions, from your mouth down to your rectum.
Our gut is home to more bacteria than actual human cells. The good, friendly bacteria exist along side the bad bacteria – potential disease-causing bacteria.
When the bad bacteria overgrow, the resulting imbalance creates poor digestion, and a weak immune system. A wide variety of symptoms can follow. This blog explains more “Digestive System Issues“.
Good balance and diversity of digestive bacteria will protect us from disease.
Probiotics are Crucial for Your Health and Vitality
Regain and maintain your good health.
Symptoms of Healthy Digestion
~ Benefits of Probiotics ~
- Regular bowel movements (no constipation or diarrhea)
- No bloating nor heartburn
- Healthy body weight
- No unexplained stiff and sore joints
- Strong immune system (fewer or no colds, flus or infections).
Most people have some form of difficult digestion.
Do you often have…?
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Low energy
- Over or under weight
- Food allergies/sensitivities (gluten, lactose)
- Burning sensation between your stomach and mouth
- Chronic body pains
- Skin troubles (pimples, red inflammation, rashes)?
These symptoms make your digestive system work hard. To keep toxins moving freely out of your body.
If your gut is not colonized by the right mix of microorganisms, you will not be able to reach your full potential. You will always be off. Sometimes a little bit and sometimes a whole lot.
Most Everyone Needs Probiotics… Every Day
To offset the damage done by, and recover from:
- Antibiotics and other pharmaceutical drugs
- Poor diet (processed foods, sugar, soda, alcohol)
- Smoking
- Stress and anxiety
- Diarrhea and constipation
- Chlorinated water.
There are SO many factors that can upset the balance of the good and bad bacteria in your digestive system.
Anything you can do to free-up your immune system will boost your health. Especially when you give yourself comfortable digestion!
If you do nothing about symptoms of poor digestion, your discomforts will likely develop into other areas of pain. Like in your joints, muscles, nerves and brain. Sometimes evolving into painful, degenerative diseases.
It all depends on your genetics and individual weaknesses.
Picture this…
Over time, the water level in an old pond will slowly drain away. Just like the reserves of youth in your body.
When the level of water in the old pond drops, random things poke-up from the bottom. Just like discomforts or disease will surface in your aging body.
Which particular discomfort or disease comes to the surface all depends on your individual weak tendencies.
If allowed to continue, symptoms of poor digestion can become debilitating.
If you’re interested in the working parts of your digestive system, take a look at this: “Digestive System Parts“.
Probiotics for
EASY Digestion and STRONG Immunity
Essential to Recover from Antibiotics
Antibiotics kill bacteria – Both bad AND good!
Before you take antibiotics, be certain that your infection is bacterial. Many are viral and will NOT be affected by antibiotics. If you must take antibiotics, know that Probiotic Supplementation is necessary to re-colonize your gut after antibiotic treatment. This is of utmost importance in maintaining your health in the long run.
Probiotics from Soil-Based Organisms (SBOs)
For our ancestors, SBO Probiotics were naturally provided in their diet from the rich soil that coated their harvested vegetables.
These microscopic probiotics are still present in soils that have not been commercially overused and tainted with pesticides. Since most of us eat commercially grown food, our diets are deficient in SBO Probiotics.
SBO Probiotics are extremely aggressive against all disease-causing viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungus and molds.
You might like to listen to or read “Podcast 259: Soil-based Probiotics – Part 1”
SBOS are Better than Artificial, Pharmaceutical Probiotics
Most probiotic formulas are artificial and do not contain SBOs. Some may be dormant in their container. They begin to die, even before packaging. Refrigeration prolongs their race to death before they even hit your mouth. If your probiotics require refrigeration, they are probably dying as you sit here reading.
The best supplements contain dormant SBO Probiotic cultures WITH a prebiotic. That’s food for the probiotics to reproduce.
When the dormant SBO Probiotic culture comes in contact with your body fluids (or water/juice), they ingest the prebiotic food and begin reproducing. Rapid growth begins, and your health improves.
It took science 50 years to realize that antibiotics are not always the answer. They simply do not kill yeasts, viruses, molds, or parasites. Research is confirming that superior immune function is produced by growing strong cultures of Soil Based Organisms (SBOs) in your digestive tract.
Research on Soil Based Organisms
Current research on SBO Probiotic supplements confirms that a daily dose of friendly bacteria is the health boost needed for people of all ages. From pre-pregnancy, newborns, children, adults, and the elderly. Daily use of powerful probiotic supplements are the cornerstone to your vibrant health.
Take a look at:
- “Scientific References: Probiotics and Prebiotics“
- Extensive SBO research done by Peter R. Rothschild, M.D., Ph. D.
- Podcast 332: Probiotics from Soil-Based Organisms (SBOs)
- Podcast 439: Panaceum for Healthy Microbiome – Part 1
A Word about PREbiotics
Prebiotics are food for your already present good bacteria. They enable the continued growth of your good bacteria by feeding and stimulating their activity.
Lactose Intolerance
The probiotic acidophilus is a source of lactase, the enzyme needed to digest milk sugar, which is insufficient in lactose intolerant people. If you’re lactose intolerant, you’ll need more than probiotics. Please see our Digestive Enzymes that break down lactose: Devigest and Digestive Enzymes MF.
Most Common Probiotic Strains
1. Bifidobacteria
Commonly used in foods and supplements for:
- Immunity
- Limiting growth of harmful bacteria in the intestine
- Helps break down lactose (from dairy products).
2. Lactobacillus
Produces lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose, or milk sugar. Also produces lactic acid that controls growth of bad bacteria. Serves as muscle fuel and increases mineral absorption. Naturally in the mouth, small intestine and vagina.
Probiotics for EASY Digestion and STRONG Immunity
Help Your Gut to Strengthen Your Immunity
Build healthy digestion where illness dare not tread.