October 6, 2018 by
Prof. Dr. Sir John Whitman Ray

Probiotics, Enzymes and Minerals

Twelve Points on Probiotic Lactobacillus Acidophilus

  1. Lactobacillus bacteria are a group of aerobic, long, slender rods which produce large amounts of lactic acid in the fermentation of carbohydrates.
  2. Daily dietary intake of Lactobacillus acidophilus helps maintain proper balance of healthy bacteria in the intestinal tract. (Some problems from a lack of “healthy” bacteria in the intestinal tract due to the proliferation of “unhealthy” bacteria are constipation, irritated colon and diarrhea. Acne, eczema and fever blisters may also be caused by “unhealthy” bacteria.)
  3. Lactobacillus acidophilus is essential to help synthesize and assimilate necessary vitamins in the intestinal tract.
  4. Lactobacillus acidophilus has been found to help lower cholesterol levels in the blood stream.
  5. Lactobacillus acidophilus has been known to help detoxify toxic and hazardous material found in the diet.
  6. Lactobacillus acidophilus aids in producing enzymes which help the digestibility of food.
  7. Lactobacillus acidophilus improves the digestibility of feed for animals and has been tested and used as a feed additive.
  8. Lactobacillus acidophilus helps maintain the pH level of the intestine by producing lactic acid from carbohydrates thus preventing an increase of pH which could then allow the proliferation of sensitive microbes which could produce various toxic substances harmful to the health of the body.
  9. Lactobacillus acidophilus helps to replace normal healthy bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract after oral antibiotics have been administered. Oral antimicrobial drugs suppress the drug-susceptible components of fecal flora (L. acidophilus) and thus allow, through increased pH, drug-resistant strains to become predominant, resulting in loss of benefits derived from normal bacterial activity.
  10. There is no known toxicity from ingesting too large a dose of Lactobacillus acidophilus.
  11. Lactobacillus acidophilus in the intestinal tract are small in number compared to other organisms. It is, therefore, essential that the human body be assured a maintenance of the proper level of this particular culture by daily ingestion of Lactobacillus acidophilus.
  12. Lactobacillus acidophilus is, therefore, justified as a supplemental dietary substance especially in these days when stress, uncertainty and unhealthy pollution of air, water and food predominate.

Twelve Points on Enzymes

  1. Enzymes rule over all other nutrients. Enzymes are responsible for nearly every facet of life and health and far outweigh the importance of every other nutrient.
  2. Enzymes are needed to help control all mental and physical functions. Each body cell has in excess of 100,000 enzyme particles necessary for metabolic processes.
  3. Enzymes cannot function properly without the presence of other substances which are known as coenzymes. Coenzymes are minerals, vitamins and proteins.
  4. Once enzymes have completed their appointed task they are destroyed. For life to continue you must have a constant enzyme supply which requires continual replacement of enzymes.
  5. Enzymes are found in all living cells including raw foods or those that are cooked at a temperature lower than 116 degrees Fahrenheit. Enzymes begin to perish when the temperature increases beyond 116 degrees. The degree of enzyme destruction is a function of time and temperature.
  6. Enzymes are primarily proteins, yet enzymes need amino acids for their normal function. Hormones are primarily proteins which require interaction with enzymes to regulate bodily processes.
  7. Enzymes aid in transforming proteins into amino acids. Protein does not perform its function unless broken down into amino acids. Amino acids can be considered as an enzyme carrier whose function is to transport enzymes to various functions in the body.
  8. Enzymes help extract chelated minerals from food. Enzymes transform chelated minerals into an alkaline detoxifying agent which combines with acid cellular wastes and toxic settlements within the body thus neutralizing them and preparing them for elimination.
  9. Enzymes use minerals to create an even balance of dissolved solids both inside and outside the cells, thus equalizing both internal and external pressures which we call osmotic equilibrium.
  10. Vitamins are required as coenzymes to work with enzymes in every chemical reaction in every cell of the body. Without minerals extracted from food by enzymes, vitamins would be unable to perform their function.
  11. An enzyme deficiency must be carefully considered as a possible precursor of bodily imbalance and consequent disease symptoms.
  12. Enzymes are, therefore, justified as a supplemental dietary substance which need is parallel with mineral, vitamin and all other supportive therapies.

Twelve Points on Minerals

  1. According to Senate Document No. 264, the official publication, 99 percent of American people are deficient in minerals, and a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease.
  2. The body is equipped to chelate only a small amount of some inorganic elements from nature. Therefore, the body requires the minerals to come from plants in a chelated form that the minerals may be properly assimilated and utilized. The efficiency of each mineral is enhanced by balanced amounts of the others.
  3. The body must maintain an adequate mineral supply to maintain a balance between internal and external pressures of the cells called osmotic equilibrium. This state must be maintained for normal cell function and continued youthful health.
  4. All nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, sugars, oils, etc. require minerals for activity. All bodily processes depend upon the action of minerals.
  5. Trace chelated minerals are more important in nutrition than vitamins. Vitamins can be synthesized by living matter, minerals cannot.
  6. Vitamins are required for every biochemical activity of the body. Vitamins cannot function unless minerals are present.
  7. Minerals are the catalysts that make enzyme functions possible. Chelated minerals combine with enzymes into an alkaline detoxifying agent which neutralizes the acid metabolic byproducts of the cells and other toxic conditions within the body and prepares them for elimination.
  8. Hormonal secretion of glands is dependent upon mineral stimulation.
  9. The acid-alkaline balance(pH) of the tissue fluid is controlled by minerals.
  10. All elements work together as a collective whole. If there is a shortage of just one mineral, the balance of the entire bodily activity can be thrown awry. A deficiency of one mineral may disrupt the entire chain of life, rendering other nutrients either useless or inefficient.
  11. The concept brought forth by the French scientists concerning the biological transmutation of the elements within the body makes it understandable as to why the body needs the broad range of chelated minerals in balance to regain and maintain good health.
  12. Minerals are, therefore, justified as a supplemental dietary substance especially in these days when the mineral content of our fruits and vegetables are destroyed by petrochemicals and synthetic fertilizers.
Author: Prof. Dr. Sir John Whitman Ray
Prof. Dr. Sir John Whitman Ray October 6, 2018
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