October 6, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Nutrients In Algae

AFA (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae)

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AFA contains more chlorophyll than any other natural food, 3 to 5 times more than even wheatgrass! Chlorophyll detoxifies the body from internally generated poisons and the waste products of general metabolism. Chlorophyll also protects us from external environmental pollutants we come in contact with each day.

Chlorophyll is a very important part of the AFA. Its molecular structure is almost the same as that of the hemoglobin, which is responsible for carrying oxygenated blood throughout the body. AFA is the prime nutrient, and chlorophyll is the central molecule for increasing the oxygen availability to your system. Chlorophyll is vital for the body’s rapid assimilation of amino acids. AFA is the highest known source of chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll Content per 10 grams
E3 AFA 300 mg
Spirulina 115 mg
Chlorella 280 mg
Barley Grass 49 mg
Wheat Grass 55 mg

Study of Chlorophyll
Effect of dietary chlorophyll derivatives on mutagenesis and tumor cell growth

Chernomorsky S, Segelman A, Poretz RD. (1999). Teratog Carcinog Mutagen. 19(5):313-22

Much attention in recent years has been given to the antigenotoxicity of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll, however, is known to be converted into pheophytin, pyropheophytin, and pheophorbide in processed vegetable food and following ingestion by humans. Studies were conducted on the antimutagenic and tumoricidal potencies of these compounds. All the chlorophyll derivatives tested exhibit identical antimutagenic effect towards 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC), suggesting that the porphyrin nucleus may complex directly with the mutagen. It does not exclude, however, another mechanism of activity involving inactivation the enzymatic transformation of 3-MC.

In contrast, the action of N’-nitro-N’-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) depends upon structural differences between the chlorophyll derivatives. It is significantly lower when the phytol-containing pheophytin and pyropheophytin are tested as to that of the phytol-lacking pheophorbide. The higher concentrations of the chlorophyll derivatives were required to reduce the mutagenicity of MNNG than needed for 3-MC. The cytotoxicity of chlorophyll derivatives against tumor cells also was evaluated. The cellular uptake and inhibition of myeloma cell multiplicity were found to be greater for pheophorbide than for pheophytin. Calculated on the amount of cell associated chlorophyll derivative, however, pheophytin was more cytostatic/cytotoxic than pheophorbide. The results presented in this report indicate that food sources that yield chlorophyll derivatives may play a significant role in cancer prevention.


AFA is an abundant source of phycocyanin, the blue pigment found in the AFA. Similar to chlorophyll, phycocyanin protects the body against various toxic substances found in our food, air and water. Recent research has revealed that phycocyanin is an effective antioxidant and promotes healthy joint functioning.

Study of Phycocyanin
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of C-phycocyanin from blue-green algae

Romay C, Armesto J, Remirez D, Gonzalez R, Ledon N, Garcia I Pharmacology Department, National Center for Scientific Research, CNIC, Havana, Cuba. ricardo@quimica.cneuro.cu

Objective: Phycocyanin is a pigment found in blue-green algae which contains open chain tetrapyrroles with possible scavenging properties. We have studied its antioxidant properties.

Materials and Methods: Phycocyanin was evaluated as a putative antioxidant in vitro by using: a) luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence (LCL) generated by three different radical species (O2-, OH., RO.) and by zymosan activated human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNLs), b) deoxyribose assay and c) inhibition of liver microsomal lipid peroxidation induced by Feascorbic acid. The antioxidant activity was also assayed in vivo in glucose oxidase (GO)-induced inflammation in mouse paw.

Results: The results indicated that phycocyanin is able to scavenge OH. (IC50 = 0.91 mg/mL) and RO. (IC50 = 76 microg/ml) radicals, with activity equivalent to 0.125 mg/ml of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) and 0.038 microg/ml of trolox, specific scavengers of those radicals respectively. In the deoxyribose assay the second-order rate constant was 3.56 x 10(11) M(-1) S(-1), similar to that obtained for some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Phycocyanin also inhibits liver microsomal lipid peroxidation (IC50 = 12 mg/ml), the CL response of PMNLs (p < 0.05) as well as the edema index in GO-induced inflammation in mouse paw (p < 0.05).

Conclusions: To our knowledge this is the first report of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of c-phycocyanin.

Inflamm Res 1998 Jan;47(1):36-41


AFA is a source of almost every known vitamin. The vitamins found in E3 are absorbed much more easily and completely than artificial, poorly assimilated man-made vitamins. It’s only What your body will use (absorb) that counts! AFA is 97% usable by the body, compared to synthesized vitamins which are 5-25% usable. Vitamins are essential to human life. They are organic compounds necessary in small amounts to promote growth and maintenance of life. They do not provide energy, nor do they construct or build any part of the body. They are needed to transform food into energy for the body. E3 AFA contains a complete balance of vitamins except for vitamins “D” and “E”.


Minerals, especially trace minerals, are increasingly hard to find in the typical modern diet. Vitamins cannot be utilized without minerals being present. AFA contains every mineral known to science, in an easily absorbed “chelated” form. Minerals are important to the overall functioning of the mind and body. They have two general body functions – building and regulating. Without minerals, vitamins have no function. Minerals help build the skeleton and all soft tissues, and regulate heartbeat, blood clotting, internal pressure of body fluids, nerve response and oxygen transport from the lungs to the tissues. E3 AFA contains almost every organic mineral in trace amounts, which is what the body must have to function well. Minerals can literally mean the difference between good health and serious disease. While the minerals only represent about one percent or less of our daily food intake, without them we cannot metabolize our food, and we would then quickly perish.

Amino Acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Amino acids build muscle, repair cells and are the raw materials from which the essential brain neuro-hormones serotonin and dopamine are synthesized. The brain hormones feed the brain’s pleasure and mood control centers which influence how we feel on a moment-to-moment basis. All of the body’s basic biochemical processes require energy to occur. It is from the ingestion of various food substances that the required amount of energy is obtained. The central part of the body’s energy package that provides for the replication and repair of cells, organs and organ systems is protein. Next to water, protein is the most abundant substance in a healthy human body. It comprises a major portion of the blood and lymph and creates a natural immunity by giving the body a means of recognizing invading foreign cells and viruses.

Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of the body. Proteins comprise 90% of the hemoglobin and form the backbone of the body’s immune system. The algae contains more protein than any other organism (plant or animal). There are 22 amino acids; 8 of these are essential and must be obtained from our foods. Without proper quantities of all the amino acids, health cannot be maintained. When improper amounts of amino acids are consumed, the less important body tissues are “cannibalized” causing premature aging and possible severe deficiencies, such as lack of motivation, loss of memory, low mental alertness, poor intellectual performance and depression. What is truly unique about the algae is that its amino acid profile is almost identical to that found in our body, making E3Live one of nature’s perfect foods.

Essential Fatty Acids

Each of the trillion cell walls in our bodies are made from Essential Fatty Acids (EFA). Researchers tell us most people are deficient in EFAs. AFA is rich in EFAs, especially the Omega-3 form (the hardest to find, even in natural foods). Omega-3 helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Research shows Omega-3 is beneficial to the cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems. The nutrients found in E3 AFA are perfectly combined by nature, and work so synergistically, that E3Live delivers a wide range of nutritional health benefits for the regular user.


Enzymes are the spark of life behind every metabolic reaction in the body. Without enzymes, even vitamins and minerals cannot be absorbed. They are vital to digestion. Only living, uncooked foods contain enzymes. AFA is a high-enzyme, living food.


Beta-carotene is a precursor to Vitamin A. The US Center for Disease Control states Vitamin A helps prevent cancer. Like Vitamin C, beta-carotene is also a powerful antioxidant which protects cells from free-radical damage caused by exposure to harmful chemicals and the effects of consuming too much processed foods. The body uses beta carotene to produce its own vitamin A. Because the body converts beta carotene into vitamin A only as needed, there is no threat of toxic build up. The beta carotene in E3 AFA is probably one of the most powerful natural antioxidants known today. It may well be the single most important factor towards enhancing the immune system (by protecting the thymus gland) and thus increasing our life span. However, the potential healing properties of beta carotene are maximized ONLY when other important carotenoids are also present. E3 AFA contains many carotenoids, to synergistically neutralize the deleterious effects of dangerous free radicals. In the past 25 years, twenty-four worldwide studies have looked at beta carotene; all findings are consistent. Leading degenerative disease research authorities have shown that people who consume higher-than-average amounts of foods rich in beta carotene have lower incidence of degenerative diseases.

Benefits of Algae Nutrients

Vitamin B1
A protein builder that helps give hair shine, volume and good texture. Enhances circulation to bring nutrients to the scalp and nails.

Vitamin B2
Stimulates health and growth of hair, nails, skin cells. Helps eyes by bringing oxygen to body tissues. Can help eliminate dandruff. May aid in preventing hair loss.

Vitamin B3
Supports healthy hair, nail and skin by aiding in digestion and improving circulation.

Vitamin B5
Helps produce full, healthy hair and stronger nails by stimulating vitamin utilization and releasing energy from food. With Folic Acid, it can help to restore your hair’s natural color and may aid in preventing hair loss.

Vitamin B6
Supports the growth of red blood cells that are important for healthy hair, scalp, and nail maintenance. Helps prevent dandruff. May aid in preventing hair loss.

Vitamin B12
Stimulates health and growth of hair, nails, skin cells. Helps eyes by bringing oxygen to body tissues. Can help eliminate dandruff. May aid in preventing hair loss, promotes vitality, stimulates libido, and is an essential nutrient for our nervous system.
Algae provides a plant-based source of B12 without the potential health risks associated with animal-based B12 sources which contain unwanted cholesterol, artificial chemicals and hormones.

Folic Acid
Helps maintain healthy hair, nails and skin. May aid in preventing hair loss. With Pantothenic acid, may delay graying of hair.

Vitamin C
Supports hair and nail growth by improving circulation. Useful as treating dandruff. May aid in preventing hair loss.

Vitamin E
Key to hair health, nail growth and supple skin by supplying oxygen to the body and improving circulation. Helps combat dandruff. May aid in preventing hair loss.

Necessary for healthy hair, stronger nails. An important anti-graying agent.

Helps maintain healthy hair, nails and skin tone. May aid in preventing hair loss.

Helps in treatment and prevention of dandruff. Necessary for healthy hair and nails. May also increase the elastic youthfulness of the skin and be helpful in removing age spots. When taken in the natural Algae form of selenomethionine, skin cancer incidence from ultraviolet light may also be reduced.

This is a useful raw material for strengthening the human skin.

Stimulates hair and nail growth. Aids in preventing hair loss. May help treat and prevent dandruff.

Helps produce healthy-looking hair and nails.

An essential amino acid. Along with vitamin E and iron, lysine helps form collagen, an important skin protein.

Methionnine is the rarest of the essential amino acids. Its sulfur content makes it important for skin and nail growth.

Glycine is a nonessential amino acid but has many healing properties. It is used orally and in ointments to heal wounds because skin collagen is a protein that requires high amounts of glycine.

A nonessential amino acid and a main component of collagen. Proline is helpful in skin, seems to help in wound healing, as does glycine, because proline increases collagen synthesis.

Serine is needed in the formation of the phospholipids of cell membranes and contributes to “membrane fluidity.” It is good for the skin and has even been used as a natural moisturizer in skin creams.

Protects the cell membranes and stimulates the growth of new skin cells.

Helps with acne.

Nutrient Content of Vision E3 Algae
  E3Live Fresh Frozen Liquid
per 15 ml
per 1 gram
Typical Nutrient Composition
protein less than 1 gram 60 – 70%
fat less than 1 gram 2-8%
carbohydrate less than 1 gram 20-30%
fiber 1.50%  
moisture 94 to 95% 3-7%
chlorophyll .59% .55%
calories 3.9 Cal / .016kJ 260kcal/100g
Provitamin A Beta Carotene 703 IU 2000 IU
Thiamin (B1) 1.63 mcg 4.70 mcg
Riboflavin (B2) 19.88 mcg 57.30 mcg
Niacin (B3) .05 mg .16 mg
Pantothenic Acid (B5) 2.38 mcg 6.80 mcg
Pyridoxine (B6) 3.85 mcg 11.10 mcg
Inositol   160 mcg
Vitamin E .59 IU 1.70 IU
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 2.34 mg 6.70 mg
Biotin .10 mcg 0.30 mcg
Folic Acid .73 mcg 1.00 mcg
Choline .80 mcg 2.30 mcg
Cobalamin (B12) 2.80 mcg 8.00 mcg
Vitamin K   45.52 mcg
Minerals   3-9%
Boron .05 mg .15 mg
Calcium 4.86 mg 14.00 mg
Chloride .02 mg 0.47 mg
Chromium .18 mcg 0.53 mcg
Cobalt .69 mcg 2.00 mcg
Copper 1.49 mcg 4.30 mcg
Fluoride 13.21 mcg 38.00 mcg
Germanium .09 mcg .27 mcg
Iodine .18 mcg .53 mcg
Iron 121.69 mcg 350.70 mcg
Magnesium .76 mg 2.20 mg
Manganese 11.12 mcg 32.00 mcg
Molybdenum 1.15 mcg 3.30 mcg
Nickel 1.84 mcg 5.30 mcg
Potassium 4.16 mcg 12.00 mcg
Phosphorus 1.82 mcg 5.20 mcg
Selenium .23 mcg 0.67 mcg
Silicon 65.2 mcg 186.50 mcg
Sodium .94 mg 2.70 mg
Tin .172 mcg .47 mcg
Titanium 16.17 mcg 46.60 mcg
Vanadium .96 mcg 2.70 mcg
Zinc 6.51 mcg 18.70 mcg
Essential Amino Acids    
Arginine 13.19 mg 38 mg
Histidine 3.12 mg 9 mg
Isoleucine 10.06 mg 29 mg
Leucine 18.04 mg 52 mg
Lysine 12.15 mg 35 mg
Methionine 2.43 mg 7 mg
Phenylalanine 8.68 mg 25 mg
Threonine 11.52 mg 33 mg
Tryptophan 2.42 mg 7 mg
Valine 11.10 mg 32 mg
Non-Essential Amino Acids    
Alanine 16.30 mg 47 mg
Asparagine 15.91 mg 47 mg
Aspartic Acid 2.43 mg 7 mg
Cystine .69 mg 2 mg
Glutamic Acid 1.39 mg 4 mg
Glutamine 27.06 mg 78 mg
Glycine 10.06 mg 29 mg
Proline 10.13 mg 29 mg
Serine 10.01 mg 29 mg
Tyrosine 5.89 mg 17 mg
Essential Fatty Acids    
Alpha-Linolenic Acid, Omega 3 10.70 mg 29.50 mg
Gamma-Linolenic Acid, Omega 6 2.15 mg 6.00 mg

Data listed above are averages only and are not to be considered as guarantees or express or implied and are not as condition of sale. As with any wild-crafted product, seasonal variations can and will occur since its feed and growth are not artificially controlled.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 6, 2018
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