October 6, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Ionized Water Research

Clinical Improvements obtained from the uptake of Ionized Water.

Extracts from ” Presentation At The Eight Annual International Symposium On man And His Environment in Health And Disease” on February 24th 1990, at The Grand Kempinski Hotel, Dallas, Texas, USA by Dr. H. Hayashi, M.D. and Dr. M Kawamura, MD, on:

Since the introduction of alkaline ionic water in our clinic in 1985, we have had the following interesting clinical experiences in the use of this type of water. By the use of alkaline ionic water for drinking and the preparation of meals for our inpatients, we have noticed:

  • Declines in blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.
  • Improvements in peripheral circulation in diabetic gangrene.
  • Declines in uric acid levels in patients with gout.
  • Improvements in liver function exams in hepatic disorders.
  • Improvements in gastroduodenal ulcer and prevention of their recurrences.
  • Improvements in hypertension and hypotension.
  • Improvements in allergic disorders such as asthma, urticaria, rhinitis and atopic dermatitis.
  • Improvements in persistent diarrhea which occurred after gastrectomy.
  • Quicker improvements in post operative bower paralysis.
  • Improvements in serum bilirubin levels in new born babies.

Being confirming clinical improvements, we have always observed changes of stools of the patients, with the color of their feces changing from black-brown color to a brighter yellow-brown one, and the odor of their feces becoming almost negligible. The number of patients complaining of constipation also decreased markedly. The change of stool findings strongly suggests that alkaline ionic water intake can decrease the production of putrefied or pathogenic metabolites. Devices to produce reduced water were introduced into our clinic in May 1985.

Based on the clinical experiences obtained in the past 15 years, it can be said that introduction of electrolyzed-reduced water for drinking and cooking purpose for inpatients should be the very prerequisite in our daily medical practices. Any dietary recipe cannot be a scientific one if property of water is not taken by the patients is not taken into consideration. The Ministry of Health and Welfare in Japan announced in 1965 that the intake of reduced water is effective for restoration of intestinal flora metabolism.

Use of Ionized water in hypochlorhydria, achlorhydria, reduction of high blood pressure.

Use of Ionized water in hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria
Prof. Kuninaka Hironage, Head of Kuninaka Hospital

“Too many fats in the diets, which lead to the deposition of cholesterol on the blood vessels, which in turn constrict the blood flow, cause most illnesses such as high blood pressure. In accordance with the theory of Professor Gato of Kyushu University on Vitamin K (because vitamin K enables the blood calcium to increase), or the consumption of more antioxidant water, the effectiveness of the increase in the calcium in high blood pressure is most significant. The consumption of alkaline antioxidant water for a period of 2 to 3 months, I have observed the blood pressure slowly drop, due to the water s solvent ability, which dissolves the cholesterol in the blood vessels.”

Effects of calcium alkaline ionized water on formation and maintenance of osseous tissues.

Effects of alkaline ionized water on formation & maintenance of osseous tissues

by Rei Takahashi Zhenhua Zhang Yoshinori Itokawa
(Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Dept. of Pathology and Tumor Biology, Fukui Prefectural University)

Effects of calcium alkaline ionized water on formation and maintenance of osseous tissues in rats were examined. In the absence of calcium in the diet, no apparent calcification was observed with only osteoid formation being prominent. Striking differences were found among groups that were given diets with 30% and 60% calcium. Rats raised by calcium ionized water showed the least osteogenetic disturbance. Tibiae and humeri are more susceptible to calcium deficiency than femora. Theses results may indicate that calcium in drinking water effectively supplements osteogenesis in case of dietary calcium deficiency. The mechanism involved in osteoid formation such as absorption rate of calcium from the intestine and effects of calcium alkaline ionized drinking water on maintaining bone structure in the process of aging or under the condition of calcium deficiency is investigated.

Osteoporosis that has lately drawn public attention is defined as “conditions of bone brittleness caused by reduction in the amount of bone frames and deterioration of osseous microstructure.” Abnormal calcium metabolism has been considered to be one of the factors to contribute to this problem, which in turn is caused by insufficient calcium take in, reduction in enteral absorption rate of calcium and increase in the amount of calcium in urinal discharge. Under normal conditions, bones absorb old bones by regular metabolism through osteoid formation to maintain their strength and function as supporting structure. It is getting clear that remodeling of bones at the tissue level goes through the process of activation, resorption, reversal, matrix synthesis and mineralization.

Another important function of bones is storing minerals especially by coordinating with intestines and kidneys to control calcium concentration in the blood. When something happens to this osteo metabolism, it results in abnormal morphological changes. Our analyses have been focusing mostly on the changes in the amount of bones to examine effects of calcium alkaline ionized water on the reaction system of osteo metabolism and its efficiency. Ibis time, however, we studied it further from the standpoint of histology. In other words, we conducted comparative studies on morphological and kinetic changes of osteogenesis by testing alkaline ionized water, tap water and solution of lactate on rats.

Use of Ionized water in treating Acidosis

Prof. Hatori Tasutaroo, Head of Akajiuiji Blood Centre, Yokohama Hospital, Faitama District

“Due to a higher standard of living, our eating habits have changed. We consume too much proteins, fats and sugar. The excess fats and carbohydrates are in the body as fats. In the present lifestyles, Americans are more extravagant on food compared to the Japanese. Due to this excessive intake obesity is a significant problem. Normally, one out of five males and one out of four females is obese. The degree of “burn-out” in food intake largely depends on the amount on intake of vitamins and minerals. When excessive intake of proteins, carbohydrates and fats occurs, the requirement for vitamins and minerals increases. However, there is not much research carried out pertaining to the importance of vitamins and minerals.

Nowadays, many people suffer from acidification that leads to diabetes, heart diseases, cancer, liver and kidney diseases. If our food intake can be completely burned off, then there is no deposition of fats. Obviously, there will be no acidification problem and hence there should not be any sign of obesity. The antioxidant water contains an abundance of ionic calcium. This ionic calcium helps in the “burn-off” process. By drinking antioxidant water, it provides sufficient minerals for our body. As a result, we do not need to watch our diet to stay slim. Hence, antioxidant water is a savior for those suffering from obesity and many adult diseases, providing good assistance in enhancing good health.”

Use of Ionized water in heart disease and toxins

Toxin Neutralisation
Prof. Kuwata Keijiroo, Doctor of Medicine

“In my opinion, the wonder of antioxidant water is the ability neutralizes toxins, but it is not a medicine. The difference is that the medicine can only apply to each and individual case, whereas the antioxidant water can be consumed generally and its neutralizing power is something which is very much unexpected. Now, in brief, let me introduce to you a heart disease case and how it was cured. The patient was a 35 years old male suffering from vascular heart disease. For 5 years, his sickness deteriorated. He was in the Setagays Government Hospital for treatment. During those 5 years, he had been in and out of the hospital 5 to 6 times. He had undergone high tech examinations such as angiogram by injecting VINYL via the vein into the heart. He consulted and sought treatment from many good doctors where later he underwent a major surgical operation.

Upon his discharge from the hospital, he quit his job to convalesce. However, each time when his illness relapsed, the attack seemed to be even more severe. Last year, in August, his relatives were in despair and expected he would not live much longer. It so happened at that time that the victim s relative came across antioxidant water processor. His illness responded well and he is now on the road to recovery.” (In the United States, cardiovascular diseases account for more than one-half of the approximate 2 million deaths occurring each year?. It is estimated that optimal conditioning of drinking water could reduce this cardiovascular disease mortality rate by as much as 15 percent in the United States)
From: Report of the Safe Drinking Water Committee of the National Academy of Sciences, 1977

Use of Ionized water in skin disease


Prof. Tamura Tatsuji, Keifuku Rehabilitation Center

“Eczema is used to describe several varieties of skin conditions, which have a number of common features. The exact cause or causes of eczema are not fully understood. I many cases, eczema can be attributed by external irritants. Let me introduce a patient who recovered from skin disease after consuming the antioxidant water. This patient suffered 10 years of eczema and could not be cured effectively even under specialist treatment. This patient, who is 70 years of age, is the president of a vehicle spare parts company. After the war, his lower limbs suffered acute eczema, which later became chronic. He was repeatedly treated in a specialist skin hospital.

The left limb responded well to treatment, but not so on the right limb. He suffered severe itchiness, which, when scratched led to bleeding. During the last 10 years, he was seen and treated by many doctors. When I first examined him, his lower limb around the joints was covered with vesicles. Weeping occurred owing to serum exuding from the vesicles. I advised him to try consuming antioxidant water. He bought a unit and consumed the antioxidant water religiously and used the acidic water to bathe the affected areas. After 2 weeks of treatment the vesicles dried up. The eczema was completely cleared without any relapse after 1 month.”

Use of Ionized water in allergies


Prof. Kuninaka Hironaga, Head of Kuninaka Hospital

“Mr. Yamada, the head of Police Research Institute, suffered from severe allergy. He was treated repeatedly by skin specialist, but with no success. Then he started consuming antioxidant water. The allergy responded very well and was soon completely cured. No relapse had occurred, although he had taken all kinds of food. He was most grateful and excited about this treatment. As for myself, I had also suffered severe allergy. Ever since I began to consume antioxidant water, the allergy has recovered. Since then, I started a research on the effectiveness of antioxidant water. I discovered that most allergies are due to acidification of body condition and is also related to consuming too much meat and sugar.

In every allergy case, the patient s antioxidant minerals are excessively low which in turn lower the body resistance significantly. The body becomes overly sensitive and develops allergy easily. To stabilize the sensitivity, calcium solution in injected into the vein. Therefore, it is clear that the antioxidant water has ionic calcium, which can help alleviate allergy. The ionic calcium not only enhances the heart, urination, and neutralization of toxins but controls acidity. It also enhances the digestive system and liver function. This will promote natural healing power and hence increase its resistance to allergy. In some special cases of illness, which do not respond to drugs, it is found, it is found to respond well to antioxidant water.”

Use of Ionized water in diabetes treatment

Clinical evaluation of alkaline ionized water for abdominal complaints: Placebo controlled double blind tests by Hirokazu Tashiro, Tetsuji Hokudo, Hiromi Ono, Yoshihide Fujiyama, Tadao Baba (National Ohkura Hospital, Dept. of Gastroenterology; Institute of Clinical Research, Shiga University of Medical Science, Second Dept. of Internal Medicine) Effect of alkaline ionized water on abdominal complaints was evaluated by placebo controlled double blind tests. Overall scores of improvement using alkaline ionized water marked higher than those of placebo controlled group, and its effect proved to be significantly higher especially in slight symptoms of chronic diarrhoea and abdominal complaints in cases of general malaise. Alkaline ionized water group did not get interrupted in the course of the test, nor did it show serious side effects nor abnormal test data. It was confirmed that alkaline ionized water is safer and more effective than placebos.


Effect of alkaline ionized water on abdominal complaints was clinically examined by double blind tests using clean water as placebo. Overall improvement rate was higher for alkaline ionized water group than placebo group and the former proved to be significantly more effective than the other especially in cases of slight symptoms. Examining improvement rate for each case of chronic diarrhoea, constipation and abdominal complaints, alkaline ionized water group turned out to be more effective than placebo group for chronic diarrhea, and abdominal complaints. The test was stopped in one case of chronic diarrhoea, among placebo group due to exacerbation, whereas alkaline ionized water group did not stop testing without serious side effects or abnormal test data in all cases. It was confirmed that alkaline ionized water is more effective than clean water against chronic diarrhoea, abdominal complaints and overall improvement rate (relief of abdominal complaints) and safer than clean water.


Since the approval of alkaline ionized water electrolyzers by Pharmaceutical Affairs Law in 1966 for its antacid effect and efficacy against gastrointestinal disorders including hyperchylia, indigestion, abnormal gastrointestinal fermentation and chronic diarrhea, they have been extensively used among patients. However, medical and scientific evaluation of their validity is not established. In our study, we examined clinical effect of alkaline ionized water on gastrointestinal disorders across many symptoms in various facilities. Particularly, we studied safety and usefulness of alkaline ionized water by double-blind tests using clean water as a control group.

Test subjects and methods

163 patients (34 men, 129 women, age 21 to 72, average 38.6 years old) of indigestion, abnormal gastrointestinal fermentation (with abnormal gas emission and rugitus) and abdominal complaints caused by irregular dejection (chronic diarrhea, or constipation) were tested as subjects with good informed consent. Placebo controlled double blind tests were conducted using alkaline ionized water and clean water at multiple facilities. An alkaline ionized water electrolyzer sold commercially was installed with a pump driven calcium dispenser in each of the subject homes. Tested alkaline ionized water had pH at 9.5 and calcium concentration at 30ppm.

Each subject in placebo group used a water purifier that has the same appearance as the electrolyzer and produces clean water. The tested equipment was randomly assigned by a controller who scaled off the key code which was stored safely until the tests were completed and the seal was opened again. Water samples were given to each patient in the amount of 200ml in the morning with the total of 50OmI or more per day for a month. Before and after the tests, blood, urine and stool were tested and a log was kept on the subjective symptoms, bowel movements and accessory symptoms. After the tests, the results were analyzed based on the log and the test data.

Test Results

  1. Symptom
    Among 163 tested subjects, alkaline ionized water group included 84 and placebo group 79. Background factors such as gender, age and basal disorders did not contribute to significant difference in the results.
  2. Overall improvement rate
    As to overall improvement rate of abdominal complaints, alkaline ionized water group had 2 cases of outstanding improvement (2.5%), 26 cases of fair improvement (32.1%), 36 cases of slight improvement (44.4%), 13 cases of no change (16%) and 4 cases of exacerbation (4.9%), whereas placebo group exhibited 4 (5.2%), 19 (24.7%), 27 (35.1%), 25 (32.5%) and 2 cases (2.6%) for the same category. Comparison between alkaline ionized water and placebo groups did not reveal any significant difference at the level of 5% significance according to the Wilcoxon test, although alkaline ionized water group turned out to be significantly more effective than placebo group at the level of p value of 0.22.
    Examining overall improvement rates by a 7, 2 test (with no adjustment for continuity) between the effective and noneffective groups, alkaline ionized water group had 64 (79%) of effective cases and 17 cases (21%) of non effective cases, whereas placebo group had 50 (64.9%) and 27 (35.1%) cases respectively. The result indicated that alkaline ionized water group was significantly more effective than placebo group at the level of p value of 0.0.48.
    Looking only at 83 slight cases of abdominal complaints, overall improvement rate for alkaline ionized water group
    (45 cases) was composed of 11 cases (242%) of fair improvement, 22 cases (48.9%) of slight improvement, 17 cases (44.7%) of no change and 3 cases (6.7%) of exacerbation, whereas placebo group (38 cases) had 3 (7.8%), 17 (44.7%), 17 (44.7%) and 1 (2.6%) cases for the same category. Alkaline ionized water group was significantly more effective than placebo group according to the comparison between the groups (p value = 0.033).
  3. Improvement rate by basal symptom
    Basal symptoms were divided into chronic diarrhea, constipation and abdominal complaints (dyspepsia) and overall improvement rate was evaluated for each of them to study effect of alkaline ionized water. In case of chronic diarrhea, alkaline ionized water group resulted in 94.1% of effective cases and 5.9% of non effective cases. Placebo group came up with 64,7% effective and 35.3% non effective. These results indicate alkaline ionized water group proved to be significantly more effective than placebo group. In case of slighter chronic diarrhea, comparison between groups revealed that alkaline ionized water group is significantly more effective than placebo group (p=0.015). In case of constipation, alkaline ionized water group consisted of 80.5% of effective and 19.5% of non effective cases, whereas placebo group resulted in 73.3% effective and 26.3 non effective. As to abdominal complaints (dyspepsia), alkaline ionized water group had 85.7% of effective and 14.3% non effective cases while placebo group showed 47.1% and 62.9% respectively. Alkaline ionized water group proved to be significantly more effective than placebo group (p=0.025).
  4. Safety
    Since one case of chronic diarrhea, in placebo group saw exacerbation, the test was stopped. There was no such cases in alkaline ionized water group. Fourteen cases of accessory symptoms, 8 in alkaline ionized water group and 6 in placebo group, were observed, none of which were serious. 31 out of 163 cases (16 in alkaline ionized water group, 15 in placebo group) exhibited fluctuation in test data, although alkaline ionized water group did not have any problematic fluctuations compared to placebo group. Two cases in placebo group and one case in alkaline ionized water group have seen K value of serum climb up and resume to normal value after re testing which indicates the value changes were temporary.


As a result of double blind clinical tests of alkaline ionized water and clean water, alkaline ionized water was proved to be more effective than clean water against chronic diarrhea, abdominal complaints (dyspepsia) and overall improvement rate (relief from abdominal complaints). Also, safety of alkaline ionized water was confirmed which clinically verifies its usefulness.

The new sports drink alkaline ionized micro – clustered water

The process of drinking water before and during exercise is referred to as prehydration and hydration respectively. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, the purpose of prehydrating is to start an exercise activity in what is called an euhydrated state. That is your body is normally hydrated and plasma electrolyte levels have also reached a normal level. This prehydration activity should be performed several hours before exercise to enable fluid absorption and allow urine output to return to normal levels. The goal of drinking water during exercise is to prevent excessive water loss or dehydration through the physiological process of sweating. Individual sweat rates can be estimated by measuring body weight before and after exercise.

Approximately for every one pound of body weight lost , the equivalent loss of water would be one pint or eight ounces. The goal is to prevent water loss in excess of 2% of the total body weight or one becomes dehydrated. It has been known through studies that were originally performed in the 1940 s that dehydration resulted in impaired physiological and performance responses. More recent studies have demonstrated performance loss at dehydration levels less than 2% of body weight. Specifically it has been demonstrated that even mild to moderate dehydration reduces aerobic endurance performance resulting in increased body temperature, heart rate, perceived exertion and possibly increased reliance on carbohydrate as a fuel source.

Dr. Judelson, et. all, in a study published in October, 2007, demonstrated that dehydration significantly decreased resistance exercise performance as would be performed commonly in a gym with weights or machines. Clearly drinking water before and during exercise is important. The composition of this fluid replacement has also gone through many changes. Conventional wisdom for many years was that salt, sodium, needed to be added to the water to replace sweat lost sodium. Recent thought has arrived at the conclusion that most people eating the standard Western diet have consumed too much salt and subsequent sodium and that it does not need to be immediately replaced when exercise lasts less than two hours.

The issue now becomes what is the best water to replace exercise induced water loss though sweating. Consider that when exercising you are consuming more oxygen and metabolizing energy through muscle work. This process creates free radicals, lactic acid and a mild metabolic acidosis. Drinking alkaline, ionized, micro-clustered water may help ameliorate all three of these exercise induced physiological end-products. Water that has been alkalinized may help neutralize the exercise induced acidosis. Alkaline water by definition contains alkaline forming minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium.

Water that has been ionized may help act as a free-radical scavenger to address the issue of accelerated oxygen consumption. Ionized water by definition has more negatively charged hydroxyl ions than tap or filtered water. Ionized water has the ability to give up these extra negative charges and may help act as a free-radical scavenger. Lastly when water is micro-clustered it may be absorbed at a faster rate. This may help with general rehydration. It is recommended that you drink 400-600 mL of water 2 hours before exercise and 150-300 mL every 15 to 20 minutes of exercise, varying the volume depending on your total body weight and sweating rate.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 6, 2018
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