November 11, 2018 by


  • Agaricus blazei Murill
  • Agaricus subrufescens
  • Agaricus brasiliensis
  • Agaricus rufotegulis

The Himematsutake Mushroom

A few decades ago, researchers noticed that the occurrence rate of certain adult diseases was extremely low in a mountain region (Ideate) near Sao Paulo, Brazil. After studying the inhabitants, researchers noted that Agaricus blazei Murill (ABM), a local mushroom called “Cogmelo de Deus” or “Mushroom of God”, was a regular part of their diet. As a result, they began studying the mushroom and found it has an amazing immune enhancing effect on the body.

Agaricus Blazei Murill (Hime-matsutake) is a newly discovered species of mushroom that is attracting the attention of many scientists in the world now. Artificial cultivation of this Brazilian mushroom was achieved for the first time in the world by Iwaide Fungology Institute (founder: Dr. Inosuke Iwaide, a professor at Tokyo University and Mie University) after many trials and errors. This mushroom was presented by professors Hitoshi Ito, Keishiro Shimura and Sensuke Naruse of mushroom research group at Mie University medical school as a highlight at the “the 39th General Meeting of Japanese Cancer Academy” in 1980.

  1. Anti tumor effect: ABM contains high level of effective elements such as polysaccarides, both Beta (1-3) D-glucan & Beta (1-6) D-glucan protein compounds, ribonucleic acid protein compounds, acid heteroglucan, xyloglucan, lectin, etc. When these elements are introduced into our white blood cells, it enhances the activity of macrophage, an antibody cell that destroys or delays the prolification of cancer cells.
  2. Anti cancer effect: ABM contains natural steroids, known for it’s anti cancer effect. (It is different from the chemically produced steroids that enhance the body that is often said to be the cause of cancer). It is particularly effective in prevention of uterus cancer.
  3. Preventative effect: ABM contains large amounts of non digestive dietary fibers that absorb cancerous materials in our body and discharge away from our system.
  4. Blood glucose reducing effect: Effective elements mentioned above such as Beta(1-3)D-glucan & Beta(1-6)D-glucan protein compounds, ribonucleic acid protein compounds also has positive effects to reduce the blood glucose (sugar).
  5. Blood pressure, Cholesterol & Arteriosclerosis reducing effect: The above mentioned dietary fiber and unsaturated fatty acid, such as linolin, contained in ABM, have effects to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and arteriosclerosis.
  6. Vitamin D2 effect: ABM contains vitamin B1 and B2 but also contains large amounts of ergosterol, which would be converted to vitamin D2 when it is dried in the sun or heated in a mechanical drying process. Vitamin D2 has positive effects to lessen the danger of osteoclasis.

Agaricus Blazei Murill, the Mushroom of God, was subjected to pharmacological tests that revealed components that enhance the immune system. Citizens of Piedade didn’t have to be told about this. They’d been using Agaricus for years to avoid infection, diabetes, high cholesterol, chronic hepatitis, and arteriosclerosis (flexibility loss in the arteries).

First human testing studies’ results promise that this modest mushroom may have a very bright future – especially for cancer patients. Agaricus stimulates the immune system by triggering the production of:

  • T-cells, which directly attack cells that have been taken over by viruses or cancers
  • Interleukin, which bolsters the immune system by stimulating growth and activity of white blood cells
  • Tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which activates white blood cells and fights tumors
  • Macrophages, which protect the body from infection by consuming foreign material

In people treated with Agaricus, chemotherapy-associated side effects such as appetite loss, hair loss, emotional instability, and general weakness were all improved compared to those who didn’t receive the supplement.

November 11, 2018
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