February 18, 2020 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Podcast 386: Negative Ions – Part 1

Negative ions attach to pollutants and allergens with a positive charge; they even remove bacteria and viruses from the air.

In nature, the best sources of negative ions are areas where water molecules crash and gain their negative charge by losing electrons; this includes waterfalls, rivers, and areas where water evaporates, like forests and beaches, and also during thunderstorms and rain. If you have ever noticed that feeling of freshness in the air after the storm, it is because of negative ions.

But spending hours in nature, traveling to visit the biggest waterfalls, dancing in the rain, or surrounding ourselves with dozens of green plants for each room is not an option for everyone, even though it sounds like an ideal scenario. Spencer Feldman has a solution for everyone!

Podcast 386: Negative Ions – Part 1

Martin: Hi everybody! This is Martin Pytela for the Life Enthusiast online network, on TV and radio! With me today is Spencer Feldman, the founder and chief technologist at Remedy Link. But today we are not talking so much about chemical, medical, plant-based tools, instead, let’s get into the world of electrons. I don’t dare to call it electromedicine, which you probably shouldn’t be… Hey, Spencer, what do you want to say about this?

Spencer: Hi Martin! So have you ever heard of grounding or earthing?

Martin: I certainly have and I practice it. And of course, grounding is the universal source of electrons for us human beings. Electrons are the source of the electric charge, the lack of which causes acidity and the abundance of which causes alkalinity, or at least balance. You want to say something about that, right?

Spencer: So, electrons come from the sun through the solar wind, they hit our atmosphere, lightning takes them down to the Earth, and then they are in the ground. And we are designed to absorb electricity from the Earth, from our food, and from the air. The recent renaissance in grounding or earthing, which for viewers who don’t know what that is, it is basically running a metal wire or cable from the ground to wherever you’re working or sleeping so that you are getting the equivalent as if you were barefoot on the ground. Well, I started doing this type of grounding a couple of years ago and it was very interesting, you know, it provides a sense of calm. I can’t say I noticed anything physically, but it was nice. And then I came across a bit of information. It said that the voltage drops a hundred volts for every foot you are above the ground.

Now, I was raised in New York City on the 8th floor, each floor was 10 feet high, so 8 floors means 80 feet above the ground. 80 feet x 100 volts, which meant I was living at 8,000 volts positive. Electrons were being pulled out of me with 8,000 volts of force. I also know that if you walk across a carpet, it can create a spark when you touch a doorknob that’s at least 7,000 volts positive, which I could do where I was living. So I was raised at around 15,000 volts positive. That meant all the time I was up in that apartment walking on the carpet, electrons were being pulled out of my body with a force of 15,000 volts, minimum.

Martin: Yeah, it was discharging, stealing the power. I just want to make that point really clear. Chemically speaking, an electron taken away is oxidation, and an electron donated is reduction or antioxidation. And it also has to do with pH. Acidity is an electron taken away. Alkalinity is an electron given. So what you’re talking about there is that you are constantly donating electrons to the space around you, and you were having to find a way to re-alkalize this acidifying metabolic process in your body, right?

Spencer: Yeah, I understand now why I used to take such long showers when I was growing up because while I’m in the shower, my feet are in the bathtub, which is conducted down the drain, down the pipe to the Earth. It is the only time I am getting any electricity in that apartment.

Martin: Right, and the water is naturally grounded because it is running typically through metal pipes, that are connecting it to the Earth itself.

Spencer: Yes, and we are designed to have electricity go through our feet into the meridians, into the organs, but because we wear shoes and synthetic clothes, and walk on carpets, they leave our organs through the meridians and out into the environment, we are bleeding electrons left, right, and center. Now, there are three ways that you would get electrons into your body: through your bare feet or sleeping on the ground, through raw food, and through breathing. When you eat raw food, every cell membrane has electricity in it – assuming it is fresh and you eat it – and then the electricity, a voltage gradient, is available to you. When you breathe air… A hundred years ago, the air was mostly negative, it was 20% more negatively charged.

Martin: We often talk about negative ionization or positive ionization. The typical urban indoor air has an abundance of positive ions, whereas the typical forest air or the air at the beach near the ocean has an abundance of negative ionization, so when you make it into the park among the trees, you’re going to be interacting with air that is richly filled with negative ions. When you are sitting in your car with those rubber tires, creating static electricity by its contact with the pavement and so on, you are in space that has got plenty of positive ions, which are less desirable. Anyway, back to you on that.

Spencer: Right. Studies have shown that a hundred years ago the air was 20% more negative than positive, and that now it is 20% more positive than negative. So every time I walk, instead of getting electrons through my feet, I am bleeding them out. When I eat, instead of getting electrons in through my digestive tract, I’m getting a net negative by eating food that’s got the electrons that have been blown out. When you cook food, the advantages are that you kill the parasites and the tapeworms and the bacteria, and you break down the cell walls, so it is easier to digest. But you also lose the enzymes and the electron charge. And in the air today we are discharging ions, electrons, out of our lungs. So I thought, okay, grounding is not enough, because that’s just taking me to neutral. I need to reverse the 15,000 volts I was raised in.

But I also need to do something about how I’m supposed to eat and how I’m supposed to breathe. I don’t necessarily want to eat 100% raw food, and I can’t live by a seashore waterfall, that’s just not what my life is about. So I decided to build a machine that would do it for me. So I built a machine that you plug in, it comes with a little chainmail pad, 16,000 rings, and you put your feet on it, and then you turn it up anywhere from one to 20,000 volts, and you flood your body with electrons. And it was very interesting, I got kind of addicted to it.

And what I explain to people is this. Let’s say someone asks me about such and such a supplement. Now, mind you, I create supplements, but is it a deficiency of that particular supplement that is causing the problem? There are basic things that we are deficient in. If we don’t get them, it is a problem. We need food, water, exercise, sunshine, sleep, loving relationships, and electrons. And if we’re missing any of those, it is foolish, I think, and shortsighted, to try to take supplements for other things when you are in a deficiency of something more important. I’ll give you an example, right? Let’s say someone has got arthritis. You could give them chondroitin sulfate, and it would help, and maybe they have a deficiency of that, but not enough electrons can cause inflammation and pain. So before I go to the chondroitin, let me try the electrons.

Someone else could say, they’ve got depression. Sure it could be a tryptophan deficiency, but negative ions are a part of what modulates the serotonin, the synergic system. So let’s see if they’ve got enough electrons first, and then maybe go there. So I think electrons come in at this very base, causal level. You have to fix it first. Before you start going into all these esoteric things, ask yourself or your client: Are you sleeping well? Do you eat a good diet? Do you exercise, or do you sit behind a desk all day long? Good sleep? Great. Sunshine? Yes. Electrons? No. Almost nobody gets them.

So I built this machine and I was putting the electrons into my body. I don’t want to say I was addicted to it, but I had that thing on full blast for hours a day, for days, and my body was just sopping it up, like I had just walked through the Sahara desert and I had free access to water. I couldn’t get enough.

Martin: This is the difference between addiction and enjoyment. I’m addicted to oxygen, right? No, I just need it to carry on. It is not an addiction, it is just a requirement. You just don’t know it. This is what you’re demonstrating with electrons – your body wants it.

Spencer: Yes. I didn’t know at the time. I thought, well, maybe I am addicted to it, but here’s what happened. Over the course of a couple of weeks. My desire, my need for it decreased. I can turn the power level lower, lower, lower, and now on the lowest setting, 10-15 minutes, twice a day is all I need to keep my batteries charged. But I can tell you what happened to me personally when I started putting electrons in. I was a fruitarian when I was in my twenties, it was a stupid thing to do, and I didn’t want to kill animals you know, I thought it was a karma free food. And I ended up developing some peripheral neuropathy, from all the sugar, all the fructose, and I’ve had that for years, and I even had to wear heavy socks in the summertime to bed, because of my circulation, my feet were so damaged from what I did to myself. 

About three or four days into using this machine my feet started getting hot. Okay, I take off my socks. Interesting. And I go to sleep and as I’m laying down I’m like, think I don’t need socks tonight. I take them off. That was it. I have not worn socks to bed for the last several months, the blood flow came back. The next thing that happened I noticed, the neuropathy started to go away. The tingling went away, maybe about a month into it. All that was left were two spots, the tip of each big toe, that was still numb, and then that disappeared too, and never came back. I was thrilled, but I was like: I don’t get it. Wait a minute. What do electrons have to do with peripheral neuropathy? So I started studying electrostatics, which is the science of how electricity causes things to stick together.

Martin: Actually, I would like to just butt in with this teeny little bit of something: people should understand the difference between a current and potential. We are used to talking about electricity in the sense of current, where it flows, where there is a movement of energy from one end to the other. But potential is a static difference in capacity. Please understand that there is a big difference in electricity between current, which is in a flow, and potential, which is like a bottle of water available to you to drink whenever you want.

Spencer: You make a great point! So let me talk a little bit about electricity. I want you to imagine that you’re standing outside of a giant water tower. It is a water tank, it is 50 feet high, okay? The water, in this case, represents electrons. Now if I drill a one-foot hole near the bottom of that tank, that water is going to come out and knock me over – it is going to come out with a lot of force. That force is the current, the flow rate is enormous. But if I drill a tiny hole in there, less water is going to come out. So the height of the water, the amount that it can push, that is the voltage, and the amount that flows is the current, and the current is the dangerous one. So the machine that I made has a very high voltage, but a very low current.

And what separates it from all the other things that are out there? In most machines that pass a current through you, there are two electrodes and it will go from point A to point B. This machine has just one electrode and it is just going into you, it doesn’t go out. If it were to go out again, you would not have any net gain of electrons. So we are letting it raise our charge, it is basically like charging a battery.

Martin: What you’re saying reminded me of some experiences that people have had with grounding, sleeping on some kind of a mat or something that they would connect to and that it was permanently hooked into the ground circuit. After some time they find themselves being overcharged because if they do long hours of that, they essentially are acting as an antenna, where the electric potential is flowing through their body back into the ground, so they find themselves essentially being overcharged in that sense.

Spencer: I don’t think you can get overcharged, because you’re only going to get the same exact charge as the planet, but I don’t doubt that something might be happening for them, but what it is, I’m not sure.

Martin: Yeah, you’re right about that, there’s no potential for being overcharged. I’m just remembering talking to these clients who are saying that they felt overstimulated.

Spencer: They might have been getting something from the 60 Hertz from the wall coming through them.

Martin: Yeah, that, and cell towers and all of that nonsense going through, that was the whole point.

Spencer: Well, so I built this machine, very high voltage, very low current, so it can’t hurt anybody. And all these conditions start to clear up for me that I’ve had for years. I figured, well that’s pretty interesting. So I tried to understand why it might be helping with my peripheral neuropathy. If you take a balloon, and you rub it on a piece of wool, it’ll stick to the wall. The essence of all adhesion, all glue, all stickiness, is electricity. That’s what happens. The balloon and the wall are both arguing over who gets to hold onto the electrons. And since they both want to hold on, they stick together. What’s happening is that the protons on the balloon’s surface and the protons in the wall’s surface are both fighting over the same few bits of electrons. They both want the electrons, so they are sharing them, and that’s the glue.

Now, this force, this electrostatic force is not very strong at this level. You can knock the balloon off the wall, right? Although sometimes you see, you get your hands in a package full of styrofoam, and it is impossible to get off of you, right? It is all the electrons you’ve got and the styrofoam wants them too. But when you get to smaller and smaller dimensions, it becomes exponentially more powerful. So at the level of capillaries, the red blood cells can get stuck in the capillary, the static force of a red blood cell inside of that capillary can be enormous.

Now, capillaries represent 85% of our blood supply. Veins and arteries are only at 7%, so we are mostly nourished by capillaries, even though very little attention is paid to this. The blood is supposed to be negatively charged, and the capillaries, arteries, and veins are supposed to be negatively charged, so the two don’t touch, and they kind of magnetically repel each other. But when they lose their charge, they stick to each other, and they can get jammed up in there. And if you ever look a capillary blood flow under a microscope, you’ll see that the blood is stagnant, it just sits there. I mean, sometimes it moves, but sometimes it is stuck for a minute, and that’s what I think it was. I think the peripheral neuropathy was the sugar damaging the blood vessels, but also the years and years of being at a positive voltage, and my capillary bed just got so full of positive charge, or so low on electrons that everything stuck together. And then when I finally got enough electrons in there and opened it all up, the blood flowed, the heat came on, the nerves were able to repair. And it was just a miracle for me.

So then the next thing I did is I thought, well, how can I eat electricity? You know, electrons, they don’t hang around very long. What can I do? So what I did is I figured out how to make an electric liposome. And a liposome is a sphere that has something inside of it that it will carry within it in. So I took a Vitamix because that was the model that seemed to handle what I was trying to do the best, and I electrified the spinning blades, and then I put in water and lecithin, and let it blend. So it is making liposomes under high negative voltage. And then I drank it down, and it was quite an amazing experience. It felt like when the electricity got into my liver, it started opening up internally. So I feel like…

Martin: I am very curious to hear about how you managed to connect the electricity to the blades!

Spencer: Oh yeah, I will tell you that towards the end, how I got that into there. The last thing is I wanted to breathe it in. So I took a tube, and I put a reaction chamber inside, and I attached the electrons to it so that as I breathed in, the air was being electrified. So I was getting electrons into my lungs.

Martin: So you were getting essentially negatively ionized air?

Spencer: Exactly. It is tricky, because you go too high and you’ll make ozone, but get the right level and you’ll get the ions. Through my feet, I was getting an enormous amount of electronics through my skin. Through my blender, I was getting what I thought would be the equivalent of hundreds of meals of raw food, and then breathing would be far more than you’d ever get at the beach – the ion concentration was enormous when breathing it in.

Spencer: So, you’ve got this machine now, and the way you attach it to the blender is this: first you have to get a Vitamix blender, other blenders might work, but this is the only one I’m sure about. And then you send me the pitcher, the top part of the blender, and we will take it to our shop, and we will adapt it to your specific blender model, so you can plug it in directly, into the part that is then attached to the blades. So the electricity is going from the machine into the base of the unit, and up into the blades. So as it spins, it is spinning under high voltage.

Martin: And this charge machine, how big is that?

Spencer: A foot by a foot or so.

Martin: So maybe the size of a power supply for a computer?

Spencer: Yeah, something like that. Like a big old-school dictionary, you might find in a library.

Martin: So portable enough that you can actually put it on the kitchen counter and hook your Vitamix to it.

Spencer: Yeah, you can carry it over. It kinda goes back and forth between my kitchen counter and my sofa.

Martin: Okay, and is it still attached to the chainmail mat?

Spencer: It is one or the other, you either attach the machine to the chainmail and put it on your feet, or put it into the breathing system and the reaction chamber, or you attach it to your blender, it only has one output. And when you are done blending, you should drink it down within a few minutes, because liposomes are somewhat fragile, they don’t last forever.

Martin: That’s awesome, everything that you’re saying makes total sense from the physiological understanding that we have about life.

Spencer: You know, I gave some electrons to two fellows with a late-stage Lyme. And the first person I gave it to calls me the next day, saying he has to take his jacket off. For those who don’t know, Lyme disease makes people very cold, their body temperature crashes, these people are like walking ice cubes. He was in the store and he started to sweat, and he had to take his heavy coat off because the electrons turned the circulation back on in his hands and feet. And now he didn’t have the white fingertips and toe tips, and his brain fog seemed to get a lot better. So we’ve had a lot of interesting things happening. We could talk about Lyme for a second because I think it is an important topic, and it is going to get more important with time.

Martin: I personally think of Lyme as an expression of a chronic degenerative autoimmune type of illness. That is just one of many expressions, feel free to correct me if you disagree, but to me, it is like a long term decline of the ability of the body to maintain itself.

Spencer: Well, you know, there are certainly people who get Lyme, never know about it, and get over it, not everybody is susceptible to it. But I’ll tell you my historical understanding of how it plays out when I started studying it. So when the Europeans invaded the Americas, one of the things that they brought with them was smallpox, and the Natives didn’t have any resistance to it, so it wiped out 90% of them. But the Natives gave them something back, they gave them syphilis, which they brought back to Europe. You know all the pictures of people with great white wigs? They all had syphilis, it makes clumps of hair fall out. Syphilis is a spirochete like Lyme is, and it was called the great mimicker, the great pretender, because it can show as so many different things, a hundred different symptoms in a hundred different people.

So that was kind of our first experience with spirochetes, European’s first experience. Then there was trench mouth during World War One, which is a gum infection where the gums just totally rot out. And then during World War Two, we dropped nuclear bombs on Japan and they dropped the Lyme on us, and I think they got the better end of the bargain. Japanese bioweaponized Lyme. To bioweaponize something means to make it harder to treat, harder to determine it is there, and make it more resistant to the environment, so it can hang around in the environment longer, it can be delivered better. They gave it to the Germans, we brought over the German scientists, because we didn’t want that information getting out, we hired them, it is called Operation Paperclip, and Erich Traub went over to Plum Island with all the Lyme information he had. I can’t imagine this was a mistake because the guy was not an idiot, but it got let out in an open-air test. 

I think he must have done it on purpose, you know, as a payback for losing the war. And this Lyme, this weaponized Lyme got from Plum Island research facility a couple of miles across the ocean to Lyme, Connecticut, where it all was going to start. And now it is everywhere. And like syphilis, this is one of these things that has 1,001 forms. You can find these kinds of spirochetes in all sorts of psychological things, neurological conditions, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and things like this.

Martin: I’d like to butt in here with a theory, which is: when your body itself has fairly high integrity when your voltage is in the right range, these microbes don’t really stand a chance. They just don’t have the ability to overpower a healthy cell with a great deal of integrity. They can only get into cells that are weakened. They’re decomposers of sorts. And therefore, even though it is in the environment, even though everybody encounters it, only people who are degraded to a sufficient degree will get the symptoms of this illness.

Spencer: That is true for a lot of infections, and that’s part of what bioweaponizing and infection mean. It means that even healthy people can get it because they adapt it so that it goes after everybody. So back to the point, I have these two fellows with the Lyme disease I’m working with, and we use the voltage, and they had a lot of improvement. We used the machine to raise their voltage, their mental fog cleared up, circulation came back, but they still had some issues. So I built a rife machine, and rife gave us a frequency for syphilis, and it is a spirochete, so I said, all right, Lyme is a spirochete, syphilis is a spirochete, it is probably pretty close. Let’s sweep in that range.

Now, I’m a sensitive guy, and I felt it when that frequency came on, I felt it up on my teeth. Neither of them felt it. I felt it. Three days later, all three of us had the craziest urine. One guy turned bright yellow, the other guy looked like charcoal. And for me, it looked like rust coming out of me. I thought it was blood coming out of me. And it only lasted one day and it was gone. But it happened to all three of us. So I’m like, all right, why the teeth? What’s the tooth connection to spirochetes? Turns out spirochetes love to live up in the teeth, and there’s the trench mouth connection, right? When someone has a root canal or some bad teeth or something, it is an area that the immune system can’t get into very easily. So no matter how high the voltage is in someone, we should raise it if someone’s got some tooth problems… And I don’t have any root canals, I don’t have any crowns and it is still got up in my teeth, so I don’t know…

Martin: …there may be a pocket or an abscess or something.

Spencer: Right, so no matter how good we treat our bodies, the teeth can be places where the spirochetes can and will make little encampments, make a nest, and they travel along the nerve trunks up into the brain, and they kind of crawl along the inside of the blood vessels to remote locations. So this is why I think Lyme disease is so chronic, because even if you go after it with antibiotics, if you can’t get the antibiotic into that dead necrotic tooth that has no blood supply, you wipe it out and it comes back and re-infects the body over and over again. Even if somebody has a really strong immune system, and they can keep fighting it, you know, it is a heck of a thing to constantly fight. 

So I think that all of these technologies have a role to play. I think that the rife machine, it is really useful if you know the right frequencies. For those that are interested in it, contact me, I’ll tell you how to make the machine and I’ll tell you how to set the frequency. And then the high voltage device, again, another huge player. Another thing that I think is really useful is a product called Zoiben, which people take internally. What I’ve come to do now is in the evenings, I will just kind of oil pull it, I will swish it around my gums, knowing that that’s probably the most highly infected part of my body. And I think for most people, the gums are the place with the greatest amount of infection. And just to continually keep these things at a low level. So, I just wanted to share that story about how the voltage machine and the Lyme disease kind of play together.

Martin: You know, as you were talking about syphilis, I actually in my studies have heard a very different story. I actually have a textbook which shows the map of Europe, how syphilis travels from port to port. It started in Scotland around the year 1100, and how it just infects people, first somewhere along the coast of England, then in France, then on the Mediterranean and Italy, and so on, and it infects all of Europe. And it travels through the sailors, having started with some lonely boy in Scotland getting it from a sheep.

Spencer: Are you sure you’re not talking about gonorrhea?

Martin: No, I’m talking about spirochetes, because spirochetes naturally live in the large intestine of the sheep.

Spencer: Hmm. Maybe that’s how it started. Well, we will never know. It is interesting but more interesting to me is how do we kill it? How do we get rid of it?

Martin: Yeah, that’s the important part. It is everywhere now.

Spencer: The prevalence of Lyme disease is so high, and the tests are so bad for it. I think if someone is dealing with something chronic, it is almost worth a month of Lyme protocol, just to see what happens. And you know, there are some really good things, like jatoba bark and cat’s claw, some herbal mixtures, there are a lot of good anti-Lyme protocols. I think if you have some pain or fatigue, it is worth just trying and see if maybe an anti-spirochete protocol works for you.

Martin: I think you are onto it in a big way with the electricity, with pushing the electrons into the body.

Spencer: It is a very peaceful experience when I’m on it, it is like an instant meditative state. My body just goes to this place of like… all the alarms get turned off. And I didn’t realize that not having enough electrons was creating some background level of alarm state in my body, that just clearly just got turned off and I gave it what it needed.

Martin: Here are a couple of thoughts that go along that train of thinking. People really enjoy a high dose of vitamin C either orally or intravenously, of course, vitamin C is an antioxidant, it is an electron donor, so that’s an important tool that helps us nutritionally to deal with the electron deficiency. The other thing I’ve found recently was this thing called Carbon 60, C60. The way I understand it is that it is a cage made of carbon atoms within which a hydrogen likes to dwell, and as the hydrogen gets into this cage, it is more than willing to give up its electrons, because it is electrically able to marry itself to the carbons. The point is that this C60 ends up being a universal electron donor as it travels around the body, and of course hydrogen needs to be present, and then all of this cascade of resupplying electrons is possible, much faster than what, for example, vitamin C can do.

Spencer: So this would be my thoughts on the matter. Antioxidants work by donating electrons. Now, once the vitamin C donates its electron, it is now an oxidized vitamin C. What can it do? It has to go and get another electron on it. It has to be recycled. So, people who take lots and lots of antioxidants but don’t have enough electrons, it is like having a city with lots and lots of food trucks and no food. Every time you take vitamin C, it gets to be used one time and then it has to be recycled. But if you have enough electrons in the body, then that vitamin C can get recycled millions of times a second. There are antioxidants that can react a billion times a second. The way an antioxidant usually works, and there are exceptions to the rule, is that they will give up their electron to a more dangerous free radical, but then the antioxidant itself becomes a mild free radical and it has to be regenerated, it has to get an electron back. So all the antioxidants we take, if we don’t match or pair them with electrons, they can only work one time versus the millions of times a second it could work, if we have enough electrons.

And if you’re walking around barefoot and breathing fresh air and eating raw food, then fantastic. You don’t need to buy antioxidants in a bottle, because the very few you’re getting from your food are working a million times faster because they’ve got the electrons to do the work with. And if you don’t have the electrons and you take more and more antioxidants, it is like sending trucks with one loaf of bread in to feed the city. That’s not efficient. You have enough trucks, you’ve got 10 times more trucks than you need. Take the trucks you have and fill them full of bread, then the city is fed, and then they come back and fill them again. It is a more efficient way.

But let’s talk about C60. I was making C60 and eating it or drinking it in olive oil, six or seven years ago. I never noticed anything from it. But the way it was explained to me is it acted like a battery, a place that could give and take electrons, like an electronic bank account. So it would be a reservoir, again, a reservoir for what? If we don’t have the electrons, and you take C60, there’s nothing going into the C60, the C60 itself doesn’t do anything, it still needs electrons, you have got to charge it.

Martin: People are recommending that this should be taken with hydrogen, either hydrogen in water, or inhaling hydrogen gas, or some other source of hydrogen.

Spencer: Yes, but then again, you still have to recharge the hydrogen. We have got to get plugged in, Martin, one way or the other, there is no way around it! I wish just grounding and eating raw food and breathing fresh air was enough. Because I eat raw food, I’m grounded and I’ve lived in places with great air and it was good, but it wasn’t enough to recover the damage I had done growing up in a city without electrons. So I think unfortunately, a number of us would really do a lot better with some piece of equipment that would push the electrons in with as much pressure as they were pulled out for so many years. And then at that point you might need less and less and then you can get by with just going for a walk barefoot in the park, eating a raw apple and a salad, going to breathe some fresh country air.

Martin: Go swimming in a lake…

Spencer: That sounds lovely, but you want crashing water, just being in the water will get it through your skin. If you want to get the electrons in the air, the water has to move. So it is either a waterfall or waves crashing.

Martin: Quite the tour de force of explaining what really is going on as far as our metabolic existence! The metabolic existence of our body is moving electrons. Oxidation is taking away, reduction is giving it back, and every chemical reaction is one or the other. Or I should say one thing is being oxidized, another thing is being reduced. That’s the nature of the reactions. And you want to be efficient in your life.

Spencer: Everything comes down to oxygen and electrons. I am astounded that the body works as well as it does, needing electrons as much as it does, and how few we actually get in our environment. It is a testament to just how well designed we are, that we can completely drain our body batteries for decades and still function. So imagine how good you can feel, how healthy you can be if you actually get your body charged up properly.

Martin: Come back to this channel soon for more information about the electron donor machine! This is Martin Pytela for Life Enthusiast! Call me at (866) 543-3388! Spencer, thank you very much for taking the time, this has been most enlightening and most electronizing!

Spencer: Thanks, Martin.



Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff February 18, 2020
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