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Podcast 351: RemedyLink
Learn details about each product Spencer Feldman created, why he created them, and what to expect if and when you decide to try them. Martin asks all of the questions you might want to know, about the benefits, dosage, and also what to expect when using these products. By watching this video, you have a wonderful opportunity to learn a lot from one of the brilliant minds who makes it possible to heal with alternatives to toxic chemicals.
You will learn about the amazing effects and benefits of suppositories, and why is it more effective to use certain supplements as a suppository rather than orally. You will learn astounding facts about parasites, microbes, coffee enemas, liver detox, scar tissue, and more! You will learn how to detox safely in order to resolve your current health problems, and also prevent future issues from developing. Prevention is much easier and cheaper than a treatment.
Health is not a privilege limited to a lucky few, health is your basic right and the preferred state of your body. If you treat your body well, it will respond very quickly. We are happy to give you all of the information and help we possibly can, but the rest is up to you!
Uncover yet another layer of health secrets that you have the right to know! This video is packed with information from beginning to end, and after watching and listening, you will be armed with greater knowledge to make informed choices in your health care! Gentle detox, better circulation, liver and gallbladder support, prostate care, lymphatic congestion, healing of scar tissue, and more is addressed in this fascinating interview. No gimmicks, no tricks, just real solutions for real people like you!
Martin: Hello, everybody! This is Martin Pytela for the Life Enthusiast Online Radio Network, restoring vitality to you and to the planet. Today I have Spencer Feldman with me. Spencer is a whole lot like myself, except a younger version. Spencer has started with a degree in engineering or technical sciences, his degree was in math, mine was in computer science, but the point is that he got wrecked by the mainstream medical system, and then the show started. He couldn’t get help. He had to find a way to help himself. Then he became a researcher, and then he became a health nut. And here we are, Spencer Feldman, welcome to the Life Enthusiast show!
Spencer: Thanks, Martin!
Martin: Awesome. So, Spencer, would you be so kind and elaborate a little bit, tell us more about yourself, explain the background, explain why are you so passionate about the things that you are so passionate about?
ABOUT RemedyLink
Spencer: Well, when I was in college, there was one person who had gotten measles. They vaccinated everybody in the college, and I lined up to get the vaccine in my arm like everyone else, and not that long afterward, I couldn’t even eat soup, because my hand would shake so much that the soup would shake out of a spoon before I got it into my mouth. I said to myself: well, this can’t be right, I am studying mathematics, not medicine, but this can’t be right, I don’t have Parkinson’s. So I went to the doctor and he said: “well, here’s a pill.” I said: “great, thank you. Why is my hand shaking?” He goes: “well, here’s a pill.” I am like: “Yeah, okay, but why is my hand shaking and what is the pill going to do?” But I guess I had exceeded my five-minute allotment of time and that was that.
I never took the pill, and I didn’t understand until years later that it was probably the thimerasol in the vaccine that caused the problem. So I had this interest in getting myself healthy, and then the internet came along, and that was a researcher’s dream! I was up till three in the morning every night, going through pub med journals and reading translations of Russian science journals, and slowly I started piecing together what was going on with me, and I found that I had an ability to understand why things were falling apart, and how to put them back together again. Of course, that was the beginning of my career, 25-30 years ago. It’s been a long and fascinating journey.
I will tell you one story, this might be one of my favorite ones. I got a phone call from an 85 years old woman about a year and a half ago, and she called to thank me for the Glytamins product that I make, which we will talk about later., Glytamins supports the body in dealing with gallstones, and she calls me up and she says: “I want to thank you, I am out of pain.” And I said: “Oh, well, that’s very sweet.” And she goes: “no, no, really, I want to thank you, I am out of pain, my stomach has been hurting for so long.” And I said: “okay, well how long was it hurting?” She said: “70 years!” What makes you feel better in life than that? I mean, I am sorry she had to wait until she was 85 to be out of pain, but at least she gets a few more years where she can finally feel good in her body. That was great.
Martin: I definitely want to get to the details of the products with you, but before we do that, I wanted to highlight the thing that you mentioned in our private conversations, that if pharmaceutical companies want to patent something and make a lot of money on, they require spending 100-200 millions of dollars on proving that thing to be safe and effective. The stuff that we use in natural healing doesn’t require any such shenanigans. We can easily administer things that we know are safe because they won’t kill you or are not toxic. But we are not allowed to to say it heals anything. We can’t tell you that this berry juice will prevent something, we can’t tell you that walnut husk will take out the parasite, and so on.
Spencer: I would say that I have three large issues with the way the medical establishment runs right now. The first – as you mentioned it, the cost to bring a drug to the market is so high, that a drug company won’t do anything that’s not patented. And that means a lot of natural medicines never get pushed by big drug companies. The challenge isn’t just that natural products don’t make it to market. Part of the issue also is the legal system, what happens to doctors. For instance, in Germany, it’s not so important whether you follow the standard of care, what matters is if you hurt or help someone. And if you hurt somebody, you’re in trouble. If you help someone, they don’t care how you did it. Or at least this was true 20 years ago, I don’t know how it is in Germany now.
In the United States, it’s the opposite. It’s fine if you kill someone as long as you’re using the standard of care. But if you help someone off label, you can lose your license. So that’s an issue. The other thing is this: I think modern medicine shines its best in the emergency room. You don’t want an herbalist if you are dealing with a car crash, a gunshot wound, or hemorrhagic viruses raging through your body, you have to put a needle in and get fluids in, and apply heroic measures in these acute cases. This is where modern medicine shines. Alternative medicine is the exact opposite, it is really great with chronic diseases through understanding what imbalance allowed a particular disease process to manifest slowly over the years. It would be silly to go to an alternative practitioner when you need an emergency room, and I think it is silly to go to a drug bottle when you’re looking to deal with a chronic condition.
Martin: Right. But the problem is that currently, the pharmaceutical industry owns the insurance companies that own the pharmaceutical model that owns the governments, the lobby, the Senate, the Congress, the medical school curricula, all of it. It is all interlocked, it is like cancer. It’s like a virus. It’s just consuming the host.
Spencer: I think it has been for a while. But the Internet is making things change! Nowadays, you don’t have to go to a doctor to get an opinion. You can search for something on the internet and have a thousand opinions, some by physicians all across the planet, some by alternative practitioners, so that monopoly of information has been broken by the internet. And I think what’s going to happen, and we are already seeing it now, is a movement towards alternative medicine, for what it is really good for. The downside is that some people use alternative medicine to sell things that are inappropriate, but at least now there’s an even playing field, right? The traditional and the alternative doctors can each have their say, and we can go in and listen to the arguments, and read the research, and decide for ourselves.
Martin: Yes, I guess where it breaks down for me is the insurance part, because people don’t even know that they are paying thousands and thousands of dollars extra that they shouldn’t have to spend, because of the extra cost layers of the medical system, and yet they are completely unable to think outside of the box and spend $400 a month on an alternative that would ultimately be a lot less expensive.
Spencer: We are getting there, Martin, have faith. We’re getting there!
Martin: Oh, I am good. I pay for all of my care out of pocket. I am the worst-case scenario for me. I had to pay for everything that ever got me better. I’ve had one trip to an emergency room when I chipped a bone in my elbow. Anyway, we are going to get talking about the products in just a moment, but I want to tell you that Spencer is very, very good at finding ways to restore wellness out of illness. The principles he uses are shared by most functional medicine practitioners. It is the concept of resolution of the original causes, which in many cases is a toxic burden or other malfunctions in the system. Those are the principles Remedy Link is built upon. Let’s talk about Remedy Link! How old is this?
Spencer: Well, I’ve been making products for 19 years. The name Remedy Link isn’t that old, but that’s how long I’ve been designing products. It started out with making them for myself, and then some alternative doctors I knew asked if I could make some for their clients. And I really liked that, it was very satisfying to me, to solve the puzzles of what’s going on with people. I started by looking at protocols that were really good, but people wouldn’t want to do it.
Spencer: So as an example, the first product I made was Medicardium, which is a magnesium-based EDTA chelation product, and it is a suppository. Chelation is great, but you can’t take it orally, because only 5% survives digestion, and not that many people want to get an IV. I taught myself how to do it on my own arm, that was a bit of a mess, while I was learning, but I was curious. Chelation is fantastic, but there were not a lot of people doing it, and 19 years ago, even if you wanted to get an IV for it, there were not that many doctors that would do it.
I wanted to make it available to people in their homes. I’ve made a slight change from the way it’s typically done. I designed a magnesium and potassium EDTA so that it would give us the minerals we need (the magnesium and potassium), but still have the ability to grab onto calcium. The other thing, which I only recently figured out, is how to deal with the concept of mercury redeposition. The three main chelators for mercury are DMSA, DMPS, and EDTA. All three will grab mercury and it makes a pretty good bond. But they will all let go of mercury for one or two other metals, depending on which chelator we use, perhaps chromium or oxidized iron. So what can happen is the chelator goes in the body, grabs mercury, takes it from one place, but when it bumps into something that it has a greater affinity for, it releases the mercury in someplace worse, like near a nerve or in the brain. That happens often with DMPS and DMSA, not so much with EDTA, but it is still possible. So I am thinking: “how do we deal with this?” And then I found out that Selenium makes an incredibly strong bond with mercury. Elemental mercury will bond with Selenium. So I added some Selenium to the Medicardium and now my hope is that if someone has a mercury load, and also has these other metals which trigger the mercury to come off the EDTA, it will then be mopped up by the Selenium. So I feel that was a major move forward, because mercury redeposition has been a huge problem in the detox field, and I think this might be a solution for it.
Martin: I was toxic with mercury, my mouth was full of amalgams, and I was in trouble. I took some homeopathics, potent, wonderful stuff, and what happened was just what you are saying, it just kicked the mercury around the body and back into circulation. It gave me this mental sense of unreality as if I was walking around with a glass dome over my body.
Spencer: Metals will do that to your brain. The story of Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland, you know the story, right? Hatters used to use mercury in the felt process. Metals will cause a lot of psychological issues for people. As an example, copper IUD, not so common in the US, but very common in Britain and the Netherlands, will leak copper into the uterus of the woman. They poison the uterus with copper. And I have a very close friend who went slowly mad over the course of six months from a copper IUD, and it happens so gradually, she never figured it out, but once we pieced it together, she was like: “Oh my God, yes, all the mood swings and feelings of doom and headaches and anemia.” And we got the IUD out of her and we gave her some chelation therapy and after 12 hours, maybe less, she turned to me and she said: “I didn’t realize how out of balance I became until I finally got it out of me. And then now I am looking back and I realize it!” This won’t happen for every woman, but if you have a friend or you yourself have a copper IUD, take a look at the symptoms for copper toxicity, if they match with what you are experiencing, that IUD might be the cause of a lot of your problems.
Martin: Huh, interesting! I was not taking the Selenium then, and I had this stuff going on and it was getting worse, for example, I lost the ability to tell whether I was urinating or not. I remember that I was standing at the stall in my suit, this was back in my corporate job, and I was just doing the thing, I was sure I was finished, so I zipped up and realized I wasn’t finished, it was still running. It was that sort of comedy.
Spencer: (laughing) You have a good perspective on it!
Martin: Well, at the moment it was really weird. I discovered that I actually could use Zeolite as a detox tool back then, it’s capable of mopping up mercury and other toxins, but it had a sketchy reputation all those years ago. So if we can do that with your Medicardium and Selenium, that is great!
Spencer: The only thing I would say is that I am glad Zeolite is hitting the market now. I really look forward to more research coming out showing that Zeolite can be the right way to go because it’s a much less expensive ingredient than EDTA.
Martin: Well, it’s going to be hard to see that research for the reasons that we discussed earlier, right? But now we know that there is Remedy Link, the company you are running! Let’s talk a bit more about some of your products! We already mentioned Medicardium, that we can use to detox heavy metals.
Spencer: Yes, so EDTA is used for metal toxicity, and a calcium-free EDTA also has the ability to decalcify hardened tissue. Calcification happens to everyone as they get older, it’s just a part of the aging process. It is great for anyone who has occupational exposure to metals, but nowadays everybody has got some.
Martin: Yes, I am driving in town and I am inhaling the brake pad dust from the car ahead of me.
Spencer: Exactly, yeah. If we are prepared to change the oil in our car every 5,000 miles, I don’t think it’s unreasonable once a year to clean the metals out of our bodies.
Martin: So would you say one box of Medicardium once a year is a good policy?
Spencer: I would personally say once a year for someone who is not trying to decalcify tissue and someone who doesn’t have occupational exposure, just the average person. It’s a good detox. I would recommend Medicardium for people that are dealing with metals or calcifications.
Martin: Awesome. The next product that we have, that I am personally really fond of, is called Glytamins. Tell us about that.
Spencer: Okay. So in the same way that I wanted to make chelation available to people who didn’t want to do needles, I wanted to make a liver-gallbladder flush available. The old way of doing this is to take half a cup of olive oil to stimulate bile release, and then Epsom salts to dilate the little ring muscle at the bottom of the gallbladder that opens it up, and then give birth to a bunch of gallstones. You know, this is a heroic way to do it. And if I were looking at trying to avoid a gallbladder surgery, sure, let’s try it this way first. But if you have a little more time, I think it’s nicer to do it a little more gradually, I prefer to melt the stones out.
Martin: On our website, we have a couple of articles with recipes for doing this gallbladder flush. And people still do it, I’ve done it, it is like trying to give birth in a sense that you are trying to push things through an opening that’s not meant to have that size pushed through it. Not a pleasant experience.
Spencer: Yes, I’ve done that myself. I think if you want to do it, it’s much better to first soften and break down the stones as much as possible before you do the flush. But that still doesn’t address why the stones were there. It will flush the stones away, but it will not get to the cause. And part of that has to do with all the chlorinated water we are exposed to. The body needs to get rid of that with glycine and taurine peptide conjugation. Glycine and taurine are the building blocks of bile. I think people who are on a low-fat diet aren’t giving the liver the continual stimulation to produce bile and keep it moving. Stagnation contributes to that hardening. So what we did with the Glytamins is we thought about making the liver-gallbladder flushes that are vitally important, a little bit more graceful.
A suppository goes up against three important veins in the anal area. One of them is the portal vein that goes right to the liver, so suppositories are a great way to access the liver. And what we put in are ingredients that support the liver in dealing with the clogging, supporting the liver in dealing with dissolving the stones, but also giving it the building blocks to make bile in the first place. When someone is in a healing crisis, it might be because they haven’t cleared the channels for detox first. The water-soluble toxins have to come out in the urine, so the kidneys have to be clear, and the fat-soluble toxins are going to come out through the liver and the gallbladder and the bile.
When I am doing a detox, I want to use the Glytamins and the Medicardium first, so I know that the liver-gallbladder is moving as clear as possible. The same ingredient that is associated with dealing with gallstones also has an effect on kidney stones. So I like the Glytamins first to open up the water-soluble and fat-soluble pathways, then go in there with Medicardium for metals, and then Xeneplex for chemicals, and that kind of thing. And also, I think the lymphatic system is overlooked. It’s good to get to the lymphatic system cleared because that can also get a little sludgy.
Martin: Right, so you mentioned the Xeneplex, that’s the ongoing, continuous liver support, right?
Spencer: Yes. It’s not something I would do every day, but that is a remake of two different protocols, that I thought really should be done together. It’s organic coffee and glutathione. Organic coffee as a suppository acts like a coffee enema. And the way a coffee enema works is it stimulates an enzyme in the liver called glutathione-s-transferase, and its job is to attach glutathione to the chemical toxin. If you give someone a coffee enema and they don’t have enough glutathione in their body, it’s going to be limited in its effect, it could actually backfire a little bit, you might end up just stimulating too much phase 1, not enough phase 2, and making it temporarily more toxic for a person. So if you’re going to do a coffee enema, it’s really good to have glutathione in the system. But a lot of us don’t have that, and the reason is it has already been used up dealing with other toxins we’ve been exposed to. Glutathione, like EDTA, will not survive digestion, so I put it in a suppository so that it hits at the same time as the coffee.
And this reminds me of a story I’d like to tell you about how I fell in love with glutathione. I was living in Hawaii at the time, and my next-door neighbor was a very famous painter, and one day he comes over and says: “Spencer, I know you’re into detox, can you help my friend? He drank what he thought was a glass of water, but it was an industrial solvent, not much, but maybe enough that he’s in trouble.” The hospital couldn’t do much for him, so I sent him a message, and I told him to get some glutathione, find a nurse or a doctor, someone with a needle who can get it into him. A week goes by, I don’t hear from him, so I am thinking: “the guy is dead, drank industrial solvent, can be unconscious or in the hospital, probably not coming back.” Another week goes by, and I get a phone call, and it’s him! He says: “my wife got the glutathione into me,” and he said that when he was in the chair, he was basically almost comatose, but then all of a sudden the lights came on, and he was able to turn around, so I thought: “oh my God, that stuff is amazing, why didn’t they give it to him in the hospital? They should have this around for mushroom poisoning, for all poisoning cases!” Glutathione is great for metals and chemicals, I like to use it for chemicals. I like to use EDTA for metals because I want to spare the glutathione for the chemicals. I want it to be able to focus. So that was the beginning of my love affair with glutathione.
Martin: So if somebody has volatile organic compound poisoning, whether it’s benzene, naphta, formaldehyde, you name it, pretty much…
Spencer: There is a long list of chemical toxins that glutathione will conjugate. Of all the detox pathways, peptide conjugation seems to be the most all-around beneficial way to go. There may be individual toxins that will not conjugate to glutathione, and you would need a different pathway, certain hormones for instance. But for the kind of things that you and I are exposed to on a daily basis, glutathione for sure. There is a lot of stuff that glutathione is good for.
Martin: Okay, great, so that’s in Xeneplex.
Spencer: Yes, Xeneplex is glutathione plus the organic coffee, because again, it’s not enough for either of them to be there, you have to have the combined effect of the coffee enema and the glutathione at the same time for the magic to really happen. And how often should you use it? Let’s say I had an acute exposure, let’s say I been caught behind a diesel truck, and I was driving, and I didn’t get the recycle button pressed fast enough, and I didn’t have the fan filter on, and I started feeling all those symptoms, the tightness of the chest, nausea. In this case, I would take one every eight hours, until personally I felt better. In terms of how often I would do it, as a general thing, again, it’s occupational. Let’s say I work at a dry cleaning facility and I am exposed to the solvents that they use every day, I would probably take one every three days for the rest of my life. If I just had a regular life, wasn’t greatly exposed to chemicals, I might do one box a year, just as a nice cleanse, maybe at the same time I was taking the Medicardium, and I might alternate them.
Martin: Okay, great. Let’s talk about Endosterol next.
Spencer: Sure! An older friend of mine asked me if I could make a product for the prostate. He said: “the prostate is right there, next door to where you would put the other products,” and I said: “sure, let me look into it.” Now, having said that, personally, I find that Medicardium was great for my prostate. The prostate tends to calcify and get infections that are very difficult to get out. When you’re dealing with the prostate, you want to decalcify it, you want to deal with the infections that may be in it, and then the swelling.
There is also something else that happens to men. As we age, our levels of aromatase and 5-alpha reductase go up and we start turning estrogen into DHT, which causes hair loss, and with high estrogen, we actually become feminized. So if it weren’t enough that we have a feminizing culture, and that we have these gender-bending chemicals, xenoestrogens in the food and water supply, by the time a man turns 50, he’s often making more estrogen than testosterone. This is why you see men who have lost a lot of their drive, their initiative, their spark at that point because they are more feminine than masculine. And then the fat around the belly, and the loss of muscle tone, all the things that happen to aging men.
Endosterol was designed with the intent of supporting the body in having a healthier prostate, but also getting back to the healthy testosterone-estrogen ratio. And I remember the first time I took it, I was with my kids and we were going on a hike, and boy, they just couldn’t keep up with me! I was running up and down the hills, it just felt great.
Martin: Fantastic! So what does Endosterol do for a woman?
Spencer: Well, that’s interesting you’d ask! What’s not often recognized is a lot of the herbs that are helpful for the male reproductive system are great for the female reproductive system too. They bring blood to the same area. So we’ve had women who have told us that they have got improvements in some feminine aspects with Endosterol, although I am not as well versed with that.
Martin: I’ve heard from some clients that they had an easier time with menstruation and that their libido improved, they got just more interested in intimacy.
Spencer: Yes, because it’s bringing blood back into that area and normalizing hormones. But that’s not the only thing that Endosterol does. There are some ways in which it works in dealing with certain types of toxins. But mostly what I use it for would be for men who are over 50, who might be losing some drive, or need prostate support.
Martin: So let’s talk about Ellagica now. Ellagica is different because it is not a suppository, right?
Spencer: Right. So I only make suppositories if either the location is important, like the prostate and liver, or if the ingredient would be destroyed by digestion. So what is the story of Ellagica? My son was visiting relatives once, he was 3000 miles away, he was maybe five years old at the time, he was with his mother, and she calls me and says: “our son is not feeling well, what do we do?” I was not there, I couldn’t really determine if it’s a virus, if it’s bacteria, it could even be a parasite, I don’t know. It bothered me! I wanted something that would have a broad spectrum, that I could use for everything. So I started thinking, and I started looking, and I bumped into this ingredient called ellagic acid, which you find in a lot of plants, specifically in raspberry seeds, although to get enough of it to do something, you would need to be eating kilos of raspberries.
As I was researching ellagic acid, I found out that it affects the enzyme gyrase in bacteria, and it causes the bacterial DNA to unspool, which means that the bacteria doesn’t do very well. Then I found it would interfere with the integrase enzyme in the virus, which viruses use to penetrate the cell wall, so they can get replicated. Then I found out it would suppress chitin-synthase, which is the enzyme fungi use to build their cell wall. And I thought: “Wow, this is amazing stuff, I want to take this every day!” And then I found out that it was an apoptotic inducer. Cells, when they get old or damaged, they’re supposed to self-destruct. Ellagic acid is a safeguard against cancer, because cells that get damaged and don’t self-destruct, can become cancerous.
This self-destruction process is called apoptosis. Ellagic acid has been shown to support apoptosis. I found one downside to it, and that was that ellagic acid would cause the blood to get thicker, it would coagulate the blood. I didn’t want to get all those benefits at the risk of stressing out the cardiovascular system. So I researched exactly which pathway the ellagic acid was using, and I mixed in some herbs that had some research behind them that they would support a healthy blood viscosity. I put all that in the product, and it is really great stuff. It gets you about halfway there, and I can tell you about the other half. There are different risks at different decades of life. For instance, car crashes in your 20s, heart attacks in the 50s, cancer in 60s, lungs and kidneys in the 80s, Alzheimer’s in your 90s, and I think that giving the body some support for apoptosis once we hit 50 is very wise.
Martin: Beautifully put. I am going to disclaim it here, we are not suggesting that if you have a cancer diagnosis, you should take three bottles of ellagic acid and you will be cured. We are not suggesting this is a treatment for any condition, but we can say it helps to support the normal healthy function of your cells.
Spencer: You know we could talk about cancer for a moment. First off, when we have chronic toxicity, it accumulates in the tissue that’s genetically the weakest. It lowers the cell voltage of those cells, so that all of the composting microbes that we eat, that normally pass through us as spore and eggs, are triggered to wake up and colonize us, because we look like compost material to them, because of that low cell voltage. The body then tries to deal with that, it becomes a chronic wound, and the body keeps trying to repair it for quite some time. In order to repair chronic wounds, you need to differentiate, we need to multiply and create new cells. And I am of the opinion that in some cases cancer is triggered by these chronic unresolved wounds. Cancer, in the simplest form, is a cell that won’t turn off its replication cycle, which is either in on position or off position, and when the damaged cell doesn’t self-destruct, because it is stuck in this on position, and it keeps multiplying, that’s cancer.
There are a lot of signals we get in our bodies to put cells in the on position. With chronic wounds, cells need to keep multiplying to fix the wound. Then there is all the radiation and cell phones. It’s not like there’s enough energy in a cell phone to cook an egg, but the frequency is such that it can get cells to stay in the on position, For me personally, when I turn 50, that’s my line in the sand, where I say: “Okay, now I need to start being more preventative and start not just doing something yearly, but maybe a little more often to deal with some of the things that might be coming down around the curve at me.” One last thing about cancer and this is just my personal opinion. I think cancers can evolve very quickly. They can respond, they can adapt. So I would pick, say 12 protocols, 12 remedies. It can be a bit overwhelming, if someone is looking on the internet for what to do with cancer, a thousand things will show up. I would pick 12 things that I like, and do four of them at a time, but every week or two weeks, take one out and add another in the rotation, so I don’t give cancer the time to adapt. I learned that from the Hammond brothers, who are two great doctors in the South, and I think it’s very wise, so I wanted to pass that on. With Ellagica, I would say take one or two once or twice a week. I think that’s enough. If it’s maintained to give the body some good support.
Martin: Okay. And if you are Angelina Jolie, take three.
Spencer: Oh yeah, she had all the surgeries. We should have a conversation about epigenetics, right? About how your genes are not your destiny. That just because you have bad genes doesn’t mean they will be activated. It is all based on your lifestyle, your genes can be silenced or activated. So don’t be so afraid of bad genes in your family history. Mostly, bad genes won’t cause a problem if they’re not activated. We can manage our genetics epigenetically by our internal environment and our lifestyle.
Martin: Okay, so now that we’re at that end, we should probably talk about Lymplex, because that’s totally related to the sewage system that deals with all of this material flowing through us, or staying within us, right?
Spencer: Yes, let’s talk about our lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is actually larger by volume than the blood system, we have more lymph than we have blood. And it doesn’t have a pump per se, so in order to move lymphatic fluid, we have to move our muscles, and that is what washes the toxins away from cellular metabolism. So when cells burn fat and glucose and create metabolites that leave the cells, it’s the lymphatic system that washes it away like a tide.
Martin: I keep using the aquarium as a metaphor. If the cells were the fish, the water in the aquarium is like the lymphatic fluids, and that fish eats the food you throw in, and it poops right back into that same fluid.
Spencer: Yes, and if you don’t clean the filter, the water, the fish dies.
Martin: I have been practicing and also telling others: “you need a vertical movement against gravity.” We need to be walking, jogging, or bouncing on the mini-trampoline, or some other vertical movement like that.
Spencer: That’s one of the reasons why a massage feels so nice, it moves the lymphatic fluid! When I started thinking about how to deal with healing crises and clearing out the channels, I came across the lymphatic system with all of its circulations. I wanted to find some way to give the lymph a little bit of stimulation, to tighten the junctions, to thin the lymph, to stimulate it to move. And I came up with 10 herbs that were very effective for it. You probably already know most of these. What I noticed the first time I took the product myself when I was experimenting, I could feel all my lymph nodes light up, they got kind of warm and tingly. A lot of us still have junk stuck in our lymph nodes from unresolved infections, and when you clear it out, you can really feel something there! So I think a part of a good detox protocol would be to go through one bottle of Lymplex, and I would do that maybe once a year, just as a general flush through the system, like you would treat the drains of your sewer on a regular basis to keep everything moving. The Lymplex is very powerful so that one bottle will probably treat the whole family, it would last a long time.
Martin: Beautiful! I personally got four products, all at once, I took the Medicardium, Xeneplex, Endosterol, and Glytamins, on the box it says: “use one every third day.” I thought: “I don’t have time for this!” So I just rotated it, I used one for every box, every day, ongoing.
Spencer: That’s why it says:” every third day,” because I know there are people like you and me that are going to triple the dosage! (laughing).
Martin: Yes! So it was entertaining! So, we still have two more products to discuss! Let’s talk about Zoiben!
Spencer: Sure! Zoiben is a German word for a purge or a cleanse. The challenge of most of the antiparasitic agents I took, the plant-based, the bitter ones, is that they are toxic. They are mildly toxic to humans, toxic to the kidneys, liver, the nerves. Is it worth killing the parasite if we’re also hurting ourselves? No. So I started thinking about this and I wondered why is it that a human body is so good at dealing with viruses and bacteria, but terrible at fungi and parasites. And this is what I think is going on:
Parasites have been around for half a billion years. Fungi for 2.4 billion years. They’ve had a long time to figure out, just through brute force of evolution and mutation, how to mess with animals. Plants have been evolving with these for the same amount of time, and they’re also susceptible to being parasitized and attacked by mold and fungi. So plants have a defense, they have evolved, they have their essential oils. And I think what happened is animals intuited that if they would smell around the forest for something that had essential oils and ate that, it could deworm them, it could deal with the parasites. So I believe animals, and we are animals, have outsourced our defenses against fungi and parasites to the plant kingdom. So we didn’t need to develop an immune system that can handle these, because if you’re eating plants and getting essential oils, that takes care of it for you.
Our modern diet doesn’t have many essential oils, because they can be very intense in flavor, and cooking makes them go away. 150 years ago and back, most of us were living on farms, up until the beginning of the agricultural revolution, and it was known that you would deworm everyone in the house, the people, the pets, the livestock, they all got dewormed a couple of times a year. We don’t do that now, because we believe that when we are not on a farm, we are not exposed. But 30% of people in the United States have toxoplasmosis gondii in the brains, you get it from cats, and it affects behavior. It makes the mouse attracted to the urine of the cat, so it runs towards the cat and it gets eaten. The parasite continues its life cycle in the cat gut, and then the mouse goes and gets it from the feces of the cat. But it also changes the behavior of humans. A large number of people who die in motorcycle crashes have huge amounts of toxoplasmosis gondii, maybe it’s making them less risk-averse, more capable of taking risks. Anyway, a lot of us are heavily parasitized. I think in Brazil and France it’s 80% of people that have a particular brain parasite, and sometimes parasites are tiny microscopic, and sometimes they are three-foot-long worms.
Here is what they do, it’s kind of diabolical. Parasites and fungi need the amino acids glutamine and glutamate, and sugar. Glutamate is the savory flavor. Sugar is the sweet flavor. So they make us want what they need for their fuel source, glutamate, and sugar. And then they make us dislike that which is bad for them, which is the bitter taste. So most people say: “I prefer sweet and savory and I don’t like bitter.” But is it them liking the taste, or is it the parasites and yeast? One indication of parasites is clenching teeth, nightmares, things like that. For Candida, it’s a coated tongue, but I think if you’ve got food cravings, that’s a really strong indication. So I wouldn’t say stop eating sweets and savories, I would say that if you start eating essential oils, the right kinds, you won’t have the cravings.
That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy something sweet or savory, but you won’t crave it. It will be in front of you. It will be nice. So will the vegetables, they will all be delicious. I looked at all the essential oils, there are hundreds of them, and I got rid of the ones that were toxic or sensitizing or made you feel funny if you went out in the sun, all those. What I was left with was about a hundred. Of these hundred oils, which are the ones that are the most effective against fungi, parasites, and yeast? I got about eight of them, and I started taking them, and things started changing. I needed far less food because I wasn’t feeding these things in me. I needed less sleep because I wasn’t having to repair that much damage caused by them eating my tissue. My mood got better, and some other things started changing in my digestion for the better. A lot of black bile started coming out of me, so I could tell that my liver was clearing out. I think that having an ability to deal with parasites is fundamental to getting good health, and the Zoiben product is designed around that idea.
An egg and a spore are much more resistant to the environment, so as long as I can make the environment in my body such that they think it’s not a good place to wake up and grow, they will stay dormant in those forms because it’s when they’re growing that they are susceptible. They’re vulnerable in their growth state. They can have my body when my body is dead, so I have to let them know my body is not dead. And I will be doing that by clearing out scar tissue, and by taking enough essential oils that I am perceived as fully alive, and not a suitable environment for growth. I think the idea of killing them is mistaken. We’re not sterile, and neither is our environment. The idea is to harmonize with them and get them to want to stay dormant.
Martin: Right, so stay hostile, have high mineral values, have high electric values… The voltage of the cells needs to be at -25 millivolt or better.
Spencer: Yes, and then we won’t be colonized by these things. It won’t even be a fight anymore, because they themselves will decide to leave. It is much better to get someone to decide that they want to do something, rather than to force them. So let them decide they don’t want to be around you.
Martin: This is the Star Wars trick! “These are not the droids you are looking for!”
Spencer: (laughing) Well said! “This is not the body you are looking for!” Perfect!
Martin: Okay, so this Zoiben, how do we use this? Is this a suppository?
Spencer: No, this is a liquid. What I like to do is to mix a teaspoon of this with some soda water, seltzer water, and just drink it. It’s the oil of frankincense, it’s an oil of myrrh, oregano, clove, oil from pine, all of those great essential oils that we were eating naturally as hunter-gatherers when we were eating mostly fresh and raw food. We would be getting this normally today, but we don’t, we cook our food, it has been sitting on a shelf somewhere, and before we even get to it, the essential oils are all gone.
And then we ask ourselves: “why am I being colonized?” Well, you convinced these things that you are a good environment for them! If you want to try taking it, I would suggest starting it perhaps on a Friday, when you don’t have any plans for the weekend, because interesting things can happen, it will cleanse you, specifically a parasite cleanse can have some interesting results. I would say that when your food cravings have cleared, when your tongue is clear, when you no longer gotta get that beef jerky, MSG flavor, barbecued ribs, when you no longer need to have that sugary treat, you are doing okay.
Martin: Awesome! So the last product we have on the list is Notoplex. Tell us something about that!
Spencer: Sure. Noto is a Latin word for a scar. This one will help you deal with scar tissue. Unresolved scar tissue can become cancerous and it is also a lack of function, so I want it out.
Martin: It is the last stage of thes stages of decline, right? The acute inflammation, the chronic inflammation, and then it’s the “I give up” stage, and then there’s the scar left behind, right?
Spencer: Yes. The chemicals and toxins lower the cell voltage further, it is typically a weak tissue, which is where they accumulate, the composters come in, and you get a chronic wound, and the body eventually says: “I can’t fix this, I will make a scar over it.” And then in some cases that scar becomes cancerous. But let’s talk about the scarring process a little bit. If you take a muscle sample of a young mouse, and then a two-year-old mouse, that would be the equivalent of 80 years for a human, in the young mouse sample you might see 20 healthy muscle cells. And in the older mouse, the 80-year-old equivalent, you could see 10 healthy cells, and the rest is scar tissue, and of those 10 that are alive, really only 6 are vital, the other 4 are fading away. So by the time we are 80, you could say we are really half dead. For someone that has decent genetics, it happens kind of globally.
But if someone has a weak spot in the body, the scar tissue shows up more there. And I will give you some examples of scar tissue because it’s associated with 45% of all deaths and with most chronic diseases. Scar tissue in the lungs is asthma, emphysema, COPD, and cystic fibrosis. In the vascular system, it causes arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis and heart disease. In the muscles it is fibromyalgia. In the skin it is scleroderma. In the uterus it causes fibroids, in the breasts, it is fibrocystic breasts, in the bladder, it is interstitial cystitis. So it’s a global phenomenon. And when we see someone who’s got one of these conditions, what we’re really seeing is someone that has got a chronic wounding of that system. So it’s important for me to figure out how I deal with scarring because if I don’t have good genetics, it’s going to get me. And even if I do, globally it still can occur.
So one of the things I think that’s best for scarring is an enzyme called serrapeptase. It’s the enzyme that silkworms use to break out of their cocoon, they digest their way out. It turns out that the cocoon is like a scar. So if we take in serrapeptase, we may be able to dissolve our scars, the challenge is serrapeptase doesn’t survive digestion, so you only utilize 5% of what you take.
Martin: We actually have been promoting serrapeptase for many years in products, as a means of helping athletes to not hurt after workouts or other reasons, for recovery, rejuvenation, and we are taking it orally, and here you are saying that 95% of what you put in is actually destroyed on the way through.
Spencer: But that’s really a good indication of how amazing serrapeptase is, that you can get just 5% and still get all those amazing results! So imagine if you get 95% absorption, then you can really go in and start doing some stuff inside the body. Now you can also fast, and that is a lot easier if you don’t have parasites to feed, and that will trigger autophagy and digesting of tissue, but serrapeptase is a great way to do it. It’s a lot easier. You can do it and still eat and still do all these other things. Notoplex has a serrapeptase in a very high amount, delivered rectally, so we have the most effective absorption. We also put in iodine and selenium, because iodine is associated with scar formation, lack of healing, and selenium is associated with scars turning into things we don’t want.
There was a study I saw where they gave selenium to people with growths in their bodies, and the growths started looking more like scar material. So that tells me it is taking it backwards one step. So if we turn growths to scar, scar into the chronic wound and we take it from chronic wound to proper healing, I think we’re really moving in the right direction.
Martin: So if you have fibromyalgia, if you hurt all over, and if you have bouts of chronic pain at level seven and above, days on end, how much of it do I take?
Spencer: That’s a great question. I personally wouldn’t have a problem taking one a day. I suppose there is a possibility that it might be a little irritating to the mucosa every day, so I would say follow your intuition and how you are feeling about it. When scar tissue gets laid down, little muscle fibers actually get into the wound and tighten to approximate the wound to close. It’s like little stitches. And then they’re meant to dissolve afterward. Now with fibromyalgia, which is scar tissue in the muscle, connective tissue, it’s stitched up and it never dissolves. So that’s what all those tight muscles are there, it feels like ropes, it’s actual stitching. It’s muscle tissue that’s tightened to stitch and never gone away. That’s part of the issue with chronic scarring, it tightens everything up.
Martin: So maybe take as much as you can stand until your symptoms have receded?
Spencer: Right. I’ve never had a bad effect from it personally. If you’re asking what the outer edge is, if you take it every day for extended periods of time, could the serrapeptase cause a little irritation? Possibly.
Martin: Okay, great! So let’s now talk about the product you mentioned when we were chatting earlier, it has something to do with castor oil…
Spencer: Sure! So this is almost like the other side of Notoplex. This is the transdermal way of working with scar tissue. So again, it’s my great love for these old-school naturopathic cures, and for trying to make them more user friendly. Castor oil packs are great for scars internally, they call it Palma Christi, the hand of Christ, historically, because it was good for so many things. The challenge with a castor oil pack is that it gets everywhere. It is oil. I’ve ruined clothes and sheets and beds with it. So what I’ve designed are these bandages, very big bandages, larger than you can get in a store, with an adhesive on all four sides so that you can place them on your body, so that the castor oil won’t leak everywhere. I’ve turned the castor oil into a paste, and I added some things to accelerate the transdermal aspect of it, and you simply take this paste, spread it on this oversized bandage, and you put it on your body. Over your kidneys, lungs, uterus, wherever the issue is. So we’ve got the Notoplex working from the inside, and the Castor Patch coming from the outside, and hopefully, between these two, we can get some good effect on scar tissue. (for a full video about Castor Patch, click here)
Martin: Great! So the castor pack is great, normally you would just take a piece of flannel cloth, soak it in the oil, put it on your body, wrap yourself in the saran wrap or something, so the oil doesn’t get everywhere, and then you would put a heating pad on top of it, right?
Spencer: Yes. What I am trying to do is see if we can do it without a heating pad. I think adding a heating pad on top would be great, if you have access to one. My hope for this was, and it depends on how good the adhesive is, that you can put it on and sit up, maybe even walk, just move around a bit with the patch still on without the fear of it leaking everywhere.
Martin: Great. We haven’t really talked about suppositories. It’s important to understand that to some people it’s kind of against their belief system because they don’t think that inserting things rectally is a wonderful idea. However, there are several ways how you can get stuff into the human body. You can inject it intravenously. The other common way is putting things under the tongue and letting it absorb through the soft tissues in the mouth, or we can spray it in the nose. But the rectal pathway is really effective!
Spencer: I am a huge fan of suppositories for a couple of reasons. I’ve taught myself how to do IV on myself, but even though I can do it now, I don’t like doing it. Let’s compare suppositories to nasal, sublingual (under the tongue), and transdermal application. The issue I have with sublingual is I always salivate so much that I end up swallowing it all, so I am not the hugest fan of that. It works, but it works better with things that are so concentrated and so potent that you only need the smallest amount. The same is with the nasal spray. For instance, I take a lot of peptides in a nasal spray, but I only need teeny tiny amounts. I couldn’t possibly take a gram or two grams of material under my tongue or in my nose. The IV is for when you have to get a lot of stuff in, a whole bag of something, especially if you’re in a hurry. But if you don’t need to move that quickly, and you don’t need to do that much, the suppository is the next best thing.
There are three veins in the rectal area, two for regular circulation, and one for portal circulation. So if you take a suppository, some of it goes to the liver, some of it goes to the general circulation, it’s also great for the prostate because the prostate is half an inch away. When I manufacture the suppositories, I put them in organic cocoa butter and seal them, so no light and no oxygen gets to them, and if you keep them cool, they can last a long time, so the shelf life on these is fantastic. It’s also relatively easy to use, once you get the hang of it, you just insert it in.
Martin: I actually make them cold, so I keep them in the freezer, and then I take the one I am going to use. I usually just have my bowel movement, have my shower, so everything is nice and clean, I find the rectal opening and put it in, the thing is about the size of my pinkie, it is small, you just need to push it past the sphincter, it is stable there, and it can melt there and get absorbed.
Spencer: You just have to keep in mind, if you’re gonna use the suppository and you think you have gas, there’s going to be some cocoa butter that comes out.
Martin: But once you get the hang of it, it’s no big deal, and it’s effective, and you get a lot for your money.
Spencer: You can put a lot in, and it bypasses the digestive system, which is the key part of it. So for instance, the Ellagica and the Lymplex, I make them as powder, because the ingredients in those products survive digestion. But glutathione, EDTA, serrapeptase, these will not survive digestion, or if it does, it’s only 5%, so suppositories really shine for those kinds of applications.
Martin: All right, awesome. Well, it’s been a good long talk! For those of you who are still listening, you can find all products by Remedy Link on our website, the direct link is right HERE. Spencer, you are an amazing researcher and a wonderful human being! Thank you so much for spending the time with us here today.
Spencer: Thank you for your kind words, Martin. It’s been a pleasure to meet and to talk to you again.
Martin: Likewise! Okay, people! This is Martin Pytela for Life Enthusiast! If you have any questions, call me at (866) 543 3388! We are restoring vitality to you and to the planet!