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Podcast 075: Amino Acid Success Stories
Many people cannot utilize their dietary protein, instead it is converted to sugars for fuel, or to fat for storage. This is due to lack of nutrition, malabsorption and exposure to toxic metals (silver amalgam dental fillings, vaccinations, lead paint, and a wide variety of industrial products). Inhibiting protein breakdown causes inadequate nutrient absorption and toxin elimination. This wreaks havoc on your immune system, resulting in pain and many chronic and degenerative diseases.
Amino Acids have to be first digested before they can be assimilated. Amino Acids are broken down in the stomach by pepsin, which is converted from pepsinogen by lowering the pH of the stomach with hydrochloric acid. If the pH of the stomach doesn’t lower to around 2.5, the first stage of protein breakdown fails.
The semi-digested food moves to the small intestine where a pancreatic enzyme named trypsin, along with other proteases (protein-breaking enzymes) breaks down the protein further. The above are all the stages of digestion. The next important phase is assimilation. Intestinal villi (the little finger-like projections in the small intestine that are responsible for assimilation) shrink in response to stress. Stressed people don’t assimilate food – of any kind. The only known substance that will rejuvenate the small intestinal villi is the amino acid L-Glutamine, which turns into glutamic acid to cross the blood-brain barrier where it is converted into glutamate (the most stimulatory neurotransmitter in the brain) and eventually breaks down into GABA (the most inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain).
Living in our industrialized society presents a large number of potential problems that inhibit protein digestion, leading to amino acid deficiency: HCl, proteases, L-Glutamine and others, all of which can slow or stop digestion and assimilation.
Podcast 075: Amino Acid Success Stories
This is the Life Enthusiast co-op podcast Restoring Vitality to You and to the Planet. Let’s join our host Scott Paton and Martin Pytela now.
Scott: Welcome back everybody you’re listening to the life enthusiast co-op podcast restoring vitality to you and to the planet. I’m your co-host Scott Paton along with Martin Pytela and Martin in our last podcast we were talking about some of the success stories that you have heard recently and both of them I believe you were talking about amino acids and we’ve had a number of people call who wanted to know a little bit more about what the amino acids were and how they worked and all that good stuff so we thought that maybe we should follow up with this podcast about amino acids.
Martin: Yes perhaps it is important to get a bit technical and explain how and why this works because this is one of the least understood issues. In most dietary advice and all of that, that people talk about proteins and carbohydrates and they talk about all these nutritional things but they are not understanding what makes people sick and how a system just breaks down. Perhaps, let’s get a little technical. Proteins, there are about one hundred thousand [various] proteins in a human body for instance cholecalciFerol is a name for a protein that will take the calcium out of the bones or is it into the bones I don’t remember the Latin names but it is that little single specific function. This particular protein’s job is the one thing, either stick a piece of calcium onto the bone or take it out of the bone.
Scott: So a lot of the amino acids are very specific.
Martin: No, no this is proteins. The amino acids, there are only 22 of them and eight of them are essential if you look at it this way if you have 26 letters in the alphabet and eight of them are vowels, that’s about the ratio. In the English language it has 20,000 words which you can make unlimited amount of sentences and paragraphs, and articles. That’s how it works, like a protein would be something like a paragraph composed out of words that are composed out of letters and if we had no vowels we would be in trouble. The vowel is like the essential amino acids and they are called essential because we cannot synthesize them inside of our body we have to get them from the outside. They have to come in in the form of food. So here’s what happens when your digestive system becomes compromised, most typically through toxicity and the toxicity is likely caused by heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides but mostly it’s the heavy metals like mercury cadmium and aluminum and arsenic and lead. When this poisoning happens in your body your small intestine starts failing, the villi which is like a little forest that sort of looks like sea anemonies that are waving their cute little appendages in the sea well that what the villi look like, well anyway they become shorter and damaged and as they become more damaged the density of the carpet that is supposed to be blocking the passage of nutrients from inside of the gut out into your blood is compromised. I guess you could see it as if your carpet was worn then you would start seeing the underlay and these things. That’s the sort of thing that happens in the guts that a piece of protein, let’s just say it came in the form of a chicken you had chicken meat in your guts and before its completely taken apart into the individual amino acids, it actually makes it through the intestinal wall through the blood.
Scott: So you have protein in your blood?
Martin: Yes but it’s the wrong kind of protein because it’s speaking chicken, it’s not speaking human it’s sort of like having, oh I don’t know what Portuguese words mixing in with your English article. It’s not going to work and so you’re liver is now having to filter it out because that’s an invader a foreign element. It has to come out somehow.
Scott: It has to be cleaned out somehow.
Martin: Yes because it is not an amino acid that could be used in your pancreas to assemble the correct enzymes that will correctly function in your body. It’s really very complex, so number one it starts with this genetic heritage about 25% of the population has problems getting rid of toxins. Then you get a toxin load. Well that really easy, you go to the dentist and get yourself a couple of mercury fillings and off you go. Or you go to a pediatrician and get yourself a mercury loaded vaccination shot and bang you go from a normal kid straight to crib death in a better world to autistic.
Scott: It just doesn’t work right.
Martin: No because your elimination is unable to handle that load and you just go from normal function straight to dysfunction. Just on a side bar here, these amino acids that we opened up about them are free form branch chain amino acids.
Scott: So what does that mean?
Martin: Free form means it has been taken apart, let`s just say that we have a chicken egg and we take the chicken egg and disassemble it on a constitutional components and we take the proteins and we separate all the individual aminos that we make and we lay them loose. Sort of like taking a book and snipping out all the individual letters and laying them out in all of their individual groups, side by side so we know which one is which so we have a pile of As and a pile of Bs and a pile of Cs. That’s the thing, its pre-digested, these amino acids are supplied to you already taken apart, free form, very important. When you take whey or any other protein powder even though it has all kinds of amino acids listed on the label they are not free form, they are bound, they are bound in the form of the protein. If your digestive system is not able to take it apart it is not a plus it’s a negative, it’s a burden.
Scott: So these are easily absorbed into the body.
Martin: Yes they are those building blocks; they are those letters from which the body will assemble proteins in the human form.
Scott: Which is what we want.
Martin: Absolutely what we want and the second part there are a couple of cofactors in order for this to function correctly, one of them is sulphur and the other one is molybdenum, molybdenum in trace amounts, sulphur in somewhat significant amounts and those two elements have to be present in your body for the protein assembly to take place correctly.
Scott: Let me guess, we don’t have them in our body usually.
Martin: Usually not, Sulphur is in foods like onion and garlic and other pungent things and molybdenum is a trace element that is hard to come by, it has to be present in the soils in which you grow the foods which is a roulette at best, a crap shoot.
Scott: Getting these the way we need them are pretty low in our processed food environment.
Martin: So if you are one of the lucky 25% of the population who has the inability to detox metals and you get the load you are pretty much on your way. The next thing that happens is a high stress, something whether it’s an infection that may strike you or a car accident or some emotional upset like death in the family or loss of a job, something major and that’s the last straw that breaks the proverbial camel’s back. All of a sudden you have chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis or one of those crazy poly factorial illnesses that are classified as syndromes and of course we already talked about what a syndrome is and that is anything the medical establishment that has taken its religion from one illness = cause. We say they can’t do this, it does not have one cause and it doesn’t have one solution. It actually does, the solution is the detoxification of metals and supplementation with these free form amino acids. You are reminded of that quote I read from this fellow about his brain returning back to full function and his discs coming back so he would stop hurting himself.
Scott: Yes, the body can heal itself if it has the right tools and it doesn’t have a bunch of stuff in it preventing it from working.
Martin: Yeas, because we are protein based bodies or organisms, we need to be able to assemble the proteins, but if our digestive system is compromised and does not disassemble the proteins down into the constituent parts, these being amino acids, we are in trouble. Our liver gets loaded and we get allergies, because allergies you know are an expression of a toxic or clogged liver. You have these skin rashes, the red skin, psoriasis or rosacea, those all are symptoms of a congested liver, and acne is just another one of them as well.
Scott: So someone who has problems with acne probably has a congested liver?
Martin: I would put my hand in fire on that one.
Scott: So now are we also talking about young children and teenagers?
Martin: Yes absolutely, they are over loading their liver with toxins they are over loading it with too many animal proteins.
Scott: Yes of course because they are eating big Macs all the time right?
Martin: The liver is where the fats and the proteins are handled and if you overload it together with the toxic load, it’s just what happens. So how do we undo it right? What’s the point of scaring everybody that you are doomed, that you are going to live out the rest of your days in brain fog and sore backs and ugly looking faces? Well Doc’s Aminos are wonderful because they immediately jump start the recovery they end up bringing in the building elements of the proteins so you bypass the malfunctioning intestines. The second thing you need to do is supplement it with essential fatty acids like flax oil, borage oil, hemp oil, fish oil is quite popular although its pricier so that sort of thing. On top of it you need to have natural salt.
Scott: Natural real salt, not the white stuff we have all over the place.
Martin: Right not the refined salt, we sell the Himalayan crystal salt, if the Himalayan salt was a nine or a ten the Celtic salt would be like an eight.
Scott: What is a Celtic salt?
Martin: Celtic salt is a wet, grey sticky salt that is sold in most health food stores and it’s a raw salt extracted from the Atlantic Ocean near the coast of Brittany in France.
Scott: Okay I’ve never heard of that.
Martin: Okay well your typical grocery store does not sell it; it is a health food store or gourmet store item.
Scott: Next time I am in my health food store I will take a look for it because i have never heard of it.
Martin: Sure but you can get some Himalayan salt from me.
Scott: That’s what I’m going to do but I’m still going to look for it because I’ve never heard of it before.
Martin: Anyway that salt contains all of the side minerals, trace minerals you know it’s a full living salt. Beyond that you need to try and repair your gut, you need to try and give the small intestine a chance and for that you need to have a proper digestive restoration and it’s not just that you can just take some probiotic although they work and help you need to have the whole thing so we have this ExsulaSuperfoods Strata-Flora which is something for the stomach, duodenum, small intestine, large intestine, something to support the liver, something for the pancreas, something for the kidneys, it’s got all of the aspects covered. So for people who have this compromised digestive system it’s like music to my ears if my digestive system had ears. I’m clear enough right. If you are in trouble get the amino acids, they will get your back functioning and your back pain will start going away. The brain fog starts going away because all of these things that don’t function start functioning again, it’s that simple.
Scott: It makes a huge difference doesn’t it?
Martin: Totally, inflammation is another side effect of the protein malfunction in the human body.
Scott: That’s where a lot of the pain comes from.
Martin: Inflammation has four symptoms, pain, swelling, redness and heat, so any two or three of these. We have RemarkableRecovery.com that sells CBD – another great pain-reversing supplement.
Scott: That is what I was looking for because there is a lot of very interesting information there about the people who have used Recovery and the results they have had and some of the different things that you can use it for.
Martin: Yes it’s a very broad spectrum, this is where you can use the medical model that the pharmaceutical medical establishment is using and it is completely useless because inflammation cuts across so many different problems, it could be tendonitis, it could be arthritis, it could be rheumatoid arthritis, it could be brain fog, it could be fibromyalgia, it could be so many different things. You could have digestive problems that are inflammation related like the GERD in the stomach or you could have some problems out in the gut at the other end of things. Anyway I’m just saying to many words of the same thing, Recovery puts the flames of inflammation out, it’s just like a fire extinguisher.
Scott: That is pretty important to a lot of us because there are so many people that have chronic pain.
Martin: It works great and gives you back the mobility. You know all these ads you see on TV where people try to grab a water faucet and the water faucet turns into a [barbed wire], nasty looking thing that has spikes and thorns on it, well that’s what that feels like and with Recovery you get your mobility back.
Scott: Okay so Martin if someone wanted to get a hold of you what would the best way to do that be
Martin: Call me at 175-299-4661 or the company number is 1-866-543-3388.
Scott: And of course they can head over to www.Life-Enthusiast.com if they want to learn more about any of the great products that you have mentioned in this podcast and if they want to listen to previous podcast they can go to www.LifeEnthusiast.podomatic.com and there are over seventy now.
Martin: Yes we have been investing heavily in this public education and all of those checking into today, I see there is about a hundred people so that is very encouraging.
Scott: So you have been listening to the life enthusiast podcast restoring vitality to you and to the planet.
Martin: Thank you and good bye.