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Podcast 049: ZoeTein Full-spectrum Nutrition
Health Nutrition into the New Year
ZoeTein contains abundant material for building, repair and maintenance of cells and immune resistance. ZoeTein formula includes numerous protein synergists, which specifically help the protein utilization processes deep within your body’s cells. These protein synergists include amino acids, enzymes, essential fatty acids, probiotics, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and many other nutrients to ensure your body can efficiently utilize them all.
- Controls Appetite
- Builds Muscle
- Burns Fat
- Strengthens Cells and Tissues
- Nutritionally Bolsters Immune Function
This is the life enthusiasts co-op pod cast restoring vitality to you and to the planet. Let’s join our host Scott Paton and Martin Pytela now.
Scott: Welcome back everybody; you’re listening to Life Enthusiast co-op podcast. I’m your co-host Scott Paton and along with Martin Pytela, restoring vitality to you and the planet. Hey Martin, how are you doing this beautiful day?
Martin: I’m doing fine Scott so how are your resolutions holding up?
Scott: Well they are you know I didn’t really didn’t make a formal resolution this year, I set some goals but nothing formal but I hear that there are lots of people making them and one of the biggest one is losing more weight.
Martin: Yeah after making more money it is getting in shape so well good on you; you are actually already in good shape aren’t you?
Scott: Well not as good as I would like to be I have been taking Exsula Superfoods and the Strata-Flora and one of the products I really love is the ZoeTein and doing hot yoga and it seems to be having a positive effect.
Martin: Yeah when I read the superior in results to all other and one of the big bullets says increasing healthy muscle and structural density for optimizing youthful firmness and trimmer and shapelier bodies. Does it just about wrap it up or what?
Scott: It does.
Martin: I have been taking that and it is actually a meal replacement product it has quite a bit of protein powder in it, so when you take it, it actually replaces a whole meal.
Scott: So the sort of question I have is that there are types of fat in the ZoeTein and there are different types of fat in out French fries. I think oftentimes people think that fat is fat. We had an interesting conversation the other day about fats and I was hoping you could share that with some of the listeners.
Martin: That’s true I ran into a friend of mine who is high performance body builder who really takes care of his body and knows exactly what he has to do and he looked at the label of the ZoeTein and he said there is too much fat in here and I thought this is not right so let me check on it and I really went to the sources on it because I am not going to argue without my gun magazine fully loaded. So I went to Jevari the creator of the product and I said let’s have a chat about these fats and he said you know there are smart fats and stupid fats and here is what you need to know a protein in the absence of good fats or smart fats will be used as fuel it will be burned up as calories as opposed to converting in new muscular tissue so unless and until you provide essential fatty acids right at the same time as you provide the protein it will actually be wasted. If you want to do the trimmer and shapelier body shape you provide protein and the right essential fatty acids the fire that is burning them will turn them into muscle building opportunities.
Scott: I see so if the body is taking in the wrong fats it is going to say I don’t want to burn that I will just burn this protein instead and instead of rebuilding your muscles and your bones the fat is just getting thrown away and you are left with the bad fats on your waist or hips.
Martin: Yeah pretty much and the quote would be that the superfood grade protein feeds your body and it is limiting your junk food appetite and it will encourage natural fat loss and it goes to healing and cellular repair and enhancing the enzyme activity of the body too.
Scott: So that one thing that what you are putting into your body goes to work on the right aspect of our health.
Martin: Well we have been in this conversation a number of times talking about superfoods. I was just talking to a fellow today and he is actually concerned about his brother and his brother is seventy to a hundred pounds overweight taking Depacote, an antidepressant and spending most of his life on the sofa, eating starburst and drinking mountain dew and this guy isn’t even working he is just living on his mom’s couch on the time it’s just horrible so he is very concerned about his brother and would like a better life for him. He is asking me what should he do and I say well this guy is quite a ways in and he is depressed and the first thing we need to do is to get some endorphins into his body some neuropeptides something that his brain is going to run on and to produce thoughts other than toxic thoughts.
Scott: Yeah feeling all happy and content as opposed to depressed.
Martin: So the first thing we need to get into him is the ZoeTein and he needs to take a couple of meals of ZoeTein in the morning so that by the time that the afternoon hits he is not in his cravings mode because if you eat nutrient poor foods for instance if you start with a breakfast cereal and follow up with a fast food lunch so all you have done so far is provide a bunch of calories and very little nutrition so by the time three or four o’clock rolls around your body is saying feed me. It is not asking for calories it is asking for nutrients.
Scott: I think that it a big point that people don’t think of enough it is not the calories that your body wants it’s the building blocks of a healthy life that your body wants.
Martin: Exactly so once we get this fellow on a decent meal come three or four o’clock he is going to say I think I can go for a walk instead of I think I am going to go to the corner store and buy myself a star burst.
Scott: And if you are getting good protein you are going to have a lot more control over your appetite I mean that common sense rather than going for the quick sugar rush just to satisfy that desire when you have that good protein and that’s is part of the problem your body wants good quality protein and when it doesn’t get it your body is asking to be fed more and if all you are sticking in is sugar and starburst’s and chocolate bars and all that sort of stuff and no wonder that we eat this stuff and we are never completely satisfied and we feel hungry and crave foods. So really when we are craving foods it is because we are not putting the right thing in there.
Martin: And so it is almost a vicious circle you know your body said feed me not put calories into me it just said feed me so you are culturally you don’t understand that you need to go for nutrient dense foods and so if you go for nutrient poor foods it is like a runaway train that keeps on gaining speed so you know it just builds on itself.
Scott: Right and when people talk about protein I know I think of chicken or steak or maybe dairy products so that is one type of protein and then there is vegetable proteins so what is the difference?
Martin: We use the Canadian organic hemp we have to get it from Canada because the ever so smart regulators in America have outlawed hemp although the farmers in Dakota are having a big argument with the government over that. Hemp has been for centuries been a staple for so many things and you can buy the finished hemp product in grocery stores and health food stores. What we do is we buy cold organic properly extracted processed protein powder so it is not just some crappy stuff so this is the highest grade protein you can find.
Scott: And raw protein from a plant source.
Martin: Yeah a raw protein and better than that is the profile of the amino acids and fatty acids is just nearly ideal you know the profile of essential amino acids that we humans require is a certain balance and this is almost as good as it can get and similarly with the essential fatty acids you know the omega 3’s, 6’s and 9’s we need to get them in a certain ratio for them to work right and hemp is just about as good as it can get. I mean 21 amino acids like globulin, edestin, albumin and you know all the right things. We could put a reference for all the people who are science oriented if they just don’t believe me and want to see it in writing.
Scott: Right there is a lot of science behind it and you can get it at www.life-enthusiast.com one of the things that I am curious about the ZoeTein is because it is a raw food is there a lot of enzymes in the formulation?
Martin: Oh automatically, because the hemp powder is uncooked it already contains its own enzymes plus when we make the product we will enhance it with a special culture we actually grow seeds, beans, vegetables and grains that we sprout and when they have sprouted than we have it fed to a Kimchi culture which is like an enzymatic digestion similar to a sauerkraut as you will and that creates a digestive enzyme field that we mix into this and it is just so powerful you just have no concept of how powerful this is. It’s actually you know in the olden days when they had no refrigeration all they had was sauerkraut like in Germany and in the Asian countries it was Kimchi and if you didn’t eat that you would get sick but if you did eat it, it was rich in enzymes and vitamins and it is just phenomenal and of course we don’t need it much now because we can get fresh vegetables all year round but still with refrigeration the enzyme levels go down anyway so even though the tomato looks as nice as it did in the summer it is not as good. So anyway we put this digestive culture into the product so that we rebuild your digestive system in the process of feeding you and we also put a blend of seeds in there, golden flax, chia, pumpkin, sesame, raspberry you know that is all the essential fatty acids to round it out and we also add into it Chlorella and Spirulina, Dunaliella, these are green super foods. Algae has been well documented as high density nutrients, anything dark green is just good for you.
Scott: So just to get back to our original topic on the different types of fats you’re saying that we have to be aware of the type of fats that goes into the creation of any product because it I mean there has been a lot of talk about trans fats and saturated fats and poly unsaturated fats and it goes on and on and on but some of those fats like our ancestors on the savannah never ran into them because our bodies are not very good at knowing how to break down those fats and use those fats so it just sort of stores in there trying to get them out of the way and yet we really do need the right type of fats for our joints like lubrication of our bodies and the proper workings of different aspects of our bodies.
Martin: Right that’s crucial and critical and these are the essential fatty acids and they are only found in seeds and rancidify or rancidize really quickly. What happens with these is they are actually taken out of all the oils that you find on grocery store shelves. If the oil is in a clear bottle on a shelf without refrigeration the oil has to have been stripped of the essential fatty acids because they would make that thing go rancid and if you don’t have that supply then your skin goes wrinkly and goes sallow and hangs down and you get low grade inflammation and painful skin, muscle and joints and your hair starts looking dull, does it seem like aging to you?
Scott: It does a lot.
Martin: It absolutely is the diminishing life power and there is plenty of research showing by Nicholas Perricone he did research into beauty and he found that essential fatty acids restored health to the skin and so he started prescribing essential fatty acids such as flax and borage and his clients would get on it for a facial and they would lose weight and it was like what is going on here and they eventually figured out that when you supplement with essential fatty acids your body starts working better and it starts restoring good balance between fat and muscle. There was another story which I was reminded about these good farmers who brought in a whole bunch of coconut fats to feed to his hogs to fatten them up and the more he fed them coconut fat the skinnier they got and that is because it was rich in essential fatty acids and that is what it does.
Scott: So when you get the good stuff look out.
Martin: Well you go lean athletic.
Scott: So people getting back to the body builder and people that want to be elite athletes they can be doing a real disservice by not having the proper amount of fats in their diet.
Martin: Yes and you will notice that if you look at their skin, the skin is kind of aged and old looking and has wears and tears and starts to sort of have that grey and sallow look to it.
Scott: Like stretch marks and if you have these big muscles that the skin stretches.
Martin: That is a sure sign of essential fatty acid deprivation.
Scott: So here is a question so you said stretch marks, which to me means moms so if someone was a mother and had stretch marks and they started to get the essential fatty acids would the stretch marks start to disappear?
Martin: You know I think what we need to do is call people for a trial study here. I think this is not too complex we can do internal nutritional supplementation and we can do external you know we do have the hemp oil in pint sized bottles and we just need a bunch of women who are currently pregnant to put this oil on their tummies.
Scott: And see what happens.
Martin: I am fairly certain prevention is possible what I am not certain of is, once the stretch marks are already in place if it would restore that there is a chance of that. I know for a fact that we have the enzymes that will focus on fibrin and eat it so if someone is really concerned about their stretch marks we can get them a bottle or two of the Zymitol and they can definitely take care of that but the essential fatty acids by themselves well we need to run a trial. Get me a hundred people and let’s try them.
Scott: There you go so if you are about to have a baby or thinking about you should get a hold of Martin at 1-866-543-3388 and you can take part in this trial because wouldn’t it be cool to have a baby and have your tummy look the way it did before you had the baby.
Martin: Yes I bet there would be a few people that would want to do that and for all of you men that have this enormous beer gut that you are thinking of getting rid of you know to prevent stretch marks you also need a load of essential fatty acids.
Scott: And the best way to get that is with the ZoeTein right?
Martin: Well the ZoeTein is a wonderful convenient item where everything has been put into the mix you put two scoops into a smoothie and there is your meal so for the bottle going for on the special it goes for about fifty dollars which means seven dollars a day if you take four bottles a month. You can live on this you know if you can do that much you are actually able to do two meals a day of ZoeTein so I don’t know that people would want to live on it like that but you know maybe one week with two meals a day on the ZoeTein and the next week one meal a day and that should pretty much take care of a large number of inches that you had that you don’t want to have anymore.
Scott: Right I know that there is a lot o different cleanses that people go on and they end up losing a lot of weight it seems to me that is kind of a fake weight loss because most of the people I know that do it put it on just as fast when they are done so obviously they are not building up muscles or anything.
Martin: Yes you can starve the body or push it into ketosis and an aerobic way of getting rid of fat you just go so acidic your body just melts it away but that is not the way to do it that is not permanent.
Scott: And it is not healthy right.
Martin: No it is not it puts enormous stress on everything.
Scott: That is the one thing we don’t want to do, it is not necessary to put a huge amount of stress on your body. It is necessary to give your body the proper nutrition so your body can work at an optimum level and that is hard to do in our grocery store society because most of the food has been cooked or processed and all the good stuff is out and all the bad is still in.
Martin: Well what you are left with they call it low nutrient density food lots of calories you know the bowl of cereal that they advertise for the morning meal where they say you have a bowl of cereal and a cup of milk and a handful of blueberries.
Scott: And all you really need to eat is the blueberries. My favorite fruit in the whole wide world is blueberries by the way.
Martin: Mine too, I don’t know if I said this on the podcast or not but my wife and I go down to the blueberry growing valley in British Columbia and we buy 200 to 300 pounds of blueberries the organic blueberries and we put them in our freezer for the year.
Scott: Well you might have but I don’t remember. There is a whole bunch of berry farms just down the street from me and in the summer I head over there and just buy them by the boxes. I just love it; turn blue for a couple months. Well that’s really interesting information about the ZoeTein especially at this time of year when everybody is concerned about what they did over the holidays which is usually eat too much and drink too much and I am quite proud of myself because not only did I have Christmas and New Years and Thanksgiving to contend with but I just got back from a week long cruise in the Caribbean and if you know anything about cruise ships they have more food in more places where they are attempting to get you to over eat in more places in the world. They had a chocolate midnight buffet so for the first fifteen minutes you have to walk by it and you’re not allowed to touch it and you just drool and after fifteen minutes they open it up so everyone has a chance to see it and can start eating it and I of course took the Zymitol and the Excela-50 and used that kind of as a supplement and made sure I took a reasonable amount of food just a little bit to taste you don’t have to fill up a whole plate of it and spend a little time in the gym or walking around on all the beaches that we visited and I came back with the same weight that I left at. I was actually quite pleased with that.
Martin: Yeah that is absolutely impressive that you were able to come back from a cruise with the same weight that is an exception I am sure.
Scott: Yeah I was very careful because you can lose control so easily looking at some of these meals. I mean there are buffet lines that are forever with every different kind of food.
Martin: Yeah and if you take regular servings five or six times at one meal.
Scott: That’s right and that is just for breakfast and then again for lunch and then again for dinner and then again for the late dinner and then there is the midnight snack and room service.
Martin: Well I tell you the best thing about the ZoeTein is this you can be a couch potato and you can still lose fat without having to exercise much because it is so powerful that is actually converts fat into protein just by being there. I don’t think there are too many products that can actually do that.
Scott: And just combine that with a moderate exercise workout and just watch out.
Martin: Oh dear all you have to do is just walk you don’t need to lift weights.
Scott: So can you tell us again like you had said to take the ZoeTein twice a day?
Martin: Well you know there are 135 teaspoons to the bottle which if you divide it by three that’s about forty right so if you take three table spoons a day it will last you about a week.
Scott: And you will start seeing results right away. Well this brings us to the end of another fascinating Life Enthusiast podcast, Martin thank you very much for sharing your wealth of knowledge with us once more and if somebody would want to ask more questions and talk to you personally what number can they call.
Martin: Well they can call the company number which is 1-866-543-3388 or they can call my personal line at 775-299-4661 that one I will answer myself directly if I am not on another call which is happening lately a lot.
Scott: You have a lot of people calling?
Martin: Yes since Christmas there seems to be a lot of I want to get my life together kind of people.
Scott: That’s great!
Martin: Yeah encouraging I am glad that there are people who want to live their lives a little better than what they were living like before.
Scott: Yes and we are able to right I think a big problem was that people thought you know the cheerios in the cereal aisle and the tired fruits and vegetables and I think it’s good that we are getting the word out there that there are alternatives that people can do.
Martin: I have had a lot of those calls since Christmas working in all manners of digestive dysfunction. I don’t know if it is to common or not just as an example a fellow wrote this after four weeks my acid reflex is gone and I am four weeks free of Nexium and for the past nine years I have suffered from a completely incomparable bout of acid reflex and after I consulted with a physician and had an endoscopy done I was told I would be on Nexium for the rest of my life and could require an operation to fix my stomach. I suffered for nine years before I finally got fed up about how I felt I researched every possible cure for my condition and finally I found Life Enthusiast co-op and Martin specifically gave me the answers I needed. I can’t say enough about Life Enthusiast co-op and no words can express my gratitude. I have learned why so many people in the United States are sick and I have learned how easy dietary changes and supplementation can cure the masses. I am a changed person and this is from Jack Putney and he says put my name and number where ever you want if someone wants to call me then I will tell them. So here is a guy who has spent nine years of desperation in the hands of the medical system and well I sent him a bottle of Strata Flora and a bottle of Excela-50 one is to fix the digestive the other nourishes it and then I gave him a bunch of hints about foods that were specific to his needs and we talked for about fifteen minutes and got it all straightened out and the next thing you know the guy is just on cloud nine, he has his life back.
Scott: Yeah isn’t that amazing just proper nutrition and what it can bring to you.
Martin: I do feel encouraged when we do talk to people and give them the right direction if they take it they get better.
Scott: What a concept right?
Martin: Yeah it’s all natural healing, it is not medicine it is basic nutritional advice.
Scott: Yeah when the body gets what it needs it can heal itself usually.
Martin: So there thank you Jock for your support and to all of you out there who are suffering you don’t have to.
Scott: Yeah head over to www.life-enthusiast.com we have got hundreds of pages on all sorts of different conditions and health education and diseases and articles and information about consultants that we use. There is tons of resources there so you don’t have to be in a certain shape if you don’t want too.
Martin: And that’s the fact.
Scott: You have been listening to life enthusiast podcast
Martin: restoring vitality to you and to the planet. Good bye.