November 11, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Reishi (Japanese), Ganoderma lucidum (Latin), Lingzhi (Chinese)

  • Of highest, “”superior”” regard in oriental medicine.
  • In China it is known as Ling-shi or “”mushroom of immortality””.
  • In Japan it is known as Mannentake or “”10,000 year-old mushroom””.

Anti-tumor, anti-allergy, antitoxin (neutralizes free radicals), reduces cholesterol, moderates blood pressure, helps metabolize fats and improves digestion. It is valued as a cardiotonic. Highly regarded to help produce concentration and enhanced spiritual awareness. Improves sleep. Useful with viral situations and related weariness and fatigue. Reduces wasting syndromes. Helps optimize immune function. Has been used to protect against radiation and high altitude oxygen deprivation. Improves oxygen utilization. Useful in bronchitis. Carefully cultivated on solid prune logs – its ideal growing medium for optimal bioactivity.

Amino Acids, Amides, the Triterpene Ganoderic Acid, Polysaccharides, Ergosterols, Vitamins & Minerals

Reishi is a basidiomycete, lamellaless fungus belonging to the family of polyporaceae. In nature, it grows in densely wooded mountain of high humidity and dim lighting. It is rarely found since it flourishes mainly on the dried trunks of dead plum, guercus serrata or pasonia trees. Out of 10,000 such aged trees, perhaps 2 or 3 will have reishi growth, therefore it is very scarce indeed. The spores of reishi have such tough outer husks that germination is next to impossible and this accounts for its rarity. It was said that in the old days when one discovered reishi, it had to be kept a secret even from one’s closest relative and there was big celebration upon fruitful return.

The herballous history of reishi had long been documented in the oldest Chinese pharmacopoeia written in about the first or second century B.C. In it reishi had been recorded as having the most extensive and effective healing powers. It is because of this recognition that there is diligent research for methods of reishi cultivation feasible for commercial productions. At about 1972, the cultivation of reishi became successful and as a result, what was once only attainable by the privileged is now readily make available to everyone. A number of countries are now conducting sophisticated research in reishi hoping to further the practice and science of medicine.


  1. Prevents and Improves Diseases that are related to Blood Vessels and Circulatory System.
  2. Prevents Hyper and Hypotension
  3. Prevents Phlebitis and Thrombosis
  4. Reishi is capable of Normalizing and Improving Allergic Reactions
  5. Reishi can prevent Metastasis of Cancer
  6. Reishi and its Effectiveness Against other Ailments
  7. Reishi as an ADAPTOGEN
Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff November 11, 2018
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