September 2, 2009 by

Podcast 136: Candida, Yeast and Fungus

Martin coaches one of our listeners and you’ll be shocked at the results!  This 27 year man gets regular exercise and eats a healthy diet, yet suffers from severe chronic nasal congestion, fatigue, mental fogginess, mood swings and mild depression.

Martin referred this man to Life Enthusiast’s Candida, Yeast and Fungus pages.  Systemic Candida infestation is quite common, often from using antibiotics and many other reasons too.

Discover the impact your environment and candida can have on your vitality

Candida is the medical paradox of our times. Some health practitioners believe it infects as many as 89% of US citizens, but many physicians appear reluctant to acknowledge it. Candida albicans is a most frequently colonizing, most virulent and most pathogenic species (Wingard). Yet non-albicans species have also proven to be destructive pathogens in oncology patients.

Candida can be described as a disease that’s like a vampire; it can manifest itself in many forms, and like a vampire, it seems impossible to track down. Anyone can be a victim. It seems to draw strength from the strong, leaving them drained. It has almost a mythic presence. But it simply follows the classic pattern of a disease…

Candida has variously been defined as a plague or an epidemic. It is sometimes called stomatitis or thrush when it appears in the mouth; onycholysis, when it appears in or around the fingernails or toenails; vulvovaginitis, moniliasis or genital candidiasis, when it appears in the reproductive organs of females, and jock itch in men. These and other manifestations are symptoms of the overgrowth of Candida albicans, a fungus or mold (the terms are used interchangeably) that’s common in the human intestinal tract. However, these conditions are most frequently referred to as “the yeast syndrome,” “yeast infection,” or simply Candida.

Podcast 136: Candida, Yeast and Fungus

Scott: Welcome back everybody you are listening to the Life Enthusiast co-op online radio network restoring vitality to you, the planet and your stomach. Today’s show is staring Martin Pytela the founder of Life Enthusiast co-op and I am your co-host Scott Paton and how are you doing today Martin?

Martin: It’s beautiful and glorious I couldn’t imagine a nicer day.

Scott: Good I want to start off the show with diving into the mail bag because we have got a couple letters from a fan, certainly a fan now and I just wanted to share it with everybody because for the last few months we have been talking a lot about you know we want to give a balanced perspective here we have talked before about health and how to get well and everything else and we thought we should do the other side of the coin which of course is what do we need to do to get sick and of course we have had a lot of people writing in and leaving messages say wow I didn’t know I was doing this and this and I had no idea that it would cause illness and this particular gentleman is one of these people because basically I just want to read a couple parts of it and Martin you can kind of jump in because you have had a chat with him yourself.

Martin: Yeah I have had a number of exchanges with this fellow so I think we should just follow the time line because the time line was something like four weeks so far.

Scott: Okay so he says I am twenty seven, I have a healthy diet and I exercise at least three times a week but I can’t seem to shake the previously mentioned symptoms and these symptoms are severe chronic nasal congestion, fatigue, mental fogginess, mood swings, and mild depression.

Martin: So you know that was my first contact with him and I butted in saying well here is a link to a page it is in the dizzy education under Candida and I said what you are describing is systemic yeast infestation. That is a common problem for a lot of people.

Scott: And that comes a lot because you use antibiotics so much that we have killed all the good bacteria in our stomach and the yeast like a big bully just comes in and takes over.

Martin: Yeah it’s just like when you look at an empty lot somewhere in the city like maybe you have it in your neighborhood you know like all the lots that are built on they all have houses and lawns and whatever else going and the empty lot next to one it doesn’t look like it has been planted with carrots tomatoes and dahlias.

Scott: It is usually full of weeds and dandelions.

Martin: Yeah just plants nobody loves. Well why is that?

Scott: That is a good question, I don’t know.

Martin: Because the weeds are simply more resilient you know the cultivated things the stuff that we desire requires support that is sort of why the bully in the classroom creates the biggest wave.

Scott: So you went on to say that you were concerned about heavy metal toxicity that he may have picked up along the way and gave him a page suggestion to check out and the you told him to call and talk to our health coach which I thought was a really good suggestion and he did that.

Martin: Yes he did, he got a talk.

Scott: Or did he get a talking to?

Martin: No.

Scott: So the next email he wrote to us was, Martin thank you for speaking to me about my health issues so he went and got the Exsula Quantium and he has been on it for seven days and he says I have had a marked increase in energy and mental well being.

Martin: Just a second this is the mental fog lifting you see what is happening here, sorry for interrupting you.

Scott: That’s okay I can tell you are excited about this.

Martin: Well I am pleased for the guy here is this twenty seven year old guy who has had mild depression for years who has suffered from tiredness and he is dragging his poor little tush around the world in just a fog and then all of a sudden he has some energy.

Scott: Yeah it is miraculous.

Martin: Yeah well to him it will seem like that the sunrise in the middle of the night anyway go on.

Scott: So my sinuses are improved but I suppose it will take time for my body to heal itself. After you considered the symptoms I described you diagnosed me.

Martin: I didn’t diagnose him I offer reading material.

Scott: Yeah as soon as I said that I knew it was wrong.

Martin: It is so funny that he comes to the conclusion when I specifically educated him on the topic. We offer no medical advice here. The only thing we offer is nutritional consult where we say these foods that we suggest to you might improve your general well being.

Scott: So after you considered the symptoms I described you pointed me in the direction of Candida and I will tell you about another symptom I have had for as long as I can remember just in case it sheds any light on the root cause of my problems I constantly have phlegm in the back of my throat and constantly have to clear my throat. Every time I swallow it feels like I am swallowing a long strand of phlegm and so I am just wondering if this is a condition of Candida over growth or is it an infection of some sort. Martin from listening to your podcast and sharing in your frustration with the medical establishment’s inability and lack of curiosity to solve the root cause of the problems in their patients I think you will appreciate an aspect about Toyota. One of their key focuses is solving the root cause of their problems they will shut down an entire product line with five hundred workers in order to solve the root cause of a problem. They teach their employees from day one that a problem isn’t solved until the root cause is solved. Here is an example of how they teach their employees to get to the root problem using the five Y’s. So the problem is my car will not start, one why, the battery is dead, so that is the first why so ask why again why is the battery dead. The alternator is not working okay so that is your second why so the third why is why is it not functioning, the alternator belt has broken, okay well why was the belt broken. The belt was well beyond its useful service life and had never been replaced so that was why it was broken. So the fifth why is, why I have not been maintaining my car according to the recommended service schedule so that is the root cause. So they haven’t been maintaining it so that is kind of how it goes.

Martin: This is just perfect I mean if you went into your doctor’s office the first why, the battery is dead as in I am feeling tired would be well I am feeling tired and have you tried coffee? Stimulants right they give you stimulants well maybe we will get you some speed or some amphetamines they really give them pep into whatever. I am coming up with some beautiful alliteration that I shouldn’t say. Anyway or something like I have a headache so what they would do is say aspirin works.

Scott: Yeah that’s right take the aspirin.

Martin: So the point here is we disconnect the signaling instead of asking why is there a headache?

Scott: Right take this and it will get rid of your headache and the symptom and of course the headache that you don’t feel now but whatever is going on is still going on.

Martin: Right and of course in that situation you end up replacing the battery because after all the battery is dead right.

Scott: Yeah we know the battery is dead that is the problem.

Martin: But the tactical thinking person will say the battery is dead, replace the battery.

Scott: And that of course is what happens a little while later you have another dead battery. Oops gee I guess we better put another battery in there.

Martin: Right that is how you end up with a hip replacement operation instead of the prevention of inflammation twenty years earlier. So anyway I wrote back to him because I found it totally amusing that he would bring up Toyota so here is what I wrote. Number one thank you for your feedback and number two I am glad to see that it is helping and number three I really appreciate your Toyota bit it is actually a perfect illustration for strategic thinking versus tactical thinking to wit general motors’ had the ED one on the road in 1996 and they scrapped it in favor of the Hummer. Toyota at that same time started developing the Prius.

Scott: They started developing it.

Martin: Yeah GM had a four year start on them but they scrapped it and now the scrap heap of history.

Scott: Yeah billions of dollars in bailouts and all those people could be making a ton of income and sales and jobs if they had just gone down the right path it’s just funny eh.

Martin: Well the point is the strategic versus tactical thinking in tactical thinking you don’t look too far past your nose and when you start thinking strategic you are thinking where am I going and why am I going there and what am I going to get when I get there. Whereas in tactical thinking let’s just get rid of this, the price of gas is fine, the rumors that some day we will run out of the fossil fuels is nonsense and all of these environmentalist we can just thump them. So anyway what would we do in this direction tactical versus strategic thinking when it comes to our health?

Scott: Right you look for the root cause. Also I think it is important for anyone who does any goal setting or goal setting training will tell you to set goal but we think tactically which is well what am I going to do on the weekend well Friday I will go out and have a few beers with the boys and Saturday I will sit on the beach and get sun burnt, we will have a BBQ Saturday night, mow the lawn on Sunday and then back to work and you know that is the thinking right. I am actually thinking because my grandparents lived to a hundred and two and a hundred and three is I am thinking I am in my early fifties and I have fifty more years to go I want to make sure this thing works well in its seventies, eighties and nineties and so I am thinking I need to go and exercise and I need to make sure I have the super foods and I need to eat good quality food and I need to get out into nature and I need to breathe good air. Actually this past weekend I went for an 18 kilometer hike up in Golden mountain which is a very large beautiful mountain we didn’t go all the way up because we were getting to the tree line right around noon at a very hot time of the day and we were concerned about dehydrating ourselves because our purpose is to have a nice view and get healthy not to kill ourselves but there was one time when we were coming down that I stopped and I said to my buddy that I was hiking with smell that air and it smelt so sweet and so good I mean it was like running into a wall right not that the air up there was bad compared to being right in the city and other places that we have bad air. I mean it was so alive and fragrant and something it just made me stop because I am thinking of not falling off of stones and not running into trees I am not thinking about my breathing at all and as soon as I hit this one patch I just had to stop because it was like wow so good.

Martin: Well okay one point about that is you are away from the electro smog of the city I don’t know was there any cellular reception on that hill side?

Scott: No in fact my friend had a cell phone and he couldn’t call his girlfriend who he thought was also hiking in the area.

Martin: So that is actually a good thing because you were out of the smog.

Scott: Yeah you were out of the electromagnetic field.

Martin: I call it the electro smog which is a European expression but what the heck I think it fits. In fact we are doing pretty badly with creating these Wi-Fi hot zones throughout the city that means you are being microwaved all the time.

Scott: Yeah so even more important to get out of the city.

Martin: Yes but anyway the point that you are raising is a perfect illustration for the number five on the Toyota list which was follow the scheduled maintenance.

Scott: Yes I didn’t think of it that way.

Martin: It is and you know Steven Covey in his Seven Habits of Highly Effective People one of the important ones was think proactive right I mean it is the first one, consider the consequences.

Scott: And that is something we don’t do.

Martin: In general as a society we are not trained to do this it should be like grade two and grade six and grade nine and grade twelve each one of those you should have to take a refresher on consequences and thinking proactively.

Scott: Well and thinking long term it is like if you wanted to drive from San Diego to San Francisco but you really weren’t thinking about where you were going and you look up and you are at the city limits of Houston like you have been going in the wrong direction. Well if I wanted to go to San Francisco there is a map and a plan that will get you there and you need to follow that map and plan and it applies equally to your health and to your career and relationships as much as it does to going on a trip somewhere but we don’t apply it like you think what an idiot you are in Houston and then you think what an idiot you had a heart attack at forty.

Martin: Yes perfect illustration everything you did in the past twenty-five years suggested that you are heading for a heart attack.

Scott: Yeah did you not see the cliff you know like when you get to the Grand Canyon you turn right or otherwise you go down like half a mile into this hole and you didn’t see it?

Martin: Well the big trouble is that we are not educated that way right we are not educated that a headache is a sign of liver toxicity.

Scott: I didn’t know that.

Martin: Well it’s one, it’s not the only cause I mean you could have other issues but it could be that.

Scott: You and I have been doing this for three years now and I never thought that liver toxicity headache wow.

Martin: Yeah well why do you think your head hurts so much after a bender?

Scott: Oh never thought of that.

Martin: Because your liver is overdone, pickled.

Scott: Oh okay because the liver is down there and the head is up here, they aren’t connected.

Martin: Yeah that is the problem I see it like that anyway. So anyway I actually responded to the guy about his phlegm you know the ropey stuff you know I sympathize with the guy swallowing this gooey stuff every time he eats that is really limiting your lifestyle. So I said perhaps you could do the elimination diet it would be to skip all carbohydrates and dairy for about two weeks that means no potatoes, no bread, no rice and no corn.

Scott: What do you eat?

Martin: Like salad or I guess if he is a vegetarian he would have to go to something like hemp protein or rice protein and if he was a meat eater he would eat sashimi or steak and salad.

Scott: I thought you were going to say steak.

Martin: I am just being a total goof today so anyway get on the elimination diet for two weeks and within two weeks your symptoms should completely subside. It should if there is any allergy it is probably going to be to dairy and or carbohydrates and the reactions should stop and then you take one of these foods and have two meals with it. So you would go and have spaghetti and meatballs followed by bread and so if that triggers a response you know if within two days you have the phlegm then you have your answer and if you don’t react from that then you can eat it and it is not the culprit.

Scott: Yeah when I was growing up I didn’t have phlegm so much as I had a stuffed nose so it was like two corks in my nose and nothing coming out right and I one point I was like maybe they do a surgery that makes the inside of your nose bigger because obviously mine was so small and so I was breathing through my mouth all the time and then I moved but concurrent with that when I was growing up I drank two percent milk like it was water. I didn’t drink water I drank two percent milk and I don’t know if I just got off the milk and thought this was too much dairy but I don’t drink milk anymore actually I mean I might have the odd ice cream cone in the summer but that’s about it. It’s not zero dairy consumption but it is one percent or less of what it was and I have no problem breathing through my nose now and I never related the two at all.

Martin: Yeah and you wouldn’t because how far is your head from your liver or how far is your nose from your stomach.

Scott: It’s like really because when you think about it reflexology or acupuncture where they put a needle behind your knee and it impacts your ear or something so we know energetically with the meridians on our body it’s all interconnected but that still doesn’t mean that I make the connection of eating this and then two days later having that experience.

Martin: That reminds me of a story about my brother who is four years younger than me and he suffered through his childhood horrendously and he had ear infection after ear infection, otitis media you know and they put him on antibiotics.

Scott: That would be painful.

Martin: Oh horrendously painful he cried and cried and cried and they put him on antibiotics but every night he was going to bed with a bottle of cream of wheat, porridge made with milk and cream of wheat in a bottle with a soother on top type of thing. The funniest thing was my dad was a veterinarian I mean he went to university and was educated in things like physiology I mean he totally had the education.

Scott: Right so he should have known.

Martin: Well except they don’t teach it like a typical doctor I mean my dad is a veterinarian but an MD has typically eight hours of lectures in nutrition well you don’t learn much in eight hours I tell you that.

Scott: Yeah that’s right.

Martin: So the doctor probably knows everything about the physiological function of the kidneys but doesn’t understand one bit about how the trouble starts, he only understands about the trouble. You know how we were going through the five points of the Toyota manual well he stops at broken belt. He doesn’t go replace belt sooner and he doesn’t go read your maintenance schedule.

Scott: Yeah he just goes okay replace the belt and then it may be a little bit longer than replacing the battery but it is still going to be gone quicker.

Martin: Yeah because when you super deep discharge your battery it probably doesn’t last as long as whatever well I don’t know the details of that.

Scott: Yeah we are not mechanics.

Martin: And I don’t want to prolong the analogy if it’s wrong but the point with the human body is that if you abuse it or breakage, you wear it out.

Scott: Awesome well Martin I think that is as far as we are going to get today on this topic.

Martin: Let me say a few things here the causes of systemic fungal infections are number one broken digestive culture like the culture in the gut and it starts with drinking chlorinated water added to it is taking antibiotics for whatever reason and third to that is metal toxicity that disrupts the normal digestion.

Scott: So there you have the basics of it.

Martin: So if you find yourself with the like the young man listed who was always fatigued and dragging, dripping nose and who knows what else it’s all that.

Scott: There you go so that is the causes so next time we are going to get back onto our how to get sick because we just took a little break.

Martin: We are on it sorry Scott to jump into your speech again we are on it and it’s drink chlorinated water, make sure you get toxic with heavy metals and take antibiotics.

Scott: And eat food that you are allergic to.

Martin: Yeah thank you.

Scott: Awesome so Martin if somebody wanted to talk to you about their specific challenges how could they get a hold of you?

Martin: Oh the doctor’s in call 1-866-543-3388 and even before that why don’t you read something on the website at especially in the health education section we explain it all there.

Scott: There is tons and tons of great information, there is no doubt about it.

Martin: Well thank you Scott for dragging me out to do another recording on this beautiful day. I would like to just sign of by saying people thank you for calling and feeding us this useful information. Thank you again and this is Life Enthusiast restoring vitality to you and the planet.

Scott: Bye bye everybody see you next time.

September 2, 2009
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