Fibrosis and Fibro-Ease
Fibrosis is an inflammatory condition of fibrotic tissue.
Fibromyalgia Syndrome has been used to describe a complex auto-immune condition that includes many more symptoms other than Fibrosis.
The Cause of Fibrosis
A Complicated Nutritional Deficiency
There is an essential nutrient missing in the system, causing a domino effect in the metabolism called a nutritional cascade effect. Metabolically, a wrong chemical signal is being released in the body. As a result, the body is told that fibrin (normally semi-solvent) should be in a non-solvent state where the fibrin becomes hard and dense.
Simply put, fibromyalgia occurs when the chemistry of the body departs its normal harmonious state and the semi-solvent fibrin is given an inappropriate chemical signal and becomes hardened over a period of time. This results in dense, heavy and painful layers of hardened fibrin that are layered throughout normal tissue.
The fibrinous substance is several times denser than normal tissue, and it creates a continuous pulling effect towards the point of least resistance. This continual pulling is uncomfortable and eventually leads to unceasing pain.
Fibro-Ease literally provides the missing nutrients to stop the nutritional cascade effect, thereby reversing the debilitating metabolic downward spiral. The result is restoration of the body’s metabolism to proper chemical balance. Because the body is healthy and working properly once again, it naturally reabsorbs the undesirable hardened fibrinous tissue all on its own. In other words, once the healthy metabolic balance is reestablished, the body literally disallows the fibromyalgia tissue to exist.
Since all patients who suffer from true fibromyalgia have the same nutritional deficiency, then it stands to reasoning that this cure works on all patients. And this has been true, with absolutely no exceptions whatsoever.
Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
1. Long-term Consistent Pain
Many patients are in moderate to extreme pain for many years, some as long as 20 or more. The pain is a constant discomfort and tightness with an inability to get comfortable. In many cases patients are unable to exercise due to increased soreness. In many cases, even simple walking is unbearable. This pain has no method of relief, except temporarily with medication. When the medication wears off, the pain was exactly the same. Some patients get temporary relief through massage, but again the the pain returns.
2. Difficulty Sleeping
This is common due to the nagging contraction properties of the fibrinous tissue. Sleep deficiency causes continual exhaustion, and this further compounds pain and discomfort.
3. Physical and Emotional Exhaustion
Since pain causes difficulty to relax, sleep or be comfortable, fibromyalgia patients experience a deep and profound exhaustion that never goes away. Long-term constant pain is one of the most debilitating experiences to the human system. It depletes mental, emotional, physical and nutritional reserves. Every system in the body is affected by constant pain.
4. Mental Confusion
Also common due to the constant pain, exhaustion and the need (in advanced conditions) for pain medications.
5. Chronic Depression
Sometimes medications are prescribed for chronic depression due to the constant pain and the sense of futility and hopelessness that accompanies the feeling that there is no cure, and that one will live in continual mounting distress for the rest of their lives.
6. Less Functioning in Life
Before treatment with Fibro-Ease, many patients were no longer able to work and were supported by partners or family. So far, all patients who fully complied with the protocols, and have been on the product an adequate amount of time, have returned to their prior lifestyle.
Patients using Fibro-Ease all reported a return to normal energy levels after the pain had been alleviated. This was also an emotional and mental relief that there was a cure present and that they were not doomed to a life of suffering and agony.
Proper and Accurate Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia
Because the medical community does not agree on an exact definition of fibromyalgia, an accurate diagnosis is difficult.
Currently, a fibromyalgia diagnosis is based on a wide range of symptoms that don’t usually concur with what fibromyalgia actually is – that fibromyalgia is a definite hardening of the body’s semi-solvent fibrin into hard fibrinous tissue that is in a constant state of painful contraction, once it has progressed into an advanced enough state.
The “American Heritage Dictionary” defines fibromyalgia as the following:
“A syndrome characterized by chronic pain in any of various muscles and surrounding soft tissues (such as tendons and ligaments), point tenderness at specific sites in the body, and fatigue. Inflammation is absent, and the cause is unknown.”
Essentially, the patient is then categorized by symptom and the underlying cause is overlooked.
An accurate method to diagnose fibromyalgia is very simple, accurate and easy to learn in minutes:
Through palpation, affected tissue presents prominently as hardened, fibrinous, contracting, grainy and unsmooth.
There is absolutely no mistaking the affected fibromyalgia tissue from normal healthy tissue. The affected tissue feels much different than unaffected tissue, which is quite smooth.
The most common place for the presentation of the hardened fibrinous matter is where there is an abundance of tissue in the body. This includes the trapezius, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi, deltoids, the entire buttock area along with the entire thighs and in some cases down into the calves.
With true fibrosis, this hardened fibrinous tissue must be present. This means that the nutritional cascade effect is present and the patient is suffering from the resultant specific nutritional deficiency.
Inappropriate Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia
Because the medical community does not agree on an exact definition of fibromyalgia, many people are inappropriately diagnosed.
The following is from an article by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases:
“Research shows that people with fibromyalgia typically see many doctors before receiving the diagnosis. One reason for this may be that pain and fatigue, the main symptoms of fibromyalgia, overlap with many other conditions. Therefore, doctors often have to rule out other potential causes of these symptoms before making a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Another reason is that there are currently no diagnostic laboratory tests for fibromyalgia; standard laboratory tests fail to reveal a physiologic reason for pain. Because there is no generally accepted, objective test for fibromyalgia, some doctors unfortunately may conclude a patient’s pain is not real, or they may tell the patient there is little they can do.
A doctor familiar with fibromyalgia, however, can make a diagnosis based on two criteria established by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR): a history of widespread pain lasting more than 3 months and the presence of tender points. Pain is considered to be widespread when it affects all four quadrants of the body; that is, you must have pain in both your right and left sides as well as above and below the waist to be diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The ACR also has designated 18 sites on the body as possible tender points. For a fibromyalgia diagnosis, a person must have 11 or more tender points. One of these pre-designated sites is considered a true tender point only if the person feels pain upon the application of 4 kilograms of pressure to the site. People who have fibromyalgia certainly may feel pain at other sites, too, but those 18 standard possible sites on the body are the criteria used for classification.”
Let us now briefly examine the fallacy of this statement and why such generalized assumptions do not work.
First of all, the statement of widespread pain that lasts for more than three months may be from other sources.
- There may be structural difficulties that are strictly mechanical in nature and have nothing to do with the basic problem of fibrinous tissue. That is, after all, why it is called fibromyalgia. The structural problems or compressions, or rotations, or misalignments, or dislocations etc. most certainly can be the cause of pain that persists for more than three months.
- Abdominal pain caused by colon problems can come and go over a period of three months.
- Headaches can last months or even more.
- Neuralgia can last as long, and so can certain nervous system deficiencies caused by a demylinization.
- In other words, there a number of other bodily dysfunctions that can cause long-term or extended pain.
- If a person is in extreme pain from fibrinous tissue and it is only on 10 or less sites, does that mean that they do not have fibromyalgia, but some other problem altogether? And if one day they manifest in the illusive 11th site, do they graduate into the ranks of those who are diagnosed with fibromyalgia?
- If a person has a serious fall, or a bad car accident that causes considerable damage, do they have fibromyalgia?
- The long-term effects of Lyme disease can cause fibromyalgia-like effects, and there are even books written upon this topic that lump it all together in one title along with chronic fatigue syndrome.
The term fibromyalgia has been used to describe a vague set of symptoms that can be caused by any number of sources.
Patients who have been treated with Fibro-Ease all have the same signature fibrinous buildup in some area of the fascia. When this type of tissue is evident, then it presents itself as a method to accurately diagnosis what is really fibromyalgia.
It’s time for standardized testing to diagnose fibromyalgia. This has come about through developing Fibro-Ease, that has been successful with all patients that have truly hardened fibrinous tissue present.